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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Continuous fire I saw there. He did not burn and not buzzed, but it was obvious movement inside it. Something flashed and moved inside, and the sounds terrible, terrible, indescribable sounds able to chill the blood rushed out of there. I almost physically felt someone burning inside this ocean of fire.

"Sit down at the table or right now you go to hell! "He heard the same voice, and turning around, I saw again at the table of animals, сбросивших human faces.

"Who are you?" — I wanted to ask, but he said only the laughter that had reached me of transcendence.

"Sit down or go to Hell! — The voice repeated. — I found you, but I demand to submit. Sit down. I suggest for the last time.

"And I'll be like them?" In horror, I wanted to inquire of me, but instead of answering, towering over the throne made a gesture, and the beasts from the table and rushed to me and dragged him to the fire wall.

I saw that the left, right, bottom, and top drags the same accident, and the fire wall is already close at hand and presses his withering heat, and meet with him rushing horrific, terrible screams out.

"No, wait!" "I implored, but no words could say, and when tongues almost touched me, and тащившие released threw me into the flame, and at the last moment I remembered God, and turned to him. — "Lord, save! Have Mercy, O Lord!"

All at once vanished, and I opened my eyes I saw Пелагею Panteleevna and felt that I was lying in bed.

Chapter 15.

Having fallen asleep on the couch, I woke up with a start in the side:

-Why are you sleeping?! — Looking at me for a stranger.

-And what? — Perplexedly I looked at him.

"Nothing, go Vidic watch!

-Go, — I agreed and, swaying drunkenly, got up from the sofa.

We went to another room where already crammed a lot of people, men and women, cigarette smoke stood where, occasionally heard the lapping of the loading and the clink of glasses, some quietly reported, пригубляя wine glasses and goblets , and ahead of where all looking, was a miracle of technology, see what I have never had to. High cubic screen as a window to another world, where there was a different life.

My first impression was such, as though cube cuts through the wall of the apartment and goes to some other world. Everything that happened there was voluminous, and it seemed that may be entered, and from may run, crawl out the characters of the movie. Any sense of reality, the reality that I'm somewhere in the side and I see only artificially created fabric artwork, was lost. But the feeling that I'm somewhere inside a movie and even participate in its action.

-What are they looking at? I inquired of one who woke me up, barely escaped with the feeling.

-And what they want. Everyone looks that he would like to see.

-How is it?

-As well. The miracle of technology. Made in is not ours, you know? It is worth rabid money. Ten thousand cells. In each recorded on film. And choose something that you want to see, and watch can at any moment.

-And that, everyone's watching what he wants?


"But this is terrible! — I was not myself.

-Why? 't understand me interlocutor.

-Why?! Why, then, to sit together, if anyone in the forest, who firewood? After all, if people are watching together, and together they must empathize and sympathize, and then discuss the details of the vision! — I wanted to say a lot more, but not enough words to explain opened before me.

-You some nonsense you're talking about! "exclaimed the stranger. -If someone with someone wants to watch the same thing, they agree and are configured together.

-How managed by this device?

-Through ideas of the beholder.

"But they were there with two dozen!

He can perceive and a greater number of spectators.

-Listen, I never even heard about such device! — I retorted.

-So what?! You've not heard, but here it is in front of you. Don't bother me, but better настраивайся the film, which you would like to see.

"But from such a device, the roof can go!

-Do not disturb! — cried the stranger, and in my eyes, his face began to change, and soon he smiled something that was visible to him.

I looked at the motley cube, where hundred-мельтешило, and even could not hear anything, and almost thought that it would be nice to show cartoon, I was among the drawn, but the bulk of the characters surrounding himself with almost one of them.

Cartoon disappeared, and I again found myself in a room among others. "And what if I send her the fuck?" — there was the head naughty thought. I swore as soon as he could, myself, and for some minutes nothing was happening, when suddenly I was moved from the bedroom to the bedroom, from the Orgy to orgies, where naked men one by one and whole groups, separately kids loved women, where men do without women, and women without men.

It was horrible and I soon thought I was watching this I don't want to. Cube again запестрел, I looked around. People still something looked there, and I'm nobody prevented come close to him and touch his mysterious surface, determine the properties of which touch was impossible. It was impossible to tell what it is: a glass or foam rubber. I turned. None of the participants me, it seemed, did not see, though I was, in theory, to block them all field spectacle. But they all looked somewhere by and through me, as if my body was transparent.

Room began to fade before my eyes, and I've not even guessed, and with a piercing felt myself inside this mysterious object, and it envelops me something ghostly dark, absorbing surrounding and devours my being, like a giant amoeba. I didn't even get frightened when I found myself in the darkness. Nothing was not around, when suddenly I found myself in a room, barely illuminated the wrong light, as though the Moon looked in a window.

Someone in the room was, and, deciding first, that it was an accident involved a movie, I suddenly surprised and a sense discovered that I see before myself the Veronica and Hippo, and still someone. What is happening and where it was absolutely impossible, and first came to mind ridiculous idea that for fans of juicy scenes and some perverts, curious to secrets of a strange marriage bed, in this thing somehow connected direct channel, and now I tuned.

However, what I saw, wasn't like the wedding night. Veronica was sitting next to a man in the hat, on the other side of a long table was Hippo, and a lot of people, men and women, looked in my direction, as if in anticipation of what I do or say. We all stayed in silence, and suddenly I realized that this is not a movie, and not even giving, as it actually happens.

The man in the hat was me, seems to be a sign. "So if he come then Veronica?!" — flashed in my head sudden hunch, and I remembered sunk into nowhere evening, and the Church.

"Welcome, " smiled the man in the hat.

Are you me? — scared I suddenly heard this dumb silence the sound.

-You, you.

I looked carefully, but did not understand, who said, and where is that voice. Everything seems mouth opened and sat blankly like a mummy.

-Veronika! "I called the girl, but she never looked at me.

-Do not try in vain, she can't hear.

-Is this a dream? I asked the voice.

-No. but that is a dream? Dream and reality go near, into each other . you're not there, not there.

-And where?

-You between them, and I waited for the moment when you come here.

Man in a hat stood up and moved around him, approached me. I saw his red mustache and burning in the dark green eyes. He touched my hand — and even through clothing, I felt the freezing cold, his hands and led to the window, pulling. At the bottom, on a crazy depth could see some flickering lights. They looked like small sparks and embers, remaining from the spread of a fire.

-You see this? — asked me in a hat, and I saw that his green eyes, мелькнувшие in darkness.

-What is it? involuntarily with surprise escaped me.

Are the city. Look, — he made a movement, and half of lights ceased to flicker. — Welcome to the holiday.

The wedding? — not I understood.

-Yes, the wedding! — I heard it unpleasant, chilling laughter. — Today wedding! Virgin, a vicious world finally plays the wedding! Wedding with darkness! And we are the main witnesses. I can make you the master of ceremonies at the wedding. You'll rave about, waving to right and to left, and there, where you уронишь your burning look, all would fall, crumble, burning, dying and break! This is the hour. See.

He made a movement, and the last lights at the bottom of the faded, having plunged into darkness.

-Now I make a move, and this town will not! Then another and another. And they will crumble like matchboxes, and people will die under the rubble, as filthy worms, like cockroaches, twisting and crisp bones!

-No! there Veronika!

-Oh! I'm touched! But no, boy. Here she is! She with us. Here it is! -he drew me to the table and brought to Veronica, who was sitting exactly doll or a mannequin.

-Say Hello to him! — addressed this in his hat to her.

The girl seemed to be revived, rose, turning to me and, unnatural smile, as not smiling never before, said: "Hello, you're here too!"

I wanted to say something to her, but in the hat pulled me away.

-See. She's with us, and we can begin.

-But what to do?

'Nothing, ' he pulled somewhere in the darkness basket with something gleaming in the moonlight blue needles sparks. -Nothing special. Yet. Now just take these stones, these diamonds, and sift them out the window, sow down. You know, as a bride showered before the wedding money? Here is the same, so are you. Until the basket is empty.

"But why me?

"Do you want to be there?! he pointed into the darkness, down somewhere. -Well, look.

All gone, and suddenly I found myself on the street. From the sky the sun was shining, the people walked past me, and suddenly the earth under your feet go, passers-by rushed in different directions, screaming and his astonished eyes, and the buildings around one another and whole streets began to settle and fall like a house of cards. Clouds of dust clubs взделись to the sky, застлали him, and around it was dark. The earth continued to tremble. Brick and cement dust scored all nostrils, eyes, and mouth. It was impossible to breathe. And I felt that I'm choking and I can't even cough. Brown darkness enveloped me, and I fell, fell lifeless on shaky ground.

-Well, what? — asked the man in the hat.

I stood again in the dim moonlight next to him.

-What was it?! — in the throat I still першило from dust.

-Nothing special. The beginning of the end. The end of all the world. Take a chance. Or you'll be there again he pointed down, -or here, next to me, when they was all going to die and break. It is an honor to be with me. you should be proud of the choice, and it will certainly say: "Yes!" agree. In fact only one of the mortals may be near me, and before our feet will lay a perishing world, and thou shalt tread him and murdered. Are you going to do then. That I will rule over and manage the forces, having a hellish power, which I ввергну into the abyss of struggle. And thou shalt be above all... except me.

-And how Veronica?

-What Veronica?

-It is also here.

-It is yours, as you will agree.

-I agree on that?

-The fact that I invited you to.

-But this is a dream... why, Why did I dream all this hell? I was baptized! Should I be delivered from this devilry!

-How were you baptized? I know all. You do not have dipped in Holy water. Pop was not too burdened with the duty to perform the ceremony properly. So your baptism is a fiction. That's it.

-No, no! — трепыхаясь in the darkness, I tried to dispel the vision, but nothing happened, and the man in the hat, burning me green eyes, silently smiled. I have not seen but felt the chilling smile.

"Okay, boy! I loose you. Yet. But remember that I am your master, I will follow you. And remember that when the right moment comes, when you'll bow your me his trembling knees. I suddenly can do great and put at the head of the fellows that crawling down there. I randomly attention. I need you, and I am flattered that you have something against pride, although still not enough. I loose you while and no longer will continue to bother. I just know that you call me. Remember, my name is Mr. devil.

-It's something to do with evil, if English? "I said.

— "That's right. It will be easier to remember my name. You call me yet. Until then, goodbye! But to you hard he remembered, just in case, a farewell surprise.

He suddenly disappeared and the darkness around was quick to, lighter and dispersed at all. Looking back I saw that I was standing at the motley Cuba, against which people sit still continue to see him as their own.

"Diabolical box!" I thought, and I immediately felt the ground under their feet came down.

Already familiar with the feeling of the earthquake, I have learned that this is it.

People still sat and watched some prohibitive magic cube — wonders of technology, although tremors were already visible, and the floor and ceiling of the apartment walked like a deck of a ship caught in a violent storm. Reality threatened to death, for they simply did not exist.

'Help! I shouted, breaking voice on a high note. 'Help! Earthquake!

But none of the audience heard my cry, and I realized that we had to escape himself, for the present not late. She rushed out of the apartment, вшибаясь in crispy and with a Bang swing open the door I flew to the ground and not seeing the stairs, rushed down, not even thinking that I could stumble and cool wind up in tar-тарары. The light suddenly disappeared, but I could not see where I tread, and the darkness has not prevented me from bullet racing down the stairwell for a few seconds to jump out to the street.

The light in the surrounding houses had subsided as задутая candle, and everywhere were the cries and wild screams of horror, the sound of broken glass, a knock, crackle, crackle and all growing buzz, the origin of which came to me with great difficulty and only when I saw заволакивающие starry sky clouds of dust and felt the teeth gnashing of sand. Without hesitating a minute, I ripped off his shirt and closed his nose and mouth.

New jolt knocked me down as if I was standing on the carousel, made suddenly furious turnover, then followed by two more weak, but I still twice caught, dragged away from the earth, and when again fell on her, then felt the ground trembling quiver from a close of the fall of the multi-ton concrete constructions of houses. The cries of the people and other sounds absorbed monotonous, gluttonous rumble.

What was happening was scared, but I couldn't scared to late to be scared, like really was happening, because the memory of the strange conversation was still going strong. Something hit me on the leg, and pain in the body. I curled leg, feeling her fingers felt a deep wound on the muscle of the tibia, which oozed blood, sticky and warm. Very close something lurched, and I again was thrown up into the air and fell down, I felt that something проткнуло my back and stomach with sound, напомнившим Champ rotten watermelon with a soft but still durable skin when it is pierced with a blunt end steel probe electrode. The memory of it came from the distant childhood when with friends I am amused similarly, but then faded from pulling the roll pain in the abdominal area. Stretching out there weakening the hand, I felt a ribbed body of the Prut valve sticking out of the belly. Hardly having had time to wonder what had happened to me is, I don't suffered a new wave of pain, and fainted, before considering that I'm dying...

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