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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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From this view I felt uncomfortable, I felt a sneaking, which suffer other people. He pressed me to the ground, burned me, this weary excitement and anticipation opinion. As if he said to me: "Who are you to take away from me my free time? Who are you to wait for you at night and worry? Would I like to have a rest ? did I not tired today? What the hell should I suffer for you?"

The Chancellery was also my взвлдный. He looked at me, but his eyes had no arrogance, no outright contempt, or even anger. There was a reproach and a concern, but they were the eyes of a weak person. He couldn't, as a battalion commander, even if he wanted to pretend that could not have done it. He just didn't have the heartfelt moral strength of feeling which grows stronger every time, he had not had enough to survive.

As I entered the office, as behind me burst into my замкомвзвода, huge and healthy, like a bear, big fellow. He was урюм, but trying to seem even worse, puffed loudly through the nostrils, like a bull, trying to whether to intimidate me, to show the battalion commander, which he Grozny commander and as it should be afraid of subordinates, but this number has been designed to Frank fools and fools, such, perhaps, as he himself. Neither me, nor, especially, the battalion commander he had no experience. He was healthy and strong, enormous hands, possessing the power of the orangutan, could twist me like a lousy worm, turned into a sponge, cake. But... he was as careful, cowardly in the soul, how and healthy body. I knowed him being beaten face the guys and похилее me, but I would not бивал, and because it when I swaggered. Yes, he could hit me with your great big, like a blacksmith, кулачищем on top of the head, not even knock, and простоопустить it on her, and I would have collapsed, as the spot, as куренок-silly, stunned by the blow of the hammer, подламывается on its thin legs. Perhaps this could have very simply, without any tension, as заматерелого скотобоя, without unnecessary emotions and bustle of dealing only, not too strong, but accurate and deadly blow standing before him to the animal. He could, but never would. He could not commit such an act.

All of the above was seen consciously me in tenths of a second.

-Зазодите, come in, comrade cadet, " said too quietly and officially combat. Well, time is of the unrest to it really ended. The terrible happened, I was alive, and he in the eyes of change, anticipating now plenty поизмывается me, inflating their experiences. Nothing good his tone did not promise.

Actually, my commander was restrained man, was able to control his emotions, and his face was impossible to read what is on his mind. I always respected him for this quality, and most were related to him with genuine respect. Even in the terrible excitement of his face was stone motionless. Only a truly terrible, unforgiving, sensitive and well-educated people, able to postpone revenge on then and successfully implements it much later, but inevitably onerously, have such a talent. The battalion commander turn white only lip. If he immediately started yelling at me, stomping his feet, waving it in front of me with his hands, trying to afraid to hit me, it would be much easier. But the commander was not one of those men which were released as the steam from the boiler energy to his anger. He left it in reserve, as a prudent owner, and spent long as needed and on a few, just at the moment when we least expected once guilty before him than the achieved maximum impact and efficiency of its use.

This calm and an official tone of conversation подчеркивающийего high self-control and неунижаемое dignity, strength and hardness of his character, stunned me and made internally to shudder.

In moments of anger commander was calm, but he хладнокровиеммог at least through the month, at least half a year to recover from you claimed for your sleepless nights-per-call "on the carpet" by superiors, to stun and crush you just when you're least expecting it and hope that all is forgotten. His memory of the evil done to him was amazing, and he was not inclined to sentimentality. His heart didn't give in to self-pity and knew no mercy. Everyone was getting what he deserved. And, although to a stranger it was hardly noticeable, the one who felt his punishment, he knew, as it is heavy, long-lasting and palpable.

Chapter 8.

"Well, comrade cadet? — asked me a battery commander senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн.

-What? I asked, too, unable to find anything better for a response. I was at a loss. Besides, wheezing замкомвзвода behind me greatly distract me. It disgusts me.

-And what you "чтокаете"?

I don't know.

-Well, the answer to the question: where were you?

I thought for a moment, but not finding the right answer, said:

-In unauthorized absence, comrade senior Lieutenant.

-I understand, I ask where you were?

I persistently was silent, and then the commander asked another question:

-Well, впочему so late?

"As in kindergarten", — I thought, and replied:

-Because I couldn't before.

-What's your reason, a reason for your being late? Why you did not come in time?

I was silent.

-You can specify a reason?


This stupid the conversation went on until three at night. First, it involved only we command a battalion, and the conversation was rather quietly, almost peaceful. Then came commander with замкомвзводом, and his tone immediately changed psychosis and hysteria.

Лshoemakerн only unobtrusively drew my attention to the fact that everyone will get their just deserts, made some vague hints for a speedy release and distribution. Взвоодный began to read me one, and then promised that necessarily will help me to go to hell and shorebirds. Замкомвзвода too broke to swearing and promised that устроиит me "sweet life" in the remaining time until release time. Two recent threats I took serious, but here's what I said to the commander, very worried me.

Leaving from the office of the sleepy and depressed held brainwashing, I have barely stood on their feet from exhaustion and was ready to fall and fall asleep right on the floor, in the hallway, dead deep dream.

"Your bad thing, I thought a dream, полудрему, заволакивающую my consciousness, but, what are we slaves".

Can't remember how I got to his bed as undressed and lay down. Waking up in the morning, tired and невыспавшийся, I again with disgust remembered yesterday's events. Heart cramped longing brutal setbacks and disappointments. Истрория with the old man and похождением in his ill-fated house recollect now as midnight delirium, as ддурной dream that want to forget as soon as possible.

Head разламывалась. Anxiety and бесапокойство did not leave my soul all day. I could not find peace. Conversation in the office there was no in my head.

In the platoon all noticed that I had a gloomy mood, and many know what I have been an accident. No I have not come up, leaving my grief at me, without stirring up unnecessary questions and not to provoke sympathy. So продролжалось two days. All pretended nothing happened. During these two days all the excitement in me in its place. I thought not to be disappointed, because in the end I have nothing in particular and not to lose.

Yes, nobody to me these two days't like and didn't talk, no one except Охромова. He basements to me the next day RAзвязанной gait.

-Well, what have you thought of? he asked, shaking his fists in the pockets and squinting one eye, whether from the fact that beat him in the eye the sun, whether from a feeling of superiority over me, broken and crushed.

-What I thought of? — I asked, pretending not to understand what he says, even slight to annoy him.

"Have you forgotten our yesterday's conversation in the bar? surprised Охромов, and smug narrowed her eyes on his face faded, giving сместо oval surprise.

-Oh Yes, — I pretended that remembered, also not forgotten.

I just wanted to horror tell him of past events me after he left, but with her mouth open, I immediately stopped and bit his tongue. Only and учспел say:

You know what happened with me yesterday?..

-What? What? — alive interested in my buddy. But then his face took on an expression of this condescension, as if he was going to listen to justify old inveterate lying, knowing that he is lying, but pretending he believes.

I didn't somebody tell that same happened to me yesterday, make it clear to at least one person that опопздал not because of boyish unreliable and foolishness, but due to severe circumstances, but after this now "the what", I understood that it is better to live the incident itself, not squandering anyone has their secrets, not to become the fourth year of study laughingstock of the entire course, if not of the whole school.

-No, nothing, " I said and walked away.

"Wait a minute! — Охромов caught up to me, pulled the shoulder and pulled her. "Wait a minute.

I тепрепть couldn't when I was treated similarly, when grab me like that, deploy, when generally to touch me, to force anything, and therefore hardly сддержал his indignation to his act. But when he tried to shake know, with what joy my shoulder, I has not sustained and has flared up in an impotent rage trying pulled his hand from his shoulder. But fingers Охромова only stronger stared at the lapel of my jacket. He was stronger than me, and my attempt was in vain.

"The mood is so bad, and this goat stuck," I thought.

The cadets were generally the fans to look at clarifying relationshipswith their fists, cheer, sympathize, give in difficult minute of the encounter." Well, when fighting a pals, there did not remain aside even the most lazy and indifferent to such things. Therefore, we barely Охромовым grappled around us immediately formed a handful of fans: everybody knew that we Охромовым friends, roots, — Bros, in other words.

However, apart from this dumb scene, when I tried to lay the hand of Grisha with свроего shoulder, and a few minutes насупленного standing then, locking their, nothing interesting in the hallway happened. I was scared to fight, because he knew and felt unquestionable superiority of forces Охромова me. He, too, apparently, was not going with me to bring the relationship "to handle". So we stood for a minute or two, nothing against each other without undertaking and not saying a word. Each of us waited for a fight will start another, but it did not happen.

This scene demanded any completion, and then I finally somehow to find a way out of the uncomfortable position, asked Охромова:

-What you want from me?

-Have a little talk, " he said apologetically.

-Speak here.

-No, it can't.

-Well, let's go, " I said, and, satisfied that are not received at all honest people in the face, Yes, moreover, the final word is left for me, went to the door of the barracks, with pleasure hearing behind his steps. I felt almost physically ощущщал back like after we watched ддесятки prying eyes. And this was my little victory over Гришкиным complacency and зазанайством.

On the way out, I suddenly unexpectedly for myself turned to the bathroom, having decided to talk with Grisha here.

Our conversation continued under the murmur of the water in the toilet tank, continuously flowing through faulty valve in two dozen tanks.

The first began Охромов, immediately as soon as he came from the threshold:

-I want dreams to talk to you. There is one very good business, besides ерундовое, a mere trifle. I need you to take part in it and helped me. One I can not cope.

-Well, — I replied, " I will hear your proposal. But why are you so rude? What this assault? You perfectly know that I can't stand, when to me with outstretched hands. Yes, thou art stronger than I, but it doesn't give you the right to use this power against his friend: you can receive Deposit. I look at it. That you're so strong. You agree with me?

"I agree, dropped his eyes Grishka, and it seemed to me that I myself am now too зарываюсь.

-I ask then not to dissolve the more hands, if you want to be the last thing left to us from the companionship, disappeared without a trace, concluded I примиритьно. — Okay?

"Okay, " he agreed, " I really got excited and was not right with you. Admit my guilt, and I promise you on my side no more of that.

-I hope so, " I said and noted that, although in the toilet stood suffocating smell of chlorine, life has become immediately more fun and-breathing easier, as it was possible.

-Then go ahead, tell me what you've got for the cause of this.

"Come outside, " suggested Grisha, — there and breathe easier, and the casual listeners, quite unnecessary, avoidable.


We descended from the hostel, down, left the house and went first to the Smoking room, but seeing that there sits a few people from our hundreds, turned to the sports ground.

Here Охромов and told me the secret:

-I have one friend, a civilian. Here in the city. Cool guy. So he offered me this affair. At first I thought he was crazy. But then I realized that the man was serious, and said quite seriously. On the one hand it really trifling, and it is not clear why he gives the money. But if we think carefully, it has its own share of risks. I would not have thee now to talk about it, having no first your consent. But now I too risky for me because I have no other choice. I need money, lots of money. And there's this thing that if I do, I give them. But I can not overpower him one. I agree with this guy told him that I have a reliable friend who will help me to realize it, because he immediately warned that one is not a matter of overpower: too much work. He suggested, and I agreed. As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Think to yourself, to whom I can open some mystery in these walls? Who, other than you? Only you as his best and only friend I can trust. Therefore I suggest you to become my компаньеном this slightly dangerous, but very lucrative business. I even do not just offer you this. I beg you. One I can't do this and just be lost.

-Well, — I said Охромову, — you are here so much nonsense, but I don't hear a single word about the case.

-And how do you look at my proposal? asked Охромов.

-Frankly speaking, nothing.


-Why? Yes, if only because you're speaking, speaking, but I never knew that dark case us or perhaps you alone, " I have not given their consent, — will. I don't know who is this type that offered you, apparently, a cool adventure, and how it can be trusted. And in General, it so happened that he proposed to you?

Охромов hesitated, moved, to the nose knitted his brows, and finally said:

-Well, I all to you tell you. Do you want занть, what is this thing?

He paused, but not for long:

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