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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Suddenly a man, which was wondering Gypsy, shouted something at her, and rushed with his fists, and she deftly slipped my under her dress, bra crumpled pack of colored bills, too screamed as the cut was not giving put to the attacker, deceived her hand to выманенным money, and began to retreat.

Instantly help could arrive. Two Gypsy, young and older in years already, jumped on her screams and not even listening to the explanations of the person, began to crowd him, пихая in the chest. Gypsy immediately if evaporated, and seeing such a case, the deceived пытатель fate withdrew.

Five minutes later, when I was ready, deciding excitedly: "now you can screw me over, witch!", approach appeared at his workplace fortune teller, this man appeared again, but accompanied by the policeman.

-Comrade policeman, he was trying to rape her! — we reached me cries of Roma, in a panic, with its inherent to all this kind of artistic ability pretend показывавшей the suitable man, and receding, пятящейся while as if she really was scared so, that even the presence of the policeman could not save her from fright. He wanted me to rape her! I have witnesses!

Immediately jumped two Gypsy, and all of a sudden, in the middle of the corridor formed a noisy bunch, where the case is exuded hands, rushing war, Roma were trying to seize the man by his shirt, and the policeman beat them on our palms, protecting the victim. Already the expression of his face it was clear to me that the case is hopeless, and I wasn't surprised when after about five minutes he shrugged, signing his inefficiency, and took the man away to him, God forbid, not stuffed finally face.

After the decided to go and I, hidden money as far as possible, in the most secret pockets, which until you get ten times have time to stop and think: "What are you doing?"

Gypsy stood, turning his head around and sparkling black eyes looking for the next victim. Полоснула she and me, but not delayed, maybe because I walked closely with challenge, despite only seen that scene, staring at her. However, the corner of his eye woman still watched me, her hands nervously зашарили his pockets unearthed замусоленную deck of cards and began to shuffle them, and when the distance between us there was no more than a meter, with a turn, just thrown a dagger, she thought, strike me direct, dry question:

-Тэбэ чэго, парэн?

-Try to guess, " I replied even shorter, parried the blow.

-Погадат, her voice, with a strong emphasis became softer.

-Try to guess and speculate, " I said.

-On Chom тэбэ погадат? Gypsy suspicious, suspecting me, apparently disguised as a policeman (I put the toilet in civil shortly before).

What you can do. I will pay...

-Ne nado, I дэнэг not REM, " she waved her hand and turned away.

-But guess what — you guess?

Gypsy pretended not to hear.

-Well, tell fortunes, please.

She went away from me, but I followed her, eye however mowing on those two Roma who already showed us and now expect only the slightest trick on my part.

-Well, tell fortunes, please, " I repeated and guessed add. -I do not trash, not ment I, honestly. Tell fortunes!

Gypsy stopped, slowly turned around, flashing ravennian eye.

-Okay, let's palm.

I reached out with her hand, watching the expression on her face and preparing myself to sustain its psychological attack and not to cheat.

Minutes with two woman just looked at my palm. Then her eyes narrowed, exactly Onam noticed there something extraordinary, which surprised and puzzled her. Her brow of us jumped up and broke in half should bend the arc. "Begins thought to myself, internally even more by getting up and focused on the thought not give her in no case of money. — Well, hold on now!"

-Парэн, I ne'll тэбэ гадат! "she said finally.

-Why? thinking to myself, "yeah!", I asked.

-Видэшь, — she took a finger, stopping at some intersections of the lines on the palm — that's крэст, here крэст, here звэзда, here звэзда, that's lines — совсэм bad hand, совсэм bad. Гадат нэлза — bad будэт.

-Who is bad? "I подковыривало from what I knew, that she will now need to give money.

-Мнэ bad.

-Money and I'll give.

-Net, парэн, ne nado...

-Many ladies.

-Saying — I will not гадат — боюс. Bad будэт. Чэрт.

She turned resolutely away from me.

"Wait, wait, " I tried to stop it, not having a mind that is not maneuver the craft, and really refusal to contact me at all.

Trying to rebuild her last words in memory, I thoughtfully went away from that place and soon came upon a small pile of young people wearing uniforms of student construction teams, which are rare flocks enthusiasts scoured the country in search of romance, dispelling a longing dusty departments. Beautiful girls and variegated guys and boys surrounded by a thick ring of one with a guitar, wearing a beard and glasses, apparently, the most seasoned, wolf romance, and to listen to his singing. From there came the quiet, barely hear something from the "grandfather Grebenshchikov":

... everything was not bad.

He stared at the traces of her, it was thirsting for water,

Was far in the light of the stars.

The finger of his turning the water into steel.

I stopped to listen. The voice of a bearded and manner of performance were similar to the author, but I liked a lot of the early Grebenshchikov.

Listened to student singing I am not alone. Several onlookers also stopped nearby. On the faces one was written sadness, maybe, kind, romantic jealousy, not burdened burden of life of youth, the other directly on the eyes одухотворялись, perceiving music, absorbing, absorbing the juice of her melodies and energy of rhythm, moving away from the bustle, cracking down from the discharged cargo being bloom like flowers from a touch of the sun, and departing, уплывая soul somewhere far away, in the long-forgotten dreams.

Beside me stopped a Lieutenant in a brand new, brand-new form just заслушавшись. "Green!" 'I thought, meticulously bulge in his head, and definitely finding that uniform on him мешковато and clumsily, and it spoils the impression from his perception. "Green!" I said to myself for greater credibility in the rightness of their arrogance, although he himself was in the same "green" and неотесанным as he is. I wanted to establish themselves in their own eyes and, perhaps, also because the young officer was in the form, and it won me his position under the uniform.

Lieutenant stood by, and heard without going out. Coexist with it I was hard, so I decided to retire, although I would most соприсутствовать here, because all the station, perhaps, was not designated отрадней. It was the only cosy nook, attracting to itself mysterious warmth of communication with simple and nice guys, who openly sang it. what they wanted, in spite of his fatigue. And their close circle, their tireless enthusiasm coming from them waves of energy, their thin, beautiful and strange at the same time the song liked me, and not only me, but all who stood, gathering around them. All the rest of the space station was only a cold and a disorder of thousands of people, torn down in the street by the will of fate, from the gloomy their type and tired of persons from crying and shouting капризничающих children faster than their parents engaged in heavy conditions of travel and pastures, which cavern under the high arches, stairs and passages of a vast and indifferent to their hourly changing the inhabitants of the halls.

-Mister, give rouble, I'm starved! — emerged suddenly in front of me you young monkey-ragamuffin. He did not waste time and bother passengers extortion of small amounts of money, sticking to him with all душещипательными tricks.

The view мальчонке was thirteen years, but skinny and thin, in полуоборванной, полуистлевшей clothing, through the holes of which there were lots of naked body, he looked much younger and беспомощней his age.

I looked at him and could not say anything in surprise. Then tried to figure out what exactly he wants from me.

The money I had, and give ruble ragged boy was not sorry. However, reminding about food, I most wanted to eat, and I decided:

-Listen, I give you the ruble, and you show me where you can eat, cheap and cheerful. Goes? — in the station buffets with nothing but dry bread rolls and fried chicken with a faint smell of ribbon, and in сухомятку is not wanted.

"All right, " agreed the boy — let's ragged.

-No, you got me first take, where agreed, — I nodded my head. Your brother so — and-seek-fistulas then.

We left the station and headed somewhere wobbling through the narrow streets between sleeping, dark buildings and crossing the empty quiet courtyards, he went quite far from the railway square.

By the way, I spoke with a teen, fearing he took me to the wrong place. Apparently, it was a street kid, and he had no trouble now lead me to the den, where lived his gang. However, if he has recently wanders and exists only by itself, for this final there was no fear.

"Are you Moscow?

-Your cares? — roughly replied the boy.

-Well, what... Great. First, you are younger and therefore, if the eldest is interviewing you, you should respond to them. Secondly, I still wonder why you night on the train and that you're up to.

-Your cares? — the answer was in the same intonation.

Unable to stand, I caught up with the teenager, who had passed a little ahead, and in the hearts, feeling like a rose up, boiling blood, turned it around, as Yul and grabbed her Breasts tearing away from the earth:

-Listen, you, shket, another such a reply, and I'll face in the blood расквашу! — I had no doubt that now, try it snap yet somehow, I would have brought threat into execution.

Boy, frightened approximated the eyes and seemed to be swallowed language.

-Do you not see that I am such a kind. To get rid of it — get it!

I lowered it to the ground, because I felt sorry for him. At this moment he seemed so miserable and helpless in front of me, startled by this unexpected turn of events and angry "uncle"that arm themselves released his clothes. My childhood was not very far, and because, perhaps, I felt compelled to try this guy, which I had hard times in life. A heart that is broken went down in the chest.

-Okay, let's go, " I said.

The boy silently moved forward, but not as strong and fast as before, and as if in thought, his head lowered. He probably tried to now figure out what happened, but maybe going to throw myself away, frightened by my reaction to the familiar to his own conduct, and that, if it be wasted, whether to call for backup, and go back to get revenge.

Why the silence? his behaviour was in need of a soft control with my hand, and if the boy was going to the next moment the ask heels, now the willingness of several faded away: you had to answer.

"Nothing, " he grunted.

-So are you from?

-With Peter.

-And in Moscow that doing? — I felt the interlocutor and the urge to reply to me again about a brute.

-I was in the militia?

-No. I'm a friend asking you.

"Wow — friendly! And jacket pop?!

"Because you me хамишь.

The boy fell silent again, but I wasn't going to wait until it met with the spirit and ask heels.

-So what are you in Moscow doing?


-And how old nurse with a folder? They are crazy!

-Children's home I.

I have not enough strength to continue in the same spirit. I suddenly felt a sharp sympathy for the boy, the same lonely, not necessary to anybody, and, perhaps, even to himself, кким now I was also.

-So are you, brother, also an orphan? — I pressed his hand to, and we went on. The boy just looked at me from under a shoulder strangely learning: not lying if "uncle". And I was no "uncle"I was as a child, only adult child, forgotten and abandoned, lost his house and even the hope of gaining ever its warmth. I suddenly wanted someone to native, large and warm, gently pulled me close and fatherly, as parents, lovingly stroked my head.

"Come on, brother, I don покормлю.

The boy brought me to some provincial, dirty and shabby pelmeni, who worked around the clock. Despite the night there were a lot of people, and we perched at the end of a long, through the queue.

With a series of tables located in the centre of the hall were occupied by visitors, поедавшими your dinner. The cleaning lady lazily crawled between them and wiping the vacant seats when it is quiet, and when and clamorous from licks its clean the dishes, if they tried to leave just like that.

The queue was moving slowly, and I noticed two standing slightly ahead of the lads. They were the same beggars, like the one with which we came here. One was eighteen years old, the other was the same age as my companion. Boys behaved strange. The one that was older, seated himself on a free seat at a table, and the youngest, typing on a tray of plates with meals and snacks, and then подлазил under the railing вольерчика, отгораживающего turn from the hall and passed that on the table half of what took. He did this when раздатчица, пополнявшая shelves new portions, turned away or leave deep into the brew in full view of the near standing with him in the queue of people who like and didn't notice what is happening. Between me and этимим two had a few people and I wanted to make minor воришкам note, not fearing their reaction does not, or wanting to make a lot of noise. Everything was done, as if it necessary, and, may be, in fact there was so opened.

I wanted to ask about those two have their boy, but he himself said to me:

-Won those two-they're with me live together.

-And what do they do?

As what? Steal.

-And here all the time right?

The boy shrugged his shoulders:

-When both...

-And you, too? — our eyes met, and I realized that I better not hear his answer and not climb in the jungle, in the dirt in someone's life.

Meanwhile two of the Dodgers have already covered a full lunch. On a tray at the younger remained a cheap salad, and, going up to the counter, he put two more Cup of ersatz coffee, and then paid off, as if nothing had happened. In my opinion, none of the witnesses ugliness told him, and words.

-Take all that you want, " I said мальцу, and he did it from the heart, great clicking on a song.

We sat at a table near the прохвостами, and turned to him I said, unable to bear:

-Guys, conscience to have.

-And those che? — heard behind me defiantly.

I turned again. Asked the elder. The views of our eyes met, and I forced himself to переглядеть it.

-Not th. I say, conscience to have.

-What is the conscience?

-Ordinary. The human.

"Well, the guy turned away, and I heard its a Champ.

We ate and headed to the door.

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