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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-You should have it, " said the boy.

-What is it? — not I understood.

-Contacted them in vain.

"But somebody has them to heel.

The boy looked at me, and I realized that we speak in different languages.

At the exit already waiting for us.

-What the hell are you, mark? Che you come? Che forge a show-off? — the one that was older than me, moved me, and I felt that quailed before his impudence. "Well, went to the corner, I am with you, Pierre.

We needed something to do, gather the courage to apply the Golden rule winner: Bay first — gave the most part of the chances of success.

Guy approached, and when he pulled his hand somewhere to my collar is probably going to take me by the scruff of the neck, I through the power of forced himself to hit him in the face. To make the second strike was much easier. The third went like clockwork.

He did not expect me, and therefore made no attempt to defend against, only clutching his face with his hands and something захрюкав, забулькав in anger. The second time I gave him in the jaw, the third — kicked in the groin.

The boy fell to the pavement in the mud and slush. His younger companion retreated a few steps, his eyes on me. I wanted to stop, but he could not equal the other.

"You've been the first thing it to you for a second, you are the third-and this you for your insolence! — I kicked his feet, not looking where to put the blows. I even wanted to make him as much as possible, and that he long remembered the lesson.

At this time the doors pelmeni came out a few people, and one of them shouted:

-What are you doing?!

I stopped arriving in itself.

-What are you doing?! — come running to me a man quite puny, but apparently расхорохорившийся from what I have paid attention to their words. 'I'll...

I pushed him aside, a new feeling a surge of rage as he swung at me.

-Uncle, go here! You'd better in pelmeni now that that's out what made the remark when they over-the-counter pulled, " I hissed through his teeth, and then swore.

Out on the street and stood looking at me surprised and frightened, примолкнув in anticipation that they might get. The guy began to rise from the earth, seedtime and trying to get up, but I released all the charge of hatred and couldn't hit him. He sat there, вытирался and coughed, looking at me. People started to disperse. The new who came out of pelmeni, only silently thrown in our direction short views.

The pause was tightened not in my favor. Should have slapped him finally and leave, but I couldn't do it. Leave the same hand, meant to leave him a chance and the desire to catch up and try to recoup: surely he had a knife, which he just did not have time to exercise. I did not like that they attacked me from behind, moreover, that there were two, and maybe three of them, because Malets, which I fed could flop over to their side. However, it felt to me friendly feelings and probably would not participate in a fight on my side, 'm it again, and in the best case, leaving just curious observer. These two were to him a hundred times closer, he shared with them and shelter, and destiny, and later undoubtedly has got to be in big trouble.

-Well, mark, cope? — the voice of the older, still sitting on the ground. He touched it and wiped the lip. — Okay.

I knew that now we need to hit, hit it again, but in his mind there was something of a mess. In memory somehow surfaced Veronica. She was kissing with a Hippo, and I thought, "maybe I was just dreaming all that appears to have been?"

Thousands of wacky thoughts not by the way conjured up. Verses buzzed and hummed her, persistently demanding pay attention to them, and only one sober, like a spell, a simple combination of: "Should leave", — прокладывало through all the chaos path to salvation.

Really go away. Beaten me guy tried to get up from the ground, and stood a little apart, staring anxiously. My companion was hanging around somewhere in the back, on the corner of the house.

I spat be more convincing to someone had to teach me to catch up, and walked away. The boy had come with me.

-Still, you should have with them, " he concluded.

"Why not?" — I did a little boyish wanted to feel like a hero.

-I now get.

-Yes, but you're here?

-I? I don't thing, teenage sighed, " but the face for all I care they beat.

"And you with them do not live together, and go somewhere.

-Where? — my interlocutor smiled skeptically. — Everyone knows each other, and I still find it.

-Do you so cool? — I was surprised.

I don't know, that's cool, not cool. Only lie to me why not...

In a side street between the houses, I stopped to facilitate the bladder. The boy followed my example.

-Good night: can be anywhere to do this, " I said. To somehow revive the silence.

-To me, I and during the day it can do, " replied the street kid.

-That, right on the people in the street? — my question is sounded with intentional irony.

-No, why? So the cops murderers get bagged. But in the entrance — you can.

-Well, — the entrance...

-So people go there. They are outraged, and I stand and do what I need.

-And if the other is that it suits me, more serious?

-Then sit.

-And that no comments are not even going to do? So all past calmly and pass?

-No, I am not a stairwell. Few places in the entrance of the corners?

We came to the station.

-Well, have you ever ate? I inquired, intending thereby to bring the case to прощанию and calculates how much cost me this lunch.

-Yeah, if only you had better ruble made, " replied the boy.

"Why not?"

-Beat me.

-For what?

-Sales no. By morning shall fifty bring.

-Who bring?

-Surely. Пахану.

— "Who's this yet? Zak that does what?

-Convict, — he nodded, agreeing head. He fills us. And even those who with hats sitting.


"That beggars. He with them and with us every day shakes. With us rouble, and with them — I don't know how many, but probably more likely more because they collect more.

"And these, " I showed a nod ago, hinting at those two that were in pelmeni, too, he is paid?

-No, they are not beggars, they steal. This is already a step above is considered. But he also takes these things or grub. And I'm fifty rubles necessary, otherwise the beat.

-Why did you give him fifty rubles give? — I protested.

-To not have to beat.

I paused, then asked.

"Maybe you fifty rubles give — I was sorry offered money. But it would be a pity boy.

-No, no, " he evidently was bothersome to me, ' and so you gave me, fed...

"If you want, I'll go with you? — I didn't know how to thank the lad's for his counter sympathy, and, without noticing it, tried to stick your head in the lion's jaw, and not just shove and deeper...

"No, no! — he waved his hand, but then suddenly shuddered. And I went. Only see that they got guns are available, and Finnish hammer blades. There until the end.

'Nothing, ' I myself, feeling that Leo decided to close his mouth, leaving behind my head. — Nothing, let's go...

This time the boy brought me in some ruins, neighbouring with the begun construction. On the way, which happened not too long this time, we have reached the end of the platform, then with half a kilometre along the paths, and jumped over the fences, ditches, thickets dry prickly grass and gullies were not доломанной five-storey building — I learned that his name is Maxim, that he ran away from the orphanage six months ago, for the second time , and closer to winter would again return to the cold and hateful walls of the orphanage "wait out the cold." Last time of his return successfully taken care of by the police. Now he expected to do the same, but a little later: still it was not so cold.

We climbed on the third floor of a building on dilapidated and dangerous stairs one of the doors. Here, in one of the ruined apartments with sooty walls, выломанными doors and растасканными floors, side by side, covered with anything dead sleep slept teenagers. In the middle in a small empty circle on a concrete slab subsided, but still showed signs of life white, skinny smoke a little fire from the wreckage of the boxes. Here is a few empty bottles.

Chapter 18.

When the noise stopped, and dust, waterfall struck down, dissipated somewhat, I listened: the do not disturb whether the rattle Alain or Пелагею, but in the house there was a dead silence of the night. Freed from the uncomfortable situation, I found that dropped it on the floor in the vestibule some thick, heavy books. Some of them hit in the fall of poles stairs, fell, broke up, having shattered the pages on all сеням, and took quite some time to collect them, fearing that at any moment in the doorway, you may receive Pelageya Panteleevna and arrange my shaped scandal for impermissible curiosity and unauthorized visit to the attic of her home. Although the attitude grandmother to me was careful, he had another side, which I also had to face, and now she would certainly gave me a spanking, regardless of the fact that I was her guest.

It was nearly midnight, and when I finally managed to combine in a thick leather covers, darkened, warped and погрубевшие from time to time, dilapidated, rushing from any careless movement pages of many places worn and a pair of decaying at the corners. After completing this painstaking work, hardly дававшееся in twilight, разгоняемом only the faint light of a lamp, which stood at the top, on the edge of the roof and done, the most likely wrong, because on the pages, written by hand, there was the usual sequence of digits, but instead somewhere, where else survived were seen strange, strange signs and letters, I went with a pile of heavy books under his arm into the attic and there sat down comfortably above the open hole, became the study found. Perhaps this was due to the shepherd Ivan Noodles?

I remembered what he said about some thick book, covered with red velvet. "Ah, Yes! That's what I forgot. He spoke about the book! — I thought. — But where do these books come from here? When I climb, they didn't seem to be..."

Among the mountains of ancient books of the book is not. I went down and, just in case, looking from the porch into the room, found her, thick, covered with red velvet cover with huge, full cover sheet character imprinted in gold, with gilded along the edges of the pages and a large copper fastener, decorated with engraving. Pick it up, I climbed back into the attic, and opening щелкнувшую buckle, peeked inside.

From the gap between the pages fell some sheets of paper, and, lifting them, I was convinced that this letter is strongly crumpled, yellowed by time. Paper they broke like dried leaves, crumbled beneath his fingers in a small crumb, almost dust, so long I had to mess with them, until finally I gathered up their hands and carefully, trying not to breathe, brought it up to the light.

Tex was written on some old, maybe the old Slavonic language, but to abide in extreme agitation, I suddenly discovered that I can capture the meaning of the verse.

"I have to warn you that the times of today are not contribute to the peace and bliss, in which now are many, and around the point, which is near the end of the world, and in the speed of Christ do the second coming on the sin and sinners will be punished.

It would like to draw your attention to one testimony.

Summer 1477 age 47 years was buried someone Prince Vlad IV, king of Romania, a well-known fact that managed to unite the three disparate principalities of Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania, burdened by the yoke of Оттаманской Empire, in a strong state, spoke against the Turks with the refusal to pay tribute and defeated the Turkish army. However, this act сопровождаемо was excessive brutality and violence against neighboring princes, equal with him for nobility and regulations. One of them, Prince of Transylvania Peter, who refused to unite with Wallachia, Vlad IV, or, as is known, he was still, Vlad Dracula, then guests and workers planted in the yard at stake and enjoyed watching for his anguish. The Prince of Moldavia Alexei he set before the spectacle of Shem, and, taking him by the cowardice and impotence, created the Kingdom of Romania and started a war with the Turks over which won a considerable number of victories than you brought a lot of pleasant and joyful feats of the Christian world.

I have no doubt that the rumors about his adventures reached and your edges, since in those years were you, my dear fellow, in good health, and in modern times we pray to God. But you hardly know how bloody been his war, and along with the Turks in larger quantities he destroyed a subordinate yourself to the people and kept this in eternal fear of the Lord and his forest hosts, показывавшемся the light of God only for abuse, robbery and plundering. I cannot be sure how many people ruined the ruler of Romania, however, I think that number so we could settle in ten cities, ten times as many villages.

Bloody deeds of the Prince not be prevented him a member of the Christian order of the Dragon, based in many lands summer 1418, and the world Christian surprisingly resigned and kindhearted witnessed in its ranks the bloody killer that not once lauded in his victories, not paying attention on the means to achieve it. Secular name of the Prince, Vlad Irena Telesh, hardly anyone is familiar, but стерегитесь person with like him.

Compelled to write to you, his serene Highness, this in order to teach in your face all the brotherhood, namely, himself, in the person of Prince Dracula saw the impure force, свившую nasty nest in light our ranks, and open unto you these things.

Having from God to live in the vicinity of the described places, I could tell many details, but for the lack of possibility given enough time, I try to describe all possible for shorter and more.

Prince Vlad IV, Dracula, died when вестма mysterious circumstances, and there is no credible evidence, whether his death was violent or natural, although on this occasion there are many contradicting one another rumors and false rumours, nothing, however, not confirmed.. when the funeral service and burial of the body there have been some strange misunderstanding and accidents, testifying astute mind that it is unclean. I myself was a witness of how someone maiden N, exhibited in the Church of excessive despair and grief over the eminent dead, in the same week found was lifeless and completely devoid of blood in his own bedroom in the house of his father, who stated at the meeting with me, being in a strange state that last night saw a huge wolf, блестевшего in the moonlight, jumped in the garden of the estate. Crossing himself in terror before seen, sir, this is no longer see anything, and drew away from the window, went to sleep and only late at night woke up from a terrible sounds.

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