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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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I know of many cases that occurred at the same time in the vicinity of Bucharest, close to which was buried Prince Vlad Irena Telesh. Then they repeated and frequent in the whole of Wallachia and Transylvania.

Since then passed ten years, but I still threw their observations of the terrible cases, the geography of which became increasingly be the North and East of Romania, and because I think the speed can reach your seats. I will pray to God that this did not happen. I ask you to pray, his Holiness, and let especially zealous in prayer brethren, and then the scale of evil passes..."

The letter ended. Further text it was отломлен and crumbled to dust under my fingers.

Feverishly I began to seek continued, and from awkward movements broke several pages more, perhaps, belonging to other messages. The paper fell in the dust from the slightest careless movement, which gave me a lot of grief.

Finally took himself in hand and acting again with extreme caution, I raised the shaking from the tension palm another old page. Handwriting is absolutely no resemblance to the previous one, Yes, probably, and the letter was done at a different time and a different person. Intrigued curious content of the letters written by insanely long and unknown by whom and in what language, and I wonder was not able, how can I read this:

"Your Holy grace!

I do not know how to begin my address to you, and after much thought, I decide without unnecessary phrases go directly to the exciting me and not only me, but many of my neighbours, and also inhabitants of our and the surrounding villages, peasants, their hosts, and all the pious inhabitants of the district, good Christians, under your auspices and who see in you the good of the defenders of our.

I myself am a doctor, nurturing the love of good, but poor people ншему, peasants, over which you have to dwell in the monastery, уготовая itself the heavenly life, and anti many rules I live in the manor house on the rights of personal physician and provide the grace of healing Kholopov amiable patron who die like flies, let not these things богохульствием.

The owner, pan Гложич, although the kindest nature man, sometimes it happens бивает peasants for misconduct, disobedience, and to pacify their liking. Because it happens that these, especially the youth, are running in the hope of changing their existence. Such, of course, a little, and let your Holy grace doesn't think I'm going to defend горделивцев and disobedient and ask the same of you. Not at all! On the contrary, in my soul purely Christian and God-fearing stays humble obedience before fate, revealed to me in purgatory our Lord, but, following the commandments, I don't judge them for anything, for it is not right on it.

My speech goes about a certain event took place at all this, and how much was given to me to think, necessarily requiring Your наимилостивейшего intervention.

To begin with, that you may be aware, and that is what Mr Гложич, himself a Polish family, can't stand in the house of the servants of the local people, and writes out yourself hired domestic from Europe, who come to our country with all of their possessions specifically coach and also decrease at the end of the contract.

Year and a half as the pan Гложич wrote somewhere in the Balkan lands, exactly-what I don't know, never having many other worries, this is not interested servant Ежива, not the сербиянина, not Bulgarian, not the Slovak nationality (to my shame, I'm no expert and not a fan of anthropology, although many of my colleagues and passionately addicted to this science, and in General, I believe and understand the people for some of the other qualities of character rather emotional than ethnological).

Ежив this was a groom Mr. Гложича and in the service of their coped diligently. Man he was unremarkable except that with the men spoke very rare, and did not consider himself to them equal, was closed, miserly because of its remoteness from their land, often spoiled girls, undoubtedly sinning and condemning those in the future on the severe punishment in the case of marriageable age to marry and use pan Гложичем right of the first night.

Ежив never went to Church, because by faith, as far as I know, was a Muslim, who was being captive by the Turks. To save his life, he turned to another faith and came under the green banners of Islam, much later defected from there, they returned home, but remained in Islam.

I must say that the pan Гложич attitude to the religion of his groom quite OK, although, until recently, was a good Christian.

Your mercy! Perhaps you tired of reading my confusing lengthy message, but do not take the trouble to read, for God's sake, until the end. Circumstances deserve.

Last winter, as You know, was very cold, and the groom Ежив have an awful cold. I tried to heal it, but the symptoms of the disease were several other than for catarrhal diseases and pneumonia, and, despite my efforts, Ежив died away like candle, and as soon earth receded , and it wanted to bury on the edge of the monastery's cemetery (I hope you haven't lost the memory of his deep indignation at the fact that under the walls of the monastery had decided to bury infidel). But after buried somewhere in the woods, as in the adjacent corner of the manor garden, not making any signs of graves, except stuck the pole in the ground, which in speed disappeared.

Pan Гложич was very upset about the whole thing. But because of the arrival of spring and the impossibility of long waiting replacement suddenly dying servant of Europe took the groom slave Taras, his serf, a young man whose reason is not entirely fair treatment often punished for negligent care of the horses.

In the stables, Mr. Гложича after the death of Ежива really began to happen, bad things, and the worst of them was that one after another during may disappeared four horses, one each week. Mr. Гложич after each loss brutally beat up a new groom and became of all the ferocious and ferocious. He assumed that somewhere nearby appeared Gypsies-конокрады who heard about remarkable trotters Pana Гложича and their fulcrum of origin, as well as magnificent breed, criminals steal horses, using вислоухостью new groom, not able to устеречь lordly good. His experience, and the loss of each stallion heavily dominated this period as well pan Гложичем, he shared in moments of despair with me, trying thus to find a way to their grief.

Meanwhile, to heal the deep wounds of the groom Taras remaining from Panska lashes, I heard from him amazing story. Poor young man told me that how could guarding the horses, and the last two times, being nearby the stables, I saw that unusual, like a glowing Moon wolf jumped out the window and from there after some time appeared, easily carrying his sacrifice, which was several times heavier than predator in the teeth.

I could not believe the groom, because I know that wolves are rare and are not malicious in these regions and especially in the spring, and, besides, personal inspection is sure, that the window stables not that the horse, but the animal smaller climb can't, and I decided that thus, using stories, Taras as if asking me to intercede for him before the owner.

Without a doubt, negligence servants should not be encouraged by the owner, but nevertheless, I decided to Express panou Гложичу assumption that the cause of the loss of his string can be something other than the Gypsies-конокрады, and. in particular. Wolves, that the master, of course, laughed, and said that was not found in the whole region with such a wolf, which would be able to carry out the horse. I argued that everything can happen, but pan Гложич just ridiculed me, after what I had doubts himself in this version, however, drew the attention of his master, that the loss happens every quarter of the moon, from the full moon, and perhaps it's not quite pure.

Pan Гложич on your took my hint, and the next upcoming full moon made Taras night sitting in the barn and do not close the eyes, waiting for the robbers.

Troubled by a disturbing premonition I until midnight observed in one of the Windows of his bedroom, which goes straight to the stables, the terrain, expecting that I will see the emergence of adjoining garden forest appearance of the wolf. Dream all the same overcame me, and I can't say I've seen already in a dream or dreamily something silvery dairy sweeping through the dark garden to the stable.

The next morning Taras could not find anywhere, and pan Гложич, assuming that the fortress had escaped from a конокрадами, sent in all directions pursuit. Поис5ки not yielded any result. But one of the messengers found what not sought to discover in the forest not far from the house torn and the flesh of all four horses.

Message shook Pana Гложича. However, he made every quarter of the moon ordered the new groom, again from Kholopov, guard, armed with a stable inside. Horse now not disappear, but one by one began to disappear people, who on the night remained in the stables. Deal recently reached the point that the peasants under the fear of any punishment, even death, refused to go to the grooms, and Mr. Гложичу not remain anything else how to leave their horses without protection.

Two days ago there was a full moon, and pan Гложич called me, asking night accompany him when he goes, just in case, take a look at the horses. I agreed, not without fear and curiosity, however, because no matter how many attempts did see the beast, that I couldn't due to the fact that he was afraid to approach the ill-fated building. Pan Гложич talked to me for a long time against the habit, and I made a careless assumption that, perhaps, all that happens is somehow connected with the deceased servant Еживом why pan Гложич frightened trembled, and answered, that, too, thought about it, and that he often, especially lately dream former groom.

We agreed with him out of the house at a quarter to one in the morning, and immediately after the conversation, I went to bed, and then to make it easier to move a sleepless night. It was somewhere around nine.

Woke me terrible cry which froze the blood in my veins. Barely alive from the wild fear, I still found the remnant forces, ran out into the corridor. In the house there was a dead silence, and I have already decided that, apparently, in a dream came this bloodcurdling scream, however, unable to get rid of icy terror. Crept along the dark corridors and stairs to the bedroom Mr. Гложича, fearing even take a candle.

I forgot to look at myself in a room that was the hour, and that I was in these minutes. In the chambers of his master was silent, however, on my knock there was no answer. I knocked louder, and then a little harder and more persistently, but nobody answered. Troubled by a bad premonition, I opened the door into the барскую bedroom door wide and almost fainted. One of the Windows of the room was open, and the curtains in the light of the moon disappeared something. Bed pan Гложича with severe canopies was empty.

Having hardly overcome the fear, in the meantime, I dashed to the window, and saw, QC something lunar silver and illusory disappears in the garden. It was not a wolf, and, in General, any animal. As can be seen at that moment, it was a man, and if he does not Shine like the reflection of the moon, one would assume that it was the pan Гложич, waking up in a fit of fear for their breeding stallions, who published the wild cry, who managed to jump down from her bedroom window from the second floor and rushing through the garden to their horses with fears for their lives.

Pan Гложич disappeared, and I since yesterday morning, the sun rose barely, organized search for the gentleman, привлеча to them all the Lord's servants, and several peasants.

Unfortunately. Search for my crowned sad success. One of the servants , and one that has recently discovered the manor horses, today at dawn found the lifeless body of a host, lying in the forest roughly the same place, maybe a little further.

After pan Гложич was delivered to his house, I examined the body and found in the neck several deep прокусов probably left by the teeth. However, the form and depth they don't look like traces of human teeth.

Extreme excitement and limited in time have not yet provided a detailed study of the corpse of Mr. Гложича, it is clear that there is not and drops of blood, because blood vessels in his hand, made an incision me, was empty, as in вымоченном meat.

By the time I sat down to write to you thereof messages in the woods at the side of the district is found a few corpses of young men, former u Pana Гложича watchmen and конюхами and disappeared before the host itself. In the evening, I proceed to examination. But first I wish to notify your mercy of the threats we face, that there is a concern that more I have witnesses, intelligibly could describe what happened, and if something happens... I hope that Your lightness mercy will receive my message and give us the necessary support.

Probably Your grace, it is known that in the neighboring domains..."

The letter ended. I couldn't find it and continue, barely catching breath, gently put the lamp cover sheet another message.

"Your honour! I hasten to inform you that your requests I made. My soldiers entered in the indicated the earth and found the absence of the master, servitude and extreme scare serves to be the serfs.

The body of Mr Гложича, his servants, the doctors, as well as several peasants killed at the same time, extracted from the graves and burned by all the rules of the Holy Inquisition. All corpses found remarkably preserved. The corpse of a groom Ежива Muslim could not be found due to the lack of graves, but I hope night ambush will speed up the latter.

I dare say that the attack on the peasants recently stopped. The latter protects itself by preparing the aspen stakes and hung on the doors and Windows of their homes and ligaments of garlic. I think, that soon my help here would no longer need..."

My attention distracted and gnashing of скрябание in the door, раздавшиеся outside. Even before he could think, that hut is protected by strong constipation from the invoice beams, I breathed in the lamp, and she immediately went out, leaving me in the dark.

A few minutes while sitting in stillness, I was listening to the sounds, but suspicious rustling stopped, though it was not. Matches with him was no more, and had to go down and go through the room to the furnace, near which Pelageya has always left boxes on the kindling.

I got carefully and came out of the porch. Alena slept for ширмочкой at the window. The regular breathing well was heard in the silence of the house. Somewhere in the back room unevenly посапывала, похрапывала grandmother Pelageya. And only the creaking floorboards under the feet broke serenity house.

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