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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Feeling in the furnace in a silvery-blue twilight, подсвечиваемом in not cluttered window shutters full Moon, I went back and decided to go, see how to become an alcoholic'alene. The girl lay peacefully, covered with a cotton blanket without a blanket cover. Her mouth was slightly ajar, and through it with the noise was and was back on the air.

"I must! involuntarily I thought, looking at her simple, serene face, which became in a dream quite childish. And not frightened: she's asleep. And the grandmother is asleep. One for me, any fool can't sleep. I contacted with this nut!"

The girl's face and her Breasts, blanket tucked around her, fell silver moonlight from the window. Suddenly it grew dark, and I realized that someone looks in at the window, and moving his gaze, saw a man's head, прильнувшего the glass, his face left in the shade. My body also does not protrude into the light except for some of the thigh, and frozen with fright, I, too, in the stillness watched him.

All remained motionless for some time, and if the head does not appear in the window of my eyes, you would think that the glass прислонили effigy.

I finally got tired of uncertainty and my stationary, and after recovering from the initial fear, I pulled out his matches, drew one of them and put the glass in which there was dancing reflection of yellow flame. It hurt to consider проступившие contours and shape of a person. And sweep of his head to the side, I could not tear myself away in horror stared at Peter, выпучившиеся eyes which looked at the shimmering, тухнущий the flame of a match.

I wanted to scream that had the power, took a deep breath, but only convulsed першащим cough, which exactly choked.

Alena started, frightened stare at me awake, murmured something incomprehensible, on a strange, unearthly some, каркающем language, and to defend himself from me naive outstretched palm.

-You that, Alenka? — tenderness have overcome my fear. Being more helpless than I, were in need of help, and it gave me courage and strength, as then, on the bridge.

Chapter 19.

"How long you been here dwell? I asked Maxim, pausing on the threshold to the surprise of seeing the spectacle.

-With the week. Before the column lived, but then quarreled there with one, and they have been drove away.

-A column?

-What, what! In ordinary, which is sticking out of the ground.

-In the sewer?

No, not in the sewers. There pipe some warm, and winters can live.

-And who are you drove?

"There are some assholes. It is their column. They have to themselves called, and then we fire it sparked, frogs wanted to fry, well and built there a small пожарчик.

A hundred, a fried frogs love? — I involuntarily shuddered.

-Yes, I'm more dogs love and cats can not stand...

I nearly puked from such gastronomy.

From our conversation woke up.

"Who brought a dork? "came from one of the risen over the carotid mass lying near each other, tel head.

-Buddy, оробело said Maxim.


Having woken up, stirred, lifting. Several people approached us, stepping directly or stepping on матерящихся in a dream comrades. Old they were fifteen, sixteen. They were looking at us, trying to продрать sleepy, sticky, puffy eyes.

"Well, great! What came? — asked one of them to me as if a time I knew me before him guilty.

-Yes, — I was taken aback opponents were too many, and their behavior was unpredictable even for a second forward — this was clear from the first words, and what else could be expected from the street kids, no matter how vague.

-Just don't go, especially here, in the hand of the speaker suddenly a knife that he playfully began to twirl somewhere down the thighs. It was below my height, щупл and худосочен, but now it is unlikely there was any value, and the hour I immediately regretted about two things: first, that coming here, not knowing what and why, and, secondly. Not being able to fight like a dashing guys in the beautiful cinema, stacking of infections with a dozen opponents.

-Yes, he came to our gift to make, Zhenya. Don't you see? — someone near.

-Then выкладай! — immediately, scenario, without a pause picked up Zhenya, continuing to play with a knife.

Meanwhile, all new teenagers approached the pile in front of me, who shivered from the cold morning air, who yawning and stretching. The case has been increasingly nasty turn.

-Oh, and outfit-it's nothing. It is necessary to undress, and then I have some holes on the coat. "came another voice.

-Plenty of time, " he remarked Eugene. — Well, what are you waiting for? Took out a nickels.

I felt it's a pity, what a silly situation I was unwittingly. The world around, after all, is full of evil, and this should never be forgotten. We must constantly be alert and not allow the heart to give orders over the mind.

When I had all the money, all my cash it remained, and part because of their own stupidity with this pretty decent, but, more importantly, the last amount of savings, of which all his life after me, perhaps. Not to be had, it was like death and unbearable. Wanted to suddenly collapse right here on the floor and no longer live, if all so badly formed. And let this blond shket me зарежет, and then takes my money, I don't see it...

-Ah, mark! — cried someone at me for the very back.

I involuntarily looked round, and saw who was beaten by the pelmeni. — Meeting! And I thought I'd see!

-Польд, do you know this? — asked Eugene. -He?

"Yeah, his own! — Польд walked me around, gloatingly squinting. A crowd of teenagers back a little bit. His own!

I felt he knew me now hit the eye he was a huge bruise, nose побагровела, and the lower lip is swollen to the size of a grape, and hardly knew it, as he felt a sharp pain in the groin, потянувшую me down. My body скорчилось and crumbled down. Through a fog of pain caught up to me words Польда:

His own! That's what it, that's it!...

New blows rained down on my body, and I thought I beat the whole gang of youngsters. The surrounding world is separated black wool from my consciousness.

When I woke up, he felt bound to pipe behind the back and sit on the cold concrete floor in the same room. Body hummed from beatings, eyes did not want to open up and in the ears something дребезжало.

"Well and leave," — somehow indifferently I thought. How many times had to fall into foolish and unpleasant situation, hurting and getting punched in the face — it was a nightmare, the crazy house. Is my life now, until completion, will consist of only troubles, illnesses, tragedies, beatings and remodeling, in which I had just tired get. Because before me this has never happened. Now adversity lay in wait for me at every step. If my life is for them to become the best and the world's only target.

Finally, his eyes were opened, and I saw that order room was empty, and now it remains only five people. Here were Zhenya, Польд, his partner, my night companion and someone else can I, a stranger, a man of about twenty-eight or thirty — two.

When we Maxim came to the house of the morning sun had not yet appeared over the horizon, its dawn lit up the house with the other party. Now it shining right in the window of the room, and it was easy to guess, that had passed quite a long time.

Were in the room with me were talking among themselves, and only Maxim was silent and sad. Seeing that I opened my eyes, he came to me.

Does it hurt? — I heard his voice.

"That hurts, " I agreed.

-Sorry, I'm not wanted.

-Yes, that is really there.

We were approached Польд.

As a mark woke up! Well, how are you feeling? he sat down in front of me on his haunches, looking into his eyes. — A mark!

On his thin direct lips played meanders smile winner, enjoy a mockery of the victim.

I found the strength nothing to answer him.

-By the way, you know, what's the name of this? — Польд patted щуплому shoulder Maxim and, not waiting for an answer, give it to himself. His name is we ПОЦ — guy particularly valuable. You know he raised up the index палеци pointedly has dissolved the lips. — And do you know who the "поц"? It's a boy in the synagogue of the Jews, which deprives the innocence of the dead women virgins, that... well, not important.

Польд rose from his knees, but never finished the conversation:

-Now, judging by the way, what does "поц", it should be natural shit. And this ПОЦ it is, Польд again, but this time with a wicked force slammed Maxim on the shoulder.

The man looked at him askance, but still scared.

-Not пяль eyes, ПОЦ, and the схлопочешь in the face, — noticed Польд, and then turned to me. — And you, mark, do not relax. Just in case I took your wallet.

He waved in front of my nose wallet that contained all my documents, cash, and several letters of credit for large sums.

It was a real blow.

-What not to like? — Польд looked inside. — Oh, listen, you have a good live, fraer. See how much you got of dimes. Here is the catch!

-Take money, " answered I, and the documents and letters of credit give me.

Польд began to pull out the wallet contents:

-So, the tickets at the train, well, you can go pass them, they'll ужен not be required, " he gave me a haughty look, and then made a дурашливую grimace, not означавшую anything good. "Yeah, документики... Oh, Yes you цирик?! Here is the catch! Look, Yes it right wonder what! I still just never happened.

He took out the letters of credit and gazed at them with wide-open eyes, then looked at me.

"Hey, mark, you where did that come from? How many цириков know — all below Colonel — poor, almost like I am. And you're right millionaire! Maybe you daddy — General? Oh, so we feathers пощипаем. Come on, give it to the url?

Behavior oborvantsa was outrageous, and, despite the disadvantageous my position, I couldn't help it:

-Listen to me, you pig! I tell you what I say get yourself a money, documents and letters of credit, pay me! And untie me now hand...

-Oh, Yes you Greyhound quite фраерок, — Польд approached me. You see here, just a General's son. Now we'll conceit-save...

His face was contorted with anger, and he began furiously beating me anywhere, saying at the same time:

On, on, here's to you! Get a fascist, a grenade...

I defended feet, stimulated stand. Pulled his hands bound together behind a pipe, and, finally fell to the side, leaving unprotected back. Польд took advantage of this and repeatedly struck me feet in kidneys. His wickedness came out, and he stood over me, panting, and much his mouth.

When I was able to sit down, he had already calmed down and smoked, standing at the window иглядя somewhere on the street.

-Oh, brought you to me, фраерок, " he breathed with cigarette smoke, not turning around. "I hate you, цириков and Communists! In General, milestones bastards, who is up there, hate. And like you, lackeys.

He swore viciously, and in deeply, exhaled, sweet frowning. The sun, выглянувшее from behind a cloud, shone in his pale forehead, on which свисла strand dirty, as if covered with gray bloom dust, uncertain hair color.

-Bastards!.. Ah! he threw the butt, crushing his toe поношенного Shoe. "Snakes!

Than the two of us in the room was empty.

"Well, you wait here, фраерок, think. You now useful to think about: how to know how many left to live. And I will go about their business, — he went to the door. — Yes, and don't forget to my return папашин address to remember. We think will try...

Loneliness dragged on endlessly, and I couldn't tell how much time am one. On the street the sky was quite overcast, then began to drizzle drizzle. On concrete slabs near the window was formed oblique wet square, turned into a puddle every moment flew fountains often from falling drops. In the room there was fresh and dark. Thick twilight, which is usually during autumn моросящих rains, gave the empty space at her, once serving someone a cozy home, and now загаженному and sheltering a gang of young tramps, the view is almost dark.

It seemed to me that I hear a squeak. Soon he was strong, and, looking closer I recognized in the twilight, two rats, approaching me zigzags, sniffing and fumbling on the floor noses, from the back of the room, from the door.

At first I was even glad though these living beings appeared in the room, but then the alarm pierced consciousness — the rats were not so worthy of emotion at all, besides, for sure yet, wanted to eat something. I recollected once heard stories about what these creatures gnaw sleepers ears and noses, and if this person is totally feels nothing, because in the saliva of these animals contain strong analgesic, anesthetic substance.

The rats came to me and began to sniff at my feet. Their eyes beads, shining in the dusk, sitting motionless, expressed nothing, but it seemed to me that they would like me to chew on. To them I was just a big piece of meat, and my immobility seduced them to sink her in my skin, his little, but the razor-sharp teeth. I thought I предугадываю their instinctive action.

One of the rats crawled along the leg to the ankle, where it ended, and opened naked body area. I kept watching her, without movement, but guessed her intent to drink are in me with his teeth. Experiencing the deepest disgust, developing into клокочущую rage, I still slow to kick her harder, waiting for a time when she разинет mouth to bite. However, my reaction was not enough: in a flash of her teeth were in my ankle. The pain from the bite was weak and there was, perhaps, only because I could see. I yanked the other leg and foot pressed rat to the floor, trying to crush her. Another вспрыгнула at me, ran down his stomach, chest, shoulder and run out of the way.

Down a rat скрипуче twittered, releasing the ankle and trying to bite the sole of the Shoe. Now I felt whined, запекла from the bite wound. My bitten by foot is to have the rat остромордую head, and was surprised that after such a blow with a rat, nothing happened, and she still continued to squeal. Then I hit him again and again, and then beat with a desperate rage and fear, wanting to kill a rodent and fearing that this does not happen.

Rat chewed and writhed under my leg, шкрябая legs, and she managed to twist and break free. She asked heels, and I only just managed to pry her toe and throw into the air. Tumbling, her body crashing on the ceiling, and then slam against right in the middle of a puddle at the window. Then she got up as if nothing had happened. After the rats had gone away, wagging their tails: one dead, the other is wet, leaving a winding trail.

The evening came and I sat in the empty and cold room and the ruined house. The rain is long over. From the street now together with the cool wind came rare signals hire, chime crane, humming his engines, voice builders and other sounds of the city, not разгонявшие my depression, but only emphasizing a sense of absurdity and absurdity of the situation. For the whole day, no living soul appeared here.

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