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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-I feel. I have flair.

-These also flair — I squinted my eyes on Nikolai Dmitrievich.

-Oh, well it! Old goat. He is not a barrier.

Girl-shipmate pick up some things and, промямлив shyly: "goodbye," the departed. Konstantin moved into our compartment. Booze went better. The generosity of fellow travelers began a new starter, a bottle was replaced by another, no time to linger and fifteen minutes. Someone went out, took the vodka in a restaurant, and when it ended, conductors Marina, припасшей on the road, apparently, not one box of green snake: the case was profitable.

Day outside the window flew faster and inconspicuous. The campaign became more and more strong conversations all бессвязней, conversations and disputes were mostly turned into monologues or stalled. Someone climbed up to sleep, without waiting for the next toast and getting tired someone went, pushing the walls of the corridor and rocking the car, in the toilet, someone in General, is in an unknown direction. Campaign people gave way to a campaign of empty bottles under the table, fun перезванивающихся among themselves. In addition to the passenger in the compartment remained only Nikolai Dmitrievich, asleep right at the table, dropped his head between the remnants of food, glasses, empty cans, knives and forks. In a dream to him, see, it seemed that he was still awake, and he tried to say something бубнил to himself and waved свешенной down hand remained sandwiched fork half-eaten piece of bacon.

-Well, that, should it take? — Asked me Anton. He and I drank half a liter of vodka, but was still vigorously as slightly drunken man, lost the clarity of speech, coordination of movements and was flushed slightly. Alcohol probably good for him. — Now I will go ask Marina where he was going. Oh, Marina, Marina, such Popa, such chest, — m,-mm, — he only moaned, portraying hands contours of the female charms. — Do not go away!

In his words felt desperate and the experienced lady-killer, who had a special passion for the female sex in General and to specific representatives in particular. Twenty minutes later he appeared again:

-All-all-all. Everything I learned. Made all the arrangements.

I felt so good as he is. This dose of vodka always putting me on the face of the severe stage of intoxication, t could only focus on hold consciousness in weakening the head and wait, when the alcohol little to be dispelled:

-What have you learned? That agreed?

-Come on, help me! — Anton grunted, picking up on the shoulder of Nikolai Dmitrievich. His view was flourishing, though he did not drink the entire campaign, and only now was from the Bureau of kind services, help solve their difficulties. — Yes you help me, he's heavy!

I have covered yourself the other hand Nikolai Dmitrievich, but at that moment the train braked and the three of us шлепнулись on the shelf: Nikolay привалил Anton, and I covered them both.

Mu-LM-Ki, OS-торож-it — проблеял, not coming Nikolai Dmitrievich, and immediately began to snore.

-Well, what broke? — Evil округлил in response to my smile eyes Anton. — Get up, get up come on. Assistant.

We отволокли Nicholas in his compartment, threw it on the shelf, and stayed alone. All other participants of drinking, it seems, already lay down to sleep, and the car there was a silence, broken only by the reknock wheels, Yes spinning rims on rails.

"So, — appealed to me Anton, when we stood at the window in the corridor. — I made all the arrangements. Give Marina in half a bottle of vodka and in the evening we go to him in the compartment.

He pointedly looked at me during the pause.

-Well, it is already evening, I found nothing to answer with something more intelligible.

-Oh, no! — Anton hesitated, trying to tell me their plans. — When it's dark.

The passengers of the other compartment little by little grew bolder and began to stick out into the corridor, at last, realising that lush campaign quietened down.

-And how about these? Our neighbors?

-What are we neighbors? I at all do not care. This liar, — he nodded to the compartment where we just dragged Nikolai Dmitrievich, — till morning will Wake up lucid. Yes and pulls it more than it can do. In the extreme case, I was simply beaten ladies to not совался.

-Where not совался?

Anton for a moment looking at me exactly trying to understand how I'm drunk and I can still something to perceive, then continued.

-In General, there are two: the Marina and her companion. Well, she certainly worse, but my Marina, because I went to agree. Now lie down, sleep, when need be, I'll Wake. The money you have?

"Yes, " I showed edge packs of banknotes out of his shirt pocket.

-Excellent! All go to sleep.

I even was too lazy to ask him a question that will do it. Think of nothing I wanted. I suddenly felt so overwhelmed, dying of desire to fall down on the side and barely reached his shelves, even undressing and not taking off shoes, fell on his stomach and fell asleep in an awkward pose a deep and all-absorbing sleep, wants which nothing was in that instant.

I woke up from the hustling jerks that entwined into effect sleep, but then отчленились, attracting attention, and I realized that they come from the real world. The compartment was dark, someone leaning over me, closing the light from the slit in a tightly covered with a door.

-Well, you are you falling asleep?! — I recognized the voice of a companion.

-What happened?

As what? Bro, you seem too great наклюкался if nothing remember, — whispered Anton me in my ear. "Come on, come on, let's get going.

We went out into the empty and-lit corridor.

-How long? I inquired, rubbing closing themselves eyes.

It doesn't matter. But, if you want to know, half ten, " replied Anton disgust looking at me from head to toe. — Go though wash, and then come right to him in the compartment. We will wait for you there. So, let's just money.

I counted out to him his share, and went to the toilet until washed his face, painted a different picture of the forthcoming. It seemed that now , as I have. I want only one: sleep, and because what may be gatherings, drinking, and everything else. Alia, to the same, like this, all of a sudden, not like. I felt that now is not prepared to meet with the woman, and hoped that before this still will not come, despite all the preparation, mysterious whisper, and other tricks of the malicious neighbor Anton, which is why I was looking for adventure on the head and another place.. if he wanted something, let it be all done without me.

"In an extreme case, you can always do, — I said, heading покачивающимся, not quite sure step towards coupe number one, where linen and all his marching belongings settled conductors. — Partner, he said, ugly. It is on my hand. In the extreme case, could this be justified before him."

In the coupe waiting for me. The table was laid. In the middle of it stood a bottle of vodka, обложенная fresh tomatoes, варенными eggs, почищенными tubers condensed potatoes, still steaming ferry. Serving complement a plate of boiled meat and fried fish, empty glasses large slices of bread.

Marina " built at the table , his arms clasping his hand. Anton got in beside her, trying to, apparently, притулиться closer and taken for their trouble. On another shelf, against them alone sat full girl with short hair and дурноватым face. I realized that the empty space next to it is intended me.

The views of all three were turned to me and full of anticipation.

"Good evening, " I greeted him and sat down next to ugly, feeling at ease.

"Okay, though I'm drunk," " why do with disappointment in her mind.

-Well, all in Assembly. Let's begin, " the role of master Anton, reaching for a bottle of vodka. "What shall we drink, girls?

-For the love! — Picked up the Marina, glaring at him, and turned to me. "Shut the door, please, not to be disturbed.

Plain next to me was silent, and only drank vodka along with others. Sometimes, when Anton told something prickly, cheerful, her face lit up slowly расплывающейся smile, but it didn't give him any charm or even hint at it too it was ugly.

"We will probably look great with it!" "I thought, suddenly drawing attention to the fact that all the time I am silent as a statue, and only rarely smile. This unintentional opening drove me into the paint, but no one seems to have noticed the change in me.

In the course went cigarettes. All together smoked, reviving the conversation tobacco smoke.

-As you say not to smoke in the coupe! How fine? — I turned to the Marina, trying to make a joke so, because my silence considerably inconvenient to linger.

-Well, — she waved her hand with a cigarette. — The same for all I, for they said. And what will it be if all the passengers start Smoking in the coupe?... And we can...

Chapter 22.

Not immediately, I noticed the green spots covering my back, but, turning back, saw that the Windows of the house Barbara danced slowly and dark greenish-blue flame, cold and callous. Not the first time I watched it dance. He does not Bode well, for me. Or someone else.

Soon flashes became weaker, then faded away altogether. But then a fiery wheel had slithered out on the porch Варвариного home, begin to jump up the steps, выбежало on the road and traveled along the curve of the only street of the village, hiding behind mounds, then climbing on their crest. It was obvious as it is very small, the fiery point went by the road through the waterlogged field to the forest and hid in his thicket.

For a moment I stood and looked out the window, unable to recover, taken aback with surprise, surprise and fear, and, when suddenly someone touched my arm, jumped to the ceiling and whirled around, his hands clenched and he made ready to defend yourself from whatever it was. Heart skipped a beat, stomach and got fully immersed somewhere, suddenly pulling veins up the steep pain.

In the darkness it was impossible to see who was here yet. Breath, and I couldn't even file a voice, not what to ask anything. However, no one attacked, and to dispel doubts, I held out my hand forward.

Fingers on something came across.

-That, refrained from reporting him? — said a voice, and it seemed to me that it says Ivan Noodles.

"A little, I was able to speak. — Why so frightening? I almost died from fear.

-Not died? Nothing, the healthier you will be. If last night is not напужался, now sort of you as children's prank. Al't it?

-But not quite.

I, not knowing why, turned and looked out the window.

-Saw? — asked the shepherd.

-Saw — I nodded my head in assent, but then decided that gestures and facial expressions now not visible and are not mandatory.

"Listen, what are you doing here? Now Pelageya return.

-So what? That's nothing. Here the case is more terrible, Yes even harder!.. Pelageya. We need to go.


On the cemetery.

-At the cemetery? I felt the hair on the crown began to stir and stood up. — What are you, crazy?

"You nuts! shepherd grabbed my Breasts. "Don't call me that anymore. I am a normal person, perhaps the most normal of all who live in this village, and so people think I'm a fool. But he who carries confidentiality may not seem like other normal man.

He let me go, and just in a minute, feeling guilty, I asked themselves agreeing on anything to atone for insult:

-Why should we go to the cemetery?.. Okay, don't be angry

-Hunt vampires.

Again I was not myself. From the last words of emanation from the beyond, beyond the cold.

-You-PI-ditch, " I said thoughtfully, to get out of his daze. "Wait, you had to kill today Peter or whatever is left of it?

-And his wife? His daughter? — it seemed to me that I see is widely open eyes, glittering in the dark restless sparks. — They no longer belong to the world of people. — believe me: I know it. But there, at the cemetery, still full of evil. Many graves which no crosses over which rusts away stars or no monument, a lot of buried homeless people who do not отпевалась funeral and burial. There are peasants, martyred for various reasons secretly and quietly. Among them there are those who, even if life were bitten by a vampire, and themselves become ghouls. Several centuries ago, when then everything began in the village, then the former monastery, half of the residents have become their victims. And this plague raged throughout the County, until the monastery fell into a tar-тарары, could not resist the onslaught of the impure force, because its inhabitants were not all over the righteous. The walls of the monastery collapsed, подгнив inside and being broken from the outside. Now in a swamp that on the site of the former Church, had gathered all the evil spirits that come here then, imported from the Balkans.

-I read something about it...

"You found the book about which I have spoken unto thee?

-Yes, the red velvet cover with a large and character. But there were other books in black leather covers, quite rotten...

"Ah, " slipped out the shepherd and his excitement immediately passed on to me. "I hope you didn't touch these books?

They were scattered from me, falling down from the attic, scattered on the page, and I had to collect them.

-What have you done?! — the words of Ivan Noodles sounded so terrible, as if I really created something terrible. — Why did you touch it?!!

-But I didn't know! — I tried to defend himself, but then realized that my words have no meaning, that I am not talking, and of this I became more frightened. I put together a page. Some strange letters, characters and numbers. I don't know whether...

You didn them and read?!! — the last cry of a shepherd, said more despair of the condemned, than with indignation, just nailed me to the wall. — What have you done. What do you de-Lal.

There was a long silence, which lasted very long.

-Yes what happened, finally?!! I groped in the dark shoulder Ivan and shook him forcefully.

-I have done everything that could be thought of all that was in my power, " said finally, his whisper, and it soon became evident that weakened his voice, — and, maybe nothing would have happened, because I spent so much effort... clear to me Now... Now everything is clear to me...

"But what have I done?!! — I was scared of him muttering.

-You made a hole, a hole in the security field that I weaved from last forces. Now, this hole is growing, and will be even worse...

-How — what kind of a hole? I never did anything like that...

'I told you: the red thick book. After all, I didn't ask you to touch anything else. It was a trap... He is not asleep.

In the darkness I heard a crunching of cartilage in заламываемых fingers.

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