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rec lists: byoshi1

15.06.2018 — 15.06.2018
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Status: Active

AU Harry Potter/Justice League. Oa has departed the universe forever, but it has left its essence in a young boy on a cold December night.

A Simple Teenage Shop Owner by AngryOwl


Status: Complete

Things aren't always as simple as they seem. Just because he found himself in a new world, Naruto shouldn't have forgotten this. Now he must deal with angel, fallen angels, devils, perverts and god, all while maintaining a relationship and running his store. Things can never be simple for him.

Not this time, Fate by Coeur Al'Aran


Status: Complete

When Jaune woke up back in his house with his sisters and family, all he could do was sigh. Every time he died he was forced to start over again, and this was what... the one thousandth time? More? If it doesn't matter how hard he tries, doesn't matter how much he fights. Then maybe it's time to just kick back and enjoy himself. Fate can find someone else to be its whipping boy.

Hermione Granger and the Prince of Serpents by CreatorZorah


Status: Complete

At the age of five Harry turns into a snake. Five years later he saves a girl named Hermione.

Beginning of a New Life by rlpj4


Status: Complete

AU. After the events of fourth year, Harry does not return to Privet Drive. He, with the help of Gringotts, decides to travel and learn as much as he can to help him in the fight against Voldemort. Super!Harry, Time-Travel!Harry

Harry Potter and the Golden Needle by xenocidender


Status: Active

Harry has an idea of how to break the rules of Transfiguration, and it actually might work. Maybe. Plenty of other things happen too. No slash and no pairings as yet.

Yet Again by Silverfawkes

not found

Status: Active

Sequel to Yet Another Universe. Harry is Pulled to another Universe where almost everything is changed. Can he adapt quickly enough to survive? Will he finally find a place to call home? Warnings posted in Author notes chapter 1

Chaos:Destruction: My work is done here by TheBonnie


Status: Active

REVISED!PreDH-Harry has a visitor when he gets out of the shower who sends him back in time to his third year!He's 13 again, Can he change the future, save three lives, and defeat Voldemort, all while staying under the ruse as seer?Will he have to?

Crimson Edge by Case13


Status: Active

Uzumaki Naruto always knew he was special. He always knew he was important. He thought it was because of the Kyuubi. Turns out he got two out of the three right. Bleach crossover

The Rightful Sky by Heir to the Sky


Status: Active

Sawada Tsunayoshi is ordinary. Average. Not at all special in any way. So while having ties to the mafia comes as a surprise to Tsuna, the fact that his younger, more talented, more popular twin brother is chosen as the next Vongola boss doesn't. Not everyone agrees though. After all, what is a world without a proper sky?

The Last Hero's Heir by A Step into the Unknown


Status: Complete

AU. After being hounded by the press and pestered by his fans, Harry decides that he needs to get away. When he learns of the house elves plight and Kreacher offers him an escape, who's he to refuse. In true Gryffindor fashion, he charges into this new world without even considering the consequences. Little does he know the true effect his presence will have on his new home.

Guardian by Blueowl


Status: Complete

AU. SG1HP. Harry is taken that night by an Ascended Ancient and becomes a Guardian, a task that shall shape not only his protectees, but the universe.

A Crime Fitting the Punishment or Dumbledore's Monster by Diresquirrel


Status: Complete

Albus Dumbledore gets an unexpected visitor in his office one late summer night. The Headmaster finds himself talking to a monster he never knew could arise from his actions. Darkish.

Ice Princess by Luan Mao


Status: Complete

Building a romance from a fanon cliche turned on its head.

Kitsune: Son of Catwoman by BonesBoy15


Status: Active

AU Naruto is fourteen, homeless and starving on the streets of Gotham. He has no recloation of his past, and in his journey to find it, he is assisted by a unexpected feline foe of a certain Caped Crusader. Is his way right, or will he turn? N/SG/Art/BG. M for language. Cancelled.

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