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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Their skin was cold as ice, and it could not contribute to распалению my desire.

Marina touched me with her firm Breasts, rubbed kicking my legs, but I remained insensible, and now feared seem impotent, or some kind of pervert who are indifferent woman.

Her hand dropped from the back of the thigh and slipped to my genitals.

-You know, to me that something had happened. I like this had ever happened — I tried to defend himself, feeling the fingers of her concern lifeless member and touched by the scrotum.

"I understand, shook her head, smiled, Marina, and she seemed to me simply bullied. However, I'm not innocent, and, moreover, did not resent because the situation was not in my favor.

-Give a little bit полежим, perhaps it will pass, and he will rise up, — I said, Recalling with concern and unfounded suspicions, I'm not a consequence of whether it's the booze in the club with the officer and two rural women, being deeply poisoned dubious origin moonshine.

-Let's полежим, " said Marina, her head down on the pillow, and still looking at me with a look already not in love and languid, but still unbearably close, taker through.

Suddenly the door полукупе opened and she looked Anton, standing in the doorway.

-Well, what's with you? He wanted to know.

I was startled from its simplicity, but still kept the presence of the spirit:

"Rest, " and thought to himself, "a Strange man, isn't he pushed me into bed, but now looks as if there circus".

Anton all remained standing in the doorway with an open half-door. On the face of it came a crooked grin:

'Perhaps you help?

-No, " laughed the Marina, and I was filled with gratitude to her for these words.

-Well, okay, lying farther, he came out.

-Hey, close the door!" — shouted after him Marina.

When we were alone again, I turned off the lights, not to see its sparkling, who became his glaring eyes, and hugged, kissed again, determined to show her his love skill and lack of any complexes. Besides, I would like to Express her gratitude for leniency to my weakness.

My hugs and affection caused her to break out of passion, then my hand slid down her chest and belly down, dived pike between the legs. My fingers felt the wet sliding folds and the surface of her genitals, neck entered deep into between them, completely replacing him on what is not capable is now a member for a few minutes and Marina moaned from voluptuous sensations, fell into oblivion orgasm.

Then we long lay silently until suddenly I again wanted to justify himself before her.

"No, " said Marina, — me so well... Oh, now it may be.

She jumped and climbed over me and began to dress hurriedly. I include sconce above the shelf, enjoyed the view of her figure and the extraordinary sense that arose after I had that connection. Purity, temperance, and complicity in the act, the crown of which was pure bliss without dirt and guilt, awareness of their dignity and duty — all merged into a single fragrant bouquet...

The train slowed down. Marina broke the door полукупе, having clothes: smoothed the folds of his shirt and одернув skirt. I dressed, followed her, when the train stopped, gritting last brakes.

Anton stood at the window and, seeing me, offered:

"Come, come, have a smoke on the platform.

It turned out that this is a Perm. We went out on the desert night platform.

"We're already behind the Urals? I inquired.

'I think, ' Anton nodded. — Sorry: 've missed the Ural mountains — say such a beauty.

-And when we drove them?

-And now, when drank sat.

We went to the Marina, coming from the train station. In her hands was the three-liter Bank with cucumber and a loaf of bread:

Boys!! Cucumbers! — Shocked she can.

Anton let the silly joke about cucumbers, and then, barely verse laughter of a young woman, immediately explained to the appropriate anecdote: "there is a queue for cucumbers. One woman asks: "I thicker and shorter!", another: "I'm thinner and longer". Comes the turn to the man. He says, ' and I let any, I still have the will"...

Marina and laughed again. Her eyes, сощурившиеся in a coy smile, slashed me inside and out, and it was difficult to say what they have more or arrogance or gratitude.

In short, uncles, you bottle to my cucumbers! She concluded.

From the car seemed sleepy Light with rumpled and swollen face. Tried to open my eyes, she is shaking her head, hanging on the handrails on both sides of the doors and дурашливо leaned out.

To a feeling of disgust for her now примешалось more indifference, and I didn't react to her clumsy focus. Anton contemptuously grimaced, looking in her direction, and turned away. Light, falling somewhere by our campaign, looked first right, then left along the train, though her безразличному face could not be seen anything from the outside would they be interested.

Apron was still deserted. Was thick in the air already evident coolness coming in the midst of autumn, and our breath smelled ferry, Recalling the yard at a time of the year.

We all were impassioned and not noticed the freshness of the night. Anton with pleasure pulled a cigarette, covering her from the pleasure of the eyes, and the filled formed in dealing vacuum. I stood, unable to smoke more, and looked from him to the Marina, вертевшуюся with a jar of cucumbers from side to side, and then on the Light, still hanging on the running of the car.

The silence of the night распорол voice Manager, who announced departure. Somewhere in the darkness ahead of the locomotive gave a warning whistle, and we rushed to the car.

-Now I go to Marina, — whispered in my ear Anton and caught her by the elbow, carried away in the twilight полукупе, handing me a jar.

We were alone again with Her, but now I felt more relaxed, relieved from having to wrestle with, how to be chosen, and whether we should do it at all. I put the jar on the table, and prying with a knife, opened the lid. In the coupe smell marinade.

-Where cucumbers? — Lazily asked the half-asleep, half-drunk Light.

Marina bought somewhere, " I said to her, suddenly thinking to himself that it now would take it by force, lifting her skirt and took off his boxers. It is unlikely that she would be against it, because they felt a trained her immaturity. However, I was not going to do this for fear, moreover, that only after that incident not be able to get rid of impotence, but also from the fear of disgrace again.

A starter is, and where the bottle? — Continued sluggish light.

"You well there is.

"Not me, and Marina. It is vodka. Give me the money, I will get.

I pulled out a wad of cash, counted out for a bottle and handed it to her. On the table appeared поллитровка extracted from under the bottom shelf, where stood a box.

-Are not you afraid that you прижучат? "I go there.

A-a — a negative nodded Light. Her voice was опротивевшее I indifference. — Not прижучат. For everything is already paid for. Never — themselves have made.

She откупорила bottle, poured himself and me in glasses and immediately knocked her, wrinkled and выловив cucumber, with a crunch took a bite of it in half. I followed her example and go to the toilet. Here in front of the mirror, приспустив pants, I desperately tried to bring his dick. However, before it failed, and he was barely longer and a little упруже, splattered on the walls, scattering heavy thick ляпухами, sperm, but I did not experience any bliss. The signals have not head poisoned by an excessive dose of alcohol and cigarettes nervous system.

Fastidiously rinsing in рукомойнике dirty hands, I pulled his pants back on, thinking: "Sexual intercourse of two parts...Ha, ha, ha".

Anton was already in the coupe and drank together with Sveta vodka.

-What is all that? I inquired, sowing next, speaking so quietly that the words did not reach the ears of Sveta.

-And what is there. Prodded, but came and stuck out, — cracked his lips Anton in contempt disgust clear to which, whether to my curiosity, or for the described action.

-You that, not even undressed?

-But why? His eyebrows highly of us jumped on the forehead in surprise.

-And where is Marina?

-In the restaurant car went. For the cigarettes... Sleep hunting. Went to sleep.

-Yes I'll be here, — I wanted to wait for the Marina and prove it to yourself and to Anton that I am a normal man, and besides... He knew that were trapped on me, because I thought it best himself to share with him this trouble than he learns this from the same Marina...

Time passed slowly. Anton left. We almost had drunk vodka, and I tuned in to the upcoming meeting, drawing before the eyes of the erotic images and exciting scene. It was nearly four o'clock in the morning, when Marina came into our compartment.

Chapter 24.

A strong flow of air knocked me down, and I, holding some kind of snag, sticking out of the ground, felt that develop as a flag in the wind, drawn in the epicenter of growing in width and up tornado, acute whose head disappeared on a crazy height, clouds of dust raised from the earth. Long time me so hold on, it was impossible. It was a feeling that I hung it on the lintel, and hitched to the feet of an elephant, and the fingers were just about to unclenched from the unbearable pain. Feeling that can't resist, I unclenched his fingers, and I got on a roll right into the wildly rotating the abyss.

I braced myself for the most terrible, but the next moment he let himself down on the ground, and, lifting up his eyes he saw that tornado black shadows sprang up from the earth, up into the sky. There was a lull, dust quickly осекла, opening a terrible picture. From the former monastery of the Park there is not a single tree: some were broken, plucked up by the roots and broken down, scattered, others and even killed, pulling into the funnel of a tornado. On the spot where stood the monastery, was now a large, flat field cleared of all buildings and plants. On one side of this wasteland, on the sloping Bank of a small river was very familiar to the village, on the other stood the ancient forest.

The outlines of this area were very familiar, and not enough... a huge swamp. In its place was now a wasteland, and I stood in the middle of it.

Glancing up, I saw that the tornado is returned, approaching the earth swift black haze, increasing in size. I guessed what was going to happen. We had to flee.

However, the few steps that I could do not have saved the situation. The ground shake me caught up, like a ball. Шлепнувшись 7on her, I felt that the earth goes away under my feet and, turning round, saw a huge hole, which was made all the more extensive and deeper. In place of the wasteland opened a yawning abyss, and the edge of the earth continued to fall in her, from which she became more and more.

Now I lay on the edge of the cliff, and my feet were hanging over a precipice, and the earth under the belly cracked and began to settle, dragging me with them.

Not remembering itself, I jumped and ran, ran onto the road going along the embankment to the village, and took it away that it was urine. The land was settled, I barely had time to remove her leg, and landslide raced for me the race, but when he reached the road, he stopped. From the abyss of the heaven strove fire, and in the twilight shadow of mine from the flames, red-yellow, then green, then blue, ran ahead of me, towards the setting, садящемуся for the forest the sun. The heat hit me in the back and hair on his head shook from hell hell.

Just on the edge of the village, suddenly having flown over the small bridge through the river, I looked around.

Great pit in the depth of which рдели giant coals, appeared on the place where recently there was a solid, reliable construction thick-walled castle monastery, surrounded by a Park of secular trees and a high stone fence. From the bottom of the abyss, with incredible depth, from the shimmering пунцом red-hot stones and gold climbed up putrid smoke going high in the sky a dark cloud, lazily уплывающей South. River, now emptied of its riverbed, soaring from heat, вскипающим waterfall fell off the cliff into the abyss, and went up immediately scattering in the wind pairs. The view was stunning.

Обалдевший from all seen, I entered the village. It only remotely resembled the one Василиху, which has remained in another world. Like everything was and that, but there was something lacking, the house there were any other, and, having paid attention, you would see that and no wires in sight, and the pillars on which they are suspended, and TV antennas, rarely over any home, but still торчавших in the village. It was some other Василиха, although layout and узнавалось that this it the most. However, to understand what the problem was, I couldn't.

Settlement stood exactly defunct, having lost all signs of life. Neither in the street nor in the homes was not a single soul and void this acted terribly and depressingly. Deceptive silence, wool laid ears, putting pressure on the eardrum tense expectation of his sudden end, which предчувствовался and as if was in the air. Not loneliness, and horror I felt at that moment, moment by moment sensing the presence of lurks danger, and only waiting when my feet will lead me away in the prepared trap. And, but something had to happen, suspense томила me, stretching seconds in thousands of moments, in their hundreds of MiGs, and those, in turn, in the tiny grains of hellish torture expectations.

"Day of hell lasts a thousand earth years", I thought to myself, stepping forward so that every sound of my steps echoed in the bottomless silence, it would seem. For thousands of kilometers around and you can hear the dumb creatures that repressive watched my movements out of their hideouts, painful swelling in my ears and in my head, services soul, frightened by what was happening, stopped the blood in my veins. It was necessary to somehow escape to time flowed faster and numbness slept, and it would be necessary to do the calculations, and link them to once слышанной theory of construction of the worlds and times according to the teachings of Buddhism: "the Day hell lasts thousands of years. Hence, the second hell lasts... second hell lasts... lasts..."

With the calculations, nothing worked. Thoughts were confused and lost in a panic, ungainly, shapeless heap, barely me attempt to get them. It was now harder than to reach over the earth.

I took a step, then another, rumble отозвавшиеся in the head. Feeling the animal, just the animal, the flesh, strung on the bones, tasty, juicy, loping flesh, by which the cry of a hungry лязге teeth, flesh, received a bit of the spirit and brain to move, personifying nature, and be ever eaten for impersonation of the law, is the feeling of suddenly filled my whole being. And after him, animal fear was seized me, carnivorous devouring the remains of the presence of the spirit. I felt that I was losing control over his movements, his body, thoughts and the ability to think logically and in General produce this very substance called thought that distinguishes a human from a beast that is called intellect, and realized that this is the end.

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