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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Kostya, all the time silent, poured on the new vodka glasses and began to give them out, offering thus a drink.

"Well, guys, for that drink? "Valera, and I noticed his mustache натопорщились in the form of alcohol.

For those, perhaps, who in boots, — said Igor. He looked round the whole election campaign. — We are all in boots. Hard. Uh-Oh!..

He famously knocked over a glass of bitter frowned and crunch ate salted cucumber. It was followed by all the rest. I hesitated, but threw in the mouth scalding liquid, and almost choked with difficulty swallowing the liquid fire.

-I knew a guy, " said Konstantin, -so he took a bottle of vodka, it unraveled half a minute in his hand, to the crater was formed, then again, it запрокидывал. And in eight seconds exactly the bottle was empty. He yourself on it earned: argue with someone that drink a bottle of ten seconds, a bit of a stock take, and he immediately agrees, and then loses.

"And have you been, " quipped from Konstantin Igor. Clearly not interested in his story, when the tank division зампотыла shot?

-I in that day either before or directly left again, has been replaced by. I will have the guys told me, " replied Valera, fumbling hand on the table.

-As I was. His company commander of material security shot, and then shot himself. He was still chief of staff tried to kill, but missed.

-Yes, I know зампотыла this. I it was long, then the Union of exiled in Безречку, Маньчжурку, but where he did not engraft, and after two years of dreams back турнули returned to us in Mongolia, but with the increase, a Deputy on the rear of the commander of a tank regiment. It all was said then that was a crook and пройдохой, but I then he himself was convinced of it not time — Valera nothing on the table and not found — we're Миньковым go, the chief of a warehouse of fuels and lubricants division, and this зампотыл — after the return — advances to us, and suddenly stops us, as if he'd already knows, and asks: "is that You, гэсээмщик?" Well, Misha Миньков answers, "I, and what is it?" "Oh, nothing, again will alcohol on a tank regiment does not додавать, blame yourself, " I'll complain to the commander of the division!" Misha was offended by his words, of course, and replies, "Well, comrade Colonel, I'll be your shelf alcohol to issue all of a gram, but none bastard it doesn't drink!" we both made: ten liters of invoice are to nine liters of posing, liter itself leave. Otherwise impossible commissions come — who gives? — the chief of a warehouse of fuels and lubricants division. And no inventory is the same all — Khan! They, he, as понаедут, so выжирают all without remainder. Otherwise, obviously, two points for verification, because we are all on alcohol... Well, here clashed Misha this зампотылом, then parted. And Misha took зампотыла division Supplement to alcohol, choking, took counsel with him, amounted to a statement of introduction that poisoned alcohol and drink it cannot, on the bottles of bubbles red line diagonally smeared and extradite him. And now, turn to him it зампотыл for alcohol with a canister: let's supposedly give out! And Misha him: "sign, comrade Colonel, that you know that poisoned alcohol and drink it." He protested: "Oh, comrade ensign! I will complain! Pour me pure alcohol!" Misha answered him: "Complain wherever you want. I according to the order of Minister of defense on the prevention of the use of technical alcohol in parts do everything". He poured this Lieutenant Colonel poisoned with alcohol. And he took, and nowhere to go? But after this incident he as silk became, almost dancing before Misha, as you will see. Yes! And boy, commander of the CDSP, pity, of course! He brought, poor fellow, got it, that is. He regimental services and the rear of his said to those strongly pressed, fought with him, as with limes, and for all the nonsense which usually eyes closed, we calculated our money. What he disliked the captain didn't know. Maybe because the bastard was decent. And here he got the company, got, all the blood he drank. Men say, that poor little fellow sitting in the office, writes a suicide note, 's machine stands charged, and at this time зампотыл with the chief of staff from the second floor down. And this to boast, it is seen, the chief of staff said: "I'm going to leave this to the captain again pepper ask". And the commander saw him, couldn't stand it, immediately machine grabbed the — the Chief of staff, as the shots heard, immediately gone in a guardhouse asked. The commander ran out and behind him another queue, and then himself: death, " and noted that the chief of staff did not hit, because he managed to fall, and the bullets have passed... they Say when зампотыла carried away, he's still living was... Yeah, no one pitied, and now the company many commemorated: why do it yourself? nothing was. Well, would have given five years for the murder in a state of affect. Witnesses you had a lot of their relationship.

Valera was silent, but continued Igor:

-In General, this regiment "occasional" some was. Almost at the same time, Lieutenant BMP flipped over the top, "on the armour" was riding a cake. Then five people antifreeze were poisoned. Time shot. We have something in артполку this often doesn't happen. It was, but less frequently.

-But we have, in the battalion of material support was cool, " said Constantine. Each day twenty machines at the output. Weekly column somewhere to go or in Sain-Xanadu or Choir, or in Эрхэт. And as the column goes away, you can safely two tank truck fuel to cheat. Before, when I was there, two bottles of fuel truck чамбура cost, and then, five years later, when our there's very little left of the Mongols as time was short of gasoline went for forty thousand togrogs a fuel truck they passed it. Men who were smarter than that, there's a lot of шмотья any нагребли — for life. In those days some forty thousand in Mongolia Tugrik feature can be bought. Now I don't know what the prices are... by the Way, when I was there, I was offered a suitcase tugrugs per ten thousand rubles. One civilian was leaving already bought all that I could, ' him container is not expected, as a civilian, because of not knowing where this money to put himself not повезешь. -why are they in the Union? Well, I thought, thought, Yes refused. A pity, because now would be a wealthy man and would have spat on the army with high hill... by the way, I frame knew well. His salary was six hundred togrogs a month, and he чамбуре did during this same time, five or six thousand. Once, I remember, together we was Mongol leather jacket bought. Mongolia for her eight hundred asked, I told him, "Let's go for six hundred!" And he looked, in the hands shook his, felt and silently gets so then money: "On, get it!" and I twice he got — You remember how we in the barracks чамбур persecuted?

-I remember, — nodded his head Igor, to which he appealed.

-Yes, boys, we moonshine such a hurry, he looked at us with Anton that flashed like gasoline. Our distillers Mongols чамбур this were afraid to sell those couldn't not drink, then to the stomach does not burn and does not die. Apes such a strong things not to be used. Is it just a Russian boys stomach can digest such. We represent ухари were such that to save yeast. — this eerie deficit was the same as sugar, and even more, — have added in the бражку carbide, and even on one carbide is set. Don't know how they've turned out! There were such special — th-th-th — all the details of this case, technology know. It all day at work, and he has the barracks all boils, everything flows, a hundred liters per week catching up, if you count on each of the employed. There alone around, and clans. Some in the basement under the bathroom even barrel was buried on a whole ton, and they each week a new set, and closer to the weekend day and night pressed чамбур. The interesting thing is that no man is not sold, campaigns were doing, price, and no one dared to do the above, and especially lower than it was adopted by the thirty Tugrik per bottle. If anyone dared of thumb gauge out, that not long kept: it quickly "handed over" to the Prosecutor. And there a long time did not stand on ceremony: time — and in jail. This is what we were mainly engaged in civilian — military: drivers, locksmith, and cooks. I knew one in the cafe, now pressed чамбур. Military — rarely those who worked and only for themselves. God forbid for sale! They have all the time in the service, from morning to evening. And it's nothing to prevent. Well and used to plant them for it.

-Twisted you, of course, about thirty Tugrik, — said Igor, fumbling in the bag under the table in search of another bottle of vodka, then found it and put it on the table. He then sixty-cost, and one hundred and fifty.

-Well, I at that time was not. I'm in the Union of the left, " replied Valera — I'm talking about their time.

-And I too чамбур persecuted! And, just imagine, even for sale. A senior Lieutenant was then! And not a single dog...

-Who are you selling that no one knew?

-Mongols. I had all taken away. Спиртометр I had, carbon canisters of gas mask peeled чамбур. As it turned out no worse than vodka!

It is, of course, dangerous to do — with the Mongols communicate in this matter. How much they gave to the people, how many of them повыгоняли in the Union, пересажали. He comes. You чамбур buys, and the next day already leading representatives of law and order.

I don't know, to me, this has never happened. Apparently they liked, as I persecute. Quality I had a good strictly forty degrees, no carbide, one sugar and yeast...

-But I know a lot of such cases, — not give up Valera.

-Yes, I have in the barracks, no one even knew that I moonshine persecute. Remember, I come back home somehow. and in General, the corridor a crowd of men got together for lunch came and started to talk. In our barrack mainly all military lived. And here Leva Grigoryan, a warrant officer, the other says that yesterday someone at eleven o'clock in the evening to him knocking. He opens the door, and on the verge of Mongol drunk worth, reeling and silently gives him thirty Tugrik. Leva asks him: "what do You want?" And Mongol stands and holds money. Well, he come on send, we on the second line there were barracks, where they lived контрактованные and drove чамбур, thither. And he Leve reply: Yes I am here today to buy. And he has long argued with Mongol. Leva he proves that here чамбур not pursued, and that his: "I bought here!" And here Grigoryan this story neighbors tells the laugh and I laugh, Yes Pushcha other. To me it is ridiculous that no one knows and understand not take, that the drunken Mongol came to visit me, he's the only one flight corridor mistaken leva-the apartment was just as I have located, only a span further. So on until the end, no one knew that I самогончиком own приторговываю. It happened to be his own to sell, even with his regiment, but I always say in such cases that I go now to a friend who has чамбур. Yes and Mongols so many spoke... and everything I have done.

-Well, you're lucky just — concluded Valera. — One... You are in a barrack lived?

-The fourteenth.

-And he's in the twelfth. And it забрили. The soldiers caught. Those he чамбур took, and he calculated the owe him and the next time came, he told them to first settled in cash or meat. Well, the soldiers went to the pigsties, Gav свинарю face, took a pig and returned. And the commanders of the свинаря interested who he filled his face, and what happened to the pig, the search began, and went on to these two, their свинарь identified. They started to twist and had this. So what? five years later he sort of gave up.

-I know this is the case. Twelfth Barack generally differed abundance of bootleggers. Remember, as a division commander Reid announced the barracks, catch bootleggers, and there Максимыч such lived. And now, зампотыл division, head of the political section, still there шобла шавок goes floor corridor, comes from one flat to another, to him knocking. Максимыч goes to meet them: "that it is necessary, heads?" and there apparatus works, as much steam pillar stands. Him: "Yeah, we here bootleggers harvested. Can you go to the apartment?" Максимыч worth, belly pursed and asks disparagingly, lazily: "the public Prosecutor sanctioned the search do you have?" "There was no reply. — We only for a minute go show" "Well, now, if you don't have it, and don't fuck you then go here. Прощевайте," — and again, came back. Never let the whole зампотыла commander of the division, Deputy chief of the garrison! Here's another example.

-So the whole different story! — Outraged Valera. But then waved his hand: apparently, he was tired of arguing. — Ah, okay, let's have a drink, and then something quite трезветь he had no order.

Chapter 26.

Village night is very different from the city. Even in remote suburbs, there is the mirror of silence, falling to earth from space. Only in the village there is no subtle noise from the hectic of the city, its enterprises, plants and factories, which punished and even distant suburban neighborhood. And from the silence of the night in the village seems unusual urban ear piercing and empty vacuum.

But it is not. Thousands of other sounds, inaccessible his ошалевшему from the endless noise, затоптанному urbanized civilization ear, the sound on this virgin stillness of the night. The sounds of nature, the way she remains in some places is not the first Millennium and what will remain, even when done the day of judgment. Probably, the Nature of this fact. She is a stranger to the people, its destructive crown, and, perhaps even to breathe calmly, getting rid of his pressing Sha. Isn creature of God something to blame?

Perhaps the first time in my life I heard these untouched by time and man, the sounds of the night, the deaf to which remained even yesterday.

Пучеглазая Moon swept the horizon, over the other is already rising, glowing brighter and brighter dawn, I was holding the head of Ivan Noodles, already cold, as the sand on which we were together.

What became more real offensive the next day, the scarier was the meaning of the words of a shepherd. He just didn't fit entirely in my head, and I wanted the night to never кончалсь.

But it was ended. Morning came, foggy and damp, and full of coolness to the fledgling autumn.

I got up, put his head Ivan the ground and then went to the house to Pelagiya not himself.

Grandmother slept peacefully захрапывая the whole hut. Having heard the creaking floorboards, woke up, проподнялась on his elbow:

-You where it's the devil taken at night? Why the silence?

-There shepherd on the shore lies. Dead I automatically raised my hands and exactly surprised started to examine the palm of his clotted blood.

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