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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-I can play here, dad, " answered the boy шмыгнув nose and wiped his sleeve shirts accumulated above the upper lip green snot.

-And your mommy where?

-Mommy went to the funeral.

-And you did not bring?


-And let's you and I поиграемся.

-Come on, dad, and how?

-You get me a black cat find, and I give you candy dam or a piece of sugar. Let?

-Let. Better candy.

-Well. Only you to me have the cat black-black find that without a white spot was that all black, and in the belly and paws.

-Okay, now I will bring.

-And do you know where is it from?

-Find, old man, only candy bring necessarily.

The boy climbed out of the ditch and ran to the village, funny Bouncing with every step, and I followed him to look for in the storerooms of Pelagia, which, like any instructed by the hard life of the old woman hid on the black day of the lot of all kinds of products and things, maybe even not very useful, among which could be and some candy. Lifting on the porch, the corner of my eye I noticed that Malets scouring the yard of the house barbarians, and he would call out, but changed his mind.

The house was empty. I went to the upper room, and from there into the kitchen, got into the Cabinet, chest and began to rummage among the canvas sacks of grains, flour, rice, пшенкой in search of candy or sugar, which eventually finding and thrusting deep into his pocket, had hurried back.

Malets has already pulled оравшего bad voice чернющего cat. It was just marvelous, where so fast he could find required, something that without the use of took me a whole day.

Cat claws and began to brush off paws, одурело his eyes wide, as I attempted to take him to the boy, holding him under the arms from the back. I had to go for the bag. In the end, we made a deal. Cat, трепыхающийся in холщовом sack was in my hand, and candy, dried up to the hardness of the crackers, the little fingers of the boys.

Ten minutes brisk walk, I was in a cemetery but at the heart lay anxiety from that time has been lost, and for quite a short autumn day promised's end and give way to the twilight quickly перейдущим in the night.

Oak was visible from a distance. It stood out vividly against the stunted by its powerful neighbors, curly crown. Making his way between the rickety, rusted fences, abandoned burial pits, неогороженных burial mounds with aspen poles and an axe on his shoulder and a bag with притихшим cat in his hand, I hurried to him. I felt like seconds overtaken me, despite the fact that the movements of my too hasty. Somewhere in aspen poles and bag greatly hindered me, clinging to the fence , monuments, crosses and bushes. In powerless rage I рвл them, pulled, feeling the energy goes out of me like water from a pond, прорвавшаяся through the dam.

The oak was MCP noticeable are the hill, when, apparently, was a grave. I сбросилна it aspen rods, bag, checking whether it is tied, and some time was rushing about in confusion, not knowing which way to go in the first place, whether to cut oak, whether build on the grave of the gallows. I very vaguely imagine why you need both, and therefore confused because of their ignorance.

However, in the end, common sense has prevailed, and, judging that in the light of the fire from a tree cut down, it will be possible to build a gallows and hanged cat, and, conversely, when it gets dark, cut oak in the second turn will be very difficult, I took his axe.

I previously had to chop wood. But this tree was very thick. Here it is good to have a companion with a two-handed saw, and one with an axe work this out too daunting. The more that time was running out, and it seemed that axe gets stuck in the air.

Hands hurt and ached, palms were covered with varicose вулдырями corns and the shoulders were felt from fatigue when, finally, having grinded not too sharp tool thick trunk, like a pencil, only under very obtuse angle, I heard the tree cracked, покачнулось already more than the wind, гнавшего on the sky to the low gray clouds, and повлилось, falling towards the cemetery and powerful their weight straddling my aspen poles

The crown of the tree fell so uncomfortable with that I closed the shortest and the best way through the cemetery to the road leading to Василиху. Luck did not want to accompany my case. The sun has set behind the horizon, and only the scarlet dawn рдела even in the West, heralding tomorrow windy day and quite rapid onset of night.

Chapter 27.

We sat and listened to stories of Valera and Igor how they served in Mongolia, more and more astonished by the things that they talked about. There was even such a moment when it seemed to me that in these stories more fiction than real events. However, one of the mentioned anything like the other would pick up his word and developed the topic further. It could hardly happen such unanimity, whether these stories are invented.

Empty bottles, the number of half-a-dozen, rolling on the floor under the table, and two more were початые, half-empty among the mountains of bones and stubby residues marching snacks. Everything is already fine поднакачались and has not paid even a drop on, if someone looked into the compartment.

Anton left already, just barely sleepy Marina made in the coupe with soaring glasses in the aluminium Cup holders and offered tea. I sat and listened to the stories, in the soul feeling the anxiety of jealousy. I was curious to know what was my companion, but it seems... I guessed already, and gets there was obviously late. About the Light, not worth remembering.

However, I was sitting on pins and needles, and because of this could not last long, still came out, finally, in a corridor. But here were my pains not been completed, and tormented by the strong imagination, I stood alone at the window and was staring past the solid wall plantations endless string of проносившейся past. On mobile fabric of sprays of trees and bushes my mind conjured up a picture, бередившие the soul of his relentless inevitability and illusory nature becoming a reality in the полукупе where went crazy evening, night, and morning. It lasted, but I do not like it hurt him to think that Anton is now somewhere together with Marina, strange and unsympathetic, but the former and my спавшей with me as well as him. Another night to me it seemed like something abstract, not prompted them to serious reflection, not troubled mind and not even bother, but on the contrary, cheerful soul. The world was as easy and clear, but now, on the contrary, heavy Blues changed phony gaiety, and I could not find balance and peace.

I was thrown from one extreme to another, but it internally confusion does not betrayed itself outwardly, and I still stood at the window, painfully thinking that there was already an hour, maybe more, although not actually pass over fifteen minutes.

Along the corridor past me sometimes people passed by. Almost everyone followed by transit through the carriage. Someone went out of the compartment, heading in the vestibule of the smoke. Someone with заспанным, sluggish which usually peculiar to the passengers of trains of distant following, where it is warm, but closely, and can only stand, sit or lie down, and have nowhere to go except the dining car, and there is often do not like to Flex their muscles, протаскивался from the toilet. But none of this concerned me, not even in my consciousness, employed a completely different thoughts.

Despite the fact that I drank, I was not drunk, and I wanted another drink, get drunk to the point where everything becomes either never, or appears in pink color, or completely forgotten. However, back in the left campaign that did not want. Their talk and memories, a few озадачившие and потревожившие my views about the army, which while not positive, and most likely quite dull and grey, but not to such an extent dirty and perverted, what could be formed under the influence of any of these calls.

"It was all so long ago, ' said I, continuing to paint sex scenes with the participation of Anton and Marina, and it will be tried to calm his soul that things had to change. I hope that wherever I go, serve, and everything will be fine..."

I imagined Platz, which is a formation of soldiers, commander with big stars on their shoulder straps, which is me, and then goes, and I begin to command, and soldiers obediently turn, rebuilt from the column in a row, dropping and again form a system, and I stand before them in a form of beauty, and only give my team. And then, in the evening, at six, go home and rest. Perhaps I will get an apartment, and a neighbor will Anton. And in the evenings we will arrange there debauchery, invite guests, have fun. Everything will be fine.

"No, better not to Anton. Let someone else," I thought, and my dreams have vanished and мучавшие bedding picture returned. "Soldiers, soldiers, what soldiers?!" — My thoughts went the other way. "It is strange, what other soldiers, but we have been recently my main concern was the problem of how to sneak out AWOL from the College. Now I had to change its role on the opposite. Whether on forces me this metamorphosis?"

I was a little scary, but from these reflections. The memory memories came about Mongolia and service Valera and Igor:

-As you was when айзеров drove the service in the regiment.

-Well, of course. Their winter eighty-ninth year gave us, and I'm only a year and half the summer's gone.

We on the division of the two thousand of them came, " explained Igor all, in each battery in each rote half айзеров. We in the battery twenty-five people were, and of them those twelve. Everywhere, in all the regiments and battalions. In December sent. All Transbaikalia, said five thousand Dali, and half of which us how to go to the toilet, напихали. That's right, from Mongolia across the border to escape, and from Transbaikalia they quickly all home посмываются. Then just Sumgait events subsided a little, here in the army packs and began to call. Even those who age of military has not reached... And behold, there was Orlov these to us at the division, were herded into one barrack, and they are there for one month were cooked in its own juice — it is in their charges so passed. There is no head of fees, neither the company nor взводные the first two weeks were not displayed, and then подсунуться could not (and feared, because there such mafia emerged that hoo! Айзера after all, when a lot of them, when the crowd to one — because they are courageous, cruel and ruthless. Санинструктора, officers-сверхсрочника was nearly killed when he quarantine them went and tried some of them to lecture... Then their parts are dealt, and began!.. We commander of division on the eve of their arrival the soldiers all built and says: "comrade soldiers, on Monday we get young replenishment: all Azeri. They are people that love, when it is treated fairly. Therefore I ask you to treat them politely, not to dissolve the hands, do with them as equal and not see what you "demobilization" or "scoop". I know if about someone that he is such a nonsense in relation to them suffers — beware, blame yourself! Skin put!" a man-he was harsh, great big fellow, with a half-turn of the road, if that suddenly he finds not predictable, in General. and the soldiers of his fire as feared. And we, the officers and warrant officers he said then: "Well, guys, hold on now! Айзера is two years service, and pain! They floors will not wash, no dishes to clean, and wearing will not work!" As the water looked! I still young then was лейтенантик. Now, like you — " he nodded at me with Anton. I thought he evokes fear. And it all and so it happened. Our-the commander of a battalion had with them serve, and his conclusion was categorical: of all "non-Russians" these, айзера, the most stubborn and obstinate. He told how their brig гноил in the camera bleach poured so that can't breath, eye rivers of tears gushing, the frost out barefoot. And they are all one: "Ne'll wash!" and that's all! Though you burst. When only with a week over them поиздеваешься, then they break. But in a fortnight again refuse: the floors, wash — ne would be, it жэнский work. And what you do with them again just don't do. though prison scare, though in the guardhouse convert, even in the face Bay all useless until a week in a cell with bleach not serve their term. And now the whole service to muster... But it then their little was, one, two in the company, then some of them you could make. And when полбатареи айзеров, there something else we should find and going anywhere!" — Igor breath. — "Well, here! And decided to luminary of the command of the new tactics work with them to elect. And they only have guessed it, immediately began to walk, just their Sergeant embrace, directly to the commander of a battalion and complain. Of unfair treatment. And so skillfully, you bastards, enjoyed the quiet pronunciation and ignorance of Russian words that until something for him to explain, QC sheep проблеют, he already рассвирепеет and who did not even understand what the matter was, that the commander of the Department or замкомвзвода as enraged lion is thrown. Here and someone immediately goes, and battalion commander. And this is only the name of the Sergeant barely pronounce and anything else rambling, pointless with a plaintive views pronounce all the machine started working.

-Yes, we also used to have it in the battalion, " agreed Valera. — Only different a bit. The commander of the first freebooters gave them, and then watching them and do the impossible: mopping the floors don't want to dress remove not want, do not work, in the dining room at the corners of proliferation, whispering to her, when they put there on duty. The guard put them afraid, because suddenly weapons anything учудят or no officer, the commander of the guard, shoot them. Well, he decided to plant a few of them for the procedure and an example to others to онихоть once obeyed. Steel everything according to the law do refused to work or mopping the floors — write an explanatory note why. Several explanatory accumulated — report of the team: open a criminal case, and all. And here comes a report to division commander. He is to us in the battalion comes: "Comrade Colonel, you don't know how people work! I'll show you now how it is done!" And let these айзерам show. How to wash floors. Himself rag in hand picked, a bucket with water, washes and says that. as a Yes. And these standing looking, as a Colonel, the commander of the division, they were in the barracks removed...

He then General received, in the ninetieth, — said Igor.

-Really?! surprised Valera.


-Well, it's not important, after a pause of wonder waved his hand Valera. -Now, he washes the floors, wash, and then said айзерам: "see how I was doin? — Let us now and you so!" And they answer: "Ne будэм!" Well, commander of the furious twin beds turned, noise done and said battalion commander: "Educate yourself your soldiers!"

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