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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Approaching the cemetery, I felt a shiver in all States. It felt as if I was someone already waiting there. In the thick dusk suddenly tense silence, and the deeper I climbed the cemetery, the stronger became the feeling of fear, accompanied this infinite expectation of meeting the unknown.

Only be reached already in the blind corner, where he lay in an unmarked grave felled me oak, I heard terrible screams cat, and strange, but suddenly became easier and safer. I suddenly became even feel sorry for the poor animal, which was to become the victim of this strange struggle, in which it is unknown why I got involved and now was to make strange, absurd actions.

I pulled the poles and a bag of cat away to the side, doused trunk of an oak, starting from the lower end to the very top, lost in the crumbling yellow leaf crown of gasoline canisters fired him and only managed to throw a couple of steps, as a huge pillar of fire, чадящий thick smoke, went up, all the mining cemetery.

Wood cracked, застонало, swallowed by the flames, crown broke out thousands dry out like the gunpowder leaves, but then almost extinguished, flaring up gradually with new force. Near this huge fire was already unbearable to stand the heat. Had to take a sack and aspen whips even further into the forest.

Cat in several places tore the bag, but could not get out, and now зыркал through these holes on the raging flames. So he did not run away, I tied it in a bag so that now he couldn't there and move.

The forest grew up on this side of the cemetery was kind of strange, rare and short. Still light when in General, when a General notice anything this time was not, I caught a glimpse noticed that the trees around some sprawling, with squat, round crowns and crooked trunks. Now, coming closer to them and not believing his eyes, I found that it was some fruit trees, pears or apples.

This was certainly not the forest likely garden, has long been abandoned and overgrown other trees, wild bushes and tall grass, why, and learn it was not possible now, perhaps, even to the former owner.

Then, in the afternoon, it seemed to me that in the depth of this little "forests" are seen sharp roofs of some buildings. But then I just dismissed this absurd conjecture, intelligently, accepting panelists sharp spires and roofs for longer trees, rising above the rest of his brothers. Their visible especially from the center of the cemetery. The road they merged with the surrounding green mass, скрадывались on the background of полго rising slope barely perceptible hill, in the hollow of which was the cemetery.

Now, when from a bright, high flame forest became like Lacy, transparent, I became clearly visible ruins of the house, gleaming in reaching its moss-covered walls всполохах fire bloodred breaks, a bright green, заплесневелом background of the skeleton of the building.

If spellbound I moved, pushing through the thick between the branches of trees, high grass and bushes, to that arising from nothing vision. Strange images began to appear one after another in my head, gradually transforms itself into something issued. I recollected read in the attic of his Pelagia old letters, text excerpts from the book, event, events, budora·iv ie this area and the population of several centuries ago. Thought that I could guess who was mentioned in the writings, as the owner of the land where he lived, where his home was, his mansion, where lived his serfs.

My thoughts, blinded and frightened by the sudden opening, huddled together, then fled, and did suddenly gathered in some design, firmly perched on the facts that I know.

Around the light was almost like day. However shadows сучковатых branches Bouncing around on the mossy walls, done it all even more illusive than if only the Moon poured out here from heaven your silver, mysterious light. It seemed that the stones breathe and move, as scales of the huge monster. Creepy could they even touch the walls of ramshackle buildings, the remains of which showed the commitment of its long sunken into oblivion the host of the Gothic style, but, I forced myself to do it.

Fingers lay on the cold, rough stones, wet from the first dew. Now the thought of yawning black void of Windows leap someone or something, for which I arranged all this terrible event, but the minutes passed, and the silence was broken only my steps on the debris of bricks and rubble in the grass under his feet. And longed to go inside the building, but something stopped me. First, it is unlikely that anything interesting, capable to excite my surprise, left there, after all these places probably along and across излазили village boys, and secondly, even if something worthwhile there still remained the same, already rotted away from moisture and ruthless time. Besides, despite the fact that in a few hundred meters brightly blazed a huge bonfire in the house remained dark, and the rays of a flame penetrate inside through the holes, holes and blind niches Windows in the walls.

I rounded the house round about. On the other side stood the blackest darkness, but nevertheless it was noticeable that a fairly large space is almost completely devoid of vegetation, and on the far edge of its walls were of wood, on which the dancing shadows from the spires and roofs of the houses, is seen oblong, squat building, as well dilapidated and iridescent blue lights, like fireflies, Roy accumulated there, moved by his remains.

Driven by curiosity, I went there and saw something resembling a stable or barn. "Maybe hence the huge wolf like lambs had a healthy horses," thought I, remembering the extracts from the diary of the doctors, and передернулся all from the rush on me cold chills.

The further presence here was done all the more painful for me, and I hurried back to the cemetery, where burning, though not so bright and strong, large oak tree, although there is a special comfort and safety for some reason is not felt, especially now, when my back, I felt the cold breath of the dead estate filled with seemingly uncanny shadows of the past, like зацепившегося for her remains and not wanting to get out.

Oak догорал dispersed on several bright red boulders, blistering hot sparks on the ground. One of them was on the grave, where I had put the gallows. There it was still impossible to come from bursting heat huge coal. I didn't know how much time I have left, but was from the fact that everything was so bad. Now I was literally пробирало cold to think, that with me there is the most important weapons, and to protect: the silver cross and silver bullets. All this was now the barbarians.

In the head I got a ridiculous idea, that if I went to Barbara and very well ask her to give me the cross and bullets, citing Ivan Noodles, then she'd give them to me, because a human was still remain. As I reflected on it, supported by the hopelessness of her position, she seemed more real and believable, and soon even it is surprising for me was like this before I have not guessed to do so. "Will not eat me, in the end, Varvara", — thought I, twit from the continual state of fear, in which he remained still since only entered the cemetery land, but it did not show himself in this report.

The sense of danger dim I have so much that I just sat down on the ground, leaning against the thin trunk of a tree, feeling the warm skin of the face rdeyuschie remains of oak trunk, enveloped in blue lights shooting out from the fiery bowels of holding another stem form of coal, and began to lazily and slowly reflect shall I go down to Varvara or to wait when you can put a gallows and вздернуть it black as ebony cat. Everything else, until now беспокоившее me, retreated somewhere in the darkness of the surrounding world, not hiding there, to return then with all his ruthlessness inevitability, and gone forever, as if left heinous their attempts and harassment of my destiny.

I sat for so long, until suddenly, heart-rending yells cat, again suddenly began to scream and flutter in the bag, not brought me back to reality. I realized that I almost fell asleep for quiet contemplation, warmed by the warmth догорающего oak, and, поежившись from the consciousness of the whole horror of what would then happen, shook his head and got up, determined to act.

Coals which had fallen on the ground, barely burning now, and the darkness is coming right up close and make me worry about and заторопиться. Hardly found in the high grass axe. On in the dark, almost at random отесывая, binding and bonding pole between them, I looked around, turned to the right, left, fearing seriously and consciousness of danger, how would anyone unknown to me not approached in this darkness too close and not attacked me on the sly. And the fact that nothing boded ill that night was quite warm for this season, the same tangible, cheerful, calm as always, that the world around does not make sounds of fear and flight, was not filled with horror nightmare, all this roused in me more and more growing concern. It seemed that Nature itself along with those against whom I had to fight that she сговорилась with them, entered into the sinister Alliance, and is now trying to deceive me, to lull my vigilance of its calmness and equanimity. And the most terrible was that it was pretty good. She was around me, she owned the land on which I stood, and the darkness that descended from heaven, and those trees and grass that surrounded me, clung to me their branches, got into eyes, scratching, prevented move her legs.

Coals stopped giving light. They were still visible in the dark purple-red Milky way, простершимся before legs, flared brightly, it was worth to step on it and crush, but still burn out and were just about to fade away altogether. However, hangman, as bad as things are, and fragile it may be, is still lying in front of me, and had only вкопать her in a low, grave mound, still Smoking under the remnants of fire.

I threw the axe embers, freeing Piglet in the middle of the mound, and began to hack warm, hot even the land. Soon formed hole, but it was not enough to safely and securely deliver instrument of execution. Cat meanwhile raged in the bag stronger and more. His heart-rending yells, разносившиеся the entire cemetery, became more and more threatening, and I have not a little fear, as though not the opposite happened, and I myself did not have to share the fate prepared this animal. It seemed that the cat is calling someone for help, sensing his death, and he must come to the aid, I have been hurt.

I drove from these terrible, delusional fantasies, but they would not leave my mind. Of course, I have not come here for a walk. But somewhere deep down glimmered, lived still hope that everything would turn out today those fears, I has suffered a great deal, that would suffice. And hanging cat in this full moon night in the cemetery, I consciousness of accomplishment, tired and survived all went to sleep to a fortune "Пантелеихе".

Finally, utrambuvavshy knee down around a vertical stand, I was ready, and, taking the cat through the bag with one hand tried to get him, but озверевшее of horror and anguish animal расцарапало my palm in the blood.

Like the burnt I drew the brush. In my head flashed the thought, not hang whether it right in the bag, the more that I haven't noticed a sadistic inclinations and wasn't going to watch the dying convulsions of the victim, and just did my duty, as suddenly, having made an incredible strength and agility movement, the cat escaped after my hand in the formed hole in the bag, slipped through my fingers. Its glossy black ash-silvery Shine bright moonlight back flashed before my eyes, and I only managed to grab his hind leg.

Feline body прогнулось arc, and its teeth and claws dug into my and without the wounded hand, however, flustered, I have not dropped a sack, and wrestled with him only by the fact that tried not to close his fingers, despite the extreme pain. Charter, animal hung down his head. In the moonlight I was well seen his unusually long carcass, limply крутившаяся few seconds on his right foot and the left. But soon, before I could even figure out what you need to intercept the cat the other hand, he plucked up again forces, again bent over, clutching ухватившие him for the finiteness of the fingers.

Like crazy I watched for his attempts to free herself, and it seemed to me something abstract, my head is spinning some extraneous thoughts. I suddenly thought that I'm hungry and instantly if lightning секануло. I remembered that I forgot about the garlic, I completely missed that in your head, and at that very moment, when this conjecture scared me the world turned around suddenly and loudly хрустнув, broke into pieces, as the delicate crystal mirror. In his scattered fragments of dumbness and real estate night seemed only insidious mask behind which is hidden, изготовившись sure to catch the prey, something terrible and strong in his ruthless honesty carnivorous contempt for my life and the lives of other things.

Somewhere nearby, frightened silence, закауркал, sang, загорлопанил owl, he echoed immediately another, then a third, fourth, if gathered around the cemetery in ambush and now together intending to drive game, and as if on a signal, then polyphonic yelling, the earth under your feet came down.

I felt like I was standing on a huge pancake, which is going to turn the other party, and immediately fell back, not retaining an equilibrium. So is drunk guy who can't understand, whether the snake is not holding him and kicking underfoot, or whether he can not maintain an upright position. Only the first thinks: "Do earthquake?", and in my head sounded: "am I drunk?"

Cat rowed three loose pawed the ground, trying to sneak back and throwing her lumps me in the face, but I wouldn't let him, when suddenly under my belly earth вспучилась, exactly вскипая, and rose to the surface, pouting and going to burst, a huge bubble pair. Обомлев of surprise and terror, I pulled hand to itself so that in weak fingers to the bone cat feet хрустнула. The cat screamed wildly and sunk his teeth and claws in my brush with such a furious rage that my hand involuntarily also lost its grip.

The animal had disappeared in the darkness, but I was not to the chase. Created by around left in the released immediately from all of the thoughts of the head but the throbbing with the speed of взбесившегося heart "Started!"

Something fell on top of me, and I guessed that it вывороченная of land осиновя gallows doubt that me nothing seemed, as it happens, there was no more. I jumped on the floor, and then the terrible picture compelled to cool the blood in my veins, appeared before me in the moonlight.

Graveyard earth was in full swing and пучилась, but instead of steam from the depths of her outward portrayal of strange creatures. All was moan coming from nowhere. Beings, bright отсвечивающие white, exactly фосфорисцирующие in the moonlight, much like people. They became more and more, and this picture was drawn to me with his appalling act. I откзывался believe my eyes, and even tried to wipe them, but nothing was missing.

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