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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Finding the strength to finally сьросить heavy shackles daze, I turned around to find long-cooked stake lying somewhere nearby, is the only weapon of all, which would now be necessary, and saw the tomb, where a minute ago there was hangman, torn up, and from it emerged the huge Ghost of his way to me now with greedy hands outstretched. It was a man, or rather, the body of a man, but well kept and looks like a living, but I was less afraid, and in my soul there was nothing but misery, Yes barely a glimmering thought that salvation comes only overcoming fear and somehow defensively.

Instinctively stepping back, I stumbled on something and, bending down, felt the surface drafted aspen stake, picked him up and got ready, gaining spirit to defend himself.

Фосфорисцирующие shadow of the vampire leaned towards me from all parts of the cemetery.

Reality mixed with a dream, but a dream it was also a nightmare, as really, it was impossible to get away.

That was the strength of hit I pointed end aspen stake nearest of ghouls, feeling, as he gently, MCP encountering the resistance of the skin, entered his body. Heard the clapping sound, but it turned the other, like the howl coming from all sides.

Vampire issued a prolonged groan and fell to the ground, but others were already very close.

Hitting two or tre, not remembering itself, I rushed headlong, falling, растягивясь on пляшущей under your feet, shaking хожящей earth, lifting and again resorting to their heels. It seemed that I caught and хватят, but being already on the road to Василихе, I turned around and saw that vampires are far behind. Their фосфорсцирующая the crowd was still far away, but they still followed me and did not intend останасливаться.

Already on the outskirts of the village it dawned on me what kind of trouble навлекаю I at its inhabitants. However, the change was not at my best when I thought about it, pausing for a second, like vampires appeared from the forest. Further there was no escape.

In the house of Вравары burned greenish light. The window in the hut Pelagia Пантелеевны and in the neighbor on the other side of the streets were dark and lifeless. I paused in indecision at the gate to the yard witches, glances at the upcoming вмпиров.

I had no time to think, I am guilty of this invasion, or it would have happened anyhow. We needed something to do, something to redeem himself and, if possible, to save others.

Suddenly I caught myself thinking that me not to give a damn that I try to fool myself that feel the need to defend someone besides himself, trying to impose on yourself now this need to be a defender.

This маленькя, God abandoned, lost in a boundless world village not interested in anyone, including me. What will be with it, with its residents, that was going on yesterday, is today and will be происходитьзавтра, does it exist at all in this world and how many more will exist, never интересоваломеня as well as the fate of tens of thousands of these villages and settlements. And these horrors, which as in a dirty puddle, I've been running today, is only a particular occurring only here and nowhere else. Maybe somewhere events happen and even more terrible, but they only particular location in which to arise as dirty, greasy stain on the clothes, which in other places is clean and dry, and the people living there never заинтересуютмя, do not take to heart what is некасательно them somewhere in a strange away, that was never really for them did not exist and will not exist, and for which they clearly the concept of "nowhere".

Maybe now vampires will carry this peopled small, secluded, solitary world, erased from the face of the earth, leaving behind only the dead and useless houses, livestock and livestock owners. So what? Who cares? Who will дознаваться, dig, why, and why, as happened this disaster, that there has actually happened?! And if I don't have time now to escape, escape, escape from this nightmare, the causes of which do not understand and I do not have anything to do with them, will be carried out together with him into the abyss of the past.

Animal fear, просыпающееся in a moment of mortal danger, a familiar already before, had possessed me, because before I delay, it is unknown why staying at the gate to the yard Barbara, vampires have approached to a distance of a few steps, and the next minute I would enjoy my blood.

I turned to the gate. The Windows of the house of the witch was smoldering green spots. "From the frying pan into the fire!" I thought to myself, feeling as if in mortal anguish and despair hurt heart, turning into elastic lump the size of a walnut.

Flinging open the gate, I ran to the house. Someone grabbed me by the back of clothes. Fabric shirt затрещала, and I managed to escape.

"It is interesting that feels fly, getting in a sticky spider network?" — he thought the second as my body with a crash has encountered strong, oak door, слетевшую of whack with loops and грохнувшись with me in the dark corridor. Hum fall echoed as if I broke not in the wooden porch of the hut, and in the stone cave of the grotto.

Sharp pain of the bruises spread around the body. In the eyes darkened, although around and without, as it seemed, it was dark.

"Well, that's caught," I thought suddenly indifferently and sank into oblivion.

Chapter 29.

The girl looked at me attentive, unblinking, and I could not figure out where I am and what they wanted from me.

-There poorly with my grandmother, " she said.

-What is your grandmother? — I could not understand anything.

-With my neighbor. She was shaking all.

-Where is it?

"There, " the girl led me along, turning now and then and talking on the go. Is it normal was like, and then suddenly fall as задергается. Eyes turned back, some proteins visible hands скрючило, breath some intermittent, sometimes it seems that it does not. and then... I'm so scared.

We were in a compartment where on the bottom shelf in front of me opened a bad picture. Old woman, old, wrinkled, colored, like a baked Apple, with locks of silver-gray hair, выбившимися from under the colorful scarves, lay опрокинувшись on his back. And not even lay, and bobbed up and down on it. Signs of consciousness is not observed. Eyes, in fact, entered the подлобье. The old woman was a major trembling, her mouth was yellow foam, and when she suddenly sighed deeply, that happened more often than once or twice in a minute, roaring mass involved in the lungs.

The sight caused me брезгливое disgust, born from the mere thought that it should be closer, but, having overcome it, not without difficulty. I leaned over to the old woman, to meet a flying from it in all directions spray of saliva and the stench, grabbed her bony hands, turned on its side. Why foam immediately slow, large ошлепинами began to fall on the floor.

-That with her? — The girl sat down next to me, paying no attention to омерзительность what is happening.

I don't know, I'm not a doctor, " I replied. — Perhaps it's an attack of epilepsy or some shit like that.

Jaw old woman suddenly with a clang shut, and I began to remember. That heard about them, and how to act.

-Give some stick, umbrella or something like that. She has to close his mouth and to put something solid, so that she could not eat. Otherwise it'll choke.

The girl hurried rushing to his things, but time was lost, and this threatened the fact that the old woman could now suffocate. It was urgent to do something. I finally remembered that in such a state language sink down into the throat and closes the path of air into the lungs. Swift and sudden I turned the old woman on yourself, face down, and heavy foam spilled on the floor, but it was not enough.

Girl, finally, something sought out and slipped my hand. I don't know. How it happened, but I managed to close his mouth Granny and put it between the teeth of the resulting object.

It took quite a long time before the attack turned the old woman, and fight her disease successfully completed. Now she lay still pale but already live, opening the eyes and уставившаяся them on me as a stranger from another world.

-This happens to me too — weak, thin, her voice guiltily. It seems as if the requested an apology for what happened to her.

-Nothing, — I tried to tone of voice given to understand that you are not don't like and certainly not blaming her for anything.

-And you with us going? — Asked the old woman.

-Of course, how did I get here?

Grandmother silent, and then suddenly for no reason, no reason said:

Give me your hand. I in your eyes see you have an interesting fate.

Such a transition somewhat confused me but still I held out her open hand.

The old person began to change. The shade of surprise, fear, curiosity began to sweep it, replacing each other quickly, slowly. In the end, apparently, horror all the same beat all the other manifestations of her soul, and I heard:

Boy, terrible your hand, " she began finger on the palm of your hand. Glory to you soon awaits. Much fame. But the glory that will be black... but this star means that help you be for the glory of force large. It will not even people... Hmm, strange, I am no one saw. Yeah, but it's a sign of Satan himself. And the journey to Mars lies. He will help you. Inheritance you have already received or will receive in the near future, but then lose it... And attain wealth, and the whole world will be in front of you, but then abyss... Oh, man, how many live with that hand is not seen! Dirt, oil will be a lot to you, and from you to many people! And death want — you don't get: black prevent and guide them to himself, and marries his. There's the star, here are four cross on Jupiter from the line in the finger at the moon and to the sign of Satan. And your heart will be broken, and many people from thee shall perish... No, the guy say more: scary thy hand watch. Go, go here...

-Why did you started to wonder grandma?! — I was amazed.

The old woman did not answer, and I pursing of nowhere, out of the coupe in the corridor, not even finding the strength to say goodbye.

Left alone for very short time. The girl followed me and stood beside the window, trying to look me in the face.

-Don't take offense at it, " she said. Would you be offended by the old man? Thank you, in fact, that helped her, I don't even know to do if you hadn't helped.

-What would you do? — I caught the sound of his voice the notes of sarcasm. — Nothing. Just would present at the death of a neighbor in the compartment.

-Why do you say that?! — She is clearly affronted.

-And what? — I have always seduced excited women, I just started to admire them, as enraged cats. The hidden charms of the facial features. facial expressions, grace in posture and movements suddenly appeared on the surface from under the tongue-in-cheek, invented by mask, a certain stereotype daily convenient, greyish behaviour and way, and then a singularity of women's nature is manifested in all of this fleeting and fascinating, so that in this very ghostly essence could recklessly love in a few moments, and then the whole life of wonder and wonder how this happened and whether it was all really, or was only born as the fruit of their imagination in a moment of unusual excitement.

I barely saw. That girl's not just pretty, but pretty and charming, as suddenly behind us came a thick bass:

-Young people. Do you want to make a campaign?

I turned. Speaking was a tall, broad-bone man, возвышавшимся me two heads. He incomprehensible, wandering grin looked down on us growth, and looked from me to the girl and back.

-What is the campaign? Drink?

-Of course, my dear, drink, he patted me on the shoulder a hefty man. — Have a drink, sit down and talk. It's so nice, especially on the road, when bored and have nothing to do.

Girl, anger which it was not possible to boil over, immediately demonstratively left with pursed lips.

-Oh, and where are your friend чесанула? — Surprised the man when the door of the compartment slammed in his face.

-Yes, it's not my girlfriend at all — I was justified. — So, just chatted.

-A-a! you see the kind! Shook his head my new interlocutor, still looking at the door as if pinning her through and through with his eyes, and as mysteriously and uncertain smile.

-Okay. Come on, I'll treat.

He touched the palm of my shoulder, offering to go along with him, but outraged by such an address, I tried to resist, натужившись hard, resulting in only disgraced, uttering a sound. So ashamed and avoid in any society, and that people of any age and education are met with hostility, bewilderment and contempt.

Is you пукаешь? Asked Maypole, without any exertion and effort moving me in the right direction. -Don't worry, boy, to me no need to argue. I because you are much older and stronger. Besides, I'm not gonna nothing wrong.

Realizing that resistance truly useless and even comical when viewed from the side, I relaxed and walked guided strong, large and with a sure hand. We come to the last coupe, entered it, and were in the campaign of a teenage girl. Maybe she was older than looked really, but short hair "under the boy gave her ease, kicked aged and add levity around her appearance. She was Smoking a long cigarette, coupe smelled of menthol. On the table was an appetizer, откупоренная Cannonball bottle "Napoleon" with bright, charming hungry gaze label, four glasses. A huge chocolate bar, наломанная negligent pieces scattered wrapping foil, involuntarily forced to draw attention to themselves. "Here goes not a simple person, — flashed in my head at the sight of all this abundance and from the sensation of pleasant sweet smell of expensive cigarettes, which are sheared girl were clearly not too expensive, and probably served refreshments from the owner of all this gastronomic wealth, from which it was hard to choose. In fact, why not sit and drink a good cognac, not eat his chocolate. Moreover, the campaign, in fact, does not threaten a riot and unexpected complications".

'Have a seat! — Commanded me big boy and turned to the girl-teenager. "I found us a cavalier... And the lady with him was so painfully гонористая. Went.

-Yes is not with me it was! By itself! — Again made excuses I fear now, as if I was not invited out. It seems this frail, just the weak girl had a husky great effect, once it before so it was justified. Now, suddenly, I really wanted to cognac and chocolate, and at the same time expensive basic menthol. I suddenly felt myself on the position of prostitutes, продавшейся for lunch, but tried to get rid of nasty, unpleasant thoughts.

-Well, okay, okay, not make excuses, if the entering in my position, uttered big guy, meanwhile, pouring in glasses of brandy. — Everything is fine, everything is clear. The main thing that there are three people, because it is already a campaign in which you can sit well. However, Annie?

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