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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Anyuta, this teenage girl with short hair, nodded in assent head and smiled as mysteriously and reserved, as it did Maypole, why it occurred to me suddenly that this father and daughter on the temples of tall guys pushing up thick grey hair, and the difference of age allowed to make such an assumption.

-Well, that, for acquaintance? — Asked the big man said. And then he answered (Anyuta all also mysteriously-restrained полуулыбалась, staring down at his "dad", just sticking to it eyes and not noticing me, would anyone here besides these two was not). — Acquaintance.

We touched them, missed the first portion, and I felt pleasantly different "Napoleon" of vodka. This was not some sort of "cress" of those that met in our stores. It was a wonderful drink.

Chocolate, also from the hill", greasy, but unbreakable and crisp with a pleasant crackling nuts on the teeth, complements my impression. I thought that all my life, if it were possible, and only drank "Napoleon", snacking on a good chocolate.

Man pouring out a second glass, then a third.

-Well, Annie, how do you like a guest?

"Nothing, " said the girl, not even glancing in my direction.

-And me too, " agreed the man, and then asked, touching my shoulder. -And where are you going, young man? The guests to whom al forgot what in Siberia?

"No, I'm not in Siberia food. I further in Transbaikalia.

-And what?

-Serve food.

-After school?


Man shook his head:

"Come on, could not where better to go?

I don't know, ' I said. — It happened so. Who am I to choose?

-who? People. Man is! As a classic said, man — this sounds proudly.

I don't know. I didn't get to go wherever I wished I could...

"And where would you like to go?

-I don't know, I felt awkward and uncomfortable all these questions. — Probably, nowhere.

-Well, Yes, brother, and the abyss long.

-As I already disappeared...

I wanted suddenly to cry and it would not be ashamed to cry right now, here, but the tears do not want to go from the eye and, подкатившись to the throat, stuck in it свербящим, disastrous Allergy driven nasal congestion wall lump.

-Why are you so? It is not necessary. While the person is alive. He has not yet disappeared. Everything can be improved, — the man tapped me on the shoulder. — There was a time I was your age then, too, it seemed that the whole world from under the feet rooted. But now I'm standing on my feet firmly, already knee-deep in the earth left nothing for me not to move. However, Annie?

The girl nodded her head in assent. She still did not look in my direction, as if in a compartment they were wise.

We drank cognac, chocolate was already eaten, and in the course went smoked, sliced, dry sausage and Dutch cheese.

Is, where do you think all this? Asked the man. — With a drive, Yes? Oh, haha, no way.

He took from his pocket a little book in the red hardback, similar to a membership ticket or pass and showing it to me instructive said:

-Now, now this crust is doing wonders. All that you see here is from our provincial dining car, where in addition to заплесневевшего kefir, sour Apple juice, stale muffins, and the foul chicken on the counter nothing. And it is all so cheap that for this money you'll do yourself a plate of soup will not buy, — he turned to his companion. — Annie, go get us something.

He gave her a "crust", and the girl reluctantly, with a sigh, пордвинулась from the table, got up and left.

-Well, now, if relieved man said. — Although I can talk heart to heart.

It seemed to me that he leaned on me, approaching more than I should have done during the conversation.

-A guy like you find me?

I was just taken aback, the first seconds generally not realising what was happening.

-Well, why are you silent? I'm asking you, as I told you?

-Nothing — happening little resemblance to the familiar reality.

-I like you, too, man! he leaned closer to me and hugged me with his enormous hands, why I seemed suddenly to himself the lamb, who are in the clutches of a wolf.

-Wait, wait! What do you want? — But to me it came suddenly and without further explanation, with whom I'm dealing. My soul felt those experiences that, apparently, is experiencing a virgin when you first try to possess it. An unpleasant chill in the lower abdomen, aversion to what is happening, horror свершаемым like and not violence, but, nevertheless, action, contrary to my will, the desire to resist, to beat the man in the face, get out and run, but awkward, strange stiffness and motives, matted exactly sticky, viscous web, as well as awareness superior strength and weight striker — all this is mixed up in a nasty lump, fills my whole soul холодящей mucus, if put in it giant jellyfish, just taken out a from the sea.

The man did not reply, but only was thoughtful, and trying to kiss me in the face and neck. I have to flinch, but his strong arms hindered and hinder my movements. He dropped me on the shelf, closed the door and the same hand climbed down. I felt like me slide down the pants and the next minute they fell into the passage between the shelves.

It was a disgusting, repulsive, disgusting. Never in my life I have not had to act as sexual victim, and now, suddenly, unexpectedly, I was, having jumped already for the second decade. You can foresee anything in my life, but not this.

Cold thick fingers felt my genitals, obviously wishing to bring them in excitement, but there was no result. I couldn't resist kissing on the neck and cheek, pinned like a chicken, but when the Maypole tried to kiss me on the lips, I прошибло exactly cold boom, my body contorted like a coiled spring, and I barely managed to throw off the наседавшего man.

Is rape! — I breathed, barely felt a little relieved and managed to breathe in a relaxed way. The man meanwhile folded and his pants and touched his groin to my, why the feeling of loathing only intensified e two I felt something strange and soft, enveloping, may be the same as mine, but nevertheless unpleasant and disgusting. However, the authorities also were not filed.

-What are you doing, stop it! — Again said , as soon as I managed to do that.

Навалившийся me pulled away from what might seem that he changed his mind, but as I propped myself on the elbows, as saw his huge ass, under which slung male economy, overgrown with Bush spiky black curly hair.

-Вдуй me in the ass, please, " he asked, looking at me over his shoulder.

I winced involuntarily from his words. Disgust never left me, but prudence is not allowed me to explode:

"I can't, " I replied as calmly as possible. Take a look.

He looked at my lifeless bodies and face changed. Passion went with him, replaced by a painful grimace.

-I never did. Not to climb to anyone, and you can break off, as now, — now the advantage was on my side. It was felt throughout, but worse it would be if he was an active мужланом.

Realizing that there is nothing to wait, man began to dress. I was uncomfortable incident. He was silent, and I dressed, I tried not to look at him, dropping her eyes and pretending to be fully focused on the task.

-Well, you excuse me, guy. You liked me, and I thought...

Man paused and waved his hand.

-I say that with such never before encountered, and I don't want to face — I tried to protect themselves from a possible repetition of harassment and simultaneously justified, apologize to him for his failure to give him pleasure, as if it was required and not able to do it.

"Why, however, it is strange how people, I thought. That the use of force to compel rapprochement, but it is in the soul still trying to justify to myself why it did not happen".

"Well, we believe that nothing was concluded man reached into his pocket and pulled out a packet of expensive imported cigarettes, which rarely anyone could see, and offered me a cigarette.

From such cigarettes was difficult to refuse, and I happily began to smoke, together with the "rapist", drawing tart, sweet-cloying smack hot, but not hot, pleasantly soft, slightly покалывающий smoke.

-Cigarettes, incidentally, also of the restaurant car.

I could not resist not to raise eyebrows in astonishment.

-Do you know where I work and who is this? — Not without bragging he asked me.

I shook his head negatively.

-That's the same. But about "the black stork" is heard?


-And about the spetsnaz?

-No... Actually, something had to hear it.

"Actually, that's what! — Mimicked me man. "Remember that spetsnaz is the power. Spetsnaz is a special purpose units. I been twenty years in spetsnaz. I took Palace in Kabul in the seventy and ninth, I in Afghanistan from bell to bell whistled. I "spirits" as many передушил, shot, cut their hands, that you have never dreamt the whole regiment of the dead could be dialed. Us "black stork" called in Afghanistan. We caravans took, and in the raids went, sometimes to the border with Pakistan crawling. I personally hundreds of eight operations participated in the very den of the spirits got, in their nests. Us choppers on the base throwing, and there we left no stone unturned erases all to powder, and burned to a crisp. Eh, what can I say! You're as Filkin Charter explain... and after Afghan Affairs enough. Our parts together with alpha such кардебалет arranged all the bastards, the Democrats are there every stinking, other выродкам that the devils in hell makes you sick... And now I'm here on a mission food. True, it is certainly the secret, but you hadn't claim to be. So, boy, spetsnaz is power. You know, as a person neck easily collapse? 't know. But this is easy! It is like the chicken fragile. I with one hand and take any neck folded when ordered, or if need be, he mimicked the movement, which was going to collapse neck, his face distorted with rage. I again became terribly, because I felt defenseless rabbit, placed in a cage to boa.

The door someone tried to come.

-Unlock the lock. — Asked the man.

It was Annie.

-Well, you that all or not? she asked the man.

He remained silent, her lips, then held out his hand:


"Oh, Yes! Now, now! — In the hands of Anya was a plastic basket, ломившаяся from the content. She reached down in her hand. I have it on the bottom left.

On the table appeared bottle of cognac, wine, vodka. This was followed by a snack: canned crabs, plastic box with dates, cheese. Several bars of chocolate, bright packaging with закордонными candy. When the basket was empty, she learned from her a red crust and handed it to his companion, who at this time he did not brag about it, and immediately put it in his pocket.

-Okay, let's continue, — offered me a man.

-You open everything here, and I am coming, " said Ann. Now, in the comfort of a coupe, she gave me of unknown values of view, that smirked. I don't know why, but it hurt me deeply.

-You that, сожительствуете with it? — I wanted to vent their resentment, and so I asked bluntly.

"My wife quietly, " answered the man, making himself comfortable at the table sit with your feet up and sat cross-legged.

-Your wife?! She's still a teenager.

-No, why. She just looks so. Actually her age, drawing to twenty — male раскупорил a bottle of brandy, then, a little помешкав, put it back on the table and reached for vodka. Let's, as we would do in Russian, dammit!

His hand slightly shaking poured vodka in the glasses, then opened one motion, pulling the ring, the Bank imported ham.

-Well, for that drink? He asked, and without waiting for a response, he offered. — For the silence.

-Do you mean that? 't understand me, but he already чокнувшись, sipped a glass and overturned its contents into her mouth, wrinkled, covering it with his palm, then plug выкромсал a piece of ham.

Hold the glass in his hand seemed ridiculous, and I drank too.

-Everyone has his hobby, " said the peasant. mine is that I collect wives. This is my tenth. I keep them until they become adults, infer, so to speak, in their people, and then looking for a new wife. This is, in General, is not difficult, especially because I have position e allows.

-And then when they become adults? I inquired.

'Well, this is my personal business. The secret...

"What you're talking? Asked, entering the compartment, Annie, she took a towel and began to wipe.

-Yes. You can say that about anything. Sit down, get a drink of brandy, a chocolate eat, " I gather that after our revelations tone of his address to the little Hannah at became somewhat more relaxed and warmer. Now I could feel that this is not simple companions and neighbors in the compartment.

-Thanks, I'd rather not, Hannah sat down at the table opposite the large man, and I involuntarily began to evaluate deserves this, in General, несимпатичная, like a teenager, a girl neighbourhood with such exquisite table. My reasoning tipped the scales against her. Too underdeveloped, ugly she was. However, some oddities of her husband allowed to assume that he has sympathy is such a плоскогрудым women, his whole appearance resembling rather boys of fourteen, and maybe that's why she was here.

Several servings of cognac, not казавшегося so divine drink, a glass of white Azerbaijani port completely распалили my imagination, and I started to represent the Anyuta in the arms of her husband, but, as their behavior in the bed was quite hard, I put in his place yourself why felt a strong surge of excitement, обволокший me voluptuous veil of fantasy. A sudden I felt unusually strong attraction to this girl-teenager what never would suggest to twenty minutes ago. It is now seen something распаляющее passion, perturbing male flesh, maybe it was the lack of underdevelopment of her feminine nature, and сделавшаяся suddenly so attractive and calling for myself, and maybe that was the action of the explosive mixture of brandy, vodka and port wine. I suddenly flashed random, but, apparently, the only sober thought-guess that now and become rapists, pedophiles and соблазнителями adolescents, boys, barely простившихся with младенчеством.

However, Ann ignored me, still looking only at her husband. It little by little has toned down my располыхавшуюся passion, and I even envied involuntarily happy conjugal Union, where the wife, in the far East times younger than her husband so devoted and faithful bonds hymen.

We already casually chatting, mostly men, as it was finally made clear called Sergey, he refused to introduce themselves on a patronymic, saying he did not consider himself so very old, about nothing in particular, piano laughed all that is handy. Furnished discharged, and I already felt nobody bound to, and this was easily and freely.

The day wound down the window the first signs of evening twilight, and we all drank and ate, unaware of the passage of time, and how many empty bottles and rubbish gathered in a plastic basket under the table. I have already tested a simple human sympathy for these people, despite all that has happened, and that Annie also do not pay any attention to me and not even looking in my direction.

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