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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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There are other similar cases, invent other амилии, but the essence remains that it's always the girls bring their naivety, trust, narrowness of vision and illiteracy. But what can you do: this знгачится they unlucky fate. In General, I want to note between the case that a good девчонккам in dealing with cadets невезло ббольше just because they just some naive and were.

The other group of students was looking for communication by calculation. Such at school had a little bit. They sought the acquaintance with the daughters of uchilishchnyh colonels and urban elite tried to be exemplary Cavaliers, and, subsequently, husbands, NGO also not гнушалиь amorous adventures. Among them were mainly people deceitful people and even more sophisticated in meanness, eat Frank idler and rake.

The third group consisted of those who did not lose even nobility, and the remnants of honor shy, worrisome and modest young man. Some of them wound up acquaintances with the girls, but very often fall apart in the network. Other, and did all the studies in College промонашесствовали never having got acquainted with one girl. No, it wasn't crackers, Yes and no other visible sexual diseases not suffer, but that they had a way of life Dating with beautiful floors not only do they not be initiated, but, I must say downright avoided. Of course, among these cadets were many влюбчивых capable suffer from their feelings, and love them often facing women, absolutely not обращавшим attention to them.

Well, now, now, when all is clear, I explained all to understand, a legitimate question arises as to which of the above listed categories in fact I myself? It's an interesting question, but I отвчу on it at once, without equivocation. Probably, I belonged at first to the third category, I described above, but then moved into the second.

When I arrived at school, they remained still a young man not only had no experience in bed, but never had a good sense, and not even had girls. You should agree that in our time, this fact is quite rare and thought-provoking. Moreover, it is surprising, but before that I spent two years in the walls "кадетки", which does not contributed to bringing the modesty and humility of the disposition of their Pets.

The first two courses of serious Dating with women, I also have not seen: whether the time is not enough, whether the time has not come. Fate was not located to send me love переживния. However, I would not have tried to make some acquaintances. However, in the third year I the beginning of seizing the fact that for two years I never had a love affair or history. Not that мучилось anguished heart, but I seized his own vanity. After all, that speak, and the prestige of the cadet largely depended on his love Affairs and success at the front of communication with the opposite sex, on the number of victories over women. By the time we moved into the third year, few people could not boast of at least one of its романтичской history. Some were given them by the dozens and, of course, came up with most of them. Especially a lot of story-tellers appeared after the holidays, because no one could refute what allegedly happened to them at home. And even скромникистановились suddenly sexual heroes, let not the first magnitude, but all the same: to them then there was no "claims"they were his, the same as all.

I couldn't invent what you have experienced, I was disgusted. I always felt in my soul непритный sediment, when I chanced to tell what with me at all was not, in order not to lose face in front of their peers. It was in the far childhood and themes lies were to nothingness comparison. But to write once again to himself, anything of sex, I just turned the language can be even lacked the courage and boldness to describe completely unknown.

Yes, on the third course I was a virgin, нецелованным boy, and if most of the girls stated with pride that in any case until recently, admit this guy was extremely shameful, especially before their equals. Anyway, this recognition wouldn't be him honor.

I suspected that much of what is told in курилках or between classes, genuine "baloney" and pure imagination. Anyway, I already knew who was capable of, and who says what really was, and who composes and improvises. The same knew most of the listeners, but lie never forbidden, the more often that the fake sound brighter and brighter than the real.

However, no matter how good it was that I was not poured himself in vain dirt and not easy in the writings on the love theme, the situation demands that my identity was piped into the category of "abnormal"white crows, and as soon as they have not called. This is a terribly oppressed created an oppressive internal state. Especially it was painful to me to hear behind me is taught about my innocence in different variations. This whispering had deeply moved me, cut to pieces, not haunted.

And now came the moment when my situation was unbearable for me. Since then, I began to feel the acute shortage of what is called love. I felt the whole burden of the lack of love. My одиноество suddenly appeared before me with all piercing and despair. Let the young and beautiful, but it is unknown how beautiful enough to please at least one woman. Doubt and have become my loyal companions in the months and неели, 't give me no rest day nor night. I wanted so much to be loved, to like, to know that somewhere out there, in the city, waiting for you and will wait until you come, beautiful girl, that she will wait for you, not just for today or tomorrow, not Toko here in the city, but after a month, a year, ten years in any wilderness and away from civilization. So I wanted.

Probably, state tested me in those days, and is the prelude, cooking rights to the first rapid surge of feelings, called first love. I do not know whether it occurs it from the presentiment of the coming or Vice versa, is the reason that fertile field, once in that, germinating seed this amazing, but after a week I head over ears in love and completely lost his head. Such then is not happened I never had, nor could it happen again: first love is pure and unique as, Poti always, it is a sad and unhappy. But the most surprising: after all, not even a week has passed.

Interested piquant details will probably not help but to ask: whom did I so much влюбилс? Can't answer — judge for yourself. Just hard to be objective to the person you love or hate.

Yes, barely I need, need in love, I immediately fell in love. And passion was quite strange and unusual. The matter is that our Gregory Охромычем interests crossed and hard схлетнулись on the soil of this love. Well, isn't it strange that two bosom friend diaper rash ointment fall in love with the same young person and after't know what длать.

Now happened to us. It happened right after the New year in mid-January. To our school sometimes хаживали on excursions in the College Museum of schoolchildren and pupils of the local "Bourse". A window class, where our platoon was engaged in самостотельной preparation, came out with the facade of the main building, and there is clearly visible cat and running from him asphalt track, surrounded by the walls of the bushes on the edge of the extensive flower-beds and the rifling of the earth, lined with Apple trees.

That day we, as usual, on training, gathered at the rear tables and argued about whether discussed some impressions. We looked out the window goes with a dozen and a half but экскурсанток are sent to school, then. Well, here everyone in the class was, stuck to the Windows and let's discuss reaching the bottom of the girls. If it would stand summer, maybe, and shout them поулюлюкали and would have done something a little obscene. But in connection with the winter window tightly all were battened down. So I had to be limited погляделками.

Excursion went into the main entrance of the school, and gradually began to break up in places. But then someone had the proposal to send delegates to the girls with a request to invite us to himself and evening dancing and, in General, have a good time. The proposal was supported by, and I volunteered, I don't know why to go. Well, and Гришк course, too. Nito did not object, and we went. Long waited until the girls come out of the Museum, and then they went after them, not daring to approach and not knowing where to start. I was, in General, went for the first time, well, Grishka was a little more experienced.

We conducted our delegation is almost up to the checkpoint, hoping that the us will pay attention. There was a time that on the territory of school than the two of us nobody idly not walking. But no reason attention to us looked, and only when the first of the number of экскурсанток, led by their leader came in the door checkpoint, Grisha felt that in a few seconds it will be too late caught behind a running group and spoke with several girls. They would stop, but seeing that approach another курсантик, all but two had gone away, to not interfere. These cultural and quick-witted girl caught.

Why were these two, I cannot say. See, this is a game of chance, but what a cruel. One of them immediately, at first sight, sunk my soul. The second I have not paid attention, although I can't say anything against her appearance: she was even посмазливее at the muzzle. Something different, deeper than the appearance, conquered me captivated and forced to forget everything.

Strange it was a feeling. From the moment it settled in my heart, life for me is filled with some new, joyful sense, a kind of waiting for a miracle, that's sweetly wearied my being, but at the same time poignant longing became my companion, and I felt that I'm in the walls of the school, as a tear to my soul. My eyes wanted to see her, my ears wanted to enjoy her charming voice, which, strangely enough, there was something and nothing special. I tried and could not understand what had drawn with such explosive, all-conquering force me to that simple girl, what secret laws of existence and development of all existing collided with her, and that keeps me now rest, but at the same time brings joy and makes my mind to bear sweet dreams.

Our first meeting lasted no more than a minute. But what was that минута1 she turned inside me the whole world, putting all with nogo on the head. That still seemed to be important gone somewhere to the back, and what seemed petty and minor, was suddenly the most important and the most important thing in life. Tumult: surprise, delight, confusion, depression, sadness, hope, sadness and joy — that's what I experienced in that short time. It seemed to me that although she said Gregory, but notice me, and I liked her more than he. So I wanted. Grisha spoke to her and I tried to speak with the rest of her girlfriend to not create an awkward situation, but kept glancing surreptitiously at her. She also threw in my direction few views, and it encouraged me. And her girlfriend, even though I tried with her to talk about something, looked in all of this scene genuine fool, a decoy duck, because even though it was obvious that I was not manifest to her persona absolutely no interest.

But this magical minute was over, and we parted. The girls went to his side and vanished over the cat, and we Охромовым — a cause. I immediately rushed поделитьс impressions, and at the same time and know what are my chances of winning. I really then wanted to interest Grisha It was a purely sporting and did not go beyond the frames of preparation to the party. But as I was mistaken.

And this, out with you before, as you anything? I asked the friend, trying to keep calm in his voice.

-Yes, nothing, " replied Greg.

-And about what you talked?

-Yes, so she took, " he replied with calm and some kind of confidence that led me into a depression. Telephone — it was a serious trump card in his hands, лишавший me virtually all types and ambitions. But I only felt the desire to third at least once again with her a hundredfold greater than experienced before. I did not want even for a moment imagine that this was our last meeting. However, what could I do about it. Grisha had much more experience on the part as gets Dating, especially because my experience tends to zero.

"Listen, you at least for the disco have agreed? — I tried to act on the conscience of the other.

-I said that I'd call her, and we will take care of everything, " replied Охромов tone, giving to understand that the conversation on this subject him not wafer-something pleasant.

So ve is what happened. Then some days I languished in the dark, trying to in a roundabout way to find out, what about the other case at the front of communication with The one I could never forget. For the first time I creepy ревновл. I thought everything was very unfair, that not Grishka, and I had to meet her, and I wanted to and did not know how to fix this fate. I Tolga still thought that fate can be cut and перераивать as desired. But fate is never wrong. It is neither right nor to blame, it is what is. Its not correct, Kaak not спрямишь hunchback.

Yes, I cruelly suffered and perished, and I do not know how many days of torment came to Охромову and said that She did not love them, and I want to know her phone. Grisha responded that the phone had to come and take then and now require, I have no right. I do not remember how, still persuaded him to share with me her phone. Even the UEL, in which I нахдился when that conversation left for me unnoticed. Охромов still graciously gave me телефончиком, but warned that already called her, and there was some relationship.

That evening I tried to call Her, but heard in the receiver her magical, soft, charming voice, произнесший quietly and politely: "al-Les, I will listen to you", — I am speechless and couldn't say anything, just put the lever in the receiver but then felt a sharp больв chest and indescribable anger at himself for his silence and cowardice, again picked up the phone again and again, hearing her a polite answer, put in the place. So I called, was frightened, threw the tube and again called Her until, finally, it is not tired, and she said:

-If you want to play a game of cat-and-mouse, do it in some other place. And I no longer call-I still tube't lift.

And finished my torments of the phone, and интонацияее charming voice did not changed and remained the same polite and to madness warning. I'm so all crazy, and, although the conversation did not take place because of my great timidity, which I could not resist, I couldn't fall asleep all night, being under the strong impression. I remembered the sound of Her voice, the words that she had said, brought me pleasure only one that remained in my memory she actually bothered to talk to me, not even knowing who she was worried so late.

I lay in my bed and rejoiced, remembering phone calls, although not had anything decent, and configured the call as a fan and tell Her everything. I was again not able to speak. And so it happened.

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