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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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The young man remembered caught a glimpse in the house Vener Allamary — a projection of the imperial residence located in the galactic capital. The enormous sizes the building of the palace of the emperor was decked by multi-colored fires of the most difficult forms and colourings, being allocated with the enormous rock on the general background. Remotely the construction looked like repeatedly increased Cologne cathedral, only spikes were the spherical, and sparkling domes something had from palaces of the Chinese bogdykhan, only much more majestic. The luminescent covering, jewels, numerous statues and forms made amazing impression. As people of Earth were not let on other planets, it was difficult for them to present incredibly huge buildings of imperial palaces incomparably higher, than the Himalayas, and with the fantastic coloring consisting of multi-color plants and fantastic animals.

The capital of a galaxy is so huge that the continuous megalopolis occupies almost all land of a major planet. Around it in the atmosphere there is an incomprehensible set of polytypic starprobe vehicles. Everywhere not weakening movement of millions of motley, sparkling figures. It seems that it is difficult to find a haunt of vice in the capital of a galaxy of Greyzinare. However, the center of a galaxy is close. And to other planet of Barado only fifty million kilometers, but even are a dirty gangster compartment there. In principle, brothels and points of trade in a dope are present also at the capital, but the security service strongly pressed down all this, keeping in a decent framework. And here almost free criminal zone. Why there Hermes, so far a riddle so hurried. But Lev, the king of beasts, knew that his task to get to the core of the enemy anti-humanoid's plan. It is interesting whether remember it on Earth, whether remember the person wearing such famous name — the Lion?

* * *

The governor nervously measured by wide steps an office that, however, reminded walk as the size of the room was similar to a good Olympic complex. The general Gerlok an obedient doggie followed him. On the run he read the paper in which there was nothing new. Commanders of sectors, and all sectors ten, were extremely combat readiness. Many sectors specialized in something one: Mercury sector — on extraction of valuable metals (the planet was rich with these resources, and the proximity of the Sun facilitated processing of this type of raw materials), sector of Venus — on wood supply (the continuous woods, the dense jungle there), and also on delivery of hydrocarbonic raw materials, sector of Jupiter — on delivery of hydrocarbonic elements. Other planets less favorable.

The moon has garrison of cover and the spaceport. Mars — poorer planet — is a part of lunar sector. An external ring (Pluto and Trans-Pluto) — the biggest sector on fighting force. He submits directly to Department "Honor and the Homeland". There is also an additional group subordinated to the Ministry "Wars and Victories". The external sector has excess protection at the level of the capital of a galaxy, the special status of this planet, unprecedented for all boundless empire is the reason of what. The ultramarshal Eroros orders protection. It. However, still supervises protection of the next planets, but big forces of the empire are concentrated here. The emperor approved the plan of excess protection of this planet.

* * *

Fagiram stopped and quickly started talking, alternating words and grunting:

— From zorg to us the general inspector Dez an imer Konoradson flies. It is known to all. To it one million years. Three-hollow "metalworker", obviously, received a denunciation. However, to peret an emergency, to it to us almost through all empire. Means, it will be possible to detain him in flight to the maximum. But, if it arrives, then it can cost much to us, and the problem is very simple whether it will find genocide of these primacies? It has a right to convict us of operation violation of the rules.

Marshall governor made a pause, having haughty crossed hands on a breast. The three-headed hawk let out a spark from a beak, and kukureknut... Gesture of "gorilla" followed and very quickly began to mince, feverishly touching words the general Gerlok:

— But they want awfully much, on Earth, speak, it is impossible to keep more than one thousand soldiers, on others resolve up to ten thousand. We did not exterminate people of Earth is universal, otherwise everything would be much simpler, as in other places where we completely dematerializovat humanoids and reasonable beings in kvadrillionny quantities. As air vakuumno of sterile planets is pleasant. However, alas, the most insignificant and chernodyrny zorg can punish us. It is visible, it is necessary to throw troops to Trans-Pluto. And to remake the planet to ostentatious paradise. Let's find better than guerrillas and we will show people of Earth as cattle, not worthy to pity, causing loathing. I count on you, the most difficult is to be here, on Earth.

The floor was taken by the ultramarshal Eroros who arrived in connection with such extraordinary business. It is higher on a rank, than Fagiram Sham. Eroros was powerful, with is proud of a snub nose, the jockstrap athletically put, as well as practically all other representatives of this aggressive race seemed almost the young man:

— The main problem is our mines on Mercury though the planet and was not developed by people of Earth, but it is in their star system. If the limit emerges that gratuitous export is exceeded it is tenfold and exceeds fifty percent, then there will be a problem. The main thing to minimize communication with natives. It is the planet of red level of protection, nobody has to know history of people of Earth. Both on Mars, and on the moon it is necessary to bring order, there are traces of stay of people, and it is impossible to erase them without sanction of the Supreme Council of the highest wisdom. This system is protected by the special decree of the Most Saint emperor. And the Infinite governor does not love when he is disturbed on such trifles. In Universe scales similar developments a trifle. So traces should be hidden in an external ring of protection. Total cleaning is necessary. Know that though zorg — an advanced civilization, they are inclined to stereotypic thinking, they can be deceived, behaving contrary to formal logic. For example, if roundabout maneuver is most logical, then the opponent also prepares for it, and the blow in a straight line can be unexpected and effective. The irrational courses are capable to shake the opponent. It is necessary to reduce as much as possible traces of genocide and to provoke mutiny of people of Earth. It will confuse.

The governor roughly interrupted, and began to yell, nervously rubbing heels on a covering velvety mega-plastic. The voice was and really as at cranky:

— I understand logic of zorg, but me to hide traces, concrete money and resources are necessary. The main weakness of zorg is their decency. Let Council of love and the truth will help me to bypass the law, without breaking contracts on control over development of the planet. Starprobe vehicles of an external ring have to take part in the operation "Regeneration", and an expense at the expense of Department "Honor and the Homeland". And gave...

— No, expenses will be incurred by the Ministry "Wars and Victories", and also the Department of mercy and justice, — interrupted Fagiram Eroros, having said the phrase, the ultramarshal included the special field which reduced the audibility of exclamations of wildly nadsazhivayushchy governor through a ring signet.

— Let's act by spare option. All material tracks will be covered up, skillfully hidden. The main thing to minimize acquaintances of zorg to natives. It is very possible that here the aims of prospecting sense are pursued. Having known weaknesses of people of Earth, they will know better both our weak and strengths. Therefore the power over the general coordination and guardianship of the resident-zorga temporarily passes to the ultramarshal Urlik, that is, to me. The best specialists in a camouflage will arrive from the galactic center. A misinformation an imer Konoradson will take off, is decontaminated having got drunk, having caught a mouth a vacuum collapse!

The ultramarshal issued the hologram two bare-legged warriors who are catching up a banana goat promptly flew on the hall, and having overtaken began to chop this fruit for appetizingly looking pieces. Stelzana roughly started giggling, guarding threateningly athletic maidens-palachikhi in red bikini especially loudly laughed loudly. Their olive breasts, were big as water-melons, waists are rather narrow, and hips magnificent, under skin of warriors muscles, and persons classical correct, very smooth, but angry were rolled, hair are weaved into braids. Amazons from space! Eroros simply added:

— I will be engaged, for a start, in processing of the natives first of all working in the central city.

Fagiram finally found composure, stopped and turned around an axis. Its bull voice, suddenly lowered an octave that thin whisper. The black strapper was even bent and applied a palm to a mouth:

— Let's discuss counteroperation details.

* * *

Later an hour and a half transspatial communicator began to radiate feverishly quanta, making orders.

* * *

The last that was remembered by Vladimir Tigrov, is bright flash mad everything the piercing light. Wild circulations of annihilation plasma through burned the young man's body. It seemed that each cage flared in multimillion Gehenna. Even it was impossible to call it dazzle. The fiery whirlwind filled everything, having flooded thoughts and consciousness. All body devoured a flame. In the head the thought Why he so long feels pain flashed, plasma burns and evaporates body particles quicker, than the painful signal will reach a brain. "Really I ended up in hell?" For indescribable fear the body began to twitch in a mad rhythm., It seems, it became easier, burned down already not so strongly. Eyes opened, and he felt the cutting pain from bright patches of light of dazzling shine. Vladimir closed eyes again. As it seemed to it, he laid down, having relaxed all body. Pain from burns indeed ceased, having turned soon into an unpleasant itch.

When Tigers opened eyes again, fiery glow grew dim, and through an indistinct haze the unfamiliar landscape began to appear. Sight quickly came back to norm, eyes distinguished details of a surrounding situation more and more accurately. What opened to a look calmed. The huge trees which are bearing a faint resemblance thick with very magnificent palm tree tops, growing at a row smaller, but more colourful breeds with flowers and some exotic fruit. Plants were the most bizzare shapes absolutely not similar to representatives of terrestrial flora.

From surprise the boy took a step forward, to trees. Bare feet touched a low soft grass. The tender grass was, generally bright green color, but bunches of violet, red, yellow and bright orange plants met. Here marvelous flowers, small, but multi-color grew. Some reminded terrestrial bouquets, others struck with the originality. The world looked quiet and magically colourful. Multi-colored butterflies and silver dragonflies, gold bugs with ruby specks, and any importunate bloodsucker.

— Probably, paradise so looks! — The boy extorted from himself a surprise cry.

Air was filled with the whole ocean of the bewitching smells exhaled in the flowers. From this aroma it became cheerful and there was a wish to laugh. Having vigorously risen, Tigers started wandering on a grass. Means, it is paradise, and time so, it will be able to find other people soon.

It was very warm, the star in the sky seemed huge and filled in space with the beams. However, as external impressions became more and more habitual, and the marvelous landscape already not so occupied thoughts, physical feelings began to be shown more and more distinctly. First, strongly a zanyla the jaw which is beaten out by powerful blow of the gallant stelzana-officer. Secondly, the feeling of hunger appeared. The last time it was supported with dry rations on the Ural base, before three days it had also no crumb in a mouth, apart from nuts from pine cones at all.

As far as time a naked sole of the boy rigidly bit by sight very beautiful, multi-colored, but actually burning down as if a nettle a grass. A foot from an ego itched, as from osiny stings.

Strange paradise if he still feels pain. However, he is not an expert in divinity, but in paradise there is no pain. And as he heard, all injuries received during lifetime disappear. And here on a body bruises are visible, mosquito stings itch, the hungry stomach mutters. The boy approached a streamlet, is put the scratched legs there, looked at the izobrazhennbsp; iye.

In surprisingly transparent water, the silhouette fair-haired, beautiful despite bruises on a face of the boy was visible. Only one strangeness, it it seems steel is slightly less and the face was rounded, having become more naive and children's. Severity maturing the devil considerably was softened. It as if became two-three years younger.

— Miracles! — Said, having slapped on the water of Tigers which is slightly giving iodine and by the sea. On a face prick crystal droplets of water. — I did not think that it is possible to return to the childhood.

Vladimir was not on age a clever young man and understood that after such explosion it is impossible to escape. But if it is other life, so here both not hell, and not the Eden, and other world or other planet.

It is good, frankly speaking, even paradise did not suit it. Boringly and too quietly there, in a dwelling without sin, and times it in other world, it are waited by new adventures and feats. He can become a hero and rescue this planet, it is still unknown from whom, but in space there are also angry dragons, the throwing-up plasma streams, bloody goblins with laser luchemeta instead of nostrils and propellers instead of ears. Fantastic elves with blasters, evil defa with a giperkvarkovy bomb, terminators with a vakuumanizator and, of course, the embodiment of the universal evil — Koshchey-Skeleton with one hundred hands, in each of which a light sword and the ten-barreled blaster, the annihilation rocket with computer targeting. Therefore, a task — to find in reply the new superweapon. As in a quest move, look for keys and hints. The most important to find people or elves with kind gnomes, capable to shape a magic photonew sword, to conjure a belt of interspatial movement with anti-gravitational protection. It is solved, it is necessary to find reasonable humanoids. The star over the head was strongly similar to the habitual Sun, but it was more and the star is much brighter. Though its beams were softer, than in a usual familiar terrestrial star, the fresh solar bathtub was excessive, poorly suntanned skin quickly reddened. And not decently to it to walk up and down to naked. It is possible to try to build a certain similarity of clothes from big leaves, and here it is account food better to refrain so far, it is other world. To get on a big palm tree was business not easy, Tigers few times broke, being scratched about a rough surface of a trunk. Then to it, using fingers of hands, and barefoot, dexterous legs, nevertheless it was succeeded to scramble on tree top. Literally filled in eyes then, and the throat already painfully tickled from thirst. Leaves of a palm tree were extremely strong and to tear off them was not easy business. Though Tigers and not the weakling, for the age, but also not the superman especially as muscles after "rejuvenation" became more small. . It with great difficulty tore off several leaves and already wanted to begin descent as a strange rumble drew its attention.

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