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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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When I opened the door into the dining-car, my body suffered such terrible fatigue, like I оббежал around the globe non-stop, and I wanted to fall now бездыханно and freeze. On this crazy draft I think I caught a cold deadly his soul, flinging her only for a few moments towards the black wind, invisibly уносящему time...

It was getting late. Beauty of the restaurant was almost empty. I immediately saw a large Sergey sitting at a table. My mouth go dry, but a strange thirst overmastered me. I wanted vodka. Vodka, I was no more he could not get drunk.

Arrived at last! Loudly, breaking the silence of the dining car, staying in the shadows, said Sergey.

Before him on the table, stood a bottle of vodka and a little good snacks. Two glasses filled to half, waiting for them to take, and I eagerly reached for one of them, surprised to drawing attention to the fact that my hand finely shaking, like that of an alcoholic. However, this does not scare me. Thirst overcomes all, even the mind and attention.

"What shall we drink? — with a wry smile asked Sergei, at the very moment when I greedily knocked over her glass, and vodka is stuck in my throat, going back through the nose, burning mucosa.

I looked askance at Sergey, holding one hand to щиплющую a nasopharynx, in the hope of seeing if not an apology, at least compassion in his eyes, but realized that not wait for this.

Sergey silently swallowed his portion of burning, making it quite fluently, accurately drinking a SIP of water, and not even wincing, then slowly reached for a snack.

-Well, boy, why did you and my wife was asleep?

I suddenly with blinding clarity realized that the play, which we had not waited just begun. Humiliated husband was somehow pour seducer his injury, and he'd better I immediately gave зуботычину than what it is unknown how much time to listen to him.

-All right, — as if guessing my thoughts, waved to the big guy. — Would have to be you right in the face crack. That now. Are you a Communist?

-Not yet, — I was not clear to turn his thoughts.

-And it shows.

-Why? I'm going to...

-Thief alive you, I see. However, it changed a lot now in life. I'll tell you from the heart. I used to Lenin loved, since became a pioneer. And then began to hate, hate, just as earlier he loved him. Why? From the country of his poor communism made the country poor. I myself am a Communist, was a Communist, even when the party did not exist when she returned to power, was a Communist and now I. Otherwise we are in spetsnaz, you cannot. Even when I appeared out of work for some time, and in these difficult times, never showed a sign of disloyalty to the party, although in some ways and not agree with the communism. But, you know, тдеология is an ideology, but life is life. In our country cannot be a Communist, if you want to achieve something in the service of the state. You know, the party of us and it isn't a bunch педерастов and governmental structure, cha ness of the pyramid of the state. So if you're not a Communist, that means only one thing: you're a poor people of the second grade. The party ticket is the main trump in his career, otherwise you can put it on the cross. Until you commander, he still would be tolerated, but as a company you will never be without партбилета in your pocket. The party made a good lessons from all of their defeat in the last decade. Enough rudder of the ship cannot be disclosed to anyone, even if this ship is directly on the reef!

Sergey sold out, and we looked past few visitors institution. To our table the waiter came up and addressed to Sergey:

-Excuse me, please, the restaurant closes.

-In, saw — Sergey shoved under his nose waiter red crust and, without waiting for him to even see what it is that we took back in his pocket. — Your Director is aware, guy. We'd sit here as long as I pleased. If that is not clear, let the Director himself comes. Otherwise I'm your chicken coop in chips lambasted, nothing will remain. Clear!

He was married apples выпучившихся of the orbits of the eye, and I felt, as he, like a sponge, impregnated with anger, turning into a living machine of destruction, capable to destroy everything.

The waiter hurried away. Sergey removed his furious gaze to me:

"Listen, this puppy does not know against whom he had just выпендривался. Bastard. I participated in the coup and the return of power to the legitimate предстаивителям! It on my shoulders, my neck Communists are back up! I personally shot in P-resident! I изрешетил its like a rotten roach, I've seen of his leaky belly, in the поротого queue exploding bullets from my machine, fly ulcer and lumps of shit, proving once again who clear that he is a man, like all other, the same wineskin, full of shit and nothing more! When I did, then felt his hands, with these hands here, stop the wheel of history and turn it into another, necessary, party, party! — Sergey gritted his huge fists, why the bones of the fingers were white mounds, his terrible eyes, скрежетнул teeth and gave on the table, there was a crack, and a bottle of vodka fell splashed on the table content.

I was frightened at this man, giving me drunk on such mysteries, later, протрезвев, get scared and turn on my neck, just as day is depicted hands.

"Come here! — Rose from the table, Sergei.

Following him down the hallway, I unwittingly caught up in his mind strange, quiet lines:

And that the Communists? Fed people?

Yeah, fed кровавою foam.

His severed, causing orphans

To call himself "your change"...

Apparently, the soul came back to me and now slowly thaws, although wounded by my desire to get rid of conscience and домоганий.

The train began to slow down. Sergei went to the проводницам and began to knock at the closed door, where soon seemed sleepy Light.

-What is the station?! In a loud voice he asked, frightened was guiding them.

She закопошилась in the directory:

-So, сальские steppe we drove... yeah, Novosibirsk.

-Novosibirsk?! Very good! — Sergey resolutely went to his compartment, opened the door and затормошил заснувшую Anyuta. — Get up! Get up, come on! it's time you!

Half asleep, Annie, without understanding anything, and probably all forgetting tried to protest, and then squirmed. But, probably, the character of Sergey was strong, and its decision was adamant. Like a kitten by the scruff you put it in cold aisle полураздетую wife, threw things, suitcases and ordered:

"Get dressed, say now to the exit. In the corridor a blowing some interesting goals, but soon disappeared again, slamming doors.

The train stopped, and Sergey dragged Anyuta to the exit. On the platform there were several passengers released to the train. Sergei took Anyuta away from cars.

I did not go out and looked at them through the glass of the window, feeling from the street into the corridor through the open door, pulled the autumn coolness. Pool on the asphalt apron with ice crusts. Land of gleaming sparks speaking frost. People rush to get into the car, pushing and пихая in the vestibule of his belongings, backpacks, bags, suitcases.

I could see Sergey stroked his wife teenage on the head, allowing her to even bury his face in his shoulder, then suddenly put her aside and gave her ass as street оборванцу, went away to the carriage.

Hannah stayed on the platform when the train moved accompanying him a confused look. Sergei walked over and stood next to me, strong and frequent breathing.

-All bitch! — He said through clenched teeth, and then stopped, staring at the window.

The train picked up speed, moves away from the station. Outside the window sailed city streets, bridges. In my head again circling the poetic sad and slow snow:

I would die clean,

I would like to die healthy,

I would like to die fast

Longtime way, alas, not a new...

"Bitch do not want — dog not to jump", — I tried to justify himself before his conscience, but not easier, but my head is continued рифмованная mess:

I would like to die old

I would like to die wise,

But boy поджарым

Be in the soul still

All that happened was to blame, of course, I. Anyway, so I thought. However, Recalling the incident from the beginning, I still found in their behavior, something the caller than you could provoke similar intsendent. About this dirt't want to think, but she stuck to their heavy, fatty lumps and did not want to fall behind.

I seemed an eternity had passed from the moment the train left the station, as suddenly something by my side came in the direction of the shadow, and I turned, saw Sergey grabbed a stop-off and pulled the lever down.

"Now I go"almost in her mind as sharp jerk pulled my body down the hall. Somewhere under the wagon creaked brakes, and when the train stopped, Sergei cold and trace.

The corridor ran out, pulling on the go at the bare thigh knitted pants and adjusting подпрыгивающую to the navel мастерку, Marina. She jumped up to me, растянувшемуся helpless on the carpet, and trampled down by dusty:

-Are you nuts? — It thru the high stretched note voice was against my ear.


-That, Marina?! The guests have well drunk, like dogs, and then at night stop-cocks rip off! Fine who will pay for it?!

Of steel coupe protrude passengers. From where just ran out conductor, popped his head Anton.

-What interfering with sleep?! What moron here is toying?! Who do nothing?! Heard from different sides.

Marina don't cry, please! — Door coupe in front of me too lightly. "I will pay. I will pay this fine, how many there will need to...

I got up, shook off the dust.

-Okay, let's go, — has calmed down a conductor and went to his compartment.

I followed her into the coupe. Here in the light of light my eyes appeared naked fat Light, shamelessly the collapsed on the shelf and indifferently looking all honest all on me затуманенными eyes. Beside her sat смоля cigarette, in jeans naked body with not buttoned ширинкой from which betrayed a resin tuft of curly hair, Anton.

Whatever буянишь? He asked, squinting in a cloud of tobacco smoke.

-Yes is not me!

-Who? "Inquired, turning, Marina. — Pushkin? Conscience then you must have at least a little bit.

She stripped off her tights and мастерку, обнажившись and turning to Anton ass, was anxiously to fumble with his hands on the shelf, looking for something in the dusk.

Anton buried his head between her buttocks:

-Now not I will, " she heard his hot whisper.

-Get lost! Marina took his head in his hand, still searching for.

-Now can't stand it! — Anton furtively, trying not to make noise pulled off his jeans.

In the ghostly light of light looming his Horny member, and I unconsciously began to compare it with their own. Anton stood, and followed them back to the Marina and tried to take her, clasping his hands:

-I warned you, I couldn't do it!

-Get lost, tell you! Marina began to struggle and, отпихнув finally it off, said, gasping. — I to the t now jump! Joking aside: we need to report, who stop-cock jerked. Give me the money!

She switched on the overhead light, sat down behind his Desk and took out a folder form of receipts and pen, застрочила large, sweeping handwriting.

I went to look for money.

-Here, take this! Marina, blasting out from the spine, gave me the receipt, took my hands the money — no change is necessary, — I understand?! And began to put on the form.

-Sorry, sorry to see you go! — Lazily, with regret, said Anton. Now I'm in the form.

-Won, Svetik, " said Marina. — Fuck her.

-Ah. that Svetik? Anton looked at развалившуюся naked fat girl and asked me. — Do you want it to blow in?

Not finding what to say, I got out of the coupe. For me left and Marina, and we parted with it in different directions. I stopped, wondering what coupe go: in his or Sergey. But then, having decided that it was, in any case, watch your things, went to his compartment.

Someone was sitting. It was an old man with long, седоватой beard. It seemed to me that it black, long, ankle-cloak, but seeing on the table Popovsky кивер, and on the chest of the person of the big, shining Golden in sailing outside the window lights cross long yellow chain, I guessed that this priest. For his age, I've never met in the train or plane with a representative of the clergy.

-Good night! — He turned to me, fingering the hands laid on the table. — In that compartment, it seemed to me there's space?

-Hello, — I replied. — You are absolutely right.

-That's good. And then I see things here someone scattered. Thought will have to leave from here. All other compartment closed and проводниц that are not visible.

I suddenly wanted to do something good for this soft, genial old man, the speaker seems to be easy, just like other people, but whose words are spoken politely and warmly, warmed the soul.

-Would you like me now linen bring?

-Oh, young man, please give me such a service.

For me I had really warmed up, and I with a light heart went in the coupe to проводницам.

Anton died over Her, putting her in intricate position.

"What are you walking? He said, outraged. — Do not figs?

-Let me set underwear! — I asked.

-You that, just crazy, or what?! — Old Anton.

-Yes, there to me hooked...

-Чувиха? Where the linen? He asked Sveta. "Give him.

-There take, on the top shelf, bag, showed it by hand, bending down.

I brought the priest linen, and he thanked me.

What I shelf can sit? "He asked.

-Go to the bottom, " I said, throwing up out of bed linen anjuta.

-And someone else in here goes, except you?

-Yes, but they came up: a small family quarrel. But I think to Ulan-Ude, and maybe catch up to Chita.

The Holy father sighed, carefully, as if hiding, listening to me.

"But where are you going, young man?

I? To Chita. And you?

-Oh, I'm far from Vladivostok.

-Wow. And why so far, if not a secret?

In the cases of confessions.

-As I pretended to understand something.

We have gathered to sleep: in the presence of a clergyman I suddenly felt himself to be humble and a good man, felt the desire to be that way, and it was pleasant to me, when suddenly, unexpectedly, in the coupe burst Anton.

-A-a-a! — Not his voice " he shouted, apparently, looking forward to come to here and spicy scene. — Where is thy plague?

Pop lifted with a head cushion, and his white beard fell into the beam of light fell from the corridor in the doorway. Face Anton changed:

-Oh, sorry. I don't think I got there... No, there.

He apparently considered me in the twilight, and, approaching nearer, ' I was lying on the upper shelf, — whispered in my ear some nonsense. In the face of the smell of booze out of his mouth.

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