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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Pit grave was ready. It dug another morning with someone from the village men on the edge into a plowed too big plow a field cemetery, beside the road.

In an hour all was finished. Pop read over the grave with свежесрубленным cross last prayer, ending with the word "Amen"to the end of continuing to swing the censer. Old women and a few men, who stood just so, who is being baptized, went away from the cemetery, leaving far behind the priests, though all of them and not вникнувших until the end of the incident, bearing slowly and heavily bitterness and sorrow of their sin.

I noticed that neither barbarians nor Alena for the funeral and was not, and wondered why I had to attend to them, to me, an outsider, пришлому now, and wants to leave this small, closed in his dingy and the simple life of the world, joy, sadness and tears which were interested in me, it would seem, is smaller than all other than its inhabitants, who were born here and here уйдущих from this world.

Everything that happens to me it was strange and rather resembled a dream, prolonged, bad, erratic sleep in a stuffy, hot room, Wake up from that, apparently, has not yet come. I will not be surprised with anything, I'm tired to be surprised anything in this dream and now only limply watched its development, with frequent and incomprehensible change of scenery, such dissimilar. And it seemed no turn of events would not be able to surprise me get out of this state sleepy indifference

Alena was sitting in the house of Pelagia Пантелеевны, looking through the window at the house Barbara in brooding stillness, motionless and not even blinking. In her pose no ability nor the tension of waiting, no relaxation of detachment. It was a sort of intermediate state, similar to what he is when he's asleep. Having heard the creak of the floorboards beneath my feet, as if she woke up, looked at me, asked a little later:

-Well, buried?

-Yes. And why don't you go?

Instead of answering, she turned toward the window, also despoiled, staring at him.

-Interesting job! — Me as broken. — I mean, should be present, though not have to покойничку nothing, and own daughter stays at home, the way it should be, and can not, that Lukashenka is buried! Normally!

The indignation of my like not reached hearing Alena, and not a muscle, none of the vein under the skin on her face twitched, not waver me in response. However, I was not satisfied, and has a long indignant, before she turned, suddenly stopping, like cutting off, the flow of battle, лившийся of my mouth, and said quietly and simply:

-You've been there for me. Is it clear?!

I was astonished with such a response, and stood silently, with his mouth open, unable to find words and common to at least finish his speech.

In the window I could see the porch Варвариного home. The door on him opened and inside knocked down the woman, wiping noses and cheeks handkerchiefs. Among them flashed and Pelagia. Soon she came in.

-Barbara-t in a very bad state, she said to'alene.

"I know, " replied the girl, laced his chin on the palm of the hand and leaning his elbow on his knee, all continuing over the shoulder look in the window.

The indifference with which she spoke it, just stunned me. My mind refused to accept that saw the eyes and ears heard, and the brain reached the brink of collapse madness from the inability to absorb the incoming information.

I do suddenly felt, that now the time has come, when all of a sudden most of all I wanted to run, to run away. All the same where, if only not to hear, to see not absorb this unpleasant my soul, доставлявшую her pain reality, like a sea urchin, without demand лезущего to my throat.

When Pelageya has departed, Alena suddenly, rose from the chest, where she was sitting, she took my hand and, without even looking me in the face and led her into the hall.

We went outside. Alena got me into the shed where the Pelageya was it is piled a lot of any rubbish, itself stood in the doorway and said:

-Find a hammer and a nail.

I obeyed her, to the surprise of not having even the internal resistance of her team.

It was soon found both.


The girl brought me into the yard to Barbara. We went up on the porch. She opened the door. Inside the house smell stale, marsh air, heated however, to such an extent that he went straight from the oven.

I involuntarily shuddered when скрипе rusty door hinges. I wanted to get more air to breathe a little deeper before we get inside, but Alena't let me do it and immediately pulled hand, as of a lamb on the rope in the dark, damp and stuffy canopy.

There was such impression. We were in the dressing room. Somewhere ahead were heard muffled moans.

I decided that it was again, a dream or reality, we go through the dungeons and be absolutely unimaginable place, in some other world. But the most unexpected was that none of this happened. We were in the room, uncomfortable, dirty, littered with randomly all sorts of stuff and seeming even smaller than it actually is, quite tiny and miserable, and proceeded to another, the same неухоженную and differs only by the fact that one of its walls was a metal badly painted, who had in many places поржаветь bed, scary скрипевшая, exactly вывшая like a dog that lost the master, at the moon, an artist from each movement lying on it.

The sight was horrible. Only after several minutes of silence before me, hardly realised that this withered, leather-covered шевелящийся skeleton with a deep hollow in orbit eyes, seeming now widely madly open and rotating in the hopeless, the blind and rather aimless search of something, that this kind of person, only vaguely resembles a woman with long, dirty-white, shaggy hair, and a barbarian.

Instinctively I drew back from the bed, but Alena immediately caught my elbow, apparently, intently watching my slightest motives.

-What is it? — Perplexed, I asked her, feeling the cold wave passed with head and swept down to the tips of the toes, and the hair on his head began to stir.

Is my mother. She dies voice of a girl coming exactly from another world.

-Why have you brought me here?

-Need help.

-How?! — Unintentional a vague guess flashed in my head. It seemed to me, that girl wants, apparently, so I kicked Varvara skull these rusty hammer (for some reason, because it has forced to take a hammer and a huge nail, and on the equipment for providing first aid to these items did not like). — "Apparently, she made a mistake with my choice, accepting me for who she wanted. And she only has buried the father..."

-Вбей nail nail in приколотку door, " Alena.

-In приколотку door?

-Yes, in приколотку door!

-But why?!

"Do what I say, don't ask.

I was indignant, but at this time, Barbara issued such a terrible, heart-rending cry, that my heart зашлось from the cold out in painful spasm.

Though if stung by bee, like пришпоренный and fuelled by hot whip on a side stallion, I dashed to the doorway and in the twinkling of an eye, not knowing how it happened, pushed двухсотмиллиметровый rusty hinge in a clear tree almost half.

Varvara was happen something unimaginable. Her whole body shook exactly fever moans turned into one long howl or roar. Her eyes became big, dull-Matt's mouth went white foam. Then eyes have failed altogether, and on the face there were three burning green failure, three holes similar to the eyes in the furnace rolling, which were buzzing unprecedented green flame.

Nail burned his hand. I drew back his hand and saw that he steaming-hot, and wood around him обуглилось and задымилось. Bright light suddenly blinded me, and when the ability to see come back to me on the bed, dirty blankets, like насыпанный lay just grey dust.

-All — quiet, but insensitively said Alena, I touched its расплавившийся and bent over to land a nail.

Приколотка still smoked.

We left and headed to the other side of the village. I decided that Alena was going home, but she turned to the bridge.

-What does it all mean? I inquired, gently moving away from the residue оторопи.

-Do not ask.

The girl was walking a little ahead, and we could not go for it. Moreover, she said nothing. But for some reason I followed her, still carrying unnecessary already hammer.

-So die witches, — as though to herself, said Alena, not even turning to me.

Soon we arrived at the stables in the forest. There were still a horse.

The experiences of recent night swept over me, and I cautiously walked into the semi-dark, gloomy building, as if sensing the presence here of shadows and ghosts, participants of the night of the fight.

Alena suddenly stopped in the middle of the aisle between the stalls and sharply turned to me, saying,

Because you killed my mother?

The question was unexpected and sharp, but I found and answered:

-No, I did not kill her. She just kicked a crucifixion. And it bounced, struck her in the chest, in the region of the heart...

-You have done ill, " the girl went on, after a moment. — Development of history does not conducive to your intervention, you know?

"I understand, " I replied and nodded. I was not clear where she was headed.

"You wouldn't understand. You just had to walk past all of this and not meddling. But, say thank you to my daddy, you got involved in this shit up to their ears. He tried. Now you must stay here himself or to leave his seed, otherwise you here will not leave.

I only had time to think, what should be indignant her words, as behind her in the side where there was a gate, as if the earth opened, and from it seemed, went up Varvara. Behind me I heard some rustling, and I, I turned around and saw Ivan.

"All the family in gathering!" — I thought, and had somehow it was funny, but I kept my own laughter.

-So you just what am I not release it? I inquired.

Alena shook her head in acknowledgement of my innocence.

-What do you need?

"Now you.

-But why?!

-You stepped in history and now can't leave just like that. Choose: you stay himself or leave here his seed. In any case the balance of the forces of good and evil requires the restoration of equilibrium. Too much good — it's too bad, " replied Alan.

-So what should I do? I asked, looking back on her, then Ivan, motionless стерегших outputs.

-Agree. You should stay or leave the seed. Take a chance.

-And how to stay? — I caught myself thinking, trying to stall for time and talk to her teeth.

-It means to die, but to move into a different entity. She will be my husband, and I'll be what barbarian...

-And what means — leave the seed?

-It means to take me.

In my head barely flashed the thought that the second fits me more, as Alena immediately threw the clothes from his young body.

-It suits me more, " she said, coming closer, in that case, I'll only conduit, and good will sit next me next to evil. I don't want no remainder belong to some one of them.

She turned to the ghosts of their parents:

-Go away, embarrass us.

Ghosts suddenly disappeared.

I perked up and asked:

-If I say no, it'll return again?

-Yes, but in this case you will die, " answered quietly Alena.

Now I expected that it will suit me, but instead of this the girl turned into the stall of the stallion deftly подлезла under him, holding his sex organs. Her fingers opened a horse, and a member of his, black, shiny and dirty, immediately rose, hanging over almost to наваленного hay on the floor.

-Shoot down, darling, knock down, " came to me her sweet whisper.

Picture could not leave me indifferent. I felt from somewhere in the depths of my soul, this unknown and unfamiliar to me, as to any stranger, the same unrestrained and wild as any element, stand up, open злачными flowers lust, baser, animal instincts, apparently similar to those that prompted the rise flesh stallion.

Alena beckoned me and I'm excited to limit passion, rushed to her side, feeling that he himself was a stallion and already not good.

All the rest was like a dream or a dream. Suddenly I really thought that I had turned into an animal...

-I have a boy, — has told to me Alena after all this madness, which lasted until the evening.

We went out of the barn and went on the road to the village.

The sun was setting, looking unusually deep crimson.

-How do you know? I asked, thinking to himself that tomorrow will be windy, unpleasant weather.

-So requires story.

-What else will it require?

He will be my husband.

-Your husband?! But is it possible?!

Instead of an answer, the girl laughed.

-Is it possible that the son was the husband of his mother?! And then, as I understand, you then take place Barbara and shalt be the embodiment of evil?

The girl laughed even louder and I felt so horrible.

In the first half of the night we parted with it in the bridge on the outskirts of Василихи. The moon hung over us, it seemed, went mad and furious, bright as ever, shines from above, Recalling the huge one on the whole Earth, street light.

-Hurry up and go as you can, " she told me goodbye.

-But now I can't go quietly? — I was amazed.

-No. You will pursue. In this village today is a terrible night. And it's just your luck that you're not leaving here alive and another man. Run — monsters will chase after you.

With these words, she pushed me, though betrayed me determination and initial start acceleration. With this submission, not remembering itself, I got to dawn in БольшуюВисилиху and sat down on a passing bus.

Door in the apartment, no one discovered. His key, I was not. On the platform of the left neighbor, aunt Masha handed me the keys. I оторопело looked at her, trying to understand, what is the meaning of her words:

-Not стучись, dear, here's your keys. Uterus, my three days, as has died. We do not know where you have gone, where a telegram to give. Themselves and buried. So late you. We didn't know when you're coming. Maybe in a month, a year later, the uterus is your reluctance to do распостранялась. If there yesterday, it's time for him to another. Yeah.

I looked at the loose in her outstretched hand are the keys to me, gleaming faces a notch, and they are stronger spread before my eyes, dissolving, расплываясь in tears filling my eyes. When he came to me that happened, from my heart broke only like a scream, vzryd impotent despair and melancholy: Mother!!!

Chapter 33.

The smell of booze as honey come flies, from all sides to the table began to gather. Top slipped Кудлов and Nikolai Dmitrievich, Nikolai Mikhailovich postponed their stuff out of the way.

-Uh, friends! — Outraged Bogdan. I, actually, you didn't expect...

But his words no one reacted, and all were sitting around waiting for their cups of liquor.

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