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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Passengers in the car were noticeably less.. almost all compartments were empty.

My travel nearing an end, and that with every hour on the soul became more and more restless, because it will end no signs of even the illusion of peace, who is now wanted the most. Unknown upcoming conjures the increasingly oppressive feeling. I already forgot to be romantic, barely drank some of army life, and now not expecting anything good. I wanted to heat, like the house, in which you can go back and where you will wait. But me nobody expected nor where I come from, nor there, the more I was going.

End of the trip does not mean the end of the road.

At night, разволновавшись, I could not fall asleep, and woke up the next day from the fact that the conductor was shaking me by the shoulder.

"Get up, you got to get out.

I jumped as if stung by bee.

The picture I found on the exit from the car, had plunged me into a depression. Several rickety, gray houses close to the yellow station buildings and in the other side, just five minute walk as if brought here by the wind taken out from somewhere else, not from this world, civilized and prosperous, modular five-storey building and beside her three-story barracks, headquarters, several other administrative buildings and hiding behind all this Park with combat equipment. Nothing except that, Yes threads rail from horizon to horizon endless манчьжурской steppe, semi-deserts, not visible around, as far as the eye.

Frost was intensified by the ruthless wind, and I'm not willing himself, had hurried to the buildings part. The train, where I arrived disappeared on the horizon, not pausing on this station and two minutes.

"Is this hole is the zone of three zeros? "I said, feeling the конечностистынут in the wind, and even fur mittens not save from his icy breath. Can I serve?"

"No, not here, made me tired Lieutenant Colonel, chief of staff of the regiment, looking through my papers. All this, apparently. Habitual and order bothered occupation. — Here only a transit point. Decoy for imperialist intelligence, so to speak.

He threw me across the table of the paper and said:

-You will come into the squad drill, отметишься that arrived. This is required, otherwise you will be deemed to be a deserter. Nowhere, except in this small staff does not remain концаниточки your fate and then, after many years, when the question arises, where have you been these next two-three years, the answer to this can only be found, if you won't forget to check out in the ceremonial part of our regiment. Tomorrow sending in the area. All forward.

Captain, drill part, having my documents humdrum, but evidently that is scary said:

-Oh, another смертничек. Taktak, дававй their командирововчное. I no longer useful. Спецпаспорт leave yourself to be that mom send. Married?


-Oh, that's right, and here almost half of idiots married rides. They are in the shit, and the wife for them there will soon fly. Why? And children still a drag.

-What is that area, three zeros?

The captain looked up at me mocking eyes, then again some papers:

-Will soon find out. While it is not necessary. I will only say one thing: there I post like you, batches, and from there only paper wads same post. The lucky ones who come back going across the other part, but still the papers returned more than people. But do not fear." You Roger says that long you would live.

-I would like to believe, " I replied, taking away documents.

In the barracks, which was provided for пересыльных, it was cold, stood iron soldiers beds and bedside tables, a washbasin worked badly, and the toilet was clogged and swam in a jumble of paper and decomposing manure hotel. The soldiers left the supervision order, closed shook the store-room and one out only wash or in the toilet in the other wing of the building where they lived established company. They were too lazy to dress and сорокоградусный Moroz they surged in one полушерстыном outfit.

Transit officers waiting to send, wrapped in a robe and dusty blankets sat on the stools in front of the black-and-white, полуразобранным TV. He kept turning off and then some special started poking at his insides. The rear panel of the device was not. Several experienced majors and captains gathered in даньнем corner of the bed, lay on the stools snack and drink. The TV gathered mainly youth, green lieutenants. "Старлеи" veering between the TV and the кампаниемй. First it was boring, and the second one — is not available without introduction of the quota bottle of "fuel".

Day evening stretched slowly. To a stupor after watching TV, I fell down dead on the bed without underwear. Forces have been just enough to wrap ourselves, fully clothed, in the dusty blanket and outline still on top of his dusty coat, pulling it up to her nose.

In the morning our group was put in the only car with надписьб "Путеремонтный", hooked up to маневровому a diesel locomotive. Five hours later we came out in a deadlock. Around there was nothing but leaving behind the horizon of the rails. Accompanying the group mayor, wrapped in cotton armor, as matreshka, took us hundred feet from standing in a deadlock composition, gathered in a circle, looked at his watch and said:

-To endure, tolerate, товрищи officers. After about ten minutes on our Baikonur you will welcome the rocket. Fly into space. The weather today хоошая. Only twenty-five, and there's no wind. You all inhabitants of Transbaikalia, so do all this. You are used to.

Half an hour later came the roar of the helicopter turbines, and of low clouds jumped in delight itself винтокрылая machine.

Thoughts in the cold to the head moved slowly. I remembered the summer, distant Ukrainian city, which seemed to me now the most dear in the world, Veronica.

-You can make for the sake of saving another person's something crazy? she asked seriously.

-The human heart is an Apple, shot full worm evil, replied the priest of the train.

"If you could now ask something of God, what would you wish?" I asked myself, and thought for a while and haven't found an answer. There was nothing worthy of my request. Was not, or did not want to look.

The helicopter descended lower and lower.


End. To be continued...

1 чмарить — verb from a noun SCHMUCK — man morally lowered, жаргонизма (author's note.)

"Чамбур" — moonshine in Mongolian (approx. author)

"Чамбур" drove at home intentionally hired the Soviet army, who lived in apartment barracks (approx. author)

The senior Lieutenant — senior Lieutenant (approx. author)

Replaced means to leave the Union replaced by another who arrived in trips abroad for this position (approx. author)

Sain-Shand — the city on the southern border of Mongolia, South Gobi desert, Choir — city half way from Ulan Bator to Sain-Shand, Northern edge of the Gobi desert.

Iser — Azerbaijani (approx. author)

Sumgait events — the beginning of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict 1989 — 1991 (approx. author)

Fees — 's course for young soldiers — the initial transition period of military service, when conscripts being prepared for its further processing. In this period of conscripts is prepared to bear the internal and guard duty, study military regulations with further examinations. Usually at the training camp commanders are appointed to rank higher штанного of an officer of the rank corresponding to the position. For example, a platoon commander of the fees shall be appointed captain or major instead of the prescribed Lieutenant or Lieutenant. Fees are completed acceptance of the military oath, after which starts the actual passage of urgent service (approx. author)

Kyakhta village on the border with Mongolia a few kilometers from the border station Naushki on the railway branch of Ulan-Ude — Ulan-Bator (approx. author)

Баганур — military town division ten kilometers from the Mongol town Багануур, located in 120 km South-East from Ulan Bator (approx. author)

Never March in the infantry regiment of the division (approx. author)

Money allowances for Junior officer was on average one thousand two hundred togrogs a month, soldiers and sergeants from one hundred to three hundred togrogs a month (approx. author)

"The court" called motorized rifle regiment, which was located separately from the whole division in Ulaanbaatar at the army headquarters (approx. author)

The rise in military units at six in the morning (approx. author)

"Hell Minister @ Tor"

Hyper Roman ѓ

Book one /FriAya



Chapter 1.

-Veronika! Veronika! — it is not revealed.

He caught up with her.

-Why you didn't want to take the urn with the ashes home? asked her Gladyshev. He apparently didn't knew that at that moment Veronika it could no longer tolerate.

After the funeral of her husband Veronica felt suddenly a wild, unbearable отварщение to his companion.

Gladyshev was she now then ever before. Aversion was unbearably so unbearably, that she hardly even looked in his direction.

"God, how I even went to bed?! Where my eyes could look?!" — thought to herself, Veronica, trying not to look away Gladysheva, as they walked down the path from the crematorium.

In addition, its just strangled some bitter, latent resentment. No, not at him specifically not to Gladysheva. She порнимала that Gladyshev — just a fool, a buffoon. But this fool shot her husband, albeit accidentally, and now was as if nothing had happened beside her, moving away from the crematorium, where only that burned his former patron and her husband.

Maybe Veronica angry with myself, to their fate. Something inside her told her that now will not be like it was before! Will not be the carefree life, when she could spend the money as much as wanted. Now, probably, before the marriage, you'll have to count pennies, choosing a painfully long and where they spend, what is more important, valuable lipstick or a piece of sausage...

Yes, she was angry with his destiny, who for some reason decided to again turn to her ass. And Gladyshev was part of this destiny. If not he, then the Hippo was still alive, and her carefree existence now would, as before, were not threatened. Therefore, the unconscious part of the unbearable disgust that she now felt to Гладышеву, was the threat of its пошатнувшемуся position, which came from him. She felt her entire being. Although the threat has passed powered, realized in the past, but Veronica felt that she nest somewhere in the future and threaten her from there. It seemed to her that if she didn't get rid of Gladysheva, in the future it will have big trouble. She did not understand, just didn't want to understand that the trouble had begun, the mechanism of karmic retribution was already running, and изабилась would it from Гладышеыа or not is nothing to be changed in its future destiny. Perhaps, on the contrary, the presence of Gladysheva how something could be to her benefit, because she was going to stay alone in a strange city, a huge metropolis, where and relatives, sometimes, other do not need, not what outsiders. However, provincial carelessness, which she had no reason to lose, because any negative experience, свзяанного with loneliness in the vast metropolis, which was itself as the whole country, pushed her on the rash and short-sighted steps.

Veronica wanted nothing to think. Gladyshev was disgusting to her.

"I see you have increased talkativeness today, " said Veronica, interrupting his thoughts and turned to надоевшему and опротивившему her companion. — Well, so be it, I'll answer. And I hope it's your last question for today. I think he will rest more pleasant in the capital, where he was killed, than lie in the land, which runs on his killer-app.

With these words Veronica stopped, turned around, and gave a final glance at remaining in the distance, the headstone, and then resolutely walked away with the release of the cemetery and crematorium.

Gladyshev followed her, and now all her thoughts were busy with how to eliminate eh this boring and опротивившего her escort. He dropped back, and because Veronica had to wait for him at the exit from the cemetery. She stopped him with a gesture.

-We leave out: I need money — tossed him Veronica. "Besides, I'm not going to thee contain, as did George. So, Gladyshev, the hotel can even not to come back... But no, take their belongings, and then get. Thou me more not интеречсуешь, however, was not interested in ever. I hope that tomorrow our paths never cross my little идиотик. Honestly, Gladyshev, I was expecting from you just what you want, only not such a pig, you've had to strip immediately and husband, and livelihoods. Whom I now need? I now don't cry just because wept tears in these last night! Pig! You made me an orphan and left my baby without a father.

She spoke quickly, without hesitation, without stopping, with such certainty, as if for a long time already rehearsed this speech, and this scene.

-What kind of a child? surprised Gladyshev.

-Someone who starts when a man and woman sleep together.

-You will have a child?! — Gladyshev was delighted, and she was still омерзительней.

-Unfortunately, Yes, " she answered him, thinking how would поскороее finish with him. — But, thank God, that is not from you, Gladyshev.

Veronica turned and went away at a quick pace. Her heels цокали metal on the asphalt. Some sixth sense she felt as if she were on the back of the eye, that he was in confusion and disarray stood his ground, following her gaze. It seemed that she had from him forever, and Veronica sighed with relief. And although Gladyshev ran behind her, she already knew. That now we have one more.

Approaching the highway, Veronica habit raised her hand to catch a taxi, but then dropped it, remembering that now it will have to reckon with new reality: дньги should be considered and save. Veronica turned and headed in the direction of the bus stop.

Gladyshev, trailed behind.

After an hour she came in and took the keys, entered the room, which they occupied before the Гладышевым. In my head already been thought: that of where to put what things fellow, and which to throw away in the trash.

Entered Gladyshev. He silently gathered his belongings, and in half an hour буркнув under his breath "good bye!", disappeared behind the door of the room, leaving her life forever.

Wali! Vali! "good-bye to him Veronica, on the move, not even обернувшсиь, деловавито and quickly прошагиваясь number and picking up here and there scattered things.

When the door behind Гладышевым closed, she came, locked it, that he could not tempted to go back.

Now she plopped down on the bed and allowed myself to relax, wondering how to get home.

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