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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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A few minutes, maybe even half an hour she lay, and just mindlessly staring at the ceiling, occasionally listening to the deaf steps in the corridor outside the door. It still bothered that Gladyshev can come back and start whining that he had no money...

"By the way, I knock out a grandmother!" thought Veronica, and reached for the bag.

Attended the funeral friends, acquaintances and relatives Hippo, not all, however, were kind to her, and now she was holding in his hands three dozen of the hundreds of dollar bills. Veronica began to calculate how much it will have to change right now at the bottom, in the exchange office in the hotel lobby, enough on the road and for the first time home expenses. The rest of the money she tucked away in a bag, hiding them in a small secret pocket. It seemed to her that she hid the money very securely from any encroachments on them on the way to the railway station in the train, if suddenly have. "Apparently, still have to take a taxi, she thinks glancing at their things: two large suitcases and a bag. — In the bus or in the subway, I with it all herself not making!"

Veronica gained by phone number администраторши:

-Be kind, at six o'clock in the evening to book me a taxi at the Kiev station, she duty.

-And are you comfortable? "inquired she.

"Yes, " answered carelessly Veronica. "I have the tickets must be on the train and money order should be changed, dollars.

-I to you now get up, " said a voice in the handset.

Veronica shrugged and began to carry the suitcases in прхожую rooms. The train was still two hours.

Having coped with all the things Veronica went to the window and looked down at the street.

There was a deep fall in some places was lying small Islands, wet and snow melt. Near the metro station was a huge crowd of people. Further in the fog to discern the contours of the Central entrance to VDNKH.

Tried to open the door but it was locked from the inside. Then there was a persistent knocking, like Veronica забаррикадировалась in the room and for a long time someone wouldn't allow it. The knock was a persistent and unpleasant. It's a little полоснуло Veronica's nerves.

-I come, " she cried through the whole room, trying to calm someone outside the door. — Who is there so nervous.

Stood by the door администраторша, which Veronika just called you on the phone. Her face was kind of stressful. She carefully, and looked intently in the eyes of Veronica, if that's something she was going to steal. Behind администраторши loomed porter.

"May I come in? asked администраторша, as if Veronica would not let her in the room.

-Of course, — the girl missed the employees of the hotel inside.

Администраторша walked into the entrance hall of the room, looked at the assembled and ready to carrying out of the suitcases. Porter followed her, hesitated in indecision. The lady walked into the room and stopped in the middle, apparently waiting for the perfect Veronica.

The girl collapsed onto the bed before администраторшей, полуразвалившись, supporting his head with his elbow.

Администраторша looked at her intently, and then said:

-You owe for the room, you have to pay!

Veronica exactly poured cold shower. She even got up and sat straight. Somewhere in the depths of her soul засвербило some apprehension. From impudence администраторши Veronica lost even for a time speechless. Inside it was growing resentment that had splashed out righteous indignation, scandal, and the entry in the complaint book. Veronica decided that the descent of this shameless lady will not.

"Actually, for the room and for lunch from the hotel restaurant was paid immediately at arrival, before the end of the year, as far as I know! slowly, with contained anger she said, hoping to see the next minute gesture of apology for the misunderstanding, and delivered anxiety

on the face of the votaries of the hotel.

But the face that contrary to expectation naive provincial and is not thought to change. Not one muscle moved on her cheeks. And face администраторши was still severe, and even a little angry.

-It is not! You owe for the room! I repeat! You, before you move, you must pay another so much! she handed Veronica payslip.

Veronica looked at the amount and her eyebrows highly soared in surprise. To pay the bill, if the change dollars, which she had hidden away for a rainy day, gone almost all of its ZANACHKA on the black day. From Moscow, she left virtually empty wallet. This greatly angered Veronica. She did not think that this is a black day has come, to leave with the last money. Moreover, pay require new for what has long paid for her late husband.

"Why! "she protested. -Where this crazy number. Have you any idea. How much money?!

Is money just as much as the number that you have today.

But my — my husband when I paid for the room before the end of the year. Yes, I'm a receipt will show about payment! Veronica began frantically rummaging through the bag, feeling instinctively that the situation leaves from under the control, and she did not know what to do to get it back to normal, to everything continued to go quietly and steadily, as just half an hour ago.

-I don't need anything show! — stopped her gesture администраторша. -You owe for accommodation in a Deluxe room, be kind to pay it until departure!

'But tell me! I don't understand! prayed in расстерянности Veronica, feeling in words администраторши some kind of self-righteousness.

-And what is there to understand?! — администраторша opened the notebook, which gave her a porter. -Yes, you had paid for the room until the end of the year in which you are now! But this is being paid for the last name Gladyshev. Your surname — Бегетова, as I understand it, if you believe your passport. This first! You belong to another number, as far as I know.

-Yes, but we passed the room, and unused fee for this number to the end of the year isn't even a New year, isn't it?! — must go to cover the debt over this room, and if something is missing! — retorted the argument администраторши embarrassed Veronica. She felt her try to dissolve the most brazen way, and frantically looking for ways to protect.

-And what is your relation to the comrade Гладышеву Dmitry and to his money, actually? Here he let and receives a refund of the amount! We will pay him! You no relation to money Gladysheva not have. And, secondly, by the rules of our hotel, which you have violated, you, the citizen of the Бегетова Veronica, fined for accommodation in a single room with a foreign man, because, as it turned out, this is not your spouse, you to us it represented the whole month. You broke the rules socialist hostel. What we have here, rendezvous house or a public house?! We have a decent высокоразрядная hotel of the highest quality! And we are not indifferent to what we had in the rooms make the guests! According to the rules of residing in the hotel, she shook some nondescript by a tract, — we have every right to you fine! That's what we do!

Voice администраторши increased all the more menacing with every spoken word, and Veronica felt like she tries to nail her a rush and not give escape retribution.

-The same fine is issued on the name of the shooting this room Dmitry Gladysheva! But since he moved out, and I saw how he went with things from the hotel and you are to pay both fine will be you! — администраторша тыкнула toward her, his clumsy длнным finger, then took a Notepad two receipts and shaking her nose Veronica.

-This outrage! going to have somehow not quite boldly Veronica. It was felt that the arguments insolent администраторши, its brazen assault and growing the tone of her voice had on her his action, and she began to break down. -I pay for anything!" I want to be provided with a book of complaints!

There was a small pause, as if marked the culmination of a conversation, затм администраторша already low and calm tone of the winner, only that прикончившего sacrifice asked:

You may be a citizen of Бегетова, with the police want to talk? I now call!

Thoughts, getting tangled with each other, frantically spun in my head Veronica. She felt her try to cheat, but they understood that formally администраторша was right, and it is now thought that if she calls the police, it will take a very nasty turn.

Veronica sat and frantically tried to think of, until администраторша silently waited for her answer, standing in the middle of the room and blatantly looked down at her.

The easiest and possibly correct way out was to pay the amount demanded администраторша. But the sum she demanded, as though practically coincided with the information available to them in cash, net of expenses on the road. And if she decided to do so, on the platform of the railway station of his native city, she went without a penny of the soul.

Of course, if you would stay with her in the eye and take a compromising position, it is quite possible that администраторша скостила her some of the amount, taking money without receipts and without exchange for rubles. But it could not knock them off! Besides, she could pretend that Veronica she did nothing dumped, and taking the sum without a receipt, demand it again! Judging by the impudence and meanness, with which it напирала администраторша, she was is capable of, if апочувствовала in a girl up the slack.

But most of all Veronika it was a pity to part with his money, as it were, indeed, the recent big money, that she belonged to, and to give their clever aunt, who seemed to be learned as much as you can with her and get busted now on a completely far-fetched pretext, she doesn't want. They'd say she's the most useful?

Veronica glanced at the clock. The scandal had taken her for a whole hour time. Thoughts continued to frantically spinning in her head, looking for the best way out of this threatening situation.

Veronica again looked at администраторшу. She was looking at her, like a boa constrictor on rabbit. Next, a little behind her, rubbing porter, glancing around, their eyes wide and moving and then, and for some reason, apparently, not to meet with Veronica eyes at the ceiling. Apparently, attend such divorces he had regularly.

-Well! — gave up Veronica. -I'll pay! Only I haven't got my money! I will call her friends and relatives. You understand that to collect such sum is not easy. You have a day of stay costs of their monthly salary.

-It's yours! — more friendliness said администраторша. But until you settle accounts with you, we won't let you know! Here! Sign a receipt that debt agree! The deadline for calculating — tomorrow till midnight!

She held out Veronika receipt, and porter, which ceased suddenly staring around and catch the crow, sympathizing framed her tray, on which she could write.

"You sign a death sentence!" cried something inside Veronica, but she ignored this inner voice and began to write from dictation администраторши.

-And please note added a servant at the door of the hotel, leaving the winner of the field of battle, that, as long as you live here, no one cared for what reason — the fee for the number continues to build!

When the door in the corridor outside the uninvited guests slammed, Veronica collapsed on the bed, as if unsettled, and long lay, stretched out his arms and staring at the ceiling.

"Run! cried something inside her. — Escape!" Run! You to the bone разденут!"

This uneasy thought hurt сврлила heart of anxiety. The future that only an hour ago, it seemed, though, the bleak, but some decorated in a frame, now looked uncertain. Be calculated, it is unclear what Veronica вовспе not intend to, and now she had only one thought, how would sneak out of the hotel.

Chapter 2.

Veronica stripped before goals.

All the clothes and underwear, which she had torn right on the body, and, leaving her high boots, withdrew from the Cabinet администраторши, and then walked with her as with a dog through the corridors of the hotel.

Ahead was "Mama". In her hand she held a leash, which was tied collar on the neck of the girl.

Veronica was very, very ashamed. She never felt humiliated as much as now. She just burned with shame, and while there met them random and totally unfamiliar people, mostly foreigners, low lowered his head to her face't seen the guests.

Although it was already late in the corridors would anyone ever met. People, do not expect this to see frightened recoiled away from a woman at the head of the procession, proudly, slowly, as if victorious, as if at some spectacular show-parade вышагивавшей in the very center of the aisle.

All who came in their way, saw phantasmagoric picture.

Ahead of the cavalcade was, proud, with his chest stuck out, and raising his chin, being all расфуфыренная, pompous lady years more than the average in the red dress with a plunging obscenely neckline, in red stockings in a very large grid with large, like hands tied nodes, white, half-boots has high-heeled shoes with Golden cap over the thick leather boots.

In the hand of the lady had a leash on which that, if a dog, guide the next dazzlingly beautiful, completely naked girl shyly covering their fold hands. The lead girl in the red dress with indecent deep neckline was strapped to a wide collar, опоясывавшему beautiful neck with six конусообразыми metal spikes, навинченным him on the perimeter.

The girl put down her head low, why her face was visible bad. On the cheeks of her рдели spots thick crimson blush of shame. Silky curls, shimmering shades of light brown hair playing in the light of halogen lamps waves fell down across her shoulders, and from there flowed part of the back, and the front of the chest.

Beautiful, graceful, simultaneously juicy and at the same time девических shapes and sizes breast lightly walking girls. Their line, gradually turning from almost vertical peak, with her delicate shoulders to shimmer, converging at the top and bottom two crossing гиперболам ending Breasts, defined as round, filled to the bottom of the form, forming two weighty, as if filled with bunches of ripe grapes, bowls, elastic springing to his suspension.

Each breast girls, ivory, stars in his side a large, bright pink, red medal, nipple, blinding and bewitching beauty, splendor and unexpectedness of the emergence of where the nature and the custom of things should not be from the point of view of a normal good Burger or a lodger in other civilized breed, like an Englishman, a Frenchman, or the American, random men, who saw this miracle.

Behind the procession followed by several men Caucasian appearance with severe persons, dressed in suits and white shirts-shirts, carefully озирающихся around and обшаривающих incisive views black eyes terrified and centred on concerns over the eyewitnesses of what is happening, which was недомек: whether it is security, whether the accompaniment of a strange procession.

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