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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Guests, most of whom were foreigners, could not understand what they see. And it may well be that they take it for a freak to the hotel, which arranged this kind of entertainment, some экзальтированое show on the medieval themes, thus attracting in these difficult post-Communist times to his wait future customers who come back and stop in the next time it is here and not in some other place, having heard from their already visited Russia friends about the things happening in this hotel unbelievable, exotic and even ecstatic night miracles like this walk provocatively dressed, aged ladies bare, the mesmerizing beauty girl on a leash instead of dogs.

The other watching this scene burghers, accidentally caught in this moment on the path of the procession were to bring cameras. Foreigners in General has always been своейственно constantly be anywhere, where would they go or where they were not present, recording and releasing equipment, because посткоммунитической Russia might suddenly bumped on that material, which with pleasure would have bought homes in prosperous Europe or America, some magazine or newspaper, specializing in coverage of the events in the former Soviet Union for very good money, immediately окупившие more than all the travel costs in this wild and strange country.

Many of the eyewitnesses, who was carrying cameras, surprised by what he saw, could not even knew and time to figure out what you need to grab the camera and shoot until the procession passes by. Some of the most nimble and enterprising, those who came here specifically looking for sensations, threw up their own technique, but accompanied the procession of men, seeing this, immediately briskly approached, closing the lenses of his hands, and shaking his head, said something in a strange бюргерам language, thwarting all attempts to shoot the cavalcade. Intonation and their facial expressions foreigners to understand that you can not shoot.

Some tried to join the procession and go after, but the Chechens, noticing tail, cut it on the nearest corner.

One of the witnesses of the scene still managed to take a picture.

The contorted Veronica. All the way she looked, not lifting her eyes to the floor, but she became visible bluish glares and glare that lit up her stomach and thighs.

One of the Chechens immediately jumped to the foreigner, something гырнкув, snatched from his hands the camera, then, even though he held out his arms to its apparatus and began to shout "No! Non!..", opened the lid and long jerk released the film out on the floor. Then brought the camera back and coolly joined again to a bygone ahead of the procession.

Pompous lady, возглавдявшая cavalcade, completely ignored the surprised and even frightened such Exotica guests. She was walking on my own winter garden with a dog somewhere far from the city. She sometimes looked back and поддергивала leash, which has been linked by the collar girl up, so that he struck her on low dropped person as possible. While she was talking to the girl. Foreigners do not understand the Russian, but unlike them Veronica good to hear her say:

Raise up харечку, cute! And not in blood расхлещу — have nothing to hide! Prostitute should not hide his face! It is the goods!

Veronica was not going to be a prostitute!

A prostitute!!!

It was agreed to do anything, even to wash the toilets to repay the debt, but being a prostitute?!!

However she knew already that simple cleaners naked on the hotel does not lead.

It were trying to she got used to not being ashamed of their naked body in public, when random people, because it was her future work uniform, which was not supposed to embarrass her.

A woman, especially a beautiful nature, inherent modesty. Rarely a person, not a trained practice public "Ala-naked debut could calmly, as ччем not used to transfer its presence in the Nude with numerous dressed audience. And now Veronica this modesty burned from the soul the flame of shame, from which the cheeks burning like a torch.

Veronica was hot, and cold.

In the corridors of the hotel was pretty cool. Wind blew through the crossings. In another environment in such a cold weather and draught she had long'm cold and забескокоилась about their health, tried to cover up, to not forgiven. But now it was as if detached from what is happening with her, not even thinking to hide from the cold.

And as she was to hide? In that?!

Shame, which she was burning inside, not let her feel the full force of coolness and all unreality immediately stunned her to such an extent that it does not already reacted anything around.

The only thing she knew that her body, her favorite, beautiful, most beautiful thing in the world body, gourmet temple of her soul, was offered now on display outside to it public that she was at a loss of what is happening, but tried not to give a sign, perhaps, thinking that it is a manifestation of some national specifics of the Russian, custom, they didn't know because of the extreme rarity of its Commission.

Veronica couldn't say exactly how much time it took him through the corridors of the hotel complex, up and down the stairs, passing on a large, luxurious elevators with floor to floor crossing the halls and passages between the parts of a huge building. It seemed to her that it'll last forever.

But the procession walked to the door, where ready stood a doorman.

At the approach of "mom" he greeted her, respectful, лизоблюдским even a bow and stretching out her hand, opened the door himself, keeping out of the way of its movement.

"Mama" has entered into wide-porter of the door, like the Queen in the throne room. She moved, and not easing off the accelerator iota speed, was held in the spacious hall of the luxurious rooms with four huge red velvet sofas in the form of shells, who occupied almost half of the entire inner space.

Floor rooms from one wall to the other was covered in a long-haired white carpet. The huge window on the wall was зашторено heavy green, отблескивающими in the light of the dim light from the lamp-brackets in the form of candles on the Golden candlestick-horns. They hung in rows along the orange walls in the room next door with expensive, epic size paintings in large золоченных frames.

Veronica accompanied by Chechens, dragged leash, came along.

-Give her the vodka! Grind! "said the lady, sitting on the sofa shell.

Разуваясь, she lifted her leg, why Veronica became apparent that under the dress she had nothing but stockings, no.

Get behind the procession and has closed the front door doorkeeper went to сервировочному the silver table on золоченных trundle, who stood near the entrance to the room, where there were snacks and drink, and, pouring out of a carafe with vodka, handed Veronica стограмовую stack.

Pei! said, "Mama", looking at it from below.

She said it quietly, but so that Veronica not even thought to contradict her, and immediately she drained the glass, threw back her throat.

Vodka was violent, nasty, with the smell is disgusting! In Ukraine this is not done.

Veronica coughed, поперхнувшись stuck in the throat of непривычности flavour and flair alcohol, обжегшим her esophagus.

-What are you?! — cried "mommy". -Good vodka, by the way! "Rasputin"! Itself this drink!

Veronika not given as follows cough. It immediately put face down on the ribbed surface of the velvet red shells. Someone began to RUB her back the same vodka.

First the skin scorched cool liquid, but then she became stronger warming.

The body was recovering from fever, согреваемое strong hands and alcohol, absorbed by the skin. Veronica even felt some slight bliss. It was similar to some local pardon, as a brief respite, a little rest during the time of execution. Still, it was nice.

Her back massaged pair of hands, then it was joined by a second, and someone sat down on top of her. Veronica felt the heaviness of someone else's body around my hips, from the sides of her arms round someone's naked, warm thighs. Sacrum and hollow between the buttocks tickled the side of someone's pubic hair.

It continued to massage, but soon on the back there was only one pair of hands. It was the hand of him who sat on it from above. Veronica felt that this women's hands, because they were soft, delicate and small.

Veronica guessed that the hands of "mom"because more women in the room.

The hands of these some time ironed her back, then dived under the arms under her Breasts, grabbed and began to knead her Breasts, pulling them apart, then to the center, to the solar plexus, then down a bit, and so while twisting them around towards each other.

The fingers of the hands нащулали Breasts Veronica and защипнув them, покручивать and pinched from time to time to gradually compressing them stronger and stronger.

Veronica lay neither alive nor dead.

"It started!" "she thought. She did not want her body patted on the back, not like someone took her Breasts in his hands, even more so that it was a woman. She did not want it touched and brought pleasure and pain. She never asked for it.

But her about it and didn't ask. It caressed because someone nice it was to do, caressed for your own pleasure and not to deliver it's a pleasure to her. For this she did and pain.

-And you pussy! — admired "mommy", touching her body, приникая her back with his powerful Breasts and leading them to her skin, so that Veronica ran across the thousands of sparkling мурашшек, nice покалывающих and exploding like little bubbles with soda. -Maybe some time you will be mine!

She kept one hand to knead her Breasts and pinching the nipple, which Veronika unexpectedly, and contrary to her desire became more and more pleasant. She tried to think, to wonder, how can there be so immediately filthy, nasty and nice, but the waves of bliss beat stronger, filling thoughts fire of lust.

Second hand "mommy" launched at the back, between the buttocks Veronica, cutting through and spreading their palm, like a knife. Then dipped his fingers into her vulva, groped clitoris and began to massage it.

Someone took Veronica for the curls of her hair from all sides окутавшие head, like a watchman's hut, gathered them into a fist, and then, holding up his head from the couch turned her in the side, and in his side.

Veronica felt faint from desire. She was pleased and disgusting.

"If rape is inevitable, just relax and enjoy!" remembered playful Council of school times, wanted to ухмыльнуться him with irony, but could not: wave of pleasure swept the thought.

In the face of Veronica something ткнулось, and she smelled the odor. Someone разгребал fingers her hair hiding the face, and tried to push her mouth his cock. Veronica clenched teeth and closed my eyes. Hand above head gathered her hair in a ruck, holding in his fist.

-Come on, come on! — shouted a familiar voice. -Garik told that you are a good sucking on it!

Veronica did my best to resist. She didn't want to take in a filthy mouth a member. She tried to turn your head. But with the power held by the hair, clutching their beam in his fist, the stronger and more painful than the harder she tried to turn away.

-Come on, come on, bitch, fulfil! — someone pressed her with the force of the cheeks, fingers, pushing so painful that she could spread her jaw.

In the mouth something got in. Veronica wanted to push this language, but it got faster even further inside her, filling in the throat and causing retching.

Hand, carrying her hair and turned to pull the head Veronica and fro, stringing her on the member, ingrained in his throat. In the muscles of the larynx began to vomit spasms, bringing someone удовольтвие of this massage.

"Mommy" in the meantime, talked with her friend, раззадоривая her stronger.

The two men's hands took legs Veronica for the calves and divorced in hand. Then lifted her up for them so that she almost not changed in the place where it sat heavily "mommy". That from such a shock sank forward on her back, continuing to caress her Breasts.

Veronica someone behind put them under the belly of the great cold the pillow so that her hips were up in the air up high. "Mama" has slipped from her side, and then he arose side shoves it in the anus whether several fingers, whether фаллоиммитатор, whether still some прибамбасину for sexual pleasures, why Veronica felt the hurt and eyes emitted as if from a compressed lemon, tears.

Soon someone lay down behind her, sticking her vagina his dick.

Veronica just went crazy. She was unbearably painful, and also the unbearable pleasure. She couldn't understand that outweighs her feelings. And yet she was very, very ashamed.

She was inside his body, which at that time had several people, and who received from the pain and pleasure. But her mind the lurch inside, not knowing what secluded corner of this vast reservoirs of blemish now hide.

Veronica during life after "guest" as something already resigned to the fact that it had in all holes Garik, and even began to forget it, but worry gang rape her ever. Yes she did not want when ever experienced!

Her soul was disgusting in contrast to the body that secretly from her already experienced several orgasms. Its continued use, and soon soul Veronica is lurking somewhere so that it seemed to her that she was now just a puppet, flesh, нанизанная on the bones, ' which is still what it is doing.

Her soul if curled into a ball like a hedgehog, having bristled up detachment, and stopped responding to external раздаржители.

Now Veronica in fact turned into a huge doll for the joy and pleasure, which had, with all the possible fantasies "mommy" and its преспешники.

It is already not respond anything resistance, subject to mechanical and dispassionately, when she turned when she something somewhere thrust, and if she ordered, helped to do that. It is not even perceived reality as if she were in a kind of swoon.

In her head no longer were no thoughts, no feelings — nothing.

Chapter 3.

Outside the window light dance of the snowflakes whirled, the shined on a black background evening Moscow sky where the deep bottom of the street lamps. They absolutely didn't care that somewhere in the middle of Moscow, in a huge hotel stands and looks at their mysterious and nonchalant dance girl locked in a fashionable fortress in prison.

After the conversation with администраторшей Veronica descended into the restaurant and eat your supper, at the same time making sure that every step is carefully followed. In the lobby of the hotel with her not take their eyes off some porters and a porter. Under their views Veronica felt like a target, торчашая on the shooting field waiting for the moment when it will strike.

Now, convinced of the seriousness of their situation, although something told her that it is better if you have the money in the required администраторшей number, give them away, and let the poor, but secure about their future, to leave the city back home, but she felt that these thoughts sign of cowardice, not common sense, Veronica stronger strengthened in our resolve to flee. But she didn't know how to do to make sure because the second attempt, and now stared out the window, wondering how correctly to escape.

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