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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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She slipped into his car, as if in the next second it was already too late:


-What, honey! Ticket needed?! ironically handed Garik. -Where you're going?! Speak! Five minutes will bring! The price of a ticket, just warning you — the double!

Veronica takes out a change, which gave her a taxi driver with стодолларовой bills.

-This is not enough! — nods Garik.

-I have no more! Veronica didn't expect that to say this.

In fact, the remaining few thousand dollars she зашила night in the lining of the bag, so that no one could find. That hundred dollars, as it is correctly and considered to suffice with a vengeance at extortionate rates Garik and tickets. Should have been enough, if she managed to change money at an exchange point "Cosmos," which served only the guests of the hotel, at the commercial rate. Veronica зашила bucks so diligently, that now they get to be the whole problem — they would have found all, and she did not want anyone to know that she is such an amount of currency: for such a "cache" could easily kill!

The head of Veronica swept desperate idea that, maybe it would be better to pay off администраторшей and not to engage in a desperate and dangerous adventure escape. Why she lied to now, that she had no money?! They had expected?!

Eyes Garik carnivorous glittered so that Veronica even scared of his presentiments, блеснувшего in the brain, like a bright, piercing, saber tooth lightning, has overshadowed for a moment her mind. She immediately wanted to say that she joked that she was wrong, but then suddenly she remembered that she Garik changing dollars to мизерному state rate, and that stopped her.

Face Garik распллось in a mysterious smile. Veronica tried to read him in her thoughts, my future, or something. It somehow seemed that must happen for a miracle, and all should get itself. Everything should do!

-And what do you suggest sweetheart! — laughed Garik. — So I'll train ticket bought?! Maybe you another hundred dollars to pay?!

Thoughts Veronica began to work lightning finding равильный answer:

-Well, at least crack dollars according to the exchange! Then me all enough!

"Why, my dear! — Garik angrily raised himself on his driver's seat and надвинулся on top of her, as if trying to вутюжить her in the passenger seat.

"Well, you're still here to stay in their hotel then at the commercial rate! You have connections!..

-It's mine! — Garik more стервенел right before your eyes. — You to me these links do?!

Veronica said nothing, turned away, drawn and haggard, shrank. It suddenly became clear that the miracle did not happen.

Between them there was a pause. Garik already decided upon, Veronica felt like this, but remained silent.

-I still Caucasians are looking for! said what Veronica.

-How did you know?! — started Garik, becoming suddenly during unkempt Sparrow.

-At the station saw...

-One so tall, long narrow face, with a scar on his cheek, forty years on?!

-Like Yes, I have not been eyeing...

It said a Chechen...

Garik suddenly removed his feet from the pedals, pursed his knees, turned around, having managed to hand door on the passenger's seat and instantly put out the light in the cabin, turned on сидушке, and was vigorously выпихивать Veronica from inside his car.

-Gone, gone away! I don't know you! Caught — don't try to show me!

Veronika did not expect such attitude. She felt as гшрязные shoes taxi driver pushing her in the thigh, dirtying the new yellow imported autumn coats, which managed to buy her a hippopotamus on the New Arbat, while the only joint walks around Moscow. Coat cost several hundred dollars — rabid money!

-Are you crazy?! — cried the girl.

However terrible fear, written like a scene on the face of Garik, immediately sent her animal horror. It all shook up. In one second Veronica suddenly realized the terrible machine she contacted, and already regret is not a joke, that is not paid off on time when they had the chance. The world was crumbling around her. If so frightened Garik, which was not only helped her to escape from the "Cosmos", as it should have been scared then it!

Veronica instinctively grabbed the dashboard, dug her fingers into the soft lining chair, trying to stay in the cabin. Garik continued her frightened and vigorously выпихивать like ополоумев.

-I don't know you! he repeated беспрестано, putting more and more effort to disrupt the girl.

-Garik! Sweetie. "Mattie pleaded, not expecting such a turn in his speech, Veronica. — Save me! Do you hear? I shall only say! Save me!!!

Garik some time hollowed her shoes to the side, but something was thinking, and impacts and push her out of the cabin, were not as strong.

Suddenly he stopped, turned into a normal position, with her feet.

'Get in the back seat! "he ordered her abruptly, and dry.

Veronica immediately was out of the salon and in the next second, not remembering itself, found itself at the back of the car.

-Hide down to you nobody saw! — Garik ordered.

Veronica dived between the seats, in the passage foot in front of the rear chair and hid there, like a mouse. "Goodbye my yellow coat hundred dollars!" — flashed through her mind.

All you say you do?! asked whence from above, from the darkness Garik.

-All! All! — confirmed Veronica, beside himself with fear.

A week then I'll tear up like a bitch! betrayed its probably a long time ripened decision Garik.

-Well! — agreed the girl. — Only вывези my homeland! I beg you!

She didn't even understand plainly what is there said to her, " this Armenian. Now Veronica important thing was to get away from Moscow and have come here never let the Armenians say whatever they want, if only helped!

-Okay! Lie down and wait! I now! — the tone of voice, Garik immediately changed, became somewhat steel, hard, even cruel — so it seemed to her. — And only then try something doesn't do what I want! For a week you are mine!

Veronica was on the bottom, in the aisle between the seats, hiding as a mouse, not understanding from fear and not responding to the taxi driver.

The car door slammed. She heard on the asphalt, somewhere very near her ear швыркают wet and messy melting capital snow boots Garik moves away. Soon broke the silence only делекий hum station bustle.

Chapter 4.

Veronica slept. Maybe not slept. She herself could not understand what was happening to her.

Before it floated "mother":

-I call it dedication, bitch! And remember now for life on his new name, bitch, Lada!

-My name is Veronika! — she tried to protest.

"Mama" strongly pulled at the leash. She tugged him so hard and furiously that collar pressed Veronika on the artery on his neck, why her eyes darkened stronger.

She had heard through the darkness disgusting voice:

-I don't care bitch, you were before you came over here to me! Now I'm your mom, and I give you a name! Your name, bitch, now, now and forever — Lada! Remember?! The rest of the life you now — Lada! And about how you were before, you can forget!

-Why for the rest?! — wondered Veronica. -I know that you're only at the time of processing of the debt.

"Mama" again pulled at the leash so that Veronica felt that turns off:

-Because, bitch Lada, you never will fulfil!

Veronica tried to open her eyes. They obeyed not, as though she might have fallen unbearable drowsiness from a few sleepless nights, and were closed. She tried to understand where to be, and what happens with it, but could not, and again plunged into the darkness.

Some time has passed. She woke up again.

This time eyelids were more obedient and opened.

Now she saw that lies on the bed. She couldn't rotate the head. Even with the eyes rotate it was hard and painful. But out of the corner of vision saw a white piece of sheets.

Far from it, for незашторенным window at the low end of the gloomy sky quickly went through the clouds. The sky seemed so close, as if to him was not any metres ten to twenty.

Veronica knew the room. It was photographed by the Гладышеву Hippo, and where she spent the last two days before the escape from Moscow.

At first she decided that she saw a nightmare: and about the escape, and about everything else that's happened to her.

In fact, maybe it was just a dream? Sometimes interesting, sometimes depressing, but all the same dream! Anywhere and from anybody she didn't run away, just saw it in a dream... Because with her and before this happened, she woke up, she could never understand whether what has just happened, a dream or a reality, and only then, noticing that she was lying in bed, starting to move up understood that endured all in a dream.

They, those dreams were often like reality. Sometimes the continuation of the reality with which it took place, sometimes as would parallel the present existence, which got her away from what was happening in her life actually.

Much has been left for her controversial whether this was a dream or reality.

She remembered, as Yakovlev told a terrible story about his friend Athanasius, and even when she told it, she was scared. Then she too remembered it, but doubt — a dream or reality — asked him to marry her at Church...

Yes! What was it?! Sleep not a dream?! Сомения overcame her still.

Yes, and many of the events that occurred in her life later, there were somewhere in the border territory between dream and reality.

Sometimes she thought of anyone and married't appearing, and there was no Hippo, no trip to Moscow...

But now, lying in room, where drove Gladysheva, she suddenly realized that it all the same has happened with it actually.

Well, and hitting администраторши?! May be he-she, in fact, dreamed? But then why did she remembered the many events that have happened to her and later? Garik, for example! In a nail! Sashko! Or she dreamt of you too?! Maybe she has some kind of de жавю?! Maybe it once it's already happened?!

Veronica knew way more likely to understand what is dream and what is real, and in any case with the events, which he saw them: I had to get up out of bed, and then it became increasingly clear. Reality separated from sleep layer of current existence.

She wanted to immediately do it, but the movement has brought her a lot of pain that shot through her whole body, every cell. And this seemed to her to reality.

All the events of the last time suddenly surfaced in her memory with piercing clarity.

"So it was not a dream!" — was horrified Veronica aware of their position and status.

Now she began to feel and to feel.

She realized that she was in the room one. Apparently, it will finally be left in peace.

She lay supine, all naked, because not felt on themselves a familiar tightness of linen. Yes, Veronica liked to sleep naked, but not in a hotel. It is'm cold, because it was not covered, but could not move, to do this and even think it was painful.

All that she could now do, is look to lead the heavy clouds barrel close the window.

Veronica was horrified, remembering what happened the day before and froze all in itself. Her head was not a single thought.

Its like a completely devastated. Even her eyes, wide open, were now still and empty. It seemed that, who would have seen it from the outside, decided that she was dead. But only the brilliance of her eyes betraying the presence in her life.

So, with open eyes, she stayed all day. She didn't know what time it is, and not want to know. It was waiting for, when they go out of her life, this is empty, and scold the unnecessary. She didn't want to remember this life, not that that experience, she stood as if in a daze waiting for the end.

Outside the window was dark. From underneath was the light of the street lamps. And she waited. When it gets too dark. She asked someone to stop her life. With it, in fact, was enough.

She understood now, that old life, good it was or not, but return was not. And exist like this, she would not. She asked someone: "Kill me! Enough! It hurts!" But someone she asked, not answering her prayers, and Veronica understood that the road yet passed, and someone wants it passed it to the end. She didn't agree with what she want to go forward. That meant back to see this woman, who called herself "mother", these Chechens, who were tending her soul and body by steel rods evil. If she were able, then, surely, you know like what someone much of her suffering, mental and physical, that someone wants it to go further.

Outside the window the sky again became gradually become gray. Dawn worked over Moscow, the capital of a foreign country where she would not be. Veronica soul was at home in his cozy apartment a thousand miles from here. And there was seemed to be frozen and uncomfortable. It seemed to her that she's lying on a metal gurney, and that she was not a living person, and the corpse.

Only now she noticed that gradually comes to himself. Returns to it the ability to think. However, from the pain she still couldn't move a member of the body, and so, and she lay naked and naked.

With the return of the ability to think her mind is filled with some explosive mixture of pity and self-disgust. Вроника felt a doormat, which had removed the worst of uncleanness, and of these воспомнаний she wanted to tear.

It really felt nauseous. Inside are having convulsions retching, which caused her pain. Feeling of her now to throw the contents of her bowels, it is difficult to not choke, turned her head to the side, and in the next second her stomach drew the sheet some желеобразную slick-slimy cake.

Veronica with disgust, she realized that it sperm. She turned away in disgust, although it was very painful, to the other side, not to see what its already озябшее body was shivering.

From it came so much sperm that a little more, and she could drown in this slime puddle. She thought that if the urge to repeat itself, and its vomit again, then she definitely drown in my vomit, because it will not raise your head.

The more Veronica was recovering, the stronger understood that it hurts all that could hurt.

All her body hummed from a dull pain. As if it was burning some нутренним has become besieged barely noticeable flame so that it seemed to her as if they are fried on a slow fire.

Hurt unbearably muscles. Aching bones. She could feel the ache her torn vagina, as it bites like a torn, anus. She had the impression that they are still something hideous, and that something was a рамером with the handle of a shovel.

Veronica even think it was painful, as if her whole body, from the skin to the brain, it was one big entirely burnt nerve.

Now she lay staring at the wall, turning away from vomit, and Windows. And to not feel pain, tried not to think.

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