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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Garik stopped, whether something over, or waiting for a response from Veronica, whether assessing his statement.

"Well, husband-where did he go?! again поинетерсовался it.

They got him, " replied Veronica.

"He is a bandit was?

"Looks like a bandit.

-Who killed?! Moscow?!

-All you need to know! — for the first time the indignation of the girls broke through the fear and confusion.

"You don't get cocky with me, and that now instantly throw out! There you said and pick up!.. So who killed?!

Is he the second, that in the car sitting next to me, in the back seat, " Veronica replied, indignant inside regarding the interrogation, which was totally out of place.

-Oh, it, and do not say. Skinny and puny! He also is a bandit or something?! surprised to be Armenian.

'He's a fool! — angrily replied the girl. "Now, let's later you I interrogation done! Go договаривайся about the car, and let's go in the train, he soon depart must! Late at its wagon me in Sumy повезешь! Veronica felt that fear gradually fit into her soul. Already and Caucasians did not seem so terrible, as at first, maybe, everything seemed to have been settled.

-Okay, lay there quietly! — ordered the Armenians. — I went!

The door swung shut. The steps died away, and Veronica was left alone again.

Now she's painfully deliberated how would quickly get away from this незванного guest. She nicknamed him to himself, — "guest".

She is not smiling to bring back on the tail of the insolent армяшку. "Edged chock" she could not stand up, never them and for the people-is not considered. Black as crows! Veronica saw them at home only on the local market where they were selling imported, southern fruit and vegetables. She always disliked. Strange people, неруси! Besides speculators! Do not grown and traded tangerines Yes peaches, who Crimea brought to their "pennies" with reinforced suspension, which was used as trucks, loading them a ton of fruit. There bought for a song in the collective gardens and then sold at exorbitant prices. And the price was not wind down, even if the goods have started to deteriorate. They then it simply threw out! And it did, in Moscow with "чуреком" closely had to face! Yes still with her in Sumy go! Here is a brazen these "pests"!

Ugh-Veronica was so disgusting that it сплюнула on the floor. She thought could never be that so closely will have to communicate with a representative of the people, which, to put it mildly, not долюблива and disrespected. Suddenly Veronica introduced that will, perhaps, kiss this "черномазым", and it was almost puked. Ugh — the abomination of the kind! Forbid!!!

Only now she suddenly got up this Armenian promise. His impudent "week I'll tear up like a bitch!" also has the ear, but only now, when the numbness from fear, сковавшее her consciousness, and was slowly let go. "Here влипла!" with vexation thought the girl.

Well, maybe she could imagine that things would turn out so bad for her. She thought how?! Well, throw things at the hotel — pity, Oh, okay! Well, change hundred dollars for rubles — just had to last for Moscow taxi to Kiev, not even predatory commercial prices, Yes tickets. As she estimated her again for the first time, the house was supposed to stay a little while to hold on until it becomes clear what to do next. The most important-and then she seemed to get away from the hotels!

And what happened?! Well, she got away! A hundred dollars saved for the all — everything, not that all her plans is not enough even to get home! And instead of freedom she became suddenly, for no reason, no reason at all — she did not notice that happened, the slave of a brazen армяна!

Veronica again shuddered in disgust. She could not even believe that all this happens to her. Not with someone, and with it! Never had it happen! Let anyone other, not only with her!

So, probably, and every man does not believe in the fact that it starts happening something unusual, not keeping his usual notions as this gets used or this will not happen, not the end itself. For example, I think that when a person dies, he could not get used. But here all by itself not finish going. Veronica watched as the plot unfolded with the speed of a spring, and it was unclear where all the shoot.

Doubt was now less: draws services use of the escape was impossible! It was very somehow disappear! Why she рассладилась?! Why was the search for this армяшку! Well, what I found?! Adventures on his head?!

Veronica remembered a crowded as during the revolution or the mass migration of the Kiev railway station kilometer queue at the ticket offices, and suddenly confessed to herself that without assistance is not something that would escape she could not from Moscow — buy a ticket on time to the train be late!

No, армяном she probably right contacted. He were not restricted to it! requested a triple price for a taxi! What's she, малохольная wanted?! So he helped her escape, but still free?!

Veronica remembered how snarled at Garik face of unspeakable fear at the mention of looking for her Chechens. Of course, if they find out that he helped her to get out of him in the best case not be good. Behemoth, I remember talking to her someone that "Czechs" — so called why some cool guys, shoot and pharynx people cut, like sheep! Therefore, Garik frightened. He-for them better than a sheep?! And what they will do if they find?!! No, knew that everything would turn out, — the last shirt'd give and gone! But!.. but did not gave the same! Decided that the most useful! Here and now! Why Garik said, I have no money! Well, ransacked be for him the lining of the bag, well, I'd give him another hundred! Well. and all! Good bye! Would give him the окночании play a kick in the ass. As you tried machine kicking those! So no! Asked for a new adventure! The contents армяну! Ugh!!! You fool! Well, like a fool!!!

Veronika not предсталяла, as it will allow him to touch his low places, which she loved, cherished, and холила at every opportunity and kept for use only when she dictated her whim. No, even could be no question about any touch!

"No! thought Veronica. — Sit in a train, and let him try полезть to me! Immediately yell out! I'll be on call for help! Kick will, in the end! Do not give him anything! Nothing will!!!"...

Driver's door swung open again. In the car задуло damp and cold in the street.

-Get up! — Garik ordered. "Run! Before train departure five minutes left, and he stands to the side of the station, at the eleventh way!

Veronica rose from the rubber Mat, hardly freed from the captivity of the narrow aisle between the seats and sat on the back seat of the car and looked around.

-How do I escape it?! — she looked at myself and saw what had turned her bright light model coat, soiled now traces of shoes Garik and wet black oily mud with rubber rugs taxi. "You look at me!

-The train leaves in five minutes! — again said Garik, and his tone became lower. It appeared to the threatening tone. -I fulfilled his promise: you train tickets bought! If we are late, I'll still you have a week! Believe me, I have somewhere to you for a week in Moscow close. And then throw into the street! And all! I know you don't know! And said you will find it out of you will make mincemeat and скормит their dogs. Understand?

-I understand! "Mattie said Veronica.

-So that now, a heifer, you want everything at your happened run to the train, that you are strong! And don't look dirty you or net! This is your last chance! Understand?

-I understand! — agreed Veronica, realizing that really stands on the edge of the precipice, and behind blows black unhealthy chill bad.

Garik looked at his watch:

-You have to jump into life left three and a half minutes! The car number six! Run!

She jumped out of the car, almost forgetting his precious bag with dollars in the lining, and rushed at full speed, pushing on the go sadly бредущую like a belt вчного cinema, a crowd of people and not looking back and not apologizing. It seemed to her that she runs so fast that Garik fell behind her and will never catch up. And she wished that he fell behind her! Garik was the last episode of this nightmare Moscow sleep, which could not end. She hoped that впрыгнув in the train, she finally wakes up, and then everything will be different. Not the same as before! But different! All will be well!

Veronika, оббежав station building выскочиал to the left street перронам. Here people was significantly lower. Only cops, passengers and cargo handlers. Eyes she нашарила on the Board the train. So there! Eleventh way! She looked at the watch. Before the departure of the soon have two minutes. Veronica then I raced off headlong forward, as if trying to pass the time. Up to the platform were still a hundred yards.

She swept by several policemen, and then she heard a whirring of a police whistle. "Get out, you bastards! I do not violated!" she thought просебя, consider even faster. In the dark, somewhere in the sky from the side of the station came the announcement about the administration of its trains. The presenter was wanted passengers happy way.

She had to catch that train! Somehow! This train who must save her life!

Veronica ran along the platform, past the composition. Twelfth car, tenth!

Each platform stood a conductor with a raised signal flags, we say that everything is okay, you can go.

Suddenly I heard some improbable clank. Veronika, запыхавшаяся, there is little that already соображающая from wild sprint race, could not understand where this clank.

And then she saw that the train, her native train pulled out, rolled along the platform. She only reached the ninth car. First she ran faster than moving cars, but their speed squared, and after a moment they already began to overtake her running.

Veronica realized that too late. She is powerless to stop at the edge of the platform. Past her feet quickly passed, more and more speeding train carriages her hopes, the last hope to jump out of the nightmare.

Tears themselves clouded eyes. Through them, refracted, as in a magnifying glass, floated yellow squares future, tambours with standing in them, at the open door проводницами... that was the end!

-Hey, малохольная! Jump in here! — rang out from behind a woman's voice.

Even not having to understand anything, Veronica turned to hail, saw the approaching rapidly наплывающий her yellow прямоуголльнник the open door of the vestibule of the last, thirteenth of the car, standing in any two of the silhouette, and, realizing that shout from there, jumped, do not hesitate to who and why oral, forward, grasped the handrail and flew into the vestibule.

His feet slipped on cold рефленой metallic slab floor-vestibule, painted orange paint. Veronica almost подскользнулась, but kept on hand, повисших on the handrails on the sides of the entrance. Silhouettes sprang inside vestibule.

Veronica has leveled off, stood up, wiped her tears and interfered with her to see.

It faced a conductor and Garik. Both were smiling.

-Well, you, as Wildebeest fast! said the conductor, clapping her on the shoulder.

-Well done! Probably broke the Olympic record! You who wanted to catch up, the locomotive? Machinists whether that gathered in the campaign. So they would not have! No, look, cute face, mozha and would have moved more on полпалки!

Conductor chattering nonsense. Language she worked as pomelo. But Veronica is not обжалась on her caustic sometimes jokes and comments. She was happy she had a bad dream stayed together with Moscow around the outside of the train that took her to his home.

She suddenly felt a kind of warm joy within themselves, some boundless happiness. She wanted to hug everyone: and Garik, despite the fact that he Armenians, and was guiding them, from which, as from a horn of plenty was an endless verbal feed.

The wheels of the train fractional отстукивали a good anthem. Maybe it was a hymn farewell with evil, from which surfaced train, leaving a deserted and silent space immobility. Train surfaced from the karmic site, deliver Veronika a lot of trouble and anxiety. The only reminder about the past unpleasant period of life now was Garik, from which we had to get rid as soon as possible.

-Hey, buddy! — conductor, still continuing гоготать and joking unceremoniously forced her shoulder as if they were sworn friends. -And I know you!

Now and Veronica recognized in the conductor that hung at her husband on the platform, when they left to Moscow. However, even at very surprised when she had not been on this occasion no emotions — sharing was nothing left.

-You, this is the most, a friend, a wife of a Hippopotamus! — finally remembered her name is Alla. -Then in the AFTERNOON was going, and now, in a coupe?! A-AA! I realized it's you I raced AFTERNOON with the Hippopotamus is overtaking! You see, Hobbies like that, each other ride in different cars!

Veronica was silent. The joy of deliverance from Moscow nightmare slightly dimmed from meeting with this noisy and brash нахалкой.

-Oh, no! I'm in the HOLY food, in the sixth train! — reported before Alla Veronica.

-Ah, well, of course, that I see then I raced off by how fast a deer! Well, let's go! Alla frowned, her smile gone from her face. -Begi rather to Behemoth, and it is stolen!

-Do not steal! — Veronica replied, opening the door to the car.

Well, look how, приворожила eh?! See, he's a prominent! Like you pupae in our nice town as manure in the barn! But Behemoth one — heard Veronica after yourself rants conductors, passing along the corridor past the coupe. Passengers, sometimes coming across her way, parted, leaning against the поручням or left in a compartment, passing it forward.

-Yes no the Hippopotamus! — сказл her loud Garik, before just standing in the vestibule and listening to squabble.

-How is it possible? — surprised Alla. But Garik already followed Veronica, поотстав from her полвагона. — How is it not?!

In the voice sassy conductors, still долетавшем to the ears of Veronika from the other end of the car, crept into the alarm.

They got him! throwing a farewell Alla Garik from the middle of the corridor.

-Was killed?! Who killed him?! When?! — расстералась Alla. In the voice of conductors now sounded notes of real grief, which she generously gave Garik. -And who are you?! How did you know?!

-The hitcher I! — threw Garik from opposite the exit of the car and disappeared into the corridor.

Alla how she stood in the hallway near расочегаренного titanium, collapsed on the floor, as unsettled terrible news. Passengers were standing in the corridor, which became accomplices and drama, and rushed to her.

Chapter 6.

Veronica woke up after oblivion. Like and sleep it was not.

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