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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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"Okay, girls! Поглазели?! Met?! All отваливаем! Girl in itself has not yet reached after the consecration. Then get to know better!

-Yes! Beautiful! — отрезюмировал someone from Викиных friends.

-Uh! Chur not paw! — stopped Vika someone's attempt to get Veronica's hand under the blanket. -All! Leave all! Ger out!

Women with regret began to leave the slot in the балдахине over Вероникиной bed.

Now you could hear the vetch throws all of the rooms. Soon the voices stopped, and now heard someone lonely steps returned to the bed. It was Vika.

-Well, let's get well soon! -she looked in the canopy. -You have a lazy afternoon on the drip will take, and then will be with Chow restaurant wear! Well, you're a strong woman! — finally, she concluded. -Like fragile such an action figure, all of it, like a doll for a million доллариев! And look how the cat is tenacious! Out already and cheeks flushed! she raised her blanket and looked there appraisingly as their fiefdom. -Everything is back to normal! It is astonishing!

Vika передохнула, gathering his thoughts and appetite, as the bun, Veronica looked in person:

-Okay! Have a rest! We'll see you later! With me you will live! Everything I have is yours in the house! Обалдеешь!

With these words she disappeared, leaving Veronica evaluate new experiences and consider how to build new relationships with life: it was necessary to somehow adapt.

Chapter 7.

Veronica went forward on the composition, overcoming the car after car under the rhythmic, hypnotic clop wheels, which seemed to promise her now, the end of all anxiety, suffering and fear. The farther leave the train on Moscow, the more time that passed on the road, the greater was Veronica confidence, and a sense of suspended over the abyss of state, where she remained for the last two days of stay in the capital, now lost, it was dissolved as it had never been.

She took off перепачканное like побывавшее in the role of a doormat, coat to it not remind her about the recent dramatic events at the Kiev railway station, and hung it on a hand that was holding her handbag with sewn in the lining of a few thousand dollars. Now it was not exaggerated, like any of traveling in the train passengers — not better, not worse.

In one of the passages between the cars, where on the sides of the clanging against each other armoured plates connecting path for passengers, there were gleams of open space in which flashed, выхватываемые of the pitch darkness reflections of car Windows rails and sleepers, it occurred to get rid of carcoats, that now, even after cleaning, hardly took his old, elegant appearance, really. She thought shove, скомкав into a tight ball, short coats in one of the side openings, so that it fell down on the rails, and was about to do, but at the last moment suddenly changed her mind: she somehow felt sorry for throwing this thing. Maybe because it reminded her of the time when she could carelessly, without even thinking of evaluation, to buy such a car coats in the fashionable capital foreign exchange store on Novy Arbat, where even the foreigners have shied away from prices with round eyes. And she could! Could, because there was a Behemoth, who carried out her wish of one not even a gesture, but just look.

Yeah, Behemoth, though паскудник, a womanizer and a cheat by the female, but she, his wife, loved, like myself. She saw, felt it! And how much time he подкрадывался to her to be cherished precious extraction, fearing to scare the accidental movement of it as game. Veronica allowed him to do it. Maybe he thought he was doing it very cleverly and unbeknownst to her, but she has seen him compresses the ring around her, and long before fluttered with it under the crown, when no one even hint could not appear on their future marriage, knew that would be his wife. All around thinking that the Hippo — shirt guy, Col leads almost every day on кафк and restaurants whole band of buddies with my friends, but Veronica even did not guess — she knew that all this is only a veil hiding his slow, careful sneaking to it.

Of course, it flattered her, and inside so all this time she strange flirting, participated in the whole campaign nothing догадывающихся about the true direction of motion of the game Hippo girls and boys, was happy, but in some strange happiness. She was a star! No one beside her did not know it, but she was a star, the only truly endearing star on the horizon of man, whose name is George Бегетов. And he was the value! He was a real value!..

"Oh, George, George! — suddenly for no reason, no reason remembered Veronica husband. — Why there is all this happened?! Why are you doing in этугребанную Moscow?! That you could not sit at home with his young wife, Liu..."

She almost thought "favorite"! Люьила whether she, her husband is a tough question! Sometimes she hated. Sometimes she терепть could not. Sometimes, when found распаление passion, she allowed him to do, but the set Жориных bedding fantasies was very limited. And then, after these соитий that Behemoth may seem passionate and плкими, but it does not meet, she hated him even more! Well, how could she love him, if almost always after copulation had to sneak маструбировать, not to indulge, but at least that drove the strain and the pain lower abdomen after раззжения passion.

Sometimes Veronica thought that somehow, sometime later, when the family life of their settle become more measured and understandable at least she will have to teach Jora give her pleasure, and not just to finish my process, thinking that she, too, had all passed! Just the opposite, when it all ended, she only came in readiness to make love on the present.

Maybe that's why she and find adventure! Gladyshev, Охромов, Yakovlev! Oh, Zhora Jora! What have you done!

Veronica caught myself on the thought that accuses the deceased husband of her infidelities him. However, for women it is peculiar to — blame others for their sins, and especially the man who is near — husband. Attacking it best. Wen before he was like a child! She saw through it, and he thought that all his adventures shrouded in mystery. Yes he has written on his face was, when, with whom and how many times he slept, walking away from her! These inscriptions read as ABC-book, and he thought that very tricky! Maybe because Veronica and instructed him a little horns that saw, how it behaves in relation to it!

No, she was not hurt, that he slept with other women, although she knew many of her married friends just with uma went from jealousy, from one only thought that their husband someone climbs. Someone, perhaps even to him, it be strange, but she didn't сазала would Жоре, even if it's in their marriage bed took something girlfriend! If only proceeded,

* * *

would it really, as she wanted to already turned inside out from the pleasure! And then let them at least ten heifers next — it is what it! And she knew that he would always her, how much he потаскушек on the side was not.

Her shame was that Zhora not fucked whores and cheated on her! This was the root of обилы! And he could not see through it! And she wasn't going to him to explain — it was already too!

If he told her: "you Know, Veronica, yesterday with river babenka locked together, well with that of the us in the restaurant was, redhead, such Busty! Good fucking, лярва, even better than you!" it would vividly would be included in the conversation and would answer something like: "Zhora! Yes how did you know I eBUS ' when thou me orgasm never brought?! You кончаешь, when I start! Well, ka let's try it now! Look who лучге in bed — tan блядешка red or your супргуа-beauty, молодица berry, what to look for!" But he did not say so! He hid its relationship with other women, thinking that she was a fool, and sees nothing, and then things pretend that nothing is happening and was surprised when she resented the fact that he didn't like it, and was afraid of the police! No, she didn't want her husband to be Auntie from which he tries to hide all their antics. She wanted to be his friend who agrees to participate in all his pranks, no matter how wild they didn't seem the way. But he all the time from the beginning of their life together пихал to the place of the mother. From which he will hide! Well, because mom and became counsel Жорику little horns! Yes she is younger than his сеь years was still pretty darling girl, her mother! Why this role is needed! But Zhora imposed on her by their lies and betrayals. Yes it would interesting to see how he is with another girl in bed cope, to ask that, she Жориного onslaught finished or not, itself додрачивала then. But he had concealed, and calves, her girlfriend, too, looking into her eyes, pretending that nothing is happening, portrayed themselves honesty in front of her. and she didn't need this поазуха, which they railed against it as a fence. She had to get her friends who told her: "Listen to what your Zhorik cums so quickly! Like, wild boar healthy, but as the boy шкодливый — inserted, and begun already, and it all goes limp — lo-Hello — sailed!" but friends were silent, pretending not to sleep with Zhora, and this being distant from her, that this паскудным attitude hanging her horns!

Veronica shook her head, "That I am in the memories hit?! There is already Zhora?! Ahead is a different life! And I, his adventures обмусоливаю!"

In fact, on the front of it was waiting for his native city, where the childhood was sweet, familiar and habitual, where even some kind of trouble were his relatives, some household, not threatened to plunge into the boundless abyss of despair and fear, as it was in Moscow. All was quiet, all is gone, all gone... It was on one hand! But on the other hand there was a life in solitude and material ущемлености, from which it had already become alienated. It was the other side of the coin, quite нерадостная! And I had to get used!

So Veronica went along on the composition, passing car after car, discussing on these, everyday subjects, until suddenly remembered Гарике, who had come with her. Yes, Armenians was the last unpleasant reminder of the Moscow period of her life, from which to get away right now. He уклдывался at all in any of her thoughts, neither are in a happy, never sad. He was out of her thoughts about the future. He was an alien element in her life!

Veronica was not going to sleep with him, as expected this arrogant "chock".

Yes that to himself as he imagined, in the end, this занюханный Moscow taxi driver! To it, let the widow, but still widow kingpin would be before him travel along! No, it was the extreme impudence! But now they not in Moscow, now they already far! And when they happen to be in a compartment where Garik bought their tickets, she tells him that it is impossible! No sex between them! No-ka-Ko-go! Yeah she just doesn't want it! She basically чуреками in постельне lie, even thinking about it will not dare — so it's nasty and disgusting! No, he thinks that she's willing to go under each fervent?! Or he thinks that he is irresistible?! Maybe he thinks that bought it?! Of course, took the triple price for help, when he fled from the hotels! Changed her dollars at the state rate! That is, it turns out that three times at five — fifteen times more expensive than had her fuck! He cheated and now for her шанешки wants, how he puts it, "tear week"?! Be Enough!!!Brazen Armenian face!

Veronica suddenly felt a surge of rage, with all the piercing realizing that from Garik we should get rid of right now! She вспорет the lining of the bag until he sees, hit two hundred dollars, maybe three hundred, give him and tell him to the nearest station отчаливал back to Moscow!

For the thoughts Veronica, увлечась reasoning on all sorts of topics, lost count of the cars that are passed, and woke up only when got into a carriage with numbered reserved seats.

There was commotion, overcrowding, people were on the side shelves, as in an anthill, so she immediately recollected herself, and asked the conductor, who was looking at her fixedly disgruntled, angry somehow look:

A number of the car, please?!

-Fourth! "replied the porter, ready to listen to a story about the lost ticket and save-help, or something like that.

-And sixth where? — Veronica asked, not noticing оведения Explorer.

-You that, in the sixth eat? IN THE AFTERNOON? — surprised the Windows Explorer.

"Yes, " nodded Veronica. — And what is not worthy!

-No, — embarrassed, the man, " you have overcome!

And here Veronica saw!

She saw that instantly destroyed all her plans thoughts, ruined their вдрубезги as a mirror, leaving the head instead of silver ensuing peace a black void of despair. Fear broke out into her from head to foot, like lightning!

-Spa-C-Bo! she said the conductor, slowly, as if trying not to make noise turned, and almost on tiptoe went back. When she found herself in the corridor and closed the door behind her, then turned to run, consider just as she caught up the train.

In the eyes she had said, going on to close the passage of second-class wagon, look closely, cutting look in coupe and showing her фоторграфию passengers: "VI this дэвущку ne видэли?!". Behind him, looking around, ошаривая eyes all the regiments passed several Chechens.

Not remembering itself Veronica swept through fifth car, slipped into the sixth and saw Garik, стоявшаго in the corridor and something раздумывающего.

Garik had noticed her, his face tensed grimace and he'd probably yell to her something like: "where are You шастаешь!?", but feeling, maybe even having seen the horrors that engulfed her, he stopped. Seen it all I read in the eyes of испуганой girls, because immediately said, trying not to attract attention of strangers, even brightening up feigned smile:

-Well, finally! And I'm waiting! Come on in, honey, coupe, yourself!:

"Honey" was changed to run on the step, trying to go now as easy as it получалсоь and smile.

In the corridor we were few, and all were engaged in some conversations, so at this stage special attention paid no.

Veronica approached Garik, and he took her hand around the waist, as if to embrace and seeing off in the coupe, but actually впихивая her there with redoubled speed and strength.

-There Said! — said Veronika when Garik deliberately slow, relaxed, as though uncertain whether this is generally do shut the door coupe.

-I have already realized this! — a person Garik was decisive, but not frightened.

-They go, and look in all compartments, ask about me! Veronica felt as if from the depths already covered by the horror of the soul emerges hysterics.

-Yes quieter you! shouted at her Garik. — Far away?!

-Through the wagon! — Veronica replied, her eyes more expanded from fear and despair. "What do we do?! To run?!

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