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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-No! said Garik. -Find! To find you — I don't know what you make it! But in Moscow take — that's for sure! As I see it — I'll stay lying on the rails, where it will happen! Yeah, baby, cool they for you are caught, once in the train sat down! Would know this alignment — even with your finger would not led help you!

-Well, what do we do now?! Veronica put her hands behind her head, бросмв on the shelf purse and coat.

In the hallway he heard a murmur. The door of a neighboring compartment opened, and the ears of Veronica's voice muffled partitions coupe bass said:

VI this дэвущку ne видэли?!

On your knees! — Garik ordered.

-What? has not understood Veronica.

On your knees, — already in a loud whisper repeated Garik, pushing Veronica that there are forces on the shoulder.

She instinctively obeyed his orders and his arm опускавшей her down. In the next second, Veronica stood before his lap, looking past him at the opening of the entrance door, which is about to be revealed

The corner of my eye she noticed that the Garik something falls down. She ничегоне have to understand how Garik skillful movement hurt pressed her fingers on the cheeks, why her mouth opened involuntarily and slipped his something that filled his whole without a trace.

The light in the coupe is off — Garik turned the body and turned it off hand. It became dark.

Veronica couldn't understand what was happening, what was in her mouth, soft, filled all the space. Unbearably, as in the toilet smell of urine, and it was a fetid masculine scent. In the mouth there was a salty taste. Veronica realized that Garik stuck in her mouth, the vile member, who became to grow, grow, like inflatable balloon. Veronique was not expecting such a turn of events. Like instinctively move around ago, spit out of his mouth nasty alien its contents, indignant, alienate and send Garik mate, but he grabbed her by the hair, not giving Veronica take back his head and began to move it back and forth in pain and strongly pulling strands caught.

-Suck, bitch, suck! "yelled Garik.

His cock was growing in his mouth Veronica at an alarming rate. To this it never did, and Veronica was all indignant, anger, disgust, the abomination of their devalued status, anger and resentment. However, she could not сопротиляться severe pain, which Garik pulling her head up by the hair curls his hands back and forth, and obediently moved it forward and back.

-Suck! Suck! Suck! — shouted Garik with some incomprehensible to her delight, as if she was some поездная потаскуха that money соглсна was a Blowjob from anyone.

Darkness coupe резанул light of the corridor. The door sprang open. On the threshold of a coupe stood Saeed and his charges. Due hips Garik, walking backward and forward in front of her face Veronika not see them. It had only visible silhouettes shadows on the floor, fell from standing in the hallway.

VI this дэвущку ne видэли?! — the voice said.

-Suck, bitch, suck! — shouted Garik, as if testing the approaching orgasm. His cock became hard, huge and thick, walked in the mouth Veronica, ducking into her throat and then surfacing back, why it happened retching. Her throat then extended, and then collapsed, crushing the member Garik from all sides pulsating motion. Veronica felt that a member of Garik also starts strangely pulsate.

VI this дэвущку ne видэли?! — repeated said.

You could hear him fumble in the dark compartment on the wall, trying to turn on the light.

At this time Garik finished. He contentedly yelled. Veronica felt that in her throat that it hit like a jet. It was the first impulse of ejaculation.

Garik immediately removed her back and turned to standing on the threshold. His cock sticking out forward and up huge baton, pulsing continued to spew seed. Veronica saw on a yellow background of the doorway, as fly like a bullet, clots seed Garik, turning to the door, hitting all around on the radius of half a meter, following the bend of the hips Garik.

-What did you say? asked Garik, as if she heard the question.

Standing in the corridor of the coupe, rebounded in hand, not to fall under the bombardment of the member Garik, jumping slamming the door coupe.

Ten seconds he heard the door open as a neighboring compartment, and Sayid asks passengers:

VI this дэвущку ne видэли?!

Beside herself from fear of Veronica lurking in the dark coupe and while still kneeling, listening to the receding clapping sounds door coupe and басовитому voice said, asks the same question.

-You that, охренел?! in a loud whisper asked Veronika of Garik, standing somewhere in the dark coupe and прислушивающегося to the sounds outside, when it became clear that the pursuers had departed.

"What did you want them to thee cheek наваляли?! "inquired from the darkness Garik. -Say thanks that I realized it to, and then we're both now cover was!

Veronica remained silent, wondering should really thank Garik, or this sneaky "chock" all in advance thought over? Хротя how was he to know, that said in the train? She watched as he himself is not a joke refrained from reporting him when he learned that the Chechens got into the train and prowl in her quest.

But that abomination that he did not fit nor within the frame.

Chapter 8.

Veronica stayed another week. But that was long ago, so long ago, now that she didn't remember.

's been a week since she lived by the Wiki.

As she promised, she really the room was like an apartment. Friendly, helpful, washing machine, microwave, vacuum cleaner, music center, Vidic. The room was furnished with expensive Finnish furniture.

Veronica no one touched. And she could not understand why it is placed under the clients do not send in the rooms, although Vika worked as a bee been days that she had to serve at least ten times in fifteen clients.

With other девочами Veronika not communicating, although they were eager to get to know, but in the room it did not go, because they knew the steep nature of his mistress-possessive. She was jealous of her, as a man, falling in love with her in earnest.

Vika was one of those who washed her from shit after initiation. She told her during one of the nights when was free from work. Yes Veronica and she suspected it: voice that hammer was busting her that day well imprinted in her memory, she even had she forgotten it — failed.

Sometimes Vika encouraged his new beloved to coitus, but, as recently got tired from the influx of clients, does not abuse excesses. Yes and Veronika after the "initiation" it seemed like child's play. Remembering that Vika was sleeping her from death, Veronica with gratitude and some even unexpected pleasure performed it незлобные whim, sometimes surprised even herself, how could she do that.

If anybody even месяцом before, when she was carried to Moscow would tell her that she would be happy living in a hotel room with a prostitute, allowing her a little messing with themselves and with pleasure and even some passion tongue caress her clitoris, licking orgasm, anus, forgetting about the disgust and to do many other things, from one story which would then jarred and vomits, she would relish typing drooling, so that one spit started to throw the whole face, spat would or in the face.

But now, in doing this, she does not even thought about the essence of what is happening: all полчалось somehow by itself. Finally, when a child breastfeeding from a mother, no one thinks about the moral nature of nature. The more immoral was caressing tongue female clitoris?

When Vika did not work at night, they slept in the arms on the double bed and talked a long time, looking some nonsense on TV. They нраилаь this quiet conversation under the purr of a mailbox.

First Veronica felt some kinship of souls. But they really were both women. It seemed to her that if she лажит warm cozy bed with her older sister, it never was. Talk it's so sweet, so sweet, how to drink the nectar, and although about anything serious, they never spoke, Veronica seemed that she has never had a better interlocutor.

Then she stronger I felt warmth Vika's body, her hands already felt the Breasts, hips and bosom Veronica. Became warm and pleasant inside. Even the fact that someone loves you, someone shares with you the bread, shelter and couch, somebody wants you, and your attention is all it warms and brightened, muffled sadness Veronica about the destiny of the Motherland. Vika kissing her neck, lips, in the hollows of the collarbones, down to the chest, pulling at the tip of the reed her nipples. Then came the case before the clitoris, anus, and soon, Veronika didn't even know yourself, then sleep in a fiery passion.

Even my husband Hippo, and especially of some other man she'd never before was doing what she now did Vic. And that, with passion, passion, delight caressed her body, do not hesitate to reject any conditionality. And although this was a reality, Veronica seemed magical dream, a mystery, a mystery посколльку even now she did not dare anyone to tell, if you had a chance Oh. about his relationship with Vika.

When the day it remained one — Vika preferred to work this time — she understood that it's not right that a woman can't make love to a woman. But the evening came, and everything was repeated again, and Veronica could not say even to itself good or not.

But it was, and she took it as it came.

And if Vika asked her, if she pinned his straw reed, tucked it into her anus feel there's the little геморроидальный knot поласкала this unexpected erogenous zone, Veronica done it because Vika and lick all the pockets of inner fire that broke during their love of the game in the most unexpected places, because there was this humiliation or something obscene. They simply enjoyed each other.

Vika loved it with a passion men. While Veronica answered her passion reciprocate not even because I felt all the sincerity and genuineness of her impulse, and because she suddenly took care of this, some unknown before feeling which was akin to the feeling of nursing love, but some special, different, because here was ultimately involved in the search for pleasure, orgasm, ecstasy соитием, what it is impossible to test a man in the very opposite of the nature of his body, aimed at the possession of the internal female creature on the invasion and insemination, as the ultimate goal of the process.

Yet Veronika was never called to work. About it as if forgotten, and, after staying a week Vika, she began to suggest to yourself and believe that it will now always.

Well, in fact, if "mom" with such ease wanted to send it in a garbage truck, what she should forget about her, as if she already did it? Perhaps, indeed, it now belongs only Vike? In the end she defended, заплатилша for her "mom" полкуска green! And, if so, maybe not now, but later the day will come when she freely out of the hotel and even on foot go home! She now agree was done and on foot! After all, "mom offered her crawl to Kiev cancer! So just walk to the native city was now just tempting.

Now she and not think about it. Frightened catching, cool boiled "dedication", now she was afraid to even think about this fear was still very alive. He was somewhere on the surface of her soul. But it is possible that once Vica had to say: "a Friend! Go home! You here anymore no one holds!"

And she would go. Would have gone! Nothing could hold here, in "Cosmos"in Moscow, Russia! She wanted to go home! It дюбимый city dreamed of her every night.

What would she began to do at home? Without money, it is possible that already apartment... It was already the second question. The main thing — to return home. Veronica believed that everything get better by itself. She didn't know how it will work out. But she knew. That everything will be good as it will be at home in my native land...

And yet there was a strange, why not disturbed. Several times she wanted сросить on this Wiki, but remembering the saying: "don't Wake famously, while quietly!" — every time held back the urge.

Once at Breakfast Vika myself saw it.

-Do you live freely! like envied it.

Veronika not know what to answer. She did not expect such a compliment from the Wiki, sounded like a gunshot, as if a reminder that no one has forgotten, and was not to reply, so as not to raise accidentally storm in a teacup and not to change the status quo.

-"Mama" is plotting to товему about! — continued Vika, as if unconscious of silence concubine.

-Maybe she forgot about me? expressed Veronica timid hope.

Ha! — smiled Vika, and Veronica понялаЮ how she is far from understanding the essence of what is happening around. -Forget it, how do!

-But what then? — scared Veronica.

-I say — is up to something! — continued to talk Vika. -This rarely happens to a girl she "in a tit засиживалась"! Believe me: I know the nature of it!

"But she's on to me and not to spend money! "Veronica. -Feed me! What else?!

-And money — who will it be?! "Mom" just, free, not even fart! You'd cost a pretty penny!

-Yes I have raked know how much money?! "inquired Veronica. -I initially give the less had I took...

-I heard about this story edge of the ear. But the money these Anfisa, администраторша, himself took... and for "mother" anything less чирика thousand доллариев,, seeds, powder... in General, a trifle!

-Ничго yourself a trifle! "said Veronica. -Yes, I would have the money at home year would have lived happily ever after and sorrow would not have known!

-You its province, there are more, Ukraine, with Moscow not compare! In Moscow these money — ugh! Zilch! "Mother" in a tavern more for the evening leaves, when the buzzing. Therefore, I say: something strange is happening. I, in any case, I do not remember...

Vika CAW in the water looked. Barely two days, as for Veronica came said.

At his appearance in room Veronika all cringed and internally tensed. The memory is still good stood his image is directly related to her fear.

-Went to the "mother"! — he said. -She calls you!

It was morning, Vika just умотала, "наштукатурившись" to work and to ask the Council was nobody. Yes, and that she could do: I had no choice. Calls to go!

-That began to weary?! asked, "Mama", seeing Veronica, from the threshold.

-From what you have? "she protested.

-Well, what?! Sit idle. Boring, perhaps?!

Veronica said nothing. She knew that now does on a tip of a knife blade, and one wrong move, even the breath of the wind, not with the hand, lead to catastrophe.

"Mama" swam across the pool saunas naked, unashamedly present men. Veronica looked at her and tried not to do anything, some trick itself, which would have caused an avalanche ввергнувшую it again into an abyss of wild Orgy.

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