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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Veronica involuntarily drew back from the window, drew back in depth coupe. Garik, noticing her movement, зыркнул the street and moved away from the window, too.

The train had just about fifteen more minutes, then I drove. Saeed and his people seen no longer.

-Interestingly, their journey?! asked Вероинка of Garik, for the first time speaking with him for the night.

Garik shrugged.

After an hour, in Konotop them again awakened the guards, but this time Ukrainian.

-Be a weasel, documents! — called to them, and going into the coupe, сержантик-border guard.

Soon the train moved eastward, подцепленный diesel locomotive with the back side of the composition. There was such impression, that he went back to Moscow.

Outside the window was the soothing rain, and, despite the stress, pushed up the nerves Veronica to the limit, she felt that she wants to sleep.

Without undressing, she got into the bed, covered her face almost head and turned away to the wall.

-And how "good night"? asked Garik.

-Good night! — mechanical Veronica replied, not intending to a waiter with армяном.

-No, you do not understand! — Garik sat down beside her on the shelf and started to disclose it.

-What's the matter?! angrily Veronica asked, turning to the insolent boy taxi driver, which prevented her from sleeping.

-Wow, her voice erupted! — surprised the taxi driver. — That has grown bolder, sweetheart, as the birthplace of smell?!

Garik took off with her blanket, a deft movement of the hands slid under her ass, his fingers grabbed her panties and pulled them down on the hips so that they cracked.

Veronica tried to resist. She crossed her legs at the knees, not giving remove the panties on. Became scratch, repel армяна.

-Do I have to apply to the CID? asked Garik, ceasing to remove her panties. — We, Chica, and me agreed. I've done everything that you asked for, risking, as you saw their skin...

-And in your mouth nasty member fetched me, too, at the risk of skin?! — evil squinted, served forward Veronica.

"Listen!" Girl, be good, do not anger me! warned Garik. — What do you think, was it?! Now you can throw me?! No, sweetheart! I you do not allow it! I said a week I will tear up, as a bitch means I will tear up! And that's got you from me!

-Who are you, anyway?! "said Veronica, feeling frantic rush of anger.

-I — Garik! — introduced himself as a taxi driver. — And you who such?!

-What do you think I prostitute hold?! — outrage Veronica was growing.

"Listen, sweetheart, if I were you kept for the prostitute, we could give you a completely different conversation was! You fool, that I helped you! You can't imagine, from the shit I've got you out! If not I am afraid to say that you waiting for! So, let's make a deal! You're going to be smart! We agreed that on week — a week I'll let you have, when I want and where I want! This is your fee for salvation — be good not to be a fool not to kick and pay me!

Garik said convincingly. In principle, he was right, but Veronica was not going to sleep with him! Not that week — and one times she would not let!

Armenians tried to continue the shoot with her Lacy white panties.

-Listen, Garik, you're right! — stopped his hands Veronica. "You helped me! Thank you! Yes, maybe you really saved me from a bad situation, and if not for you, my future, perhaps we would like shit! But, let's all decide differently!

-How else?! — thick thick eyebrows Garik skyrocketed from a surprise in light of light over the sleeping shelves.

-Well, in other words, it differently! said Veronica.

"Hey, girl! Does not mind me brains! — Garik was getting angry. He began again to pull her panties down. "You, of course, a beauty! This, believe me, would I even lifting a finger to help you! But "different" does not work!

-I'll give you two hundred dollars! "exclaimed Veronica.

Garik smiled widely, her naive suggestion:

"Huh, what?

-Two hundred dollars and buy a ticket back to Moscow!

-Sweetheart, you don't have the money — you said that!

-On arrival I find you! she Veronika

-On arrival — I don't like!

'Listen, you two hundred bucks in Moscow elegant потрахаешься! The most expensive prostitute hundred worth it — you know! — tried to persuade him to Veronica.

Garik stopped again, ceasing to pulling off her panties.

-I would for a thousand dollars wouldn't help you from Saida escape! he said, прщурившись. "My skin road!

"Then why helped?! "said Veronica.

Because, you said, ' I will do all that you want! I put you the price — you took! Be good to pay!

Garik again pulled the panties stuck on crossed knees girls. Then stopped as if in thought, and looked over at Veronica:

-Count to three! he warned. -Once, twice...

Veronica was in confusion: "What to do?!" Go under the армяна?! No, never! Shout?! Help, raped?! Well, come passengers! Well, the police will be called! Them with trains withdraw! Write it include a statement to the nearest station! But the evidence is not present! Армяна will be released, he in Moscow said стуканет where to look! And then — a question of time.

-three...! — Garik pulled the panties so that they превралились in the long gum, cracked.

-Not tear! "Veronica and spread her knees.

At the station the train came early in the morning. Conductor finished in the coupe, picking up passengers at four in the morning. She looked in their compartment:

-Ascent! Wake up! Wash! After an hour to arrive!

In the face Veronica hit a bright beam of light, and she awoke from a restless bad dream. She felt shattered and невыспавшейся, but her body strangely sang, as a guitar, tuned to the desired note the string.

Garik calmed down only in the morning, an hour ago. All night he spit it, as on a spit, and put her in such postures, whose existence she did not guess, and have done with it things which she did not know.

Per night Veronica, submitting to the evil will of their own destiny be отодранной, "as a slut, to her surprise, managed twice to experience orgasm. It was a real discovery, and aversion to армяну still гнездившееся in her soul, mixed with a sweet feeling satisfied lust.

Veronica stretched like a cat, выпростнув hands from under the blankets. It had slipped, revealing her naked breast. Veronica looked at the adjacent shelf. There was snoring Garik, his face buried in the pillow, lying naked ass up.

The conductor gave their assessments glance, but saying nothing, except to reiterate:

-We rise, wash! After an hour Sumy!

Perhaps she had often to see in his car.

-To me that is for you in the apartment to?! — said Veronika Garik, when they came out on the square. -There are my parents!

"Nothing, honey, look for the exit! Week you're mine — as agreed! As part of the bargain is more valuable than money! said Garik, looking around, surveying the stranger, a Ukrainian city. -Yes, with a taxi you here at all a bad thing! — he made his professional observation, not noticing the huge territory of a single taxi. -Take off your hotel room for the week — your problems. You are at home! By the way, as I recall, you said that upon returning home, will find two hundred dollars! So go on!

-Well, you наглец, how you got there!.. Garik! I wanted to give you money, not to sleep with you! And that turns out — подложись under you, Yes the room and take off!

Garik looked at her from top to bottom:

Room shoot the best in the very center hotel! In which case, I find said in Moscow and tell them where you now reside!

Veronica stood confused: Garik used it to the fullest. Now he raped her, and money still wanted to tear off, well, наглец! His arrogance had been not beyond any bounds!

-As you know! "sighed the girl. -I have got no money, that's all — that's enough! Under the bridge, so you will I tear, or in Park city on the bench! Home I'm not going to lead!

-You said that you will find the money! — old Garik. He again looked at her from head to foot, then reached into his pocket, took out his purse. "Here, a hundred dollars! They're here to stay, the hotel will pay, and the жрачку!

Veronica reached for money. When she took up the bill, Garik held her and added:

-But bear in mind! Money I'm taking! During the week you will find, take — give! No — пиняй! I understand!

-I understand! through clenched teeth as the girl answered. "Well, Mraz, черномазая, I'll show you!" she thought to herself, and pulling the bill from the hands of Garik, hid it away in his pocket.

After an hour, catching finally, taxi, they hauled out of the Central hotel of the city him with the same name, candle flowing into the sky on the Central square, opposite the huge building of the regional Committee of the party.

Garik, looking upwards, approved the selection:

-Good hotel, high! Take number higher than that, I want to see the city!

Адмнистраторша looking at the hundred dollars handing her Veronica, said:

-Go change! We dollars not accept! RR too! We now карбованцы!

-And where is the change?! — she was surprised.

-In the Bank — where! — smiled администраторша.

"It's six o'clock in the morning! "exclaimed Veronica. -A Bank!

-Well! — администраторша put her keys on the counter. — Here is your room Suite on the twelfth floor! Advance run! Passport leave me just in case! at nine o'clock go to the Bank, change your dollars! It paid off — I will return your passport to you!

Veronica took the keys, referred them to the Garik, he walked with them through the huge spacious hall to the Elevator.

Администраторша, glancing at the trail of the Armenian said:

-Single room! You propiska local, so the hotel you shoot is not supposed to! This who you are?! "she said with a nod after the "guest". -A relative of that?!

On the face администраторши display слоная grimace: guesses, grin, irony, compassion, understanding — a cocktail of these feelings. Veronica didn't know what оветить.

-It's just a guest! Familiar! — found it.

-Tell your friend — intently stared at her администраторша-that after twelve strangers in a room should not be here, including you! You clearly!

Veronica nodded and she went, and filled with paint behind Garik to the Elevator.

-Yes, and another thing! "it администраторша.

Veronica returned, not looking her in the eye.

Dollars can change in the market — prompted администраторша, if not scary! At changed! They already seven hours there sticking out! Just look — throw! As a child! — pictured throw it aside. -And money! Note!

-But why? — Veronica was startled by the new order of things, steadied during her absence.

'Because in the Bank for dollar give twenty-three thousand, the karbovanets, and money changers offer forty-six! It's clear!

Veronica tried to deal with numbers, nodding just in case the head.

-Here and decide for yourself where better to change: in the Bank or on the market! said finally администраторша.

The room was spacious and comfortable. Chic lamp, double bed, sofa, TV, armchairs, wardrobe. In the toilet imported bathroom and glass shower — Garik satisfied. He went to the balcony. Zarya only been at the bottom of the streets crept clouds of fog.

-Nice city! — отрезюмировал Garik, examining the panorama. "What are you here for embankment?! he asked Veronica.

-The embankment of the river of the Arrow! "she said. -Listen, I'm not a tour guide! I went to the market money exchange!

-Beautiful promenade, only instead of the river some swamp! — old Garik, if it is not listening. "Go, my dear! I'll wait for you! But not for long!

Garik over at her strange eyes and when she was already on the threshold of the room, shouted after her:

"Don't try to slip away! Imagine worse do!

Chapter 10.

Veronica sat down in a wicker chair as she was, naked.

"Mama" made the sign, and her top and threw a towel.

-Thank you! — thanked Veronica.

But really I don't need to thank! replied "mom". -Let's eat! Take a glass!

Veronica grabbed the glass. Standing next to the waiter immediately filled it on the third of red wine.

"See how you serve! said, "Mama." -Have you come to a big, friendly family, where all love each other, where each other happy!

In another situation, Veronica, without thinking, would have acted smart, but now she had nothing to do, only to be silent, gritting his teeth.

-You even do not notice how you are treated, " said, "Mama." -Well, let's drink! For you!

She put aside Veronica glass, and she was crazy with her.

The wine was nice, it gave Veronica some bit of joy.

"In fact, enough sad! — ordered himself Veronica. -And you now horsemen quickly cheer! Time to cook and ready quail!"

In General, until really no reason to be sad. She was sitting on a straw from vine chair in the luxurious sauna. Next was covered with all sorts of expensive variety and snacks chic buffet. She пребывла in the company of Nude woman respected and feared so much that dozens of Chechens stood at attention around the pool, while the naked lady in a towel and sat угощалась expensive wine and a Breakfast of the restaurant for several hundred dollars.

Veronica thought. What if we exclude the experience of the past and unknown future, itself this picture, it пристутсиве here looked cool. For a moment some dazzling точчно бриллинтовый glitter sparkled in her brain. It was as an inspiration and as a miserable, let subtle, with a speck of dust, a piece of consolation, but Veronica decided to take ahold of him, as for a moment, and while it lasts, enjoy it.

She allowed himself to relax for the first time in a long time. Can be worked wine? May be its people her mind? She suddenly a wave admitted that five minutes later on her head by the will of the same woman some Chechen пиставит gun and stuck out her between his legs and will be poking around them in her childbearing pass. "Well, Yes and went to the Chechen, and the lovely moment, and I'm there!" — I sent it all and started удоволльствием for food.

"Still, the food is great differs depending on the price!" — with удовольствем thought Veronica.

She boldly reached for a glass, which made the "mom" barely noticeable, but still eyes widened, and she smiled so happily, as if Veronica gave her pleasure, too, reached for the wine glasses.

-That's what I like! said, "Mama."

They had another, then another. The food was delicious. His mind was good, Veronica was still what it will do now. "Maybe so, and had always behave? she asked herself. "If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy!"

-Well, you did not answer the question! — said to her, "mom, when much of the Breakfast accelerated pace was destroyed hungry girl. -You husband cheated on?

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