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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Veronica was silent, and did eat. She was like bumping this aunt.

-Yes, don't lie, that has not changed, — continued like захмелев and hearing почудившийся her an answer. -Well, well! Do you remember your feelings! The joy of meeting, waiting for something new! After all, you would not take that to you in bed dives the other man, as some heavy duty?!

-But this was different! — has grown bolder, finally, подвыпив Veronica.

-Yes, another one! — sincerely surprised "mommy". Is there all the same! You just subjectively perceived then random intercourse, joy, and now for some reason you perceive the same random порево, as a kind of duty.

-But then the guy I had to choose! — objected Veronica, feeling her bear and she drifts off coils, what shouldn't. But we drank wine горячило blood, like to argue. She even "mom" now, in the face would have clung with pleasure, patted her claws подрала, well, still a little drunk. "Now pick-me-up!

"Mommy," about something thought for a moment, as if disconnected from the conversation, and even towards turned away.

-Well! she continued again. You're a girl is cute! Even beautiful! And, most importantly, I like you! You're clever!.. Why do you think I'll week held in the stall, when me every minute of the road?

Veronica brazenly shrugged carelessly. "Mommy," estimated this ужимку, apparently concluding that she lost her fear. Stand the new pause in the conversation, she soon родолжила:

-I basic income, of course bring numbered girl, well, there is more out there in the street a few roam, but then, in General, garbage. They don't even live here. Them out, pimps graze, and me unfasten. And, in principle, and those and others — working horses. They naturally are plowing. But you are quite another matter! You're something special I don't want to itself to you as a tank came every day and cum in you ведраи poured.

-Why me?! going Veronica for the first time дрзнув to do this.

"Mama" has not left this attack without attention, but continued as if nothing had happened:

-But I have the elite! This girl, who by numbers not carry. They are very expensive! I give them to экскорт services. The girls who work there, are split into two levels: ordinary and higher. Ordinary, in fact, nothing of the license no different. Just the girls work on the exit from hotels, apartments, dachas, serve the Metropolitan know. But the Supreme is a special caste! This is a premium class! There many want to go. After all, the girls fly abroad, the health resorts, the capitals, communicate with influential people, however, is "mother", could not help looking съязвить, on a low, gender, level, but still! I have only five of the girls worked! You'll sixth! But there are a couple negatives! First, the percentage that these girls get several times lower than the one that I leave the room clear heads,. And, second, these services are not so often needed, and because in General, wages among girls there. Even though they are high class, small, sometimes even less than ordinary girls...

-Well, I am not in danger! — развязанно interrupted her Veronica. -I Asha sex slave! Me the money at all to pay, no one is going!

-Well, here you are right! "agreed, "Mama." -So after weeks of deliberation, which, believe it, were very painful, I decided to enrol you in the premium class! Well, of course, compared with the number of ordinary girl, this is different still like Cinderella at the end of the fairy tale of Cinderella at the beginning. But there's requirements completely different: ethics, culture, English or German must own! Well, that agree?!

"Mommy," stared at her as though that gave Veronica million dollars.

-Yes, I don't know...

Veronica was in disarray. Again the wine hurt her in a decisive moment to think quickly and clearly. "You fool! What are you babbling about?! cried something inside her. -You had the choice is there?! Agree, until aunt good!"

-I must say that you have will be much less, than usual, numbered girl. This is already an advantage that affects you. You no need to feed the family. Well? What, do you agree?! — anxiously asked, "Mama." -Incidentally, why I should be your consent ask. I said " it should be. There other get dream and you're tsatsu of yourself doing this! I then thank them! But one condition! An indispensable!

-What? asked Veronica. She already decided for himself, though, and wasn't going to engage in prostitution, but ve accept, because suddenly realized. What if you refuse. Its numbers таксать will be as vetch, every day for ten times. But though the money earned for further счстливую life. And Veronika this is the reason why you have? This premium-class look and actually work!

-Each barrel of honey — continued "mom," should be the fly in the ointment, so sickly and not become a chore. So you like it — not like I'm having when I want and with whom!.. But it is still better than if you were to be every day by numbers ебсти. However, baby, choice you still have no! Here all I decide! Tomorrow was going to take over your education: luxury class I teach personally, because this is my elite, my pride, my showcase in the higher spheres! Female partner, its nothing to tell, and she you'll skin, learn, understand?

"Got it, " Veronica nodded, knowing that the conversation and all the audience in General are coming to an end.

-Yes, and another thing! suddenly bethought "mother". -If I tell you the future — remember good, I note that you take a man a member though with a share of concealed disgust, and I feel it in my gut, then you'll have me in this train, train and train. To insanely convenient! Understood?

-I understand! — agreed Веронка, thinking that have their disgust towards this task hide very deep, or someone else member will be a frequent visitor in her throat, and she didn't want to completely.

"Mother filed a sign beside Veronica waiter, that poured her wine, each time making it up with some заискивающим лизоблюдством in manners — the Blue?" thought drunk and a little bit bolder in thought Veronica, the corner of my eye watching his жеманными марнерами:

-Hey, you, get up before her armchair!

The waiter complied "mom".

"And now, Lada, take off his pants and get in the mouth! I'll see how you're ready!

Veronica taken aback.

Everything was going so well, nice drinks, delicious food, a business discussion of the future work...

And suddenly, you do! Like a thunder in a clear sky! Shoot the guy pants and suck his cock! Moreover, the "mother" for the first time appealed to her for her "work" name: Lada.

It was a challenge. "Mama" once again checked her loyalty, she had under big question. Maybe she just прикалывалась?! But the fact that suddenly, for no reason, no reason a waiter for the "mum's" will now she had to suck!..

Veronica wanted взбрыкнуться as the wild filly, which have not yet travelled, but then realizing that this only give myself once again "travel" his dzhigits, standing around, obediently pulled to fly waiter.

He stood stock still, himself, apparently not expecting such a turn of events.

Veronica unzipped his waiter light pants, dissolved belt. All this she did slowly, as if unwillingly, because "mother", watching her every action with such interest that even got on the chair, said:

-Let's alive! You Lada, fell asleep!

Veronica запешила, hurried up, feeling the neck breath your groupie experience. It was better, indeed, suck one member, than a dozen.

"God, how disgusting!" — вокскликнула it within yourself.

Hops suddenly emerged from it. And from this became more repulsive.

She let down her pants to the waiter, then some absurd, flowers, boxers, he did not expect, you will probably have to undress in public.

Now before Veronica at the level of her face hung with bowed her head on one side, the male member, выглядывавший of black, curly thickets like a little mouse. At the bottom hanging scrotum at different heights of the two testicles, one more, another less.

Veronica was sitting in twenty centimeters from the genitals to the waiter tried to persuade himself: "Well, that is an ordinary person, and his ordinary member! In fact this is not..."

More than anything, she hated the fried bacon!

Despite the fact that Veronica lived in places where the fat on the table almost daily food, but the fried fat she could not stand up, despite the fact that her as if поалагалось his love. All around just loved fried fat.

Raw fat Veronica loved and ate with pleasure. To вареному it was quieter, although force myself to eat it was difficult. But the fried fat made her always gag reflex, and she now he remembered.

Veronica почвствовала something inside, filled with food and вном stomach rolls to her throat.

"Yes, now would be cool to take and обгадиться!" — with anger at himself thought Veronica, producing сглатывание and cleared away the memories of жаренном fat.

-Well, Lada! I'm waiting! — as if gave a start countdown of the "mother".

Overcoming wild disgust, regretting that протрезвела, Veronica took палчиками member waiter, going to shove it in my mouth.

-And how can you take? With ingestion go just cheek? -she turned to the "mommy", what for trying to show off your erudition in this matter.

"As you will, Lada, as you want! — she answered. -If I see you have a greater humiliation than just read on your face a little bit, believe me, that this member will not be the last one today!

Warning enough. Veronika, forgetting his disgust, pulled waiter for his process to himself, pulling it out as gum. He leaned forward motioned for her closely.

Veronica took penis into my mouth. First, she placed it in cheek, but it began to grow, and grow, to become firmer, reviving ... such pleasure, then she had to open the throat and enter already become elastic baton genital organ there.

"When this is all over!" — thought to herself, Veronica.

-'t bother, Lada, not always. — experienced near "mommy". Do it professionally! Here is well done, well done! Ditch the hypocrisy and bigotry! Work only with authority! How clever!

The waiter stood re Veronica, blocking балженства eyes — she sometimes looked at him up. Fortunately, as long tormented had not, he was muzhik weak and through поминуты finished, зайдясь слсдострастным "a-A-Ah!"

That the client is emptied, Veronica knew by this quiet sobbing of intelligent men and to that member in the throat was pulsating rhythmically, making this a couple of times, and then lost elasticity, сдуваясь.

"Then it is up to the mark! With the initiative, you, Lada! happily commented on the "mother" completion of the process. -Pay shalt girl?! angrily she attacked the waiter immediately, even before he could move away from bliss, already испугавшегося its collision. -Okay, I'll pay!

She stretched out her aside a hand, putting the index finger, and standing beside it a Chechen man handed her the green bill worth a hundred dollars.

"Mama gave it to Veronica, вытиравшей mouth:

-Here, take this!

-I'm on working! naive cried she, herself mentally grinning his feigned honesty: you can work out just what is the size.

"Take it, take it! said, "Mama." -Give — take it! Hit and run!

Veronica took his first public earnings.

"Get Dressed, Lada! Tomorrow we start with you! — let go of her "Mama". -Отсосала well! Almost professional! I surprised!

Vernik got up with a cane chair and began to dress. Now she knew that her today no one was attacking.

Coming into the room to Vike, accompanied by Saida, Veronica went to the bathroom to vomit.

Saeed reviewed the threshold of the room and locked the door from the outside.

Vomiting was not, and Veronica stood on his knees in front of the toilet, then spat on it and went in. She put a pillow under Vike a hundred dollar bill, so that she knew that Veronica started to give her debt.

For a while she lay on the bed, curled up in the position of the baby, then undressed, climbed under the covers and fell asleep.

"Well, now, Princess, you and become a whore! What you so afraid of finally happened!" — was the last thought which flashed Veronica before bedtime.

Vika came in the evening.

Taking a shower, she woke girlfriend:

"You are said today at the "nurse" was in the sauna? Tell that was!

A : who says that? "said Veronica.

-Listen, if Moscow is a big village, what do you mean the "Cosmos" astonished? Here пукни in one corner in another starts to stink!

"Well, then, to tell nothing, if so! — got offended by the flawless performance of "тряпочного" phone Veronica.

-Come on! — hugged her Vika. -I like all — in General terms only know! Again you there ябли all choir!

Veronica offended, tried to break away from Викиных embrace.

-Yes, okay, okay! Kidding me! — урезонила her Vika. -I jokingly! What I don't understand, perhaps, what if this happened you would in any case now didn't look like that!

Veronica some time offended sat and дулась.

Vika has released it, went to the fridge and brought out a Bank sprat, a bottle of champagne, cut the bread, made sandwiches, laid them gently on the plate and went back to Veronica on the bed.

She had already turned on the TV and сердитоо stared into the box, like they actually watching our transfer.

Vika got from under the bed, a small table and placed him in the midst of the bed, covered by a tiny little white скатерочкой, took from the shelf above the bed a couple of wine glasses, covered the table.

-And what do we have for the holiday?! "said Veronica, as if distracted from the TV.

-Well, as che?! "Mommy" about you вспосмнила! — I found the answer Vika.

-Yes, it is better to have three hundred years had not thought! bitterly, almost брызнув tears, was stopped by a hand on his knee Veronica.

Is that so? — surprised Vika. -Why?

Instead of answering Veronica looked under подушкухозяйки of the room and brought out a hundred dollar a piece of paper and laid before his new girlfriend:


-What is this?! do Vika, but then she guessed. -Che, customer you have today was the first?!

-Aha! — Veronica nodded her head. -Waiter!

As the waiter! — I did not understand Vika.

-Отсасывала I had! — almost with hysteria, with tears in her eyes, cried Veronica. -"Mother" so wanted!

-Oh, that's nothing! — успопоила her Vika, stroking the вздрагивающим shoulders: Veronica whether laughed silently, whether sobbed. -But anyway, let's drink!.. What do you want?! A prostitute and be in your mouth not to take?!

-Yes, I do not want to be no prostitute! — shaking her hands Veronica hysterical.

"Look, mother! — shouted at her Vika. -Here ниего life! It so happened with you! Accept and live on! Not that it will be worse! 'll throw tantrums — I again Ангеллу in the room will take! And you go wherever you want! But know that such coziness and home no one else! In addition, other in-room three, чпетверо live! Where grandmother each other, steal, where the fight where is that! Why are you thinking?! Just so everything is in this life! Non-then we pay! I'll харчую, cherish! And so would you put those who just arrived!!! Do you think such mansions, like me, all of you. Yes those girls that start only ten in a room live! There want?! Please! I do not hold! And lice. and трипачек, and all other pleasures of life! And guarding them there for free ябет every day! And you're the kind! Yes you there just заябут, even before the work gets!

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