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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Veronica stopped.

Indeed. She was just lucky, judging by the stories of the Wiki.

Yes. It was, indeed, stop fidgeting, and adapt to new conditions of life!

Chapter 11.

Veronica walked along the cast-iron fence river embankment, which below, in a wide, the stone-walls of white stone stream meandered and barely flowed among huge Islands sludge, overgrown with reeds, now rusty spots have occupied almost all the space intended for full-flowing river.

Maybe a long time ago, when they built this seafront, Arrow and was overflowing river rivulet EDA, which flows into the Psel. Maybe, on the contrary, in the future, planned to make it so. However, she was, is more like a stream, by some mistake, текший on заиленному the bottom of the wide beautiful canal, built in the center of the city, смотревшегося very ugly and out of place in such a combination. In some places this stream poured in broad puddles of lakes. But still nowhere, nowhere, no channel was filled by water from one vertical, paved with white stone wall to another.

The air was fresh, cool. Fog with the approaching dawn diluted. Despite December weather is reminiscent of a late autumn.

Veronica walked slowly, as if he was walking early in the morning, sometimes looking at the other side of the canal where there was a Park, for which, on взгорке, in the end of the street stood a five-storey house, where in a corner apartment on the fifth floor of her parents lived. They don't even mean that she was in Moscow, and so, what happened to her there. All they knew was that Veronica married rich, who bought it in the centre of huge flat as a wedding gift.

December freshness felt. Dampness пробирала to the bone, and Veronica ежилась, wrapping her in his yellow light overcoat, which had to wear something like it with a damp cloth wiping out quickly. Yellow dear драпу were now visible dirty divorce. No other clothing, Veronica was no more: all remained in Moscow. She looked terrible, затрапезный, and she thought, "Well, that early in the morning, and on the street no one!"

She reached the intersection, turned to the right, to the bridge over the Arrow, and climbed up the narrow, crooked street, was three hundred yards, turned to the right, on a wooden pedestrian stairs and climbed the mountain. Here she lived. However it was сосвсем recently, but Veronica seemed that from that time on the whole eternity passed. The long white enamel plate, nailed on the corner of a five-story building stated: "the Street Новоместенская". Below hung round white plaque with the number "35".

Veronica got up on the fifth floor of the far door, carefully, trying not to make noise stuck the key with a keyhole, carefully turned, walked into the hallway of the apartment.

The house of the parents was quiet, warm and comfortable. Veronica was in his room, in which it was already almost half a year. Opened the wardrobe, pulled his old brown coat with the collar of the Fox, which is considered already unhip, and therefore was not going to never wear since last spring, dressing, and also quietly slipped back, направишись the Central горолской market change currency.

Now her spirits became much better. And she unconsciously returned to the events of the preceding night.

To my shame, Veronica had to admit to myself that this was the first time she really experienced orgasm. And not one, but two. Something happened, something for so long wanted her girlfriend: uterus has been turned inside out, so carefully, so well that, despite the fact that her soul is still not felt to Garik nothing but disgust, her body ring in here, as melodious string tuned in unison with the outside world, and therefore experienced pleasure in each step, every breath now.

Veronica is бабьи was the first time happy. Of course, she was still quite a young woman, who earlier yesterday thought that orgasm is when growing pleasure, but now, after a night of experience in the Moscow train she could say that for the first time in her life выебли really!

It turns out that all she had before, even the маструбация, where she worked occasionally, to experience feelings of witty, were all pale, slightly compared to yesterday night eruption. She is now suddenly realized that turns out to find a suitable partner wasn't an easy task.

But Garik was not her partner. At night, when she gave up and decided whether that will — he had it, as probably the chef has Patty pan skillfully, quickly, relentlessly, with knowledge of the case. It was not a partner. Partners she has had much! As this!.. Veronica didn't even know how to make the right call.

He held her! A thing! With a partner of the talk, he says something to you, you tell him to say something. And here there was none. It it wouldn't become to speak! And he tell her anything and not have to! He just took and did to her what he thought was necessary. He, when he wanted to moved her feet to the side, landing on the ass, so that Veronica he seemed to her now turn like a chicken, and lick her Clit with his rough tongue, sometimes dipping it into the vagina. The inserted two fingers into the anus and drove them in there, portraying the invasion of a member so that the habit, until softened, as iron, Верониа quietly взвизгивала first pain, then obscure, wild pleasure, which did not know before. They twisted it on the broad shelf, put cancer and pierced the back, всовывая in the anus больой finger, which turned from side to side, then faded inside her and drove her hips to the right and left, so that Veronica felt as if her vagina is a big leather ball, the walls of which, as the language of the bells, hits something solid and elastic, forcing them to stretch and bounce and then vibrate even in time with these emergencies, as титева Luke. To this were added such, only in мменьшем scale sensation in the rectum, which, before she knew it, act like a younger sister vagina. He took it off the shelf, lay down, насаживал her body on top, as on the spit, Turkey, and whether twisting in it, whether it twisted on itself Veronika from обуревающих her waves of bliss it was unclear Yes and no matter managing thus those same two fingers of one hand to depict her ass often the batter into the passage of the second member, and the other greedy and power crush her swollen from the pleasure, like ripe water-melons, breast. Then sat down on top of her, in front of her face and brazenly stuck in her mouth, immediately suddenly full of saliva, his monster himself scraped a little bit ago and entered her with two fingers, the index and the middle of the vagina, and the little finger and ring in the anus and шевелл they prudently, knowledgeably, not asking her whether she likes it or not.

"It might be called, pulling like a bitch?! — now asked herself, remembering the lush, passionate night, Veronica. -Maybe all the guys know how to behave when дерешь bitch, but I was treated differently from some other motives, for example, the bitch me not counting?! And Garik warned — I will tear up like a bitch! Perhaps, with his wife if he has, he sleeps in another way, and she did not feel anything like this?!"

Veronica suddenly confessed to herself that if someone had so every day, it would be this person would be ready to lick off the mud from his boots with his tongue, travel along the carpet before him, do what he will say, if only it lasted, went on and on. "Only that it was not genocide!" she began to persuade itself, but immediately found what her anyway, whoever it was, if only it was like last night!

It was an unpleasant discovery, which strongly resisted her humiliated and offended soul, but the body of her female body, shameless and insatiable, затыкало her mouth and cried: "Let fuck like always!"

"If, indeed, find someone who would have fought so every day!" suddenly accidentally made a Veronica, not noticing how the energetic impulse launched this desire in the pocket of materialization...

The market was already a real pandemonium. Despite of early morning there were overcrowded, everywhere there was a brisk trade. Veronica some time roamed under its huge dome, came in the meat Department, where from the noise before the counter with meat and lard was deafening, went down in the ditch, Central circular Piglet large building made as the bottom of the pool or the arena of the circus, only a concrete, in which all sides made several stairs.

Here only not тогровали! Everything that grew on the hospitable Ukrainian land was in here. From маянящих, перебивающих one another smells But Veronica was looking for change. She had no idea how they should look and what to do, but because the time was passing, and Veronica were still not able to exchange dollars.

It has gone on the market, navorachivaya for the second circle, but nothing changed was nowhere. Then she spotted walking ahead of her father one of their former school friends: healthy, высоченного, пучеглазого handsome мясоруба. He looked youthful and fun, slightly tipsy, went between торгашками lard and meat and showing great forefinger in the direction of one wants to talk, from a distance, not to crawl through the давившийся at counters people about something with them перекрикивался. Hearing the answer, beautiful, развалочку, as the host, would move on to another торгашке.

-Uncle Kohl! — having caught up with him, cried, trying to shout standing around the hubbub Veronica. -Uncle Kohl!

But he heard himself stopped and something горланя through the crowd in the stalls.

-Uncle Kohl! — shaking her his Veronica sleeve, barely catching his жестикулирующую hand. -Uncle Kohl!

He turned to her, looked slightly осоловевшими, drunk, gray-blue eyes, which dried not one woman's heart.

-Uncle Kohl! Not learn?! cheered Veronica.

Uncle Kolya, when the verse was not recognized it, he even closed his eyes from the effort, trying to remember who was before him, but then not admit, but, somehow, it is seen guessing, judging, probably, by age, that it was a friend of his daughter, loud, as if from the horn, bass, roared:


-Tell me, uncle Kohl, — he leaned forward to better parse her words through the surrounding noise. -Tell me, us where to change?! Moneychangers where?!

Дядяд Kolya beckoned to her finger, so she followed him, crossed the outermost of the concrete ring market, stopped, waiting, until Veronica подгребет to him, forcing his way through the crowd of incoming visitors and pointed to the direction of:

-Is there on the glove, — his finger was pointing to a fenced square metal lattice fence territory with rows, covered with long roofs, on which traded челночники, recently infest, like mushrooms after the rain, imported stuff. -Тильки careful — throw Samoilenko. Sashko Циндренко ask your однокласника, Yes you know it! Well, now, if that's not right — you approach.

Veronica walked into the cell. Here was quieter, trade was not so brisk as in the food market. Now she saw standing in rows according to several people in the aisles between trade стелажей with plates in her hands and neck changed. These were people of different age: and quite boys and adult men. To them and then, and someone approached, asked something passing by the visitors of the market. Veronica came also to extreme young guy:

-I Sashko need!

-Який taky Sashko?! — переспроисл her boyfriend as if he already sent away. -Here know скильки Sashko!

-Циндренко Sashko! the official Veronica.

I don't know this! — cut the guy and turned away, letting know, that going on, did not interfere.

Veronica walked away, a little frightened: familiar, native rudeness! How she's on it "missed"! Just felt like you needed here!

To the guy who she had just asked about Sashko, came a great big old fellow with дамочкой, apparently, his wife, thin like тростиночка that trusting like a child with two hands held onto his hand, едвва does not dived to him under the shoulder.

The damsel in distress Veronika it just wasn't determined by local breed: the market looked visitors from the Kursk region, to the border with which the straight was about thirty kilometers. Yes and their dialect is the man was not from here.

-How much money to take?! "inquired the man, bending over менялой, as if wanting to scare them.

-What's your number? imperturbably, with professional composure asked that.

A hundred! "replied the man, saying this like "million".

-Forty-four and a half! — made the price changed.

-No-o! — nodded his big guy. -There's more to give! Come On, Jen!..

-And how many do you want? — stopped him changed.

Forty-five! — man turned back.

Let me! — surrendered changed

Big boy climbed запазуху, he pulled out a wallet, opened its branch in which lay the only one bill, I took it out and handed the money-changer.

-Not fake?! asked changed, raising a hundred dollar bill over his head, trying to see it on the background of алеющего the dawn sky.

-Verify! — allowed to man.

Suddenly beside hand moneychangers over his head rose from the side, from a long series of his fellow the other hand. She pulled bill, snatched her from the hands of the money-changers and over the heads of the crowd transferred somewhere else. There she had met the next hand. The banknote with the speed meteor went over the heads of the crowd, удалясь further.

-Hey! Stop! "roared the big one, выпростнув hand from his ladies and rushed through the crowd to catch up мчащуюся over our heads into the distance, her one hundred dollar bill.

Changed that just разговривал with him, run in the opposite direction and gets disappeared in the crowd. Lady not the local breed thrown knight, погнавшимся for unreal hope to get their money back, in confusion remained standing in the middle of the crowd, and not converting to it any attention, running along the aisle between trading rows and staring at biting in the price of imported clothes.

"Wow! thought Veronica, after witnessing a lightning-fast, proven to automatism scheme of obtaining money. -We should search for the friend!"

Through thirty minutes обрыскав in the crowd the whole clothing market, she saw at the rear, a remote corner of the few money-changers, standing apart from the others. Among nor she learned однокласника. He was still at school became famous all sorts of speculation, and his older brother stuck with блатными. Sashko together with his brother attended among the invited a Hippo on their wedding.

-Sashko, Hello!

-Oh, how?! — smiled the former однокласник, welcomed its appearance, although close friends they never even at school, were not.

-Yes here, bucks, you have to change! — privately reported Veronica.

-Shh! — Sashko put his index finger to his lips, took her by the shoulder and led him away from the rest of the money-changers. "Do you want a blank leave?!

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