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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Rise in number of sexual maniac Garik, which would, she did not doubt this would be immediately lashed out at her, she doesn't want. But it was some what baths there is still not there, and shower. Shower for fools: she wanted to soak in hot water, in a warm bath. This could only be done in two places in this city, where she could now get: for parents and yourself in a luxurious spacious apartment overlooking the Psyol and the city drama theatre. From here before it was five hundred yards, if you walk along the pedestrian Stage. The only problem was that Veronica did not have the keys to his apartment. They stayed in the apartment of a Hippopotamus, and the keys from the one he is leaving for Moscow, as far as she could remember, he gave a Nail. Now it was necessary to look for him, if he's only in town. We formed a vicious circle.

Veronika not seen any Nail or Фиксу, which then подрулили in Behemoth in Moscow for a long time. There were not even at the funeral of the cartridge, and it was very strange and disturbing.

"Well, if I can't find a Nail — call locksmiths break down the door! — the girl decided to: George after buying an apartment set on the entrance финрменную metal door. -Жлко, of course! How much this response-is only repair cost?! No, better to find a Nail!"

Veronica finally determined the plan for the day: do a search for former improvised husband. "I ask them how to find, to армяна this finished off!" — anger she thought, rising from the deep soft кожанного chairs.

-E-Hey! Sweetheart! — окрикнул her in the echoing emptiness huge foyer hotels became a familiar voice, from which it started.

Veronica grimaced and sank wearily back in my chair. Garik came closer:

-I've already lost! Where have you been?! Three hours passed!

"Where — where! Dollars change went! You think this is so easy! irritably she explained, гляда up from a low deep chair, which had drowned.

-Oh! I see you got a new outfit! "exclaimed Garik, touching fingers fur collar and throwing centuries trade of polar Fox tail.

-But what is new! going Veronica his ignorance in women's fashion. — Junk задрипанное! You are my soiled my model yellow coat! I had to parents to run, change into that found! Therefore I will not go in a dirty! It is, incidentally, seven hundred worth it! And now its only in the trash send!

-You that, sweetheart want to show me?! surprised Garik, showing themselves up. -Well, good luck!

-I do not want anything you produce! — reassured him girl, thinking to myself: "When will it all end! As if on his way to find!"

Veronica presented, as will those who will be able to finally deal with her abuser and perpetrator, and, although she was not садисткой, but now decided that he will be present when Garik are being killed, and perhaps itself to this will make the hand. "I'll show you! — angrily thought the girl, зыркнув askance at стояшего in front of her, right in front of her stacked one on another leg of the Armenian, and added dreamily. -Now would be as gave him in the balls!"

-Well, now here I sit in the room't you go up?! surprised Garik, satisfied her response.

-And what I forgot there?! The room I'll pay money changed! Go go!

Garik turned ago, where ten yards it was the hour, that администраторша my ears, listened to their conversation: in the lobby of anyone except the two who were not, and their conversation, far разносившийся in the echoing emptiness, instinctively attracted her attention.

Noting that the occupant's looking at it, администраторша dropped her eyes, as if doing records in their instruments, but continuing, it is all the same it was obvious to listen in a squabble.

Garik sat down in front of Veronica quietly, taking her by the elbow under the skirt, and painfully squeezing it like a claw, quietly muttered through his teeth, that it was not heard anyone except Veronica:

"Listen, sweetheart! And I do not here in госттинице tion has arrived! I'm here to you my get — finally! I know that you подумываешь, how would slip away from me!..

-No-no! — leaning forward as шепото, frightened закивав head, said Veronica.

-Yes, I know! — Garik gave her to understand that good at psychology.— You think I don't understand: you are at home! Could just walk away and all! I already thought so even surprised when you уивдел down in the chair. But! This fellow, that you're back! I'll keep that in mind for the future!..

-What is the future! in a loud whisper, almost going to the voice was indignant Veronica. "I'm six days do not want to know more!

Garik put on her mouth across his lips укательный finger:

'Hush, be quiet! Seven if it comes to that! But these seven days are the future, I'll consider your behaviour! Believe me, they still have to live! Do you agree?!

Veronica nodded, removing fat finger Armenians from her face.

-But when live the seven days, then please goodbye... by the Way, the house was, took money?! asked Garik. -About a hundred dollars't forgotten yet?!

-I am at home parents had! — Veronica replied. -They are simple working people! For them a hundred dollars is a fortune! They have never seen!

-Well! — agreed Garik. -Search!

So I wanted to go to seek! 'Veronica. -And you stopped me!

Later go! concluded Garik. -Now in the room get up!"

-I don't want to! — muttered the girl.

-I want! — Garik squeezed knee so that it was unbearably painful and she almost shouted. What are you doing?! Bruise! I will then go?!

-Then listen!

Garik waited until Veronica get up and go to the Elevator, then went over to администраторше and something said to her ear.

Without waiting for Garik, girl caused Elevator, and climbed up to the twelfth floor, feeling that goes like for execution.

The door to the room was open. Her handbag was lying near the entrance, carelessly thrown on the floor like a commercial package.

Veronica picked it up and checked the lining, held it in his hand. He was whole. And, indeed, Garik would hardly bother roaming in it, raking the piles of junk that she periodically ruthlessly sent in the garbage bag when it is impossible already had to close.

Veronica went to the balcony.

The sun has risen and now red pancake взбиралось above the houses, заменявшими horizon. From the twelfth floor of the hotel the whole city centre was at a glance. Won онка her house, get out of the market. "Maybe while I was walking, guest stood there and watched me?! thought Veronica, облакотившись elbows on the sheathing concrete barrier balcony. — However, what's the difference!"

The door in the room snapped her, запираясь.

-We now have Breakfast will bring! — told her Garik.

-Pay to me, too?! — asked the girl.

-All costs are yours! What?! I guest! — smiled Armenian.

"Yeah, sure "guest"! — agreed to Veronica. "You fuck me going before Breakfast or after?! "she inquired, her hands on her hips.

Her question turned his thoughts Garik in a different direction — she saw — he just aroused him. Impulse lust, passion bounced like a ball for ping-pong table from his astral body and hurt кольнул Veronica, coming back like a boomerang. It is also something зардело.

"Why do I ask?!" "Mattie was surprised Veronica. She didn't want to ask армяну such a question, but she, or rather, her girlfriend, which enjoyed rapid and spectacular night отдирание old mold of oblivion, without asking his mistress, she wants it or not, is blatantly provoked the owner of a member of the invasion.

-And what? surprised Garik her bed, on which he had, apparently, take a NAP.

-Oh, nothing! I am interested to know your plans Boo Doo-t-e! allocate Veronica last word.

"What am I doing?! What do I do?! — came from Veronica in the head. -I, as the last whore am looking to me strung to cook!"

Garik sat on the bed:

"Hey, sweetheart, come here! he called her.

Veronica gave in. Garik put her on his knees, put his arm around his waist.

-Well! — acted smart Veronica. -We just like lovers!

Something inside her already burned. Some icy raged in the body, bringing's militarist cold. She wanted to — she suddenly caught myself on the thought — Garik to beat her, had given her pain, pain which, as she thought, her body warm.

It was like insanity! Such it had never happened! But now she wanted it!

Inside was the cold, body seemed to be frozen, and unbearable desire to put her on the bed, втогрались in all her holes, which only she has a hot male member, warming up, cleared away this internal unbearable cold, embracing me her consciousness пеленою torpor.

It was strange, wild, it is unclear her troubled soul, which just was so unbearable heat of shame and disgrace while her body burned out from the same unbearable icy cold. She was absolutely ashamed of himself, for his condition, in which she came, she didn't want to, she would run away right now away from here, away from this maniac, into any нбудь area of the universe and there would пкережидала the storm, but the body is required, desired, wanted to execution, it whatever мозжечком dreamed that he put on his stomach and thrashed numb ass, reviving it, thick and wide belt until it зардеется stripes of blood, until finally live. And then her and her girlfriend pushed long hot swords, and ice melt inside least, was spreading into the body burning water bliss.

"I go crazy! — admitted to myself Veronica. — I'm just going crazy!"

She began to be afraid, if it continues, if not stop this madness, it soon everything in life changes to it "fought like a bitch"! she didn't want this, but something inside called passion just pushed her to do, and she complied, as obeys the cobblestone pull of the Earth, and falls in outer space at her, burning in her aura-atmosphere...

-As can be! "grinned Garik, drawing her closer. -Why not?!

-Well, — it, making the incredible effort, tried to pull away slightly, but his hands Garik were strong and still holding her close as they wanted. Oan still сопротивллялась his wild unrestrained ice flame inside, though knew that already lost, but put off the moment of reckoning for the defeat, forcing the brain to conduct a heated argument with a man. -At least because you raped me in full and in finances, and in bed! You dollars me how to change?! If normal changed, then I would itself quietly got home without your services!

-Well, maybe because so and changed! — agreed Garik.

"Oh, look, what we farsighted! "exclaimed Veronica. It is already not отпихивалась. Inside everything was already decided in favour of her girlfriends. Sit on my lap was warm and pleasant, and she allowed himself no longer resist: "anyway, 's gonna fuck, why should I bother! Once I went suit, so she did!" By inertia she even said something, although she is already anyway, not important. -Only love in this and does not smell!

"You don't smell! — Garik ran her hand under the jacket bottom, felt the bra and entered into him, she began to wrinkle my chest. "It started! thought Veronica, testing within itself the long-awaited bliss from прикочсновений. Now she wanted to just open up as a flower, to be turned backwards and inside out to her drunk благоуханный nectar bees, doing his thing, keeping the custom of the Land, which is subordinated to all and bringing her warmth, joy and bliss. -And I still smell! I would be добреньким, you would never have got! And here you are mine, and not going anywhere!

-Your hands are cold! "she said, with sinking feeling that her vile body and melt in your hands Garik. You had to put a huge effort to resist his caresses to выпростнуть from his embrace. It was like as if she now wanted to break away from the sinful Earth, выпростнуть from the embrace of gravity and fly away into space, where it's easy and free, and there is no gravity and Brehna existence. But the strength she no longer had. She was so tired to resist even not to him but to himself, his body, his passion, desire, ice on fire, raging in it, and calling to him crushed, destroyed, trampled...

"You have trampled on! complained Veronica, all subtle sunlight of morning, but trying not to show that already ready to all. Do you realize that trampled on me! I don't know how I will live here! Who have I become?!

Actually she didn't care that will be further. The main thing now, and it only showed that resist it.

-All at you will be good! — Garik too говоорил something to say.

She was already lying on the bed with raised skirt and jacket, with полуспущенными tights, and she sought to get rid of the fetters of service.

"What am I doing, you fool?!!" — was the last conscious rebuke Veronica most себке before the wave of passion finally, with голойо swept over her, and next she already took it as in a delirium, in a fever. What she did next, what did next guy, now perceived as a phantasmagoric erotic dream in which everything is possible, because shame is not effective in forbidden for him zone of dreams.

Veronica was burning, it was raging like a fire, she was now, as this icy fire, devouring теплло, fever masculinity, who'd been starved, which is so lacked inside. She wanted this heat settled in it forever, never was this ice cold to more she never thirst invasion, be self-sufficient. And she was ready to pay the price of his passion, she was ready to do now all that is to say to her, her passion, all that is wanted now a passion горячегоо male fire, обвивающего languages her icy flame.

She was ready to merge with that flame, knit together with him, to plunge in it completely and let him dip in yourself and never be separated, be one, repay its icy passion hot male passion and pay it, become one with zero temperatures, with zero-momentum desires forever.

Languages her burning ice blue fire закручивались around joining her hot испепеляющих orange languages alien male flame, forming long крученные harnesses, which are getting more and more intense twisted, истончая each other, and then explode, explode, scattering millions of tiny bubbles of bliss, needles вонзавшихся in the flesh. But new flames continued to the same dance, performed the same program, performed the same dance of passion, in a second, just scattering and freeing space for new dancers.

Garik telling her something, wielding with her body so as yesterday. He praised her, or cursing, or screaming. But she couldn't hear him. She broke through to reality through the raging flames, скручивающиеся, exploding, ударяющие it waves of orgasm, and could not break through. They surrounded her with his passionate dance. As if she was a prima ballerina in the circle of those passionate blue-orange couples who whence came out of nowhere, came and came, spinning, twisting, exploding in its wild dance and squeezing her ring around her closer, not giving her already and place for a dance. She just gasped with their endless tears, these millions of small брыхгов hurt stabbing her flesh. It seemed to her that now she's выпорхнеет from the unbearable pain bliss of his body and унесется off, leaving these crazy dancers alone, that another second, even half a second, it is no longer enough to take this on! She just come to an end, exhausted!

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