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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Veronica broke into a wild howl, сотрясшим, as it seemed to her the whole building. EB this Histalkut sound was collapsing tower of the hotel, the square, the Earth itself, so it seemed to her. She wanted to tear the world in half spoiled and a useless piece of paper, just crumple it, and get out. Nothing was after this continue! Nothing! The existence of all things on this should have ended...

She had finished, almost losing consciousness and lay still.

In-door rooms someone persistently and for a long time already hollowed fist: maybe it was the Breakfast.

Chapter 14.

-Today is the lesson of physiology, " "Mama" Veronica, noticing the Bible in his hands.

Veronica done her homework and read the above her yesterday the Chapter of Genesis. She was now under the impression reading accompanied by a Chechen with a Bible in his hand, hoping that today will be the continuation of the esoteric topics.

Veronica was surprised that I had never tried to read what you had asked her now "on the house", "Mama." As it was strange to read the Bible at the direction of the woman. Indeed. Why, when asked her to do it his own grandmother, tried to introduce her to the faith, she avoided reading this book, увертывалась, lied to? And now read. Though not all! Even Genesis for the evening overpower it was impossible! Moreover, Vicki work yesterday was little, so she льнула to Veronica, seeking affection and with renewed urgency. So she hastily, not to earn another "minus", "pulled out" of the fifty heads of only those that are required to read the "mother". Was little understood, but экзальтично.

"Mom," ordered her to mandatory to read Chapter nineteenth at the end of which Veronika was surprised incest, thirty-eighth, where the daughter-in-law under the guise of prostitutes conceived by her father-in-law.

-If you have time, read several chapters: twelfth, sixteenth, twentieth, twenty-fifth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth and thirty-ninth! But today it is not necessarily! — finally told her "mom".

Now Veronica was going to share her impressions and continue the classes.

But "Mama" changed the schedule without warning, as, however, and everything else in the life of his captive. She looked at вставшую in confusion before her chair Veronika, then she took from the table of the vine a leather whip, which was always beside her and lifted the hem of her short skirts Veronica that she dressed, checking whether all the way she commanded, though her situation, most likely, was so noticeable that the girl without panties.

Veronica even surprised himself that already does not react to the extravagant " " mother's" steps, such extravagant, like all of her present life. She just stood still and waited for him to "mother" ensure executing its rules.

Every day wardrobe Veronica was engaged in a specially appointed a woman. She came location with Sayid or other Chechen and out of specially delivered in the room Nickel-plated metal locker, like the ones used in sports locker rooms, clothes for exit strategies.

Veronica felt that her dress up as a circus horse. However, looking at myself in the mirror, she liked yourself. Even that which is below задувало already't bother her: "mom" immediately sent her into a hot pool, and on his return Veronika get in the hot bath.

New clothes were chosen with экзальтирующим addiction someone's professional hand and transformed it so that when in the corridors of the hotel shining bright cloth, sequins, long cutouts, or short юбочками, sometimes of a translucent material, sometimes, in General, like gas, which was not like, and their outlines could be seen only on the invoices applications girls met on the way guests and servants of just froze in amazement and astonishment before dazzling and provocatively dressed pretty special, descends in cold Moscow as a the Brazilian carnival.

Seeing Veronica's closet Vika was surprised and outraged. Their anger she замаскировала under the pretext that Veronica without her knowledge that brought in the room, but when he learned that this Directive "mother"run amok stopped.

-OPA! What you, the nuns decided to go?! — ticklish Vika noticed last night Veronica in the hands of the Bible, which she read in the order of mother.

-Yes! If! "she said. "This is to my job!

Vic looked at her strangely, even with genuine surprise, looked for the first time, wanted something else to ask, but only went silently make sandwiches.

Veronica increasingly noticed that her friend and Saviour of the strange reacts to any changes in her life changes, which she obviously didn't like.

In fact, why she had to sympathize with the fact that, instead of working at the numbers Veronica every day now all the more of yourself dressed up "roam" in the sauna to the "mother" — word of mouth about this carried the picture immediately, and now, even the Bible reads! Probably, for the understanding of Wiki is in fact too.

"Mama" whip sent hand Veronica to the table, as if to show that she left the book at him.

-Read that? she wanted to know.

-Read! enthusiastically beginning Veronica, like a schoolgirl to share his impressions with the teacher.

-Anything I said?!


"Well?! — "Mama" has made a pause, during which Veronika managed to score in the mouth more air, but did not give her anything to say. -The whole world revolves around pussy — this is the moral of what you read! Really?! Well, if it roughly on our way! Both male and female. And note that it is written in the book, which is the bedrock of the whole civilization, well, I don't take into account the Communists! And what you saw there?! Closely related to communication, incest, aspiration расплодиться and acquire material. All these properties of the lower chakras, which is located at the base of the spine. In the New Testament world is described in terms of the higher chakras,but there is lower, however, in a new quality. Therefore, morality, reigning around, " is not true. Abraham and Jacob had several wives, and they recorded their concubines and maidservants, each with its hand, and born of them children thought their. However, there is also a conflict. But for you this is not important. The main thing for you is to understand what is the place of sex in the life of mankind, since this place is given in the Bible! Paramount! And yet, you should pay attention that a woman shame is not inherent. She should conceive, and she's ready for this sleep even with his own father! Well, Oh well! It to you for common development! Then, at your leisure be sure to read Genesis and the New Testament! I'm a little проэкзаменую! Later, when you have in mind it is all over, take the other religions! Understand?

-Yes! gasped dialed air frustrated by their passionate enthusiasm Veronica: in fact, not at school she was!

-And remember that you're the priestess, the lower chakras, which is described in Genesis! The Bible is a tool, like a hammer! Hammer you hammer a nail, and you can head to remedy!.. Well! Okay, now as always we warm up, and then going to do a theory! Whom to choose?! Go ahead! — "mother" had shown generosity, allowing choose Veronica partner for миньета itself.

Veronica showed that жеманного waiter, with ктороым has already had to deal.

"Come here! — beckoned his "mother", then turned to Veronica. -You will do this standing up! Feed me turn! Bend!

Veronica leaned over and started trousers waiter. "Mama watched her for a while. Then she lifted her short skirt girl on her back, revealing her hips as if croup lovely creatures and began to stroke her tummy, happy considering Викины holes. She glanced Veronica managed with a member of the waiter, making observations:

-You who swallow taught? — interested in it with curiosity, but realizing that Veronica could not answer her, she continued. -However, I can guess who! You think that mistress миньета!..

Veronica listened to the words "mother", feeling like a member of the waiter takes in its hands all the greater in size. No mistress it itself is not considered, but with the "mother" of the ear you keep eyes open!

-...And I'm only saw that one professional reception! And cheek take it so your personal fantasy, household! Maybe a couple of times in the childhood of the boys who did you stuck, you remembered! And, by the way, миньет is a very serious thing! We can say that this is the basis of the profession of prostitutes, especially in our time, when мижиков through one't need at all like you! We will teach you sure this art! then, exhausted by type of торчашей of bright одеджы young, firm and beautiful, like a chiseled from a piece of precious stone ass, quietly, like whispering, shouting. "Ah, you're my darling!' It's a pity that I am not an artist!

View standing in нагибе with raised skirt and clung to the loins of a waiter Veronica aroused not only "mother". Standing around the pool saunas men such as neuro переминались now on one leg, ready to explode with passion.

"Mom's" fingers already approached the vulva Veronica помокревшей from affection. Now she gladly окунала them between налившимися, become elastic and large срамными lips girls, sometimes cleverly, with professional skill of throwing them to the side of the thumb and little finger, why could be seen black, inviting peephole vaginal mouth, in which the "mother" gently, but passionately launched a doublet of среднегго and index finger, ring the wider revealing pink vulva down. Then, поводив there a little, she took them and ran become slimy, fingers into the anus Veronica, where committed врашательные movement.

-Yes, a lot of you will have to learn, girl! — continued his instructions to a "mother", a nod beckoning standing first on the other side of the chair said.

He, like a stallion darted off.

Veronica felt something else besides fingers mother stuck her in the area of the clitoris. She was today in the red shoes on hairpins, but without it her legs "from the teeth of the" left чеченцу no chance in this position to get in the anus that "mother" was prepared for this, and even where it was decided to include male member. Veronica herself mentally grinned, imagining how ready is about to explode with excitement, like a ripe cucumber, said rises on his toes, stretches up, her teasing, revealed how greedy rose vulva and can't do. She was funny, and she gladly continued to feel my Clit, which slid the head member сходившего from mad desire men, vain attempts to invade her adorable Bud proboscis coming saliva on the nectar of the insect. She wasn't going to do what I could, slightly bent knees. And her legs are slender, like an arrow, and high as columns, proudly тверддо held her ass high against the encroachments of the attacker.

"Not old enough yet, мальшик!" — with vindictive pleasure thought Veronica imagine concerned, centred and pained expression on his face said. Although she could take revenge, and she promised herself that would avenge themselves by all available means, even such.

"Mama" seeing vain attempts of his преспешника reach the desired holes girls, attracted him to her and tongue began to lead begun to blush at his head, sometimes причмокивая her folded into a tube lips, sometimes spreading them in the ring and not deeply taking in his mouth organ.

Shortly said разраразился loud "a-a-A-a-a!!!"

Veronica also warned that, although "Mama" and helped Saidu, the reason for his ardent excitation was she, her proudly standing on a tall and slender legs brings up lightheadedness men by their beauty pop. "Get, you bastard!" with some садисткиским rapture, the first of which she had never experienced it, she thought, Veronica, and I understood that I felt a light orgasm: the muscles of her uterus several times rapidly decreased.

Официантик quiet, intelligent empty her throat and began to deflate.

Warm-up былла completed, and Veronica was not going to anyone accept.

She straightened up, одернула down skirt to her charms, nobody else excited and wiped her mouth with his hand.

-I am ready! she said "mom".

The ousted посрамленного Veronica said, натягивавшего back his pants strictly suit, dropped the towel from her shoulders and down soaring pool.

-Well done! — praised it as the many meanings, слолвно noticing little revenge Veronica. -Go swimming!

Veronica took off her shirt, embroidered collar, and рукавчиками of red, painted Pooh dropped a semi skirt with application of yellow, red, green and gold big hearts from the glittering reflections in the mirror film, putting them on the now its wicker chair near the "мамкиным" and jumped pike, folded hands above his head, into the water, raising the highest wave хлестнувшую through the Board of the pool, why the guards started to raise the queue feet, so as not to wet their shoes in побежавшей on the tile floor puddle, rushing to the drain holes.

While they swam near, and Veronica suddenly, for a moment presented itself to "mom", but then drove away the illusion that good would not brought. However, she was pleased that she took the hassle of "mother" with Sayid, and somewhere deep inside herself she thought now that someday, when it becomes free, it really laugh, remembering all the goddam time. She knew that one day, she really didn't know how, but she throw off the shackles of slavery.

Perhaps the "mother" thought Veronica already like that happens in her life. The bride was dressed in expensive clothes, she ate together with the "mother" of амыми delicious dishes, and she was preparing her to become a prima ballerina of its elite. Perhaps any other girl that was исполением of her dreams. But Veronica secret dreamt of freedom.

She didn't know what it will be this freedom, certainly not the same as before. And whether there was a first of freedom? But she knew that this time will certainly come, and was ready now to tolerate their existence until clearly not going to see her radiant light.

"Mother" was to believe that Veronica, if not like what was happening to her, at least she resigned irrevocably with its existence, and the new role.

Veronica thought.

Role, now, that was her life! It has always played a role: the wife of a Hippopotamus, now girls, becoming a prima prostitute. She can never be myself, what she wanted to be, the way it was before.

Veronica suddenly brightened a vague guess that in all that happened to her, now and before, was to blame. She slowly, but surely, perhaps without even suspecting step by step was to such a life...

-What was wondering, Lada! asked, "mom, trying to get into her мыслии.

Delicious was a member! — Veronika made every attempt to make it sound not as sore and as a stupid joke.

-And what is said't let?! — "Mama" she asked as if to reproach furrowed her brow.

Veronica felt almost ran into another "minus", and now we need былоспасать yourself:

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