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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-Fascinated миньетом!.. Tried to straighten up, to avoid remarks!

Justification looked a little silly, but the "mother" seems to be believed.

-You must be attentive! I think that I'll believe it! — with reproach and irritation she said. -Once again, this note, consider that ran into! Get it!?

-Of course! — Veronica nodded.

-Not забывайся, girl! — continued "Mama", sailing beside her in a circle. -You're not here at the party: you want to or not! See what you cook, then wait for the client! And it is you rubbed-rubbed, and the annoying! You what?! I teach you to guess the wishes of the client, his every whim, because often you'll have to deal with people стеснительными in the actions, chained ethics and their views about sex, and you'll have them free from these chains, they often do not even suspect! You will anticipate the thoughts of these people who wander in the most secret recesses of their consciousness. Those who will meet with thee, as a rule, prominent persons, mostly foreigners. Marital status, Puritan morality, the pillars of which they are a just crushed their sexuality to their oppression. And you'll have this pressure to remove one easy motion. Not forever, forever they not needed and even detrimental, on time, at the time, that they will be with you. Understood?

-I understand! again agreed Veronica, feeling like "Mama" slowly tightening the screws.

"You think I didn't notice that you've done?! — поинтересоввалась "Mama".

Veronica didn't answer, curled inside.

"You think I didn't understand your deed?! — "Mama" раззадоривалась. A girl! I would now here you are not swim then, and обслуживла some забулдыгу for three roubles in the stairwell! You of course!

-Yes! even more wrapped up somewhere in Veronica, trying not to show comes from the outside.

"Mama" headed for the ladder:


After Breakfast her mood improved. After drinking some red wine, she повесела, or Veronika so was only because захмелела slightly itself.

"So! Today, as I said, we lesson physiology, and a bit of medicine. Prostitute thy level must know briefly, the device of sex and related other systems of the body of men and women, as well as the modification of these systems with age, to take into account features. Your clients will be men and women closer to forty and over, so youth will not touch, just in passing, suddenly some passengers dad wants you to teach his son to properly handle in bed with my wife.

Veronica was listening to her instructions, but the "mother" suddenly, as always, dramatically changed the subject of the conversation:

"You think I don't know what you dream about?

What do you mean?! — not understood Veronica.

-Literally! — corrected "Mama". I read you like a book, Lada! I already don't you once talked about it...

"But what have I done?! — tried to understand the impact Veronica.

-You didn't do anything! But you are always thinking! You secretly dream of escape, having lulled my vigilance!

"Mama" paused, as if giving her the opportunity to parry his words, but Veronica only kept quiet.

-Well done, at least not отпираешься! — praised her mother. -This is stupid! I don't buy! But believe me! That to a door that separates you from freedom, I have a key, you never know! And more!

"Mama" again made a pause pause, positioning Veronica looked into her eyes:

-I can see your future is very dark, you won't work on me hard, as I want, and what I'll cook! Do you think that I just забавляюсь with you in the sauna?! It's not that, Lada! This training! And training costs money! You already flew me into a lot of money, and I'll spend on you even more! I see that you can earn the same amount, which I want to get! So right now I'll give you hope, hope for freedom! Cherish her, Lada! And take care, as the Apple of his eye! Understand?

-I understand! — agreed Veronica, all listening to each word of a woman who has just promised to release her. Now she could not hear any sounds of speech "mother".

"Here's my proposal, Lada! — looked at her intently woman. One million dollars! I give you your freedom, when I get with your pussy one million dollars! It is clear to you?!

-Yes! — with reverence said Veronica.

The amount that detailed the "mother" was huge, but it was the horizon, let very distant and indistinct but nevertheless, the real horizon end of her endless night. She was just happy to hear this!

A million dollars! What a trifle! Yes she spent her a million dollars!! If not immediately, but it will try will gratify коиентов so that they just poured on the "mother" Golden rain!

Noticing that the girl from the inside seems to be beamed and got light, "Mama" has decided a little damp фитилек to not burn prematurely:

But to do this you will have a lot of work! So I'll study everything that I know myself! You betray secular type and status of a highly educated and кульрутной lady, against whom thou hast even now it is still just a pretty darling girl provincial, затраханная in this hotel! I prepare you to work on the international level! You'll be my diamond tiaras, because I've decided! I see that you are worthy to take the Central place in a frame of my glittering crown of the six stars are charming! So learn, listen attentively, remember, practice! Whether as plasticine, from которог I do masterpiece! Remember?!

-Yes! happily nodded Veronica.

She now like she saw a light in the end of the tunnel.

Somewhere deep down she was still hurt and sad that it has come to this, that happened to all of this. But now Veronica knew that if she wants to reach the horizon, which showed her "mum"she should forget, jam, destroy this offense. She, despite the fact that the more unpleasant it must become a real prostitute premium to crawl across this black like the night sky as night without territory, field strange lust to the bright horizon of freedom, which has been pierced by a ray of hope in the pitch Dali.

Chapter 15.

"Veronica! Have you become a harlot!" — scolding yourself girl.

She stood on the balcony of the twelfth floor of the hotel and watched stretched in front of her hometown, such a beautiful and now strange. As if it had never lived, and only came to understand why from Moscow with армяном-taxi driver to the latest whore three times a day given to him now in a Suite provincial hotel.

"Who am I now?! What is wrong with me?! — asked the girl, trying to catch hold of the consciousness for the steep rock of reality, проносившуюся past her in her free fall, which was to end pain and fear: and what else happens when you fall down with a crazy height? — the only way.

All so rapidly changed in her life! Her last hopes that all will return to its original, quiet, serene, quiet towards the so desperately rose the past, somewhere up, forever becoming harder, that the head was spinning, and she thought that it would fall down from the balcony down to the square. She wanted so badly to the whole nightmare happening with her, suddenly burst like a soap bubble, and would be that it just simply was only a bad dream.

"And, maybe for the better, if I really fall? — thinking about it for Veronica. In fact, suddenly I sleep?! And this is the leap, this fall will be just an excuse to Wake up! Because it can't happen to me actually! All so silly, ugly, so strange! Not what happens to me, may be only a dream. Then why does it never end? Maybe now, when the head is spinning, but I am drawn down from the balcony and comes its isolation, therefore, the fall is just a reason to finish it?! No, this is not reality! This is a dream! A dream!!!"

-Sweetheart, come here! — came to it from somewhere out of nowhere. — Don't keep the balcony open — cold!

Veronica as if woke up, looked at myself getting used to the fact that she sees.

She stood barefoot and naked on the carpet, which was covered concrete floor of the balcony, wrapped in a sheet, and not feel cold, which was around. As she stood there? A minute? Hour? Eternity?

People say, get used to everything here she used to stand there like a statue, feeling neither cold nor shame, which burned her смятенная soul — nothing. Now she was just a statue, just like the girl on the fountain, at the entrance to the Central recreation Park, which other jokingly called the last virgin in the city. Yes, it would be better if she was the girl, and would have sat on the empty, dried trough the fountain, not knowing neither shame, which now burned, not in front of someone before yourself or confusion, which allowed it to understand how to live.

Yes and how do you know when you "steals like a bitch" three times a day, and it seems to last forever.

It was the third day, as she changed the money market. Since then Veronica no longer leave this room. Even food brought them here. Garik took from the pocket of her brown coat, climbing to myself, thick wads of карбованцы and gave them a messenger from the restaurant that was located in the basement of the hotel.

Although администраторша warned that after twelve in the room must be free, this prohibition did not worked, and it did not expel from the hotel is the third day.

Veronica has grown stupid so what is happening with her, that not even dressed. She walked in the buff number, hiding, if it became cool, sheets or blanket. Seen whether employees have hotels that she's in the room is not seen, it is already not interested in: life still flew, as descended from the mind fast train going downhill, where a deadlock, collapse and death... if only everything around was not a dream.

Sometimes, in such moments, as now, it seemed to her that if she closed eyes напряжется, something to do with your thoughts, everything will change, and burst like a bubble, will cease to be, and not disappear anywhere, where all dreams disappear. But she didn't know what to do, when you really зажмуришься that it happened, how it all to stop, and this was a burden and wearied her spirit. Her soul, so exhausted this nightmare, just остолбенела inside, like отрешилась time, and not conceived it does perfectly.

Garik whether raped, whether seduced her so that she would light up lust, three to four times a day, and from this never ending sex vacation "guest" she was completely exhausted and devastated. Veranika could not even be aware of, now that she thinks about Armenians sex what kind of stupor chained her thoughts, and she simply existed as a biorobot, responding only to external stimuli: her soul made no signs of its presence.

-Today is Wednesday! said Garik, when Veronica gave him shouting on, walked into the room and closed the balcony door. "Let's go into the city! Find money! A hundred dollars! If you don't mind!

-No! — Veronika not even glad that he let go. She like zombies began to gather, not feeling any emotion.

-Bag leave the room! warned Garik, when she wanted to take her.

He or something suspect about the contents of this bag, or simply possessed some very subtle insight and enviable intuition.

The street was not crowded, though it was dinner time. Veronica was a Hundred, as if coming slowly from her daze, and remained in it recently. Thoughts on a few run, and she began to think what she should do.

To a place to go, you should know where you're going. And for this it was necessary to set a goal, to outline the guidelines for its achievement.

Veronica walked into my first favorite cafe "snowflake", got her a Cup of coffee and sat at a table in the corner of an empty hall, began to think of what to go back to the normal flow of life.

"We must find the Nail! Take him out of The house! Then I receive at least some of them. Maybe Nail and Fix, if their meeting will help me get rid of армяна?! "girl, just sipping slowly hot drink. -But what will I tell them? Who is it, and why they should get rid of? And if climbs out all my adventure with this армяшкой! Who cares by whose will it happen?! The main thing that it happened. Then the passage of will not be from lustful bastards, and my life in my native city forever will be hell! Will be quiet — Garik-then go and all as there was nothing! If only администраторша hotels and maids not spread through the city like a magpie on the tail! Yes, a small town! Veronica remembered long words of counsel one of his girlfriend, as she had warned her when she went nee, that in this city all sleep under one blanket! And if all this whoredom, that she plunged, as in a bucket of shit, come out to the outside, it is certainly not a wash — life changed forever, and not in the best for her!"

She would even now ask anyone to dealt with Garik. The same old anger with which she wanted, as she will participate in the execution of the армяном. Dried up. Tired of being like ate teeth. No, she did not treat Garik better one iota. Just emotions given way to the reality, pain and resentment were dulled, she seemed to have got used and resigned with her some strange fate that eventually had to end. Now she was waiting for, when all is quiet stops, will come to naught. It is left to wait four days. Half-term's already passed, and was glad, gives hope that the rest of the time will also be held, albeit difficult, painfully slowly, but has passed.

Veronica knew what disgusting qualities rumors in a small town, but secretly still feared the only one, that return to Moscow taxi driver will surrender it said. And this made her now cold, remorseless, but frantically and unsuccessfully to think about how to prevent this. However, sometimes she agreed with the fact that if Saidu really want to find her, he found her and without Garik.

Rumors that could spread doing if on a city, its weekly staying in the hotel, were, of course, unpleasant and even, in a sense harmful. But these were only rumors, which could be stopped. She knew how to do it: it was enough to behave so that the mosquito nose is not sharpened, so that no one guided heard could dive to her skirt and failed to explore, talk to, and others that this is not true.

But said in a distant now Moscow was a reality, the control of which she had no chance. Live with the knowledge that one day he might again occur in her life, was equivalent to sit under the sword of Damocles: get used to it was impossible to get rid of this too. Of course, you could go somewhere else, so no one knew where to look. but she would never leave his home city, which seemed to her now the best in the world.

"No, it is unlikely he will go to Saidu! "Veronica. -He does not need to glow in this story, because Saeed can and bring him for help to escape. After all come out the same, if he starts something against me! In the end, unknown, may be Chechens already and came on my soul? I was, after all this time, not the house I live in a hotel, incognito!"

Thinking this way, Veronica decided that she strongly thicken paint overestimate the possibilities of the Chechens and their longing in her capture. Most likely, about it already and forgot! Well, boarded the train, but it is hot on the trail! And now what? It is unlikely that they will go to another now, as it turned out, a country thousands of miles, to search for the fugitive, which owes a couple of тысченок bucks. For Moscow is minuscule! In Moscow the scale of money completely different!

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