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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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The more she thought about what had happened with her, the more strange it seemed to her that the Chechens in General chased her. although, of course, if you know where people in Moscow can escape, then it will catch up. But to Ukraine for him to go — perhaps this is too much!

Whirling thoughts in her come in himself head again brought her to the Garik, who had come with her, stuck like glue, stripped her as he could and assaulted her, as a woman.

Yes, he didn't rape her in the ordinary sense of this word. He skillfully распалял her desire, and sometimes even she somehow подвигала him to it, feeling melancholy for the sharp, stinging усладе, which he had taught her experience. But before he invaded her Holy of holies! And they cried aloud for vengeance! She hated him for it!

Cafe entered the guy went to the front. Veronica was distracted from his thoughts, and обуревающих her head, and drew attention to it. Besides, it was the only visitor of the cafe, and he, moreover, seemed to her friends.

"So there!" cheered Veronika:

-A nail! — she shouted over the hall so that she was annoyed with herself for his flamboyant mental impulse. There's something inside her so исстрадалось that more could not make the former course of events and хваталось for any oncoming straw. -A nail!

It was really Gvozdev. Hearing a wild scream coming from down in the empty, as it seemed to him the cafe, calling him by name, he turned around, wildly, as if frightened looking around: why there is so heart-rending scream, and, glancing through the eyes of the hall, stopped his opinion on a corner table, behind which, as behind in area of fright child, sat Veronica, all kind of not so, as usual, disheveled, just nailed or little old worn-out life.

Nail slightly threw back his head in greeting, raised up their hand, somehow strained, as if he is not sincere, and according to the regulations of what is happening, smiled and changing abruptly a direction of movement, went to her.

-Oh, cool! And you're here! he wondered approached her table.

-Can't you see, coffee drink! — Veronica smiled. She was so delighted to meet Gvozdev, that could hardly conceal it, like a good old friend saw, although the Nail was just a man Hippo and it practically did not communicate. But now she hoped that they will succeed in a business contact. -Upside wandered off to look for you! You W keys Жориной apartment!

-So what?! — surprised the Nail.

"Well, how is that?! — too surprised Veronica. "I'm in her keys to her apartment left! Home can't hit! Yes and I, as far as I understand, хозяйкка now both!

-Well, where are you all this time lived?! asked her Gvozdev, strangely, as if demanding the report.

What do you mean?! has not understood Veronica, but a joyful smile from her face смахнуло some bad feeling about this.

-Yes, literally! said the Nail. — I just three days ago Циню seen. He said that you dollars on the market changed — hundred units, at the rate of forty! You see, I'm all about you know, except one, where you jumped!

Veronica was not myself. The mood was spoiled.

-Well, I need to answer you should not! "she protested.

"No, my friend! Wrong! "replied Gvozdev. -Okay, I now for something to take a snack and go! And come on, пересаживайся from this angle place somewhere decently! You take anything?!

-Salad of some! — Veronica asked, feeling lighter hunger.

Until Gvozdev did order, her whole body shook as from a chill. Something evil was in words, in all the behaviour of a Nail. She couldn't understand what she might face yet, but she felt instinctively some unpleasant and serious disadvantage.

Nail turned to her and saw she was still sitting in the corner, and with a nod he reminded her that he had asked for change.

Veronica pulled herself together and jumped closer, sitting with huge Windows cases, in which it was good to see going on вечерную service in St. Peter and Paul Cathedral parishioners of the Orthodox Church. Now, they were much more than before, and Veronica could not understand whether it is from the collapse of communism, whether from the collapse of the Union.

Nail sat down at a table напротв her, brought several plates of food. After jumped waitress and set it on the table several dishes. Gvozdev pushed her salad:

-Eat. Help yourself!

-Thank you! — thanked Veronica and began gradually наклевывать угощенние. She was somehow terribly hungry, although in the morning, ate in the hotel, but not to show it.

Went back to the table and the waitress brought two small хрусталные little decanter wild ash tincture.

-Will you? asked Nail. Veronica shook her head. -But in vain! Well I, just in case, and pour it!

He poured on стопочкам ruby drink:

-Well, for the meeting!

Veronica sat looking at him, nail glance showed to the pile, and on it to connect. She hesitated, but still held out her hand, with the excuse before him that she действительнонадо relieve stress.

Honestly, Veronica thought that the first thing, when it's all over, drunk like a pig. Closes the apartment and drink! Otherwise it just sit nerves. But nothing's over. However, she allowed himself to relax a little.

Nail overturned стопочку, then began Ukrainian borsch.

Veronica hung out for a bit, but repeated after him.

Burning, but pleasant, tastefully peculiar only to this drink, produced at the local distillery, fire flowed through her body, filling all its members warmth, and the head light hops.

Nail poured another.

-I will not! warned Veronica.

-Come on, help! "he ordered. — I am driving more than three hundred don't drink!

Veronica had some more wine, feeling that gets drunk, however, the alarm away somewhere, fly away, like in the side.

-So where are you шарахаешься the third day? again поитересовался Nail.

"What do you want to know: where it was, where it was? — waved Veronica.

-Picked up eh what?! — съехидничал it.

-Yes, here in my position unless someone to pick left! -cried the girl.

-And what is your position?! You're a widow, grandmas, in the apartment...

-Under what grandmas, the apartment?!

-Well, Hippo also gave you an apartment? Presented!

-A grandmother, what?!

-Well, I don't know! Can stash left!

-Yes, I'm from Moscow empty came like a drum!

-Where I stayed for three days?

"Listen!" — подвыпившая Veronica has grown bolder, moved away from its пришибленного state. -I'm not your wife to report! You're not the hippopotamus!

"Yes, " agreed Gvozdev, I'm not a hippopotamus, but since its not, you are to me you'll be reported to all their incidents, okay?!

"Why not?" Veronica watched the Nail adds another Sumy wild ash, waiting for the finishes and prompts you to enjoy.

-Yes because I've now your legal representative of the deceased spouse.

He gave her hand a pile, they drank.

"Who decided so?! — surprised Veronica slugging tincture, as compote.


-What are these people?!

-Large. Soon to be сходняк, which still to be determined. Well, Hippo apartment and all other likely общаг отойут. And about your apartments — all will depend on me.

"Why not?! — Veronica drained stack, poured again and drank again, not even waiting for an invitation.

-Yes, because I told you — appointed as his executor. 'll name her husband disgrace — apartment you will be picked up.

-So what! — Veronica piano struck his fist on the table. -How to take?! Who?! On what basis:?!

-And on such that'll be unworthy of the name of the widow kingpin news of all! 'll be devoid of all good things!

-Zhora Бегетов, among other things, gave me this apartment! Wedding! "exclaimed Veronica.

-I mean, there we are! Behave yourself, then, is worthy of its name! — did not stop the Nail.

"I? I do something wrong?

So I ask you, where three of the day was this?

-In all holes пердолилась, as the last of a bitch! — threw him in the face with it, feeling that quite опьянела. -You'd better from my apartment keys may I have not slept anywhere!

-So, and that is not immediately came in, how come? — Nail reached into his pocket and pretended there пошарился, " he added. -Oh, forgot house! In The Hippo! Let's go!

Veronica had failed to understand anything, as he firmly stood from the table, took her by the arm and dragged her away from the cafe, as if she was already in the stage of "готовченко"

-You got me where? she asked, trying unsuccessfully to hold back.

The keys! said a Nail.

He held her a hundred to a Cathedral. Here, around the corner of the building, where ended pedestrian zone, stood his brand new Audi.

-Vidal! — with горддостью threw a Nail with a nod to turquoise foreign car.

-Vidal! indifferently agreed Veronica. 'I see прибарахлился you! For whose only account?

-So machines in St. Petersburg pushed taxo! — he put her in the car. -We with the Hippopotamus is one thing разбадяжили. I такчки pushed, and the host is already there! well, I поалагается, общаг part of the cast, and a part — here, on the advice of friends, that is."

A minute later they were already on narrow or winding streets. Nail with pleasure pressed on the gas, and Veronica only looked at the window.

"I guess now in bed drag! — with a drunk indifference she thought, looking at whizzing past the people, buildings, machines, kiosks. -Otherwise, why watered! The executor will! Well, like all goes to it!"

-Well, tell me, where were you three days?! — again asked Gvozdev.

"I said пердолилась in all holes, which in my body! — it amused that can be sarcastic, answering the truth, and it will not be perceived as truth.

-Why should you answer?! offended Nail.

-Why do you ask?! The executor will Khrenov! — Вероникавдруг understand who is guilty in all its problems. She suddenly not a little angry. -You'd be better for me to Moscow there has arrived! The executor will! Then ask not have to! Yes I have, the widow of the thief in the law, there would be no problem!

-And what are your problems?! — he asked, wrapping it in the familiar courtyard Бегемотова home. -Heard Циня mentioned that you're someone remove requested!...

-Here Цындренко, here YAP! "said Veronica. -That the men gone?! Worse Bab! Yes, Nail, I have a problem, and it turns out they all come from you! You fuck me not arrived in Moscow?!

Veronica said this with such genuine anger that the Nail, slowing at the door, and even taken aback:

"But, but, but! Be careful on the turns! We agreed it was...

Veronica seemed that if she were now pistol, she would be with wild pleasure released in him the whole clip, comforted his habitual insult and humiliation.

-Then try, сученок, ask again, where I was three days! warned Veronica, feeling a moral right to say so with a man, a senior itself age.

Chapter 16.

-Well, stop dreaming! "Veronica "Mama". -Dreams not eat! As the great Lenin said, to study, study and study! So let me learn the cause of prostitution in a real way, not out of fear but, really, conscience! In fact you now have something to strive for, right?!

-Yes! — agreed Veronica, in anticipation of freedom covered his eyes.

-Understand! I don't have to you no good, no evil! For me you are the only source of my income! One of the many! My task is to correctly define you a place in my Empire of passion that you brought me the maximum effect! And if I promised something, I will do! I mentioned the price that I want from you! As soon as you рассчитаешься — are you free! But remember! — погрозила her finger, "Mama." -This is my condition is based on your implicit obedience to me obedience! The path to freedom is very narrow and slippery! See, not exceptional service temptation, and follow it right, as we agreed, without stopping, without looking back, without thinking! Then you get! I see you do have the potential to overcome the bar, which I will put! I know is not easy but you can do it, otherwise I would have you even minute to spend did not. Understand?

-Yes! — only and answered now Veronica, inspired of a new dream, as if it gave the exemption.

-Well, then let's begin classes! — returned her "Mama" from heaven to earth. -So, we digress! Our lesson today physiology and medicine! So the first thing you should know is that there are men circumcised and uncircumcised! Seems to be a trifle, but a very important! In the Bible not for nothing he is betrayed so much! Cropped Jews and Muslims. Uncircumcised — are Christians, atheists, well, and all other. However, sometimes circumcision can be performed for medical reasons and to improve hygiene of the penis.

"Mama" gesture invited to his chair one of the Chechens and the waiter, who Veronika twice did миньет:

-Go here both! Remove the pants!

She waited until pants both men fall to the floor, and then, taking in both arms member, became sharp movements, quickly, as if blowing up a bus on a child's Bicycle, to bring them into a fighting position.

-You see! Even so it is clear cut cock! — commenting on it's own actions, addressing to Veronica. "This head is in a calm state, hidden in the foreskin, but she always outside! Well, depending on the age and type of circumcision, it sometimes, and sometimes not, ring of the foreskin.

"My mother continued to skillfully led hands on напрягшимся the genitals in both men, achieving orgasm. Sometimes it was put lips and щекотала them head tongue, trying to do it the same, equally.

"Look here! she said, when the first shot gun waiter. -See, uncircumcised ejaculation occurs faster! And this is despite the fact that he has just finished — well, quite weak, young man.

A moment later, threw some whitish muck and body Chechen.

-Understand? asked her "mom", letting go of men.

-Yes! — agreed to Veronica.

Now she always attempted to perceive what is happening is not as unreal, like a dream, phantasmagoria, and professional information that otherwise receive and assimilate, apparently, it was impossible.

"That's right! "agreed, "Mama." -Now to the age peculiarities! First, the boys! Boys virtually all observed premature ejaculation: thrust — and потелкло, even a couple of times not able to move around. Due to the increased hormonal background and perevozbuzhdeniem nervous system. Here we won't stay long. What do you do if suddenly caught the boy? Well, first of all, anything inhibitory, soothing, and if doesn't help, go to a second round. The second time it all will not happen as quickly. No — go on the third. On the third try, he's just ten minutes can feel like a man, засадившим кобылке, to feel how it is when his penis inside the woman. Boys usually within ten to fifteen minutes after orgasm again ready to rush into battle. Their factory for the production of sperm works as shells on the front stamps — without breathe. But with the elderly, everything is exactly the наооборот! Firstly, to Wake them very handsome! He looks at you, and it all hangs! Through the eyes of the whole already in you, but in reality as a child! As if not a man! For man worse shame no, when before gramineous girl he saliva flow, and the tooth he take it or not! What will be with this client?!

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