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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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"Mama looked at Veronica up expectantly.

-I will do миньет! — she answered readily, like a schoolgirl on the exam.

"Mama" shook her head.

-Dead room! Although sometimes helps! But he's either in the mouth you almost immediately stopped, or when it tries to you climb, you come in, it all fall! And what then?! — she again looked at озадаченную Veronika, but then continued. -Have I told you that you have customers, пришибленные cargo Puritan morality, marriage and other hardships of their provisions obliging be on the alert! They to us now and fly, because there, in the West, they can watch and caught. Withdraw such uncle, in a newspaper пропечатают, and all — goodbye chair, position, power, money! They fear that оскопиться ready. But you can't go against nature! So go me! And I give him such a gorgeous Ukrainian all, like you, blood and milk, turning the body, all for delights! He saliva tonight and only! Well, maybe таблеточек there which will take a SIP! But! You know, it is usually helps! It should distract! Make him feel that with you it's like he's in another world, in which there is no establishment and respectability, which has only a little, her neat, pretty Ukrainian bitch Lada, ready to execute any whim, and it is!..

-Well, I will dance for him! — found Veronica. -Massage going to do...

"Mama" for some time was waiting for the manifestation of some fantasy girls, then continued:

-Earlier in the king's chamber walls were hung paintings of artists of pornographic nature to, once there, the royalty distracted from the Affairs of state and handle cases bedding. Therefore, you should always be at least one качественнй porn film, better than the so-called "quarter". Meaning there is no, but one порево! It is distracting and dispel very well! The client in the physiological sense, maybe, everything is fine. Therefore, work through the mind: relax in the atmosphere, music, clothes, little porno such, so for the eggs it took and выжало. Clear?

Veronica nodded.

-Well, as for the women...

"Mom," interrupted, drawing attention to the puzzled expression Veronica:

-Yes, Lada, among your clients will be and women! Moreover, in the age! Sometimes couples together employ the services of a first-class prostitutes, to fill a spice of past sensations. So you must know about women not less than about men. I'm not talking about those that lack of male attention. "Macho" I in range too. I'm talking about those women who will come to you.

-But why?! "said Veronica, playing himself naivety.

"Mama looked at her with a warning.

-The fool of yourself, Lada, don't play! Vika with you sleeping?! Sleeps! — she tossed herself his head affirmatively, confirming his / her awareness about the intimate life of the girls. "She is not old, and fucked her every day! So there are women who just have a need for same-sex sexual relations, however, as the men. And they will be your clients! Basically, you will come women rich, wealthy, often married, where you will serve no worse than men. If you think that it's easier паренной turnip, you're wrong: these ladies are very demanding, shy, silent. You will work hard to exhaustion mental and physical strength, before will take them in for a real treat for which they came. And remember that, unlike wealthy men, wealthy ladies descent. Not wait!

"Mother," and held out her hand and the waiter, who was standing with her, handed her a glass of orange juice, which she промочила throat:

Of female physiology you should know? If not to take into account lesbian generally with men are not in bed, the woman closer to forty, what earlier, what later begin to feel the need for the relations in the anus, in the anus. I'm not talking about frigid, I mean normal women, who know how to have an orgasm. The usual way they achieve such thrills.

"Mama" put the flute and showed the waiter finger to poured wine for her and student:

-By the way, this also applies to men, but more on that later: they have a very different reason. Now, back to women forty years! They often can't tell about this not what husbands, but even lovers, with whom more honest. So they come, come, come to me. Many of them are not aware of this need directly. They merely are not satisfied by previous forms of intercourse, but do not understand their reasons, and therefore look for different ways of getting rid of it. And the reason is that they no longer feel that experienced before. This is called local frigidity, when the erogenous zones that were operational before, cease to be a source of pleasure. They like to wear, and is disabled in General, stale. And the old forms of intercourse do not bring the visual orgasm you have ever felt before, it stronger fades out. For women this as the end of life! If only she had experienced these feelings, because, for example, about eighty percent, and the ninety, my peers orgasm never in my life experienced. Well, those who experienced become hookers and prostitutes, because we have men on the ninety-nine percent do not know that a woman is also an orgasm supposed to feel! Statistics are stubborn things. Well, got distracted!.. And these women start to run on the doctors to be treated, not knowing what just happened offset erotic zones, and now they can do it only through the anus...

"Mom" took filed her a glass of wine and began to lightly колыхать in a circular motion, putting my nose and sipping his flavor with the edge of the glass:

-By the way, porn movies, of course, as a textbook should not be used, but at least they have a visual aid, the symptom of this behavior, the display needs, which begins to secretly давлеть over the woman in my forties. I don't know why this is the way the female body. It is possible that this аттавизм, relic, inherited by us from the birds, the females of which there is no separation of the anus, мочеисрускательного canal and genital organs. They have a one — cloaca. We are not birds, but need to in this cloaca something поприсутствовало, the female body, apparently, remained. However, I admit, this is my personal opinion.

The waiter brought a glass of wine to Veronica. She took him and began to repeat the "mother"of trying if not to feel the flavor of the drink, then at least to pretend that knows the rules of etiquette.

"Mother noticed her diligence and praised:

-Well done! I see that now you really want to master all the subtleties of our craft. But you will have a special teacher of etiquette! In addition, you will be taken to the light, led to the performances of the ballets that you become a charm!

Veronika made involuntarily surprised face, and "Mama said:

-And you think I'm price you identified just like that?! Lada, you will engage the best specialists: a choreographer, a masseur, a choreographer, critic, hairdresser, women's clothing designer, a specialist on ethics and ethics of high society. The image-maker will shape your character, so that it appeared to be even stronger, complemented by a bouquet of grafted you skills, standards and rules of dress, behavior. If you will diligently learn the lessons, you will be the envy of many of the best society women. In addition, you will learn the rules of etiquette in high society. And more! I call this the French sommelier — he was the only one on the entire city of Moscow, — to tell you how heed fragrance виннного aroma and understand the fault! We now drink you wine collector. Not the best and the most expensive, but it is quite decent, so I had been touched! Try to catch his scent, his bouquet!

Veronica took a SIP of her wine, and not sensed the smell of drink no special fragrances.

"However, we are distracted! Back to the physiology of the human body, regarding some parts of the us interest...

Veronica was surprised: "mom" become exquisitely speak. Disappeared its скаберзные words.

She suddenly got distracted, something happened. Like somewhere inside her, deeply triggered some alarm clock, будивший it from this dream.

Veronika like again saw himself.

She sat in the sauna, naked, covered only by a towel in front of a depraved naked aunt owns dozens of Moscow prostitutes, with a completely corrupt мировозрением, which she now tried to transfer it to her. And for what?! To it, Veronica Бегетова, became суперпроституткой and earned this гадине a million dollars! Your body!..

She felt as though she had seen the revelation that it wasn't her life! Not her! She played some strange role, and could not get out of this state, to stop him as he needed some key, a sort of atonement, to get out of this hell and back in habitual for her life. She realized that she does not want to delve into what she predicted these blatant aunt that stole her and was ready to squeeze her juices all, despite the fact that she was the widow...

Suddenly it seemed to her that all that happens is a terrible revenge of the deceased spouse. They say that the dead sees his life and the lives of their loved ones, as on a palm, moreover, they are the thoughts of those whom they loved, as their own! And if this is true, then the Hippo just opium his spouse and, perhaps, it is in his power, had her now this "sweet" life, how she never dreamed that she plenty filled with what secretly, somewhere in the depths of your subconscious often wanted: a good fuck!

I get!


For the first time in the life of Veronica suddenly with a prayer addressed to Бегетову Eugene, whom she always before, even myself, named not differently, as Hippo, despite the fact that he was her husband: "Jora! Jora! Жорочка! If you hear me! I don't know in hell you or Paradise, and whether they, in General, these hell and Paradise, but! Jora! If you hear me! If you hear me! Save me! Just save me from this nightmare! Send me somebody! Send me a deliverer from all this! Zhora!.."

-... as for men, there is another case, " she continued, "Mama", not noticing that Veronica is hovering somewhere in the clouds, otherwise she would схлопотала another "minus", — is to blame for everything prostate gland. Heard anything?

"Mom," now noticed seems to be that Veronica do not listen, but that in time caught on with a shrug.

-Prostate — continued the lecture, it is a very interesting body. In shape it is reminiscent of an acorn. Iron covers the urethra men. The front cover is closed, the pubic bone, so access is only possible via the anus...

"Mama" paused and looked at the men present, as if to say: "Aha! Trapped!", then continued:

-It is five to seven inches from the anus, and plays a very important function: if the iron is faltering, the guy is not worth it. When мужина young this iron works well, even too well, but as she grew older she gets tired, and her to continue normal operation begins to require periodic massage. There is a special Daimon procedure, when the doctor нагибает man and makes him in the anus finger massage. Frankly, I think that it is better than to try it, just come to us. And competent, trained prostitute make it better and nicer!

"Mama looked at Veronica, словнго saying, "You will!", and OTOP spoke again:

-Many men are embarrassed to admit it. But the need to поковырялись in the back passage is, most of those who at the age of forty. They are terribly ashamed of it and even indignant, if you try to get access to their anus. But here you must be perseverant! If a man even after watching good порнушки, and you вскоорости learn to understand pornography, as a professional, I promise you that intervention is required. Therefore, you will not even offer it to the client and with the help of a game to reach his prostate. Has a set of tools: in the West it in any sex shop sold. To thee I will give them after the training.

"Mama" rose from the chair and went back to the pool, and from there, floating past Veronica, finished his lecture:

Men will be embarrassed that you will be offering. They do not even realize that испытавают this need. Some believe that when they are in the anus дидлом or vibrator, it is a sign blueness. You'll have to convince a client that this will remain between you. In fact only a feature of the product of the male body. Sexual orientation is not to blame, and to courageously take the bull by the horns, смызывать Didelot or vibrator and gently insert the client in the ass. My license girls don't do that — I don't teach them this. There's another clientele, and other relationships, a different level of income. But prostitutes premium class I teach these techniques is necessary. Here the relationship with the client occur at the level of family, trust. Sometimes it happens that my elite girls clients trust what could never ask your wife. And for this to really try! Inter alia, prostitutes premium is mouth shut. I don't even know what is happening in bed, and teach them that it is a mystery that their first client, and only the second to them.

Chapter 17.

No, Veronika not clung like the brazen самодовольную, which became a sleek and разъевшейся face of a person, which her grief, too bad поднажился. It was possible, Nay, even, was exactly what the machine on which he now brought to the house where was the personal apartment of her late husband, bought with the money the Nail had to give the Hippo, and, hence, now it appears to her. And with the apartment, with общаком, with all that stuff, the noodles that she hung on the ears of a Nail, were all the same. It is very probable that this Gvozdev fork in the air. Someone just her divorce, taking away what is bad, and using her ignorance.

Veronica felt some kind of inner strength, self-righteousness: "No, I will not let themselves fuck who is handy! I'm not so! I'll all be who I want!"

From the last phrase of the Nail was taken aback, and sat in the same position, frozen, taking a key from the ignition lock. It was a challenge, and he pondered how to react. Veronica, though she was drunk, it was good to see how he tries to determine the correct direction of its future behavior against her: it depended on who of them will be in the future on a horse. She regretted that drank, and it hurt to think quickly and coolly, and make accurate decisions. But she was determined to go now on the offensive and not give a Nail and a minute to recover and get yourself:

"You are to me now to the apartment to Behemoth brought! You think I don't know why?! To put to bed! Keys to drive fast!

-What are the keys?! — Nail tried to recover from the onslaught, which did not expect.

-Ordinary! The keys from my apartment!

-Well, now, I'll go!..

-A nail! They have you in my pocket! I saw in the cafe! — Veronica blatantly lied to, continuing a violent attack. -Took out alive! Or me that you are searching?!

Nail apparently forgot that he is in the cafes of the pocket nothing bullies, — "need to be Careful!" — permitted herself Veronica, and reached into his pocket, took the keys.

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