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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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"You see, you asshole! — Veronica bitten us on them like a cat. "You think that's a very tricky! Today, what is my place of my deceased husband оттрахаешь, and then show some video recording on сходняке and say, "Yes she is a bitch, fucking with everyone! I myself fucked, look here!" In you! — Veronica under her nose Nail дулю with such a passionate impulse that drove him in the face, and Nail, as the jerk, drawing blood.

Head Gvozdeva flew back and hit the glass.

It was the culmination of a short and sudden clashes. Now it was necessary to bring a "душеприказчику" reasonable guilt or "съежать with Bazaar" and wait for the counter-attack!

Yes, if she had not got in Moscow! If not brought on the tail of the city taxi driver-армяна, who for three days had her, I wanted to, "in all holes" in the hotel! If she behaved courageously, and has gone through all of Moscow's intrigues, whatever these terrible have not been herself, she would now could produce! Once the Nail was called now executor of her late husband, she would have played it your best! And not only on it! She would go on сходняк and brought all the thieves, that they threw her in Moscow, left alone with "Czechs", with the Moscow bandits! Yes, it is not their territory, and in Moscow their orders, but they had to help her! She had to pull out! It is not alone in Moscow leaned, and with the Hippopotamus, according to his deeds! And as he unfastened the "common Fund", they had to bail her out of trouble!

These thoughts rushed through my head Veronica with the speed of a bullet, and only now she realized how she was to behave in Moscow to do so. It is possible that she would have hard times, it is even possible that it would have been killed! But!.. But if she remained alive in all of this mess and would come to visit me in the city itself, it now or when we come back, at any time, could present all thieves city invoice! They threw her! Yes she was not a thief, but she was the wife of the kingpin! Yes, it was pretty darling girl and didn't treat it seriously! But!.. But they should have to answer for everything!

Nail shoved her fist on her chest, counterattack began.

-Say thank you that I Bab not beat! he said, wiping the nose of yushku. -I'd just showed! What do you think, cool or what?! Yeah who are you?! Behemoth you picked up under the fence! Hey!..

Veronica was going to strip Nail another hundred dollars "for the offense" — she felt that he "when grandmas", but time was lost, and the attack bogged down enemy shook himself from the overwhelming onslaught and came to himself, and now all I needed was to counter strike and the best retreat to think things through: drunk to think it was difficult. Brains are constantly started to think about what we need.

Was another way: go back down, coming to terms cozy up, ask for help. But it was slippery and dangerous path. Here you can give up the slack, and all would have turned against her. It was better not to tread! But Veronica, suddenly, I do not understand why that inspired her to this step, turned down this slippery slope, feeling loses its positions:

-Okay, Nail, don't be mad! Give me a hundred dollars, or two hundred!

The Nail's eyes widened. He stopped to wipe the blood from under the nose, and she began to drip him on the jeans.

-And maybe jamb roll away?! — ухмылнулся he, evil scowling.

"Yes, when talking about stocks, all стервенеют right before your eyes!" thought Veronica.

"You jamb! — agreed to Veronica. -The more, the better! Follow me not arrived in Moscow, I had debts touch, to get the most!..

-This is your problem! 'bandit.

-I understand that my! But the executor will Hippo-that is you! So you had to solve them! So you surrender! I'm not asking a lot! Hey, come on, really, chopper, and we parted friends! — Veronica again quietly began to emphasize, began their attack.

His eyes Gvozdeva continued to expand.

-Yes you know what is in these times that knife?! — возмутиося it. Is forty-five million karbovanets!

-I do not ask you, how much it! — raised her index finger, Veronica. — I say: "Give!", and, by the way, I do not need to count the loot on кидаловскому course, it is still money changes! Okay, come on, come across! I know that money you have! And this money my late husband, the executor of the will which you were appointed! By the way who?!

-None of your business! — Nail again began to wipe the blood from under the nose, saw that she have dropped the jeans, swore, took out his handkerchief and swabbed, слюнявя it.

-None of my business?! "said Veronica. "It seems, I came to Moscow without a spear in his pocket, three days can't go home, and I legal representative Hippo chopper does not give him money for small expenses?! So whether it be?! Veronica felt that she is a member of a new role, and she liked it! "Indeed, this filth owed me money my husband unfasten to life!" suddenly flashed through her mind. -When you сходняк?! I want to go! I want to see you there salvage my late husband will share! In General goes that someone tries to steal!

-Yes you who such?! — surprised the Nail, ceasing to wipe the blood and raising her eyes in genuine astonishment. -You and the threshold will not be allowed! You're not criminals! There only the aces access!

-I'm the wife of one of these aces, who was killed in Moscow! — screamed at him Veronika so that probably hear it on the street. — And I have the right look, the way you make me try to undress and leave without all!

She suddenly остервенела. She really wanted to hit the Nail something heavy or shoot him like a dog. Veronica rushed at him, not understanding itself properly, which makes:

-Grandmother Geez! Alive!

-Do you think that I am a burden?! — outraged the Nail, fighting off наседавшей girls. -Let us go into the house, I'll give!

Veronica почувствола catch in it, stopping the attack:

"Fetch me! I'll wait!

She had no doubt that the apartment Nail will behave differently. It is possible that he really ready for shooting порносцены.

-I will make will not! — cut the Nail. "You want rolled the dough, " let's go to the hut! No — go empty!

This, of course, was a chance, a chance to break as a king, and "fall below the plinth". It was too risky to trust the Nail: who knows what he had in mind. In fact, suggested that Veronica was only one of the many variants of its behavior. In the end, it remained the whole apartment, or maybe two, if Veronica will behave in the future correctly. Yes, generally, no one knows what really was owed to her from the Affairs of the deceased spouse. She thought only now, when it is wise to Nail, bringing the conversation on the housing theme. She'd somehow never knew that Behemoth, of course, belonged to the city much more than two apartments.

Veronica recalled the recent stage in the flea market when stodollarovaya a denomination rapidly ran away from the man. She just saw now how to try to inflate spent in the same way. All went to it: it would dissolve, leave blank and impoverished, the same as she was before her marriage.

"Oh — VD!" — with malice thought Veronica. Now she was a widow kingpin and the time you meet with a Nail wanted to get everything which is due to her full! But how? She didn't even know where to start! She needed advice! But who could deliver quickly, correctly, and not willing to cheat? She had to act decisively, but carefully, so as not to make a mistake and lose everything like that guy a hundred dollar bill. It was like walking on a rope over an abyss blindfolded and without insurance: the slightest wrong move and goodbye!

Veronica knew that for doing this game for and on the headstock, she must have some significant levers of influence. Now she was pressing only ambition arising from its resentment and anger, completely out of the blue. It was just a dummy, push that, Yes, just blow the dust of it, and it shall fall, опрокинится and uncover all her naked nakedness.

"The понтах does not go far! — true she decided. -But where to find the levers?!"

As a lever in this case, it would be good to сгодился somebody's massive member, some steep city ACE. But where is it? How to enter? Nobody there and willingly will. Yes, it should be to this ACE surrendered its защизать, to defend its interests.

"Whom would fall under that and you will! Veronica knew that the second Hippo her fate will not provide. He was just a Fluke, unplanned gift of the fate that was her only because she was строптива and stubborn, and not to travel along close to him did not admit to the wedding itself. -Yes, we had to take care of Hippo, as the Apple of the eye, and nurture, as the most expensive diamond!"

Contact with a Nail? Go under the brutal six, which has already defined the fate of her property, as общаковского, приворовав itself, probably with half?! Cost! Contact with the six — and above шестеровсвких whores and girlfriends won't get up! Moreover, this guy was so unreliable! From and through the подляной! He could betray any minute, which is determined to be comfortable! Here and now! Why he called her into the apartment?! Rape and portray that she basis, and then display on the сходняке that this whore is not worthy to control the money of a Hippopotamus, and let's take it all in "General", including rent, which now this slut lives. She is not worthy!

"Maybe! — Veronika struck by the rapid guess that made even her sober up. — Maybe going to Nail me there just kill?!"

This discovery seemed to Veronica terrible, and she looked at the Nail completely different eyes.

And what? No man — no problem! All go into a "common Fund"! And Nail take the lion's share of the former Жориного wealth. And do not rape, do not shoot anything, strain, wait ' meeting also attracts attention! All at once dare! Hippo no, time — and his wife, Veronica Бегетовой, no! Now all collective-farm, all now общаковское! You can take until there are, how many you want!

Yeah! Here is a discovery!

Excitement Veronica broke out in a cold sweat: the farther into the forest, the thicker the guerrillas!"

-What is it you I so strongly to the apartment to take?! — evil Veronica asked.

Gvozdev said nothing, насупленно still wiping the blood from his pants.

-So, " I give you five minutes, that you made me a thousand bucks, and even better — forty-five million karbovanets!

-No I have so much! "replied the Nail.

"Okay, tell me, when you сходняк and I went! — Veronica opened the car door and stood, half leaned on the street and as if waiting for an answer, but the Nail was silent. -Okay others know! In any case, that thou me with pasterns are tossed, I find the people who say!

-Okay, wait! — A nail out of the car and already headed for the door, but he stopped, came back, went to the car by Veronica. How strange that you don't want to go to the apartment?! Your's...

-Strangely, for making me so hard it drag! — she retorted. "My, but you live there you!

-And what?! — surprised the Nail.

-Turbulent times! Veronica looked at her watch. I'm waiting for another four minutes, and then just leaving!

Nail disappeared in the doorway, and three minutes later appeared again, holding out Veronika mailing envelope.

-How many in here? she wanted to know.

-As requested — knife." "replied the Nail.

"If you'd asked two? — Veronica opened the envelope, counting the "green".

"Listen!" Not наглей! — angry Nail. Simple people and for the year such grandmother wouldn't work, what I gave you, and you...

-Well, we are not simple people! — Veronica was happy with everything that happened inside her just bursting with joy, and she almost держивалась to this joy broke out, building themselves a grudge.

"You're not thieves! summed up the Nail. -All! Grandmother got?! Bye!

"Wait a minute! Veronica turned her legs, put them in beauty. The audacity it grew with each passing minute. "Take me back to драмтеатру, to my apartment!

-Well, wow! Бегетова! You sure as борзометр зашкалил! — outraged Gvozdev. -you now when бабле! Go taxo!

-Well, Gvozdev! Well, as an old friend! — it старала дурашливо like flirting with him, to persuade him, pulling the брючину, which накапало blood: a good mood hide all the same failed.

Gvozdev walked slowly on водиительское place.

-And how much these days worth of murder! — Veronica asked, when they departed from the yard.

-Looking one! "replied the Nail. -Цыня said you asked him about this...

-Let's go somewhere and sit down and talk! suggested Veronica.

Gvozdev made a wry grin, strongly bulging lips:

"Well, come on!

They slipped to the Central house of communication, turned off the square, went Brokeback street almost to the top. Gvozdev slowed down, drove off the road.

-What are we going?! he wanted to know.

Here, on a small tiny patch was just four bars entrances were very close to each other.

-"Under the lanterns"! — chose Veronica.

The people at the bars was so much that it would seem here to celebrate celebration. Inside, too, was crowded.

The nail went up to the bartender and whispered something in his ear, pointing hall, on Veronica. He nodded, asking to look behind the bar waitress walked in the room, and went to the table that stood in the cosy arch-booth, the entrance to which was entwined with vines with вьщимися shoots ivy on top. There at a table for two sat kind of couple.

"Sorry, " turned to the bartender, " but the table was commissioned! Did the waitress you not warned?!

-Yes-Yes, " said the bearded, intelligent man, — we are now.

After a minute Veronica with a nail sat in their places.

-You grow up! — Veronica nodded her head.

-And then well! — agreed Nail, pleased with the compliment. -This table is always reserved for such persons like me! — he boasted. And so in each bar of the city!

Brought cognac, hookah and coffee.

-Chur, treating you! — offered her Gvozdev. -You now when grandmas!

-I not against. Only I have the bucks, and how to change them!

-Easily! — Nail whistled for a waiter.

He walked up, Nail began to speak in his ear, simultaneously showing to Veronica gesture, drove to a hundred.

-At what rate will change? — Veronica asked, when the waiter with her стодолларовой province withdrew.

Forty-three! said a Nail. — My three!

"Go ahead! — waved her hand Veronica.

-Well, what is it? asked Nail, sipping a hookah.

The murder! — said Veronika, watching closely the reaction of the interlocutor.

He and mustache did not lead:

-I heard about this! Specifically! Someone remove the need?!

The girl thought: "put it all on the joke? Say "you" or "me"? but the joke was dangerous, why once again give an occasion to elaborate on this subject!" On the other hand, make an order to open the card. Play had to be careful.

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