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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— It was quite good to find the rich battery and to squeeze out from it all charge.

Gengir winked:

— I, apparently, know of whom it is possible to squeeze out kulamana...

Flexible as a snake, the croupier silently jumped up to hyper marshals. Two of five eyes changed the color with green to red. The gimper of a casino zalebezit a fir voice:

— Valorous soldiers of Great Stelzanat, if you want to play, then I recommend you the billionaire Vichikhini Kal. He is very hazardous, but, I warn, does not love swindlers. It holds kvazarny part of the planet...

Gengir heatedly interrupted:

— It is total! I love strong opponents!

Somewhere nearby on a scene the next striptease marathon began. Males and females dumped a camouflage, executed exotic dances and span as if clockwork dolls. On a ceiling showed the next fighter where all the time fought and shot, exterminating the whole planets, races of all types tortured.

— When we were at war. At us was ultrazvezdny! Much more abruptly. — Kramar contemptuously pointed a finger at a ceiling.

— Still we will do some fighting. To us very encouraging data arrive. — Gengir Volk was expressed. — Megapulsarny conflict!

The gangster billionaire Vichikhini Kala sat together with giant a ten-legged cachalot. The strapper was from among galactic mafiosi too. On a massive shoulder rocket installation (from such big silly woman during a time to shoot at the star cruiser) towered.

— What did you become gloomy, fresh-water reptiles? Let's play for high stakes! — being fervently shown as if uvidavshiya of fat hens of foxes, Gengir Volk offered.

Vichikhini raised a pad.

— And you have reactants?

— By itself!

Kramar showed the seven-color card. In Gengir's hand the pack of the poured bank notes sparkled.

The cachalot prosipet:

— Then, stelzana, in fight! We can stake!

— You can take off trousers in advance!

The trite joke of Gengir caused a hysterical laughter in a cachalot.

"The moron, that you will take", — Kramar thought.

Game began holographic ultra-radioactive cards. This kind of execution of hundred cards was called "Empire", she demanded not only good luck, but also strong memory together with intelligence. Highly experienced hyper marshals successfully resisted, to worldly-wise space bandits. Gradually being junked Vichikhini Kala fell into passion and, constantly raising rates, brought the loss to several billion kulaman. Stelzana at heart laughed at defective inogalakta. These underdeveloped beings are doomed, to be milk cows. However star mafia had reasons. Vichikhini made a secret sign and the cachalot began to yell:

— It swindled! I saw!

The roar of such monster lifted a sound wave on all hall. Hundreds of bandits right there bared luchemeta and laser swords, from all directions having surrounded a massive game little table.

Gengir started giggling:

— I and knew that you will not sustain. All of you, dikelesa, such.

Kramar bellowed:

— Pay what lost, or die!

Gangsters zaurchat, to them was ridiculous. Stelzanov in this hall remained only two, the others, having sated, moved to other rooms. Nevertheless hyper marshals were quiet. Their ultramodern weapon in a qualitative sense considerably surpassed all that was on hands of all this crowd.

— Well that, Kramar, our dream came true. There will be a dismantling!

Stelzana fired an amicable volley, at once having mown clean fifty bandits. However at this moment the perelivisty translucent cap covered hyper marshals. Gengir desperately moved and a dead bug stiffened in a force field. Kramar also could not move. Gangsters were filled in with opposite grunting. To the hall the dvadtsatidulny tank slowly flew. The frightening design hanged before stelzana. Then the tower revealed, from it ten externally sickly sinkh took off. They became a semicircle, having stared at the held-down fighters of Purple constellation.

— Ugly stelzana are curtailed into a cocoon!

Long hobotka of sinkh strained. Vichikhini stretched a clumsy extremity.

— The ultramarshal Vizira, your assignment is executed! Two hyper marshals are captured. Now you can draw from them all secret plans and secrets.

The ultramarshal it was very happy, its hobotok reddened and inflated. The mosquito voice tormented ears.

— You well worked, Vichy! When the Purple empire is crushed, your race will receive privileges.

The king of gangsters hissed:

— And the right to trade in drugs?

— If you pay a tax, then you have also such opportunity... — The arthropod nervously began to clap ears.

The leader joyfully slapped wide paws. The cachalot with ten extremities of King Kong stabbed fountainlet from nostrils, bulknuv: "Lepota". The ultramarshal made a sign.

— Now we will freeze them, and then we will send to a nano-chamber where we will subject to cybertortures.

Samka-sinkh lifted long-barreled luchemt, the thin phalanx stretched to the blue button...

At this moment there was what was expected least of all. Two small monsters with orange-violet muzzles opened fire from laser guns. The head of the ultramarshal was cut off by the fiery razor. Having flown away, it got into the wide wine glass filled with alcohol-containing swill. The massive animal overturned a wine glass in a mouth, without chewing, having swallowed "kettle" of an unlucky arthropod. Other gangsters awfully raised a howl, monsters struck with annihilation eruption and them. The confusion began. Someone threw the annihilation grenade, metal evaporated. A hail the melted tables and chairs fell down. Suddenly Kramar felt that the power cocoon blocking them disappeared.

— We are free! Total unblocking!

Having snatched out ten-barreled luchemeta, stelzana brought down the real hyper plasma squall on ill-matched enemies. The twenty-barreled tank of sinkh, having got under beams, began to tremble and it was scattered on molecules, probably, arthropods did not guess before to make active the protective field. Backfire was partially extinguished by power protection, but nevertheless its intensity was too high that to hyper marshals became hot. Therefore Gengir and Kramar began to move actively, jumping and breaking a trajectory, using massive ultraplastic tables as cover. Messengers of death dissected the atmosphere, killing bandits with hundreds. Thousands of trunks roared with time, many gangsters on the quiet clapped the accomplices. Well-aimed shots Gengir destroyed Vichikhini. The cachalot held on slightly longer until Kramar Razorvirov bypassed a kelvirovy column in the sparkling radioactive pebbles and thrust the charge which unstitched massive hulk. On the hall of the hall streams of the bubbling blood flew. Kramar darted a glance at the fighters who rescued them from dreadful captivity. They moved as exemplary soldiers, obviously, familiar with tactics of soldiers of Purple constellation.

— Dashingly "monstrik" as if mini-soldiers, — Gengir said battle, thrusting a charge from a plazmomet.

— Probably, passed special training. Perhaps it is special group of native police. What for a type of beings, you do not know? — Being perplexed, Razorvirov asked.

— For the first time such I see. — Gengir Volk unsuccessfully, tried to pull out information from files of the brain, similar to the aggressive computer.

At this moment the beam hooked one of monstrik. The fancy muzzle at once became swollen. The head became bare, and before the amazed hyper marshals there was a reddened physiognomy of the fair-haired boy. Kramar at once recognized the madcap and blurted out a tongue twister, continuing to send killing gifts. Here and a cachalot broke a head, so large that it is possible to place on it the whole opera orchestra.

— This is my great-grandson in the seventh generation — Dashingly Razorvirov. To it exactly seven cycles were executed today. Sacred date of our empire! I sent it a gift — the robot with the gun which is splitting up measurements of space.

— And who then the second? — Gengir Volk proorat.

The hyper marshal of Purple constellation did not begin to complicate himself, and just shot the evaporator at an exotic physiognomy of a mysterious small animal. The mask was sprayed on atoms. The girl with a seven-color hairdress closed a face, but Gengir the tenacious look managed to make out it.

— As you dared, Caress Mars! To mini-soldiers, especially little girls, it is impossible to visit similar institutions! You will be punished.

Caress it is offended answered:

— If we did not break a ban, then you would be eaten by sinkh!

— We should study all the same, — Having fired so, couple of inogalakt crashed into large bottles with combustible drink from what creatures and flashed, inserted Dashingly. — Living monsters more interesting also are more practical than holograms.

Kramar, strengthening a hyper plasma stream the fire from which their opponents terribly cried out (as it became clear, under the guise of stelzan soldiers of sinkh, and compatriots masked, there were some units increased by zero!) supported the son:

— The mini-soldier is right!

Gengir smiled, having applied jumping as a blot, to the pomegranate. It did not blow up, and a section of the opponents of someone else's races occurring in the path:

— I think that our children will be done good by small military walk.

Hyper marshals continued to sweep away numerous space gangsters. Sometimes under blow variegated prostitutes, strippers, just service personnel got.

Kramar cut the laser of the serpentine croupier, revenging, thus, the tipper-of of sinkh. Bandits gradually consolidated the fire, their shots even more often hit into the purpose, the death of several thousand companions gave rage and anger. But if Gengir and Kramar were covered with force fields, then mini-soldiers dashingly and Caress were only in a camouflage and in easy children's boyekostyuma without individual force fields. Though these children showed not hefty sharpness and courage, their shots were exact, the movements are fast, but to any luck the end comes.

One well-aimed shot hurt into splinters a hand Dashingly. From pain and shock the boy nearly dropped luchemt, only the inhuman effort of will helped it to gather and continue fight. From the cut-off extremity blood droplets began to fall. In Caress got too, only into a leg. The girl fell and screamed from pain. It was extremely painful to her, but by some effort of will she suppressed pain and continued desperate firing.

— Our great-grandsons it is in danger!

Kramar Razorvirov ran up and closed a force field of the boy Likho.

— We will rescue the posterity!

Gengir was developed, shooting back both of them hands. It expanded a force field, covering the crippled Caress. The girl, despite terrible pain, desperately cried out.

— The grandfather, it is not necessary! I will cope with them!

Dashingly, in turn, came up from under a force field, having thrust a charge to the next monster.

— My nice ancestor, I do not need your protection! I can dispel monsters in interstellar dust.

Kramar with pathos said:

— Here they, our children! Are not afraid of space debris!

Gengir swung, sending death beams.

— We need to be relocated urgently. I have a powerful termokvarkovy charge. Let's cover all of them!

— Logically!

Both hyper marshals, having picked up the great-grandsons, went to the gaping pass. Alien gangsters strengthened firing, the force field vibrated, on persons of stelzan sweat flew down. Having hardly slipped out, Kramar blocked an entrance, and Gengir Volk got the translucent rocket from a satchel. Included the program samonaved6eniya and started to the hall filled with monsters.

— Now it is time for us to leave.

Gengir hid Caress in a power cocoon, Kramar also covered Dashingly. Children resisted and tried to be got involved in fight.

— We are soldiers of the great empire, we want to fight.

Dashingly managed to slip out power capture and to cut a cascade beam of six security guards, representatives of horned race Babush.

— Well, it at you dashing!

In a voice Gengir Volka envy was heard. In reply Caress got nervous, obviously, trying to tear a force field though force of one billion elephants is for this purpose necessary.

— And my girl is not worse!

The hyper marshal removed power cover, having allowed the great-granddaughter to strike on the mini-boat of native police. To kill the representative of other race, especially if it was on sale mafias, — valor and a feat for a stelzan.

— Gengir, only strongly be not fond!

Kramar picked up Dashingly and reliably packed in an invisible chain armor.

— Just about will jerk, look, as if did not touch us!

Having put a force field on the maximum power, hyper marshals with an incredible speed slid along corridors. Even small mini-kvarkovy the charge can bring huge destructions.

* * *

Terrible explosion split a heavy-duty metal design. Hyper plasma whirl with a superlight speed rushed along twisting corridors, equaling corners and spraying on elementary particles barefaced nothing individuals. The all-devouring wave reached also stelzan, having struck a force field, I will urge forward already mad speed. Hyper marshals. As a stopper from under champagne, together with children took off from half-ruined "squid". The giant building cracked and began to break up slowly, in a crack there was a small fire. Gray-violet-yellow sparks artfully shone in vacuum, appear, that metal smolders.

Thousands of police cars, even several tens percussions army in the form of piranhas with the gun battery of boats flew up to a half-ruined construction. Skorpionoobrazny fire trucks feverishly tried to fill in with polyfoam a cold flame.

— We with you have not bad fun! — Gengir Volk smacked the lips from pleasure, having made languid eyes as if before it the princess was bared.

— For such entertainment it is possible to get under tribunal. And then in a chamber of ultrapainful influence. There by means of nanotechnologies will vividly rake over the coals.

Kramar expressively turned a finger at a temple.

Gengir started giggling.

— I hope, mega-universal war will begin soon and all losses will write off!

— Until it begins, us one million times annihilate!

Kramar carried out by a palm on a throat. Dashingly smiled.

— And how they learn?

— You are still a silly mini-soldier! — Gengir Volk bellowed. — There everywhere the watching devices, cyber-records, plazmo-computers!

The girl Lask cunning winked.

— And we started a fighting cyber-virus, it put out of action all watching devices in this building.

— And, besides, gobbled up all memory of local computers! — inserted Dashingly.

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