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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Of course, if Veronica ordered the guard to beat Garik, he would hardly bother to do it... yet. But delay is detained by the authorities that was enough for now.

-Hey friend! — addressed to the Armenian чеченцу. -Hand let go! I said I know!

-Here the orders I give! — continued Veronica.

She couldn't believe it herself. She really liked that комнаде detained a man, moreover, that, had her will, she would пришибла right on the spot. "That's splendid!" — with surprise and easy ecstasy thought Veronica. Now she understood what "mother"when she gestures decide the fate of people.

She was pleased. She knew that the guard, as the bulldog, grabbed Garik stranglehold and now will not release up to her паспоряжения. And if the Armenians began to break out, he'd Chechen couple of times kicked him so that he turned down this Veronika not doubt.

"Come on! Дернись! You bastard!" — crying to myself Garik Veronica with a faint smile, watching as he tries to free himself some explanations from the silent and waiting for a command or action by a victim of a security guard.

-He won't let go! — Veronica turned to Garik. -Until I tell you to!

"Listen!" Sweetheart! — the switch from a Chechen it Garik. "You let?! Why I took to рууку and holding?!

"As I said, went to dinner! — answered him with Veronica. And if I said, "let's go!" it means " come on, and nothing else!

-You that, steep became, Yes! — old Garik, realizing that he will not die.

-If I was steep, you would now on another spoke! said Veronica. -And you just hand took! And you разнылся as Baba! Dine come on, I said!

She turned and went, knowing that all around look at this scene, and that the Chechen lead Garik behind her, drag his snare, if he will Balk.

When the guard stuck Garik in a chair at a table in front of Veronica, the offended, straightened his jacket, looked at him and brushed off his sleeve, as if they engrained with dust.

-Well, that Garik?! asked Veronica.

-What, what?! 't understand that. -You me lift! Me the money I earn it!

-And in Sumy ride girls fuck you time and money is not a pity! "said Veronica.

"Listen, sweetheart! — Garik leaned a little towards her, as if about to privacy. -This question between us! We agreed!

-As we agreed, " said Veronica, when I'm here in Moscow?!

"Well, so what?! — has shrugged shoulders Garik. -Can you their cases came...

-And it is then who?! — showed Верониа finger on a Chechen.

-Well, I don't know, you came! In this life, you know, everything is possible!

The waiter came up, learned Veronika, made a slight bow his head and gave menu.

-Order! — held out Veronica folder Garik.

"Listen, sweetheart! I have so much there is no money to eat! — became false modesty : an Armenian.

-Nothing! Find! Let's order! — angrily said Veronika. -I'll soup shark fin, roast venison...

Garik quickly calculated how much it will cost lunch Veronica.

-Two hundred dollars?! he said, outraged. -No-o-o!

-Rent yourself the same thing! — added Veronica in his indignation.

The waiter didn't even задерживатся more, and left for the order.

-You pay! — warned him Veronica.

Garik sat broken. She didn't know much whether it amount or not but she needed just four hundred dollars to pay off with Vika, and that from her behind: dinners still recorded on "mother's" account, only Garik did not know about.

"What did you expect?! asked Veronika of Garik. -First popolzovalsya me. And then leaked?! We're not the договаривлись! Now pay for lunch! And we assume that in calculating!

Garik a little cheered up. It was obvious that he already agrees to pay, only to Veronica really had no complaints against him.

When прнесли salads, he again leaned forward, though eats and whispered Veronika:

"Listen, sweetheart, well, I'm sorry! I don't want to! "he apologized before Veronica.

-Well, how is it that I covered in the apartment? "said Veronica.

-Yes, I am saying that I do not know! — whisper indignant Garik ate her пятидесятидолларовый salad. Saeed as the captain got wind that I know where you're down on me, threatened that if not rent. My whole family would cut! And with Sayid trifled with!

-You cowardly, Garik! concluded Veronica.

-And you're gorgeous look! suddenly admired Garik. -I heard that you're a king broke! I told you that you stand a thousand dollars!

Veronica said nothing, and all the rest of the dinner passed in silence.

At the end of Garik took out a purse four hundred dollars and put it on the table:

-Call now, if that...

Veronica reached out and took the money.

In the evening she found her and gave her a debt.

-Counting! — Ashida with regret that cling more to do so. -Well, прощевай!

However, in the evening, in defiance of the "nurse" Vika вломилась into her room.

-Where were you took the key?! "said Veronica, думав to myself: "Now will stick!"

It only took a shower, and went to number bare.

Vika flew to not and, clasping his waist, so lightly lifted her into the air. She beamed with delight:

Friend, I congratulate you ran!

-And what? — Veronica asked cautiously.

-Tomorrow we will be with you push off!

-Where! — Veronica was born in the soul some sweet anticipation adventure and travel.

-In Spain or Italy! happily jumped Vika. -I myself do not really know!

-Why is that?! "said Veronica, but a foretaste of the sweet anticipation of the feast of the rose in her even more.

-The shooting! Will the erotic film star in итальяшек! — Vika screamed and jumped to the ceiling, rejoicing like a child. "You imagine how great it is! The sea, the sun, the heat! Beauty!

-How do you know?! — Veronica already believed it, but for something asking stupid questions.

Said let it slip! — admitted Vika, continuing the jump.

-If the passport, all the formalities...

"Ah, come on! Not your concern! The "mother" of all mated! You in the plane was loaded and fly, you played! Only you and I!

Викина joy passed on, and Veronica, she began the same jumping ka baby bed on the carpet. Vika hugged her shoulders and they've jumped together. Then suddenly Vika, grabbed her by the nape of the neck, drew and passionately kissed kiss.

Veronica some time jerked, trying to escape. But soon викины hands, гладящие her Breasts, buttocks, проскальзывающие on the clitoris, gently penetrating his fingers into the anus and vagina, conquered a wild all, and they both crashed to the present mess in bed.

-Listen, I'll not give it! said after the vetch.

-As regards Italy you lied?! — Veronica asked, unable to get mad at her friend. She suddenly wanted to believe this story, and it was a bit disappointing that Vika used such a beautiful legend, to seduce her.

-Oh, no! You what?! — Vika guessed and rose on one elbow, looking Veronica in her pretty face. -Have you decided, that I thought this up to you to sleep?!

Veronica said nothing.

"Look, mother! going Vika-Well, you bitch! I bitch! But you...

"Okay, tell me what to do'll be there! — distracted her Veronica, again plunged into the joy of anticipation of a fairy tale.

-Well, эторическое movie! — began to explain to Vika. -We will be there naked shoot!

Is that, you will...

-Oh, no! — interrupted her Vika. -There should be! This is not porn! Итальяшки remove erotica! I do not know why! This Germans shoot porn! There you tear will be ten times the one take! And the worst thing is harmful for health: only возбудишься and stop the motor! Something went wrong, you need to peresnimat! And here erotica. Filming men. Their bare removed, but a member of the do not show! A rope is hanging out! Much disgusted! But the main thing, friend, not this! The main thing that tomorrow will be abroad on югах!

In the morning Saeed brought Vike green suitcase.

-Pack your bags! — he said casually.

Veronica said nothing, because I already knew where.

In the soul sang for joy!

Chapter 19.

Finally Veronica was home.

She went into a spacious corridor with his huge apartment, closing the steel door to the staircase.

My God, it feels so good! — Veronica threw Il hands all on the floor, stripped off her shoes and started running through the rooms and jump of happiness, scattering, like flowers, fireworks up under the ceiling, us and them millions karbovanets, that in cafe replaced hundred. My God, it feels so good!

Only now she understood, as has missed his apartment in the center of his native city. No, in fact, she didn't have any Moscow! Yes, and nothing else at all! Nothing, except this city, no other, may the best in the world... for others! But for her! Her city was dearer to her all the rest of the world! It was true! True! True! Here she come, here she grew up, here she was happy.

And now, being in his native flat, she just bursting from the emancipated from happiness.

"My city is the favorite in the world! I love you! — Veronica screamed loudly, and echo reverberated through all the rooms of her great apartment. -I love you!"

Her joy, her delight, suddenly escape out of the long captivity of detachment and anguish, there was no limit. Only now Veronica felt returned to his city, and his apartment home. Only now there's a sense of security, which deprived her completely last days предывания in Moscow.

Veronica jumped, clapped her hands so that they all reddened and looked like two pulsating from the rush of blood thick pancake, ran out on a large balcony, looked at the people walking idly and peacefully on the square in front of the drama theater, around a huge, square pool fountain, something screamed them, like she was drunk, and again finished in the apartment and was worn on it again, like a racehorse, producing some wild, screeching and exuberant sounds, all based on the exuberant energy of infinite joy and boundless delight.

No, it was not as if drunk!

Veronica ran into the kitchen, opened the huge refrigerator, learned from him a bottle of champagne, opened, откупорила tube.

Brut threw sparkling foam on the tiled kitchen floor. Veronica almost поскользулась, захохотав as a child. She sipped from the bottle of cold, hot champagne and poured the rest on myself from above, having a shower, for twenty bucks.

She thought so little! She took another bottle! Растрясла it in his hand so that he could hardly turned slightly liberated wire frame, удерживавшую cork, as the wild cotton flew up into the ceiling, hit on him and bounced off somewhere in the huge, spacious hallway of an apartment, as a ping-pong ball. Foam jet, as if from a flame arrester fire truck, a thick trunk fired up and crumbled, not picking up the ceiling, зонтообразным rain of huge, Sizzling, flying at small брызки drops, окативших Veronika from head to toe.

As she was waiting for this moment!

She had no idea how she had waited for this moment! It turns out all the time, all the long, endless time that it happened every strange shit, and only lived with waiting, finally, enter her apartment that was given to her husband at the wedding, which she loves, when left alone, and all the trouble, fears, chase, threats, conversations, all of the invasion and attempted invasion of her pearl-opal body, all the riffraff that поганили its clean, sparkling like a diamond necklace, life will be outside, behind the steel door of her apartment. And NTEC of them dares here penetrate.

She even believed that this moment would ever come! Sometimes it seemed to her that her journey past the house will not ever.

Now she felt like a hermit, who found his old firm and solid shell, in which he did now, as before, was not afraid. No, she felt even better, like in a fortress. It was her luxurious and cozy fortress, which guarded the now his young and beautiful mistress of the vicissitudes of health and life risks.

"My house — my fortress! Veronica felt delight and security, joy and serenity of the beautiful and the happy end of a terrible way. -Nobody will cross the threshold of my house! No one!"

Again she ran to the kitchen. Riot joy is still not died down. It prevailed in her soul. She opened нобую champagne bottle, poured into the cone-shaped glass — шампанку, standing on a high and narrow, like a bar rack, table extended from the kitchen wall, lit round halogen bulbs point suspension, let into the looming over him the same narrow retractable ceiling with Nickel-plated рюмкодержателями, wanted to sit on the high bar stool rotating leather chair, stool, but could not help it, she slipped on a huge, amber, fizzling puddle of Brut, poured over pale pink, peach floor, and fell into it.

Даваясь laughing over his clumsiness, happy, she began to ride around the kitchen, and then got up, threw off its all clothes, left naked and trampled her, looking like the wet, saturated with champagne.

She wanted to thank fate for those feelings which she now felt the immense nothing happiness, in which she suddenly plunged. Veronica сватила from the bathroom huge pelvis for linen and became нагребать scattered in the corridor карбованцы, then ran out onto the balcony and started камими-joyful cries scatter them around on the street, something piano screaming people were on the square.

First at her, nobody paid attention. However, when flew from the balcony, like a thick, dense flock of sparrows, порхающиеся in different directions and rotating papers, people begin to look closely at what is happening there. Soon all простарнство around the balcony on which something was screaming naked girl was filled with falling leaves of paper strips like konfeti the firecrackers spinning and dancing with each other in a slow fall. At first it looked like it some children thrown from the balcony wrappers and candy wrappers that some of them have the habit of collecting and collecting, suddenly, for some reason, throw them or their parents. But when карбованцы, relieved from the ninth floor, wide fan began to fall to the ground around the multi-storey house, rained down on the area, on the roof in front of him, store, stuck in the trees, flying away, уносимые the wind, in the people movement and became a significant recovery. Not every day, especially now, when everything collapsed and fell, one can see how someone pleases the crowd exhilarating dances money, сыплящимися from heaven, like manna from heaven.

Soon this incident attracted a huge crowd of people suddenly formed as if from nowhere under the house. People давились, excitedly jumped, trying first to catch rotating propellers, fluttering in the air like a carefree moths, bills, punching one another, picking up something that had to fall on lined with tiles square, looked up at the naked girl with pelvis on the balcony, something piano орущую and одаривающую generous people Doge karbovanets.

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