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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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The bar Veronica gave for dollars in some small bills — those that were in cash, — the whole bag — and now she is fun and fun sowed them in the wind, trying to they invaded all the space around the balcony.

People went into a rage. At the bottom was some kind of pandemonium. People just went crazy. They were yelling, "More! More!", they ran улетающими the wind away banknotes, pushed each other's fallen on the ground of money and just frankly fought. Who was so agile, could get their money here with a monthly salary.

Карбованцы in a basin ran out. Recent bills, circling and circling flew up to the crowd and disappeared in which were coming up from it one above the other hand. Cash Listopad ended as suddenly as it began. A crowd of people stood at the bottom, waiting, with his head up, like hungry children waiting a slice of bread from the master's table.

-I love all of you! "boomed Veronica, Bouncing, shaking her bare Breasts, waving his pelvis.

In response from the street to her holler from the bottom up she caught some of the cries of approval, conscription, surprise and even скаберзные jokes, and this added to her delight and tumult of joy even more energy. From all sides of the human sea bottom could hear: "More! Come again!.. Yet!"

But Veronica поостыла, in the truest sense of feeling on the street is very cool.

After returning from the cold balcony in the warm кварттиру, she finally felt that joy is quiet. Riot waned.

Veronica now felt that the procedure takes.

She walked into the corridor, where long-closet-door entrance hall was built a huge, up to the ceiling, mirror and looked at his naked body.

It was great! Probably, there was no one in the world who would her body liked it better than her. It always amazed привораживало, admired and even excited her, as if she was looking at him in the eyes of men.

But now that excitement streak of some bitterness. She sat on a high stool, putting it in front of a mirror, spread her legs and began to consider their bosom, spreading his hands swollen, as if inflamed, large shameful lips.

She carefully examined the clitoris with a small пимпочкой urinary holes, small shameful lips, the mouth of the vagina, made his fingers, заглядыва as possible was inside, trying to see there some special uncleanness, dirt violence, the same as she felt now in the soul. Results of the examination and depressed. All parts of her womb seemed to her now, patients were unhealthy rich red colour. Veronica knew, — still she did not know! — as they should be, how they looked before: opal, pale pink, glossy, like the inner surface of a sea shell, гармнонично passing in the tone of the rest of the body. But now they, in fact, looked inflamed.

"Yes, my friend! Left for you! — 've itself Veronica. -First with you such abominations't happened. I hope that it will not happen again! But this could freak me some "broom" infect! Beast чурекская!"

Just the thought that her darling girlfriend could now become havens for some nasty venereal infection, and she thought with others you are failures to attend dermatovenerologic dispensary, tests, pass humiliating examinations take medicine and injections to feel whether Guinea pig, which decided to conduct experiments, whether the sticky шлюшкой that doctors themselves and врачихи cast a sidelong, simultaneously sympathetic and condemn his views, led her to the SAP.

Wanted to see what was happening even with the anus, which is always the primary area was taboo for sexual relations.

She lay on a leather surface round stools stomach, turning back to the mirror, and turning his head, began to closely examine your anus, widely outstretched fingers in the side of the buttocks. It seemed, perhaps, in fact, only it seemed that in сморщенном the mouth of the anus she sees some reddish cracks and gusts of mucous.

Never before in her anus nothing! When the Armenians brazenly пихал his fingers and then his thick member, Veronica seemed that he broke her all the place where the thin, having met in accordion mucous passed smoothly and unnoticed in the skin of the perineum. And only now reaching home, when she was alone, and she did, Veronica could finally carefully, for the first time recently, studying the consequences of the three-day sexual execution.

She felt it all started to shake from nervous exhaustion. Body shook as if in anger occurring abuse.

Veronika all shaking as if from a chill went into the bath. She felt dirty, like a pig, and she wanted to wash. But the most important dirt, one that remained in her soul to wash in the bathroom was impossible! And Veronika troubled how to get rid of this, spiritual uncleanliness.

She turned the water and started to get in a huge tub of water, pouring there a bubble of a дорогущего америкаснкого funds, which she sold girlfriend, consisting of a network company sect. That bubble, certification saleswoman had to last for several hundred baths, but Veronica poured it now wholly.

From the bath, a huge cloud spreading the fragrance climbed pinkish foam with such power that in a minute the bath under its mountain could be seen.

Veronica finally felt that now she will be able to wash the dirt of the last days, успокить their swollen bodies, as before knew nothing of such treatment and were carefully kept mistress, as the biggest of its treasure, wash off the uncleanness of forced and unwanted intrusion.

She went back to the kitchen, trying not to stumble, go on a wet floor семенящим step, took the bar table wine glass-шамапнку with колыхающимся amber drink and pulled out of the fridge another bottle, had brought a couple of tiles bitter chocolate and with all of this went into the bathroom.

Here foam already stood, like an iceberg, hiding under a very huge, round bath sink. Veronica entered the pinkish шипящую, расступающуюся before her mountain of foam and knelt, holding high in the hands of the bottle, chocolate and шампанку, down, набравшуюся to the top with water a great shell, which was not visible because of the foam.

Fragrance expensive tools bathroom, nice hot water, comfort native bathroom surrounded Veronica. She moved her head and put the wine glass and the bottle on a flat notch-shelf in the reservoir above the water, put it near chocolate.

As she pulled back her hand, as a foam, continues unceasingly to climb out of the water, concealed it all from the view of Veronica, like everything else around. She lifted her head, looked up, and it seemed to her that the foam has already reached the ceiling, filled the snow-white bathroom without a trace and now through the crack under the door to leak out into the corridor.

"Yes! — agreed to Veronica. -Should have listened to a friend!"

But all the same it was in his bathroom, in the usual tub. She was at home! As long as painfully long she wanted to climb to a warm, even hot bath, arriving home! No Moscow Deluxe rooms with their Treasury luxury could not replace the warmth and comfort of this home native bath.

"A-a-Ah!" Veronica went out, like a roller coaster, the ledge baths in its deepest part, occupied half of the bowl bath and plunged headlong into the hot, bubbling pink foam, шипящую, pleasant water.

For some time she was under the water, holding his breath and putting his nose. You could hear the water with noise is pouring into the bathtub tap, as Sizzling around bubbles American funds bathroom, continued to generate foam, as плещуться, hit the surface of the water to her feet.

"What bliss!" — she could not even absorb, keep in his mind all the comfort, charm, purity, happiness, peace and bliss, which came to it from everywhere, from all the surrounding circumstances, in which she now lived.

Was it cannot be compared to anything! She felt like a new born, and now bathed in a bright and cheerful feeling the harmony of body, soul and spirit.

Veronica jumped on the surface, sighed and not loud, not to expel the harsh sounds, but much to experience again that she's not dreaming, she said: "my God! As well! As well!"

This was all that was required for her happiness. And that was enough! Today, this very minute, she was happy. She was in a state of euphoria, which could be called, using English, "happy end", and now decided that he would make all efforts to ensure a life in the future forever.

She swam and floated on the bathroom, dived, sat down on the acrylic notch-bench in the body of the bowl, drank champagne, eating bitter dark chocolate and feel in the seventh heaven of happiness.

She didn't want any more to think, not about Гарике, and neither said nor on a Nail. All her problems somewhere flew away. She drove them away, left alone with his own apartment with hot and an ensuite, with a glass of champagne and chocolate bar.

If she were offered to pass the rest of his life, then she most likely would, without hesitation.

Foam, carried away by a stream of water in the upper drainage hole baths, started to gradually recede, although in the bath still was her generation. Veronica took a sponge, finally closed water in the tap and began to wipe himself with the utmost care in his efforts to the perineum between the anus and the vagina, diligently оттирая from invisible but felt her soul sewage clitoris, shameful lips, covered with curly wheat color hair pubic mound. She again and again was taken to put in all those places, for which the grabbing hands Garik, which included his member, testing a new fit of disgust, this time to myself. It seemed to her that how much she didn't wash their intimate folds, they will still be dirty.

Together with the remnants of foam was evaporate and feeling полнейшенго comfort and coziness. To somehow make up for the loss, Veronica went through to the bathroom sink, took on a shelf remote hanging above the door of the room the TV and went back dived into a hot spring bliss.

On TV talking some nonsense. Now broadcasting was only in the Ukrainian language, and Veronica, though she felt that she was Ukrainian, from what jarred: "Oooh, now everywhere we will Ridna mova!"

Delight her vanished, foam bath was no more, шампанка was empty, Brut drunk, eaten chocolate, and even though the mood Veronica was still good, she already took it happened is not more than sudden powerful splash of emotions associated with the tested it stress. Even the fact that she has wasted a few million karbovanets for the amusement of the crowd, perceived by her now, as utter foolishness of this money could live comfortably for a whole year. Yes and Brut, made on the floor, standing about a hundred dollars.

"Veronica! You suffocates toad! Stop!" — she said to the girl.

In fact, now that sad about what has been done? This can be treated with a sense of humor, we regret, but it doesn't change anything!

Now the thought of Veronica somehow switched on Garik. He is without doubt lost her! Veronica even imagined, as he now helplessly rushes to the hotel, by number, like a wild beast in a cage, in which he felt cramped and uncomfortable feeling, probably for the first time discomfort loneliness in a strange city, and laughed heartily.

With these thoughts, she had fallen asleep right in warm water and a huge bathroom, suddenly feeling the terrible fatigue, навалившуюся on her like a stone, had come to replace rampages feelings of excitement and fun.

She dreamed that she's swimming in the warm sea. In a cloudless sky, at the Zenith of high and weighs the Sun is shining brightly, presenting the world with its warmth. The sea is turquoise, magic, as it always it seemed to her, gently lapping around his foaming at pebble beach by the waves. It lies in shallow water on a red sand mixed with white pebbles, by leaning on the bottom of the elbows, looking as gobies поклевывают her feet, as the creeps between small stones tiny cancer-отщельник with a white завитушкой-sink on the back, the case turns набегающая on the shore of the light wave. But отщельник again turns on the paws and creeps on.

Suddenly Veronica sees that one of the waves against the shore of a light breeze, becomes too large, not like the rest of her sisters — small and subtle, and high and even another color: dark blue, threatening. She wonders what was happening, but understands that this wave will cover her head. Veronica tries to get up and run away, but cannot do it. Then she gets into the lungs breath and tries to cling to the next in the water slippery boulder. Wave is coming, Veronica is under water, starts breaking down...

She opened her eyes and couldn't understand. She really was under the water and let the bubbles. Veronica few moments to realize where she is, and only then I understood that it sinks in private acrylic bath in his apartment, having fallen asleep from exhaustion while bathing.

She broke the surface, gasping for air.

TV hissed white screen on which ran thousands of grey dots — transmission ended. Tub water cooled and was pretty cool.

Veronica got out and wrapped in a huge bath towel, went into the bedroom.

Electronic clock in the corridor over the entrance to the kitchen showed half past three in the morning. Veronica dived in a huge double bed, furnished before departure to Moscow red sheets, she covered herself with a duvet in the same red satin blanket. Her head was lost in a huge feather cushion in a red satin pillowcase like lulling and singing barely visible lullaby.

Veronica felt bliss, but didn't focus on it, as sank in the interval, the twilight of a deep sleep. Her face lit up, a faint smile. She dreamed something good.

In the morning she woke up about ten o'clock. It was quiet. Veronica reached in bed like a cat popped out of her, opened the window. Otttuda came the familiar sounds of the city everyday life: noise machine on a distant street from the square came the some rare voice of passers-by, a dog barked somewhere screamed, playing children. "Life is returning to normal, Veronica! All is now well!" — adjusts itself girl for a good mood.

Suddenly she remembered that the room Garik paid only to the present day, twelve o'clock.

Of course, she could not worry, send this армяна on all four sides, and forget about it forever, how about a bad dream. But Veronica was not going to let him go to Moscow. And her soul remained still ожна a thorn, from which she was never able to get rid of revenge.

Someone had to answer for the fact that all of a sudden her for three days raped her were racing in the Moscow Chechens, while she was absolutely nothing to do with her just bred for money!

Chapter 20.

The next day, Veronica saw the sea!

It so long ago it was that I just could not contain his delight. Then it was a different sea, not that for which she had been since childhood, more warm and Sunny.

Here was great! The sun, sparkling turquoise gave warm air, which seemed to caressed the skin! Mountains and volcanoes, affecting their terrible Majesty. And the smell of this particular smell that чувтсвуется only when very near морксая water.

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