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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Soon, Veronika all burned, as well растопленная microwave, but the man still sat on the contrary, all consumed with passion. And when Veronica, leaving mum, has moved through the lounge to him, sat on his knees and laid on the shoulders of his beautiful, graceful hand and drew his hand to his hot bosom, emanating heat of passion, the nectar of love and fragrance.

Битлер could scarcely restrain the impulse. Her hips Veronica felt the throbbing, pulsating, meets at her pinned in the pants male member. She unzipped his shirt, but he had already undressed himself. Soon he moved her to the seat, raised her ass up. Vika saw his large covered with crimson head like a piece shaved listed above her stallion, and all went bliss anticipation. Desire led her to attract his burning down the fire of desire body, and Битлер passionately planted his пышащего lust, handsome in her bosom.

Veronica liked this man, she was excited, and now, skillful in the art of love, training techniques, this priestess of Eros, imperceptibly упраляла process intercourse so that his passion is to keep as long as possible, and it exploded before the time, as переспелый лгурец splashing around the seed.

When she felt that he was approaching orgasm, отстраняла him away and just stroked his body, but then, when the excitement перегорала, she knew that to the next peak may allow him to eat yourself further.

Veronica with pleasure experienced an orgasm, then another and another, and only after the third time allowing a man with loud shouts pour flow seed. Then she took pleasure in his mouth, handsome, which still continued to ooze seed and helped to get rid of his residues, massaging the member finger to promote the fluid outside.

Битлер fell down on the seat next to "mother".

The window flashed picturesque and unusual quarters of the southern Italian city on the background of the biceps of mount Vesuvius on the far horizon.

Veronica was happy. It was the first time she самаприняла in a mouth a member and experienced pleasure from it. And even sperm Битлера struck her as delicious as a raw egg.

She clearly knew I should keep Битлера about yourself, if not forever, then for as long as possible. Veronica knew she wanted to belong to him only. But then grinned, remembering the word "mother": he knows who she is!

From this day on shooting Veronica were taken from Palermo. On the way she admired the beauty of the Gulf and fabulously beautiful quarters of the ancient city.

Sometimes she wanted to shake its head: don't dream it. But she was afraid that if it is really a dream that will get rid of him, so tried to even breathe on his feeling of a fairy-tale and unreality, if only it lasted.

Битлер took luxurious apartment with view of the embankment from the window and now, barely waiting until Veronica's finished work on the site, immediately attracted her to the car, where the road indulged her frantic passion.

This continued into the room. And only late in the evening, tired of sex indulgence, they went down to the restaurant on the shore of the sea, blown on all sides warm sea air, at the dinner table for them under полтняным tent.

Music played this trio-оркестрика, scurried waiters glittering with thousands of little like stars, lights, укарашавших space above it, just hanging in the air like a starry wide web.

Veronica was drunk life, sex, warm, sea, Italy and Битлером. She was drunk and happy, like she was not a prostitute, but simply in love with the little girl, who appeared suddenly in any манованию magic wand in this amazing and wonderful life.

Chapter 21.

Wrapped up in a fluffy Bathrobe on a naked body, Veronica went into the kitchen.

Brut, spilled during yesterday's enthusiastic riot, already dried up, leaving the wet, sticky spots. In the middle of the kitchen lay crude bunch trampled service, imbibed the part of the champagne. Veronika foot отпихнула it in the corner, automatic washing machine, walked up to the plate, lit the gas, got a coffee grinder, a jar of coffee beans.

Five minutes later she was sitting at the Desk by the window, while eating бутердродами of crackers, salami, which I found in the fridge. He was hammered products, but most of them, despite the storage in the import, completely automated refrigerating unit, spoilt too long they lay.

-How do you do? she pondered, remembering yesterday's conversation with a Nail. His proposal was even worse than just to get lost from "guest", and let Garik go to Moscow. So, in the end, Veronica decided to just buy a gun.

For the first time in her life, she regretted that no one taught her how to kill people. Then would it cost and without a gun. "Still, kill a man with his hands, even got a chunk, probably, really hard! I thought the girl finished the last sandwich and glancing at my watch, already shown the beginning of the twelfth. -Now shoot the pistol, probably, much easier! So I need a gun!"

Veronica was in the corridor and dialed the apartment of a Hippopotamus. Nail picked up the phone immediately.

-Al-Les! came down the tube of his drunken voice.

"It is I, in a Nail! Hi! — Hello Veronica.

-Che? Think up?!

-Let's meet! she suggested instead of answering. -Conversation there!

-Well, let's only in the evening! Now I can't! The head of the Bo-Bo!

They agreed on the ten o'clock in the same bar: a walk to the past the Central Department store Veronica was going just five minutes.

Having gathered in the corridor scattered dollars and a few dozen left over from yesterday's riot bills карбовенцев, Veronica took with him two hundred dollars, and all without accounts cash in Ukrainian currency.

Along the way, she went to the Bank, because more, at least for now, not going to mess with менялами on the market. The exchange office and it was deserted. Only in the corner sat some aged woman.

Veronica went to the window, looked course and thought: "Twenty-five thousand! Karbovanets confidently devalue!" She wanted to get a hundred dollar bill to exchange it, but this time the woman sitting in the corner of the exchange office, came to her and asked ear:

Dollars will be hosting!

-Well, Yes! "she said.

-Let me you buy it!

-Why? "said Veronica. -You can buy in the exchanger.

She showed by hand on a marked on the sign rate of sales: "28500 KRB./$ ". The woman grinned at:

-You see, only selling the currency! Try to buy!

"What?! "said Veronica.

-Yes, it is a course that will only appear. Banks dollars don't sell! Only buy!

Exchanging a hundred dollar bill on the plastic bag with candy wrappers for four and a half million karbovanets, Veronica went to the hotel.

Duty администраторша, is another, not one that was in their day with Garik settling asked what number is sent to the girl.

-And you know what this number twenty minutes should be released? she wanted to know.

"I know, know, " said Veronika and headed to the Elevator.

-Extend the booking will not? asked администраторша her in pursuit.

-No, guest today was leaving! — Veronica replied: about Garik she now was his plan.

She walked in the room, opening the door.

Garik was lying with his back against the headboard feet in his shoes and looked at the ceiling. Hearing that someone enters the room, he поднлся of bed and turned around, to see who it is.

Where are you going, beautiful?! he asked with indignation, stretching out her hand, palm side up, to be sure her hands on her hips second hand.

-Know — where! Veronica was in the room, feeling today is totally different.

Yesterday in the city and an evening spent at home, seemed to have given it a vitality and a determination to oppose the attacks Garik and his sexual harassment. "Nothing will!" she decided.

-Honey, I'm here, sofa проминать arrived?! — Garik tried to run over her.

Is it true, what are you here, really?! asked Veronika of армяна, like she saw him for the first time.

She did not look at the "guest", but just the spinal cord felt as he rounded eyes, as Garik inflated like a kettle, ready is about to explode, not knowing what to tell her.

She quickly went to a hotel room "Suite"to collect their things. In the corner there was a handbag. Veronica picked up her and looked inside, pretending to be looking for something. The lining was whole. Veronica was relieved.

Garik grabbed her from behind. He dragged her on the bed, expanding from a corner and pushing ahead of her hips. Veronica felt her buttocks through the fabric, clothing rests against his hard dick.

-Bastard! — Veronika not withhold giving, somehow, she broke away from his grip. -Enough of me violate you, you scum Armenian!

Garik taken aback by this decisive rebuff. He stood in the middle of the room, and knew not what to do. Finally, he found some clue:

-You're a hundred dollars found?

Veronique got a hundred dollar bill from his pocket and threw him on the bed.

-And where are you going? asked Garik, looking at the currency ha light.

-I? I'm home! — Veronica going to get out of the rooms in the corridor.

At this moment seemed кастелянша and asked армяна:

-That you are taking a room? I came to take.

Armenians was dumbfounded surprise.

"I'm at the bottom of the waiting! — tossed him Veronica and disappeared into the hallway.

Its daring and risky plan was now to bring рмяна to apartment and there to get rid of him with the help purchased from a Nail gun. Yes, she promised herself yesterday that none Mraz not stepped over the threshold of her house, but Garik, in this case was the exception. She could not let him go to Moscow, and therefore was ready for this to lead him home.

-You said that you have parents at home! said Garik, when Veronica has got it in the corridor of his роскшной apartment, огладывая exquisite interior. -Yes, and it's not like that here the old live.

-This is my apartment! — said Veronika, feeling the mistress of the situation, which is nothing to hide all the same "guest" further, the apartment has not gone. -To me, my husband gave wedding!

-Elegant apartment! — Garik began to walk on the spacious rooms, assessing the housewarming. "Listen, sweetheart, I guys call — let another week for the car look!

-Well, I Dudka! — Veronica replied. -The day after tomorrow — ауфидерзейн, good bye!

Armenian haven't got used in a luxurious setting and happily walked through the rooms, and Veronica, using the moment, said:

-I currently for products in the refrigerator mouse hung herself! I come in the evening! Rest yourself, take a bath! In the refrigerator for a beer, vodka, champagne — what you want! So far!

Garik hesitated a little, then he wanted her to say something, but Veronica, затворяя steel door, heard only:

"Hey, sweetheart...

"Sit here, motherfucker!" she thought, locking the apartment, without the key Garik could not open the lock and exit.

She jumped out of the doorway and went on foot to the city centre, on a Hundred, which was about two hundred meters, to pass the time before the meeting with Gvozdev in some cafe.

On a clear sky shone brightly low December солцне. There was a touch of frost, and Veronica now dressed for the weather: the house she was a rather large closet, is getting rid of the antediluvian brown coat with песцом. It was now fashionable red leather jacket and jeans, and she looked just отпадно — she loved when she looked at himself in the mirror.

The Approaching New Year. Everywhere people fussed town dashing around all the shops in search of gifts. In several places on the street, put a big new year tree.

Mood Veronica rose. Life was getting better. She was ensured for the first time, won't realize what she should do. It is about this that she was going to think in a cafe, alone, to avoid being disturbed. It was clear just one thing, that whatever money supply, it was not, they have come to an end. You had to provide a constant flow.

Veronica was planning to retire to her did and think about how to live, "Snowflake", where the last time visitors anyone but she was not. But there were people thick. "Once upon a time is not necessary!" she decided and went on, because at a Hundred cafe was so much that you had a choice between them all day.

-Veronika! Hi! Is that you?! she heard someone familiar voice.

It was Анжелла with which they constantly had a rest together in the campaign, which daily collected Hippo a whole year, until he managed to drive up to Veronica.

-Hi! she did not know rejoice or not: neither except it plans to meet not included.

-You're in the city?! — surprised Анжелла. -When I came?! That is not calling?! Meet потрещали, about Babi!

Анжелла dragged her to the children's Park, in the cafe "fairy Tale". They went through the whole Hundred square in front of the former regional Communist party Committee, past the hotel, which has lived in the morning Garik, crossed the Avenue and went down into a little valley. Occupied by urban children's Park. The rides were not working, but several cafes, ice rink — everything functioned. Here toe have established a huge Christmas tree.

Поддружки hopped into the building, where the on several floors were five or six cafes, passed in a fairy tale: liked it here Анжелке.

The people here were many. It seemed that the entire population of the city has decided today to occupy all available in the city cafe.

-Well, tell me, how are you? — became interested in the Анжелла when, finally, they managed to take a small table for two, отстгояв long queue for coffee and ice cream.

-Yes, I?! Veronica shrugged, downcast glance: what could she tell her?

-Yes, I sympathize with you! Accept my condolences! — sympathetically said Анжелла. Veronica nodded her head, pursing her lips. -Understand tough for you my friend! Do you have your finances-how?!

-Why do you ask?! — Veronica frowned. -Help do you want?!

Анжелла jammed. For a while they ate in silence for ice cream, and Veronica thought, "Fell on my head!"

"You know, she resumed Анжелла, I'm jealous because you're behind a Hippopotamus married gently. Oh, how many around him Baba вилось! Thought: "what a surprise! It is better than me?! Boobs less ass with Cam!" You, Oh, I'm sorry, friend, that I окровенно with you! Thought: "Well, that he found this fool!" And now I'm not jealous! Not at all! Yes, it is better to be like me, than be in your position...

-What has happened in my position?! "said Veronica, even stop eating.

-Well, the widow of the kingpin! Difficult situation! — if he understood what he was saying reasoned Анжелла. -If you're out something was! Well, there is a well-known in the city family would be, or any communication you in блатном world were strong, well, at least itself something worked before the girls kept, beauty public, moved, pushed something is Yes! Would you even more now in authority! And since you are nobody, because, honestly, Behemoth almost poked in the eye, who did he marry after his departure did you become a "nobody" and even more, you know...

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