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Worm's Lemons

24.05.2016 — 20.09.2016
Yeah, it's Lemons, lot of Lemons! You were warned! Спасибо Арийскому Гомофобу за ссылку. 20.09.2016
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Armsmaster added in an almost bored monotone while working on the computer built into his armour "All true"

Piggot clenched her nose with one hand and let out a strained sigh "So what you're telling me is that one of our Wards kidnapped and drugged you and then tried to use you as a sexual commodity in order to convince a girl she'd broken into the house of to have sex with her?"

Ruth nodded "Yes that uh about sums it up"

"Forgive me for looking a gift horse in the mouth but after one of our Wards and a black lesbian at that unmasked and molested you a member of the Empire 88, why are you here informing us instead of organising some sort of reprisal?"

Rune was almost tomato red now and she just made some sort of squeaking sound.

"Miss Heren please repeat that"

"... I umm. At first I was going to but I didn't feel angry just confused and I couldn't stop thinking about it. And especially what would have happened if 'Taylor' had said yes. And then I noticed where my hand was and well I realised why I couldn't stop thinking about it. Then I started thinking what that meant for me in the Empire. And how if my idea of a good time is to be a party favour for an interracial lesbian couple I probably shouldn't hang around for someone to figure that out. Which was going to be easy considering the fucking twins and me not being able to keep my eyes off them now that I know I swing that way. So I came over here to join the Wards you do that probationary thing right?"

* * *

Ruth had been escorted back to her cell after initial discussions had gone pretty well. The Director let out a shuddering breath

"Mr Garcia, you are going to need to stay on Miss Hess twice as much as usual now"

Carlos blinked "Um but isn't Ruth going to need more."

"Carlos, Miss Heren is not going to be a problem. We both know how Miss Hess is going to take this however. After this she is going to think that she successfully converted a Nazi to lesbianism and heroism through her sex appeal. It's your job to deal with the results of this"

Inside, Carlos was screaming.

Something Something Madison


Madison sat at her battlestation ready to launch her greatest achievement yet. By that she meant she was sitting in her underwear at her computer desk, at 4am, surrounded by empty cola bottles and ramen cups having just finished the final edit of her magnum opus. She had barely slept and not bathed or gone to school in three days. But it was ready to be published.

She loaded up her art page and saw to her delight that her subscribers had just passed 3 million. She took a moment to think of her past accomplishments when her gaze tracked over her featured works.

Daily Life of Sad Girl, her first doujin a still ongoing series inspired by Emma, Taylor and Sophia. But with far far more sex. And more supernatural themes, at least she was fairly sure Mrs Hebert hadn't arisen as a zombie to 'comfort' Taylor before being tragically killed by Armsmaster for trying to 'eat' Shadow Stalker.

Though with Sophia calling the bullying campaign off a week ago and Emma withdrawing into herself and cutting contact with everyone, Madison had to admit that that well of inspiration was likely dry. Well Sophia would probably give her some more material. And Taylor could surprise her.

* * *

Taylor blinked up at the tall leather clad Adonis that had stepped off the mutant dog to help her up. And fought to focus and not drool or stammer. The pretty boy that had been clinging to him and still leaned over him from the monster's back did not help.

See she had normal attractions! She didn't just lust after her dead mother. She didn't lust after her at all! She just liked that scene with Anita and Tyler. Who were nothing like mom and her. Stupid Madison. Relax, let the horniness go into into her swarm.

She missed the catsuited blonde's grimace as she thought all this.

* * *

Regent for his part was fighting not to laugh at the small hand shaped clouds of insects that had started caressing Grue's amazing ass while he talked to the creepy washboard. Well he wasn't so jealous he couldn't see the humour at least.

Oh what the hell.



* * *

Taylor lost her battle not to drool

* * *

Madison smiled at the cover of Canadian Internet Girlfriend, her sweet romantic tale of a Canadian agoraphobe analyst and her internet relationship with a curt perfectionist working in the PRT. The book that had first gotten her name out there when Tin Mother of all people had for some reason given it a glowing recommendation on PHO's front page. She'd done her some bonus art with a sex scene inspired by Serial Experiments Lain in thanks. Tin Mother said she had it framed.

Heroine had been the first book that really gave her infamy. Sure Sad Girl could be dark but the sex acts themselves usually weren't that transgressive, just the context they were in. Heroine was the story of a female PRT agent taken by Nilbogs forces during the failed Ellisburg attack and made into breeding stock and her slow descent into acceptance and even twisted happiness in her situation. She'd basically thrown in every fetish she could think of here in an orgy of artistic and sexual experimentation for herself. Honestly she expected it to fail it was self indulgent art practice and personal exploration more than real work. But the enormous anonymous donation she had received for it had let her upgrade her entire setup with top of the line tools. With enough left over for thousands of dollars of vintage pre-Kyushu hentai manga.

* * *

Some time ago

Piggot snarled as she opened the attachment what in the fuck was so important that Thomas insisted she had to see it now?

* * *

And this was what she had to surpass. Madison glanced at list of rave reviews and articles regarding her most famous and critically acclaimed release. The work that had put a bounty on her head. The Dragon and his Emperor. A yaoi manga filled with action, drama and tragedy telling the tale of the beautiful love between Ryu, leader of the Eastern Villains and Fuhrer, leader of the Reich. The E88 had put a price on her head upon it's release. Lung, on the other hand, had started quoting it during his next fight with Kaiser. It probably helped she'd made him the seme.

But her new work would surpass them all.

* * *


Amy yawned as she settled at the breakfast table and began to eat her Triumvittles "What's Carol going on about Vicky?" That had not been a pleasant way to wake.

Victoria giggled and grinned wickedly. Oh god that grin, that grin was going to be in her dreams tonight. And it would be the only thing on Vicky "It's nothing big Ames. Mom's just overeacting as usual. You know that artist who did the Lung and Kaiser porn? MadMog or whatever it was? She's done a New Wave comic now"

Amy felt her blood run cold and what she'd had of breakfast turn to stone in her stomach. She knew the kind of stuff MadMog wrote. Best case it was a warm and fluffy tale of notVictoria and notDean dating. Worst case something like Heroine with her as Nilbog.

Victora kept grinning and laughing not noticing her sister's change in demeanour "And here's what's got mom losing it. The comic is a romance between the knockoffs of us. Isn't that hilarious? "

Ah so her being Nilbog wasn't the worst case.

There's Something Para About Ruth

(Автор: The Shadowmind)

With a shove from Sophia, my books tumbled on the ground and landed on the hard school floor, as my wrist bounced off the locker.

"Always so clumsy Hebert. You really should watch where you are going," with that Sophia turned and left.

"Need any help?" came a sweet sounding voice. I turned to the speaker and saw her. Pretty long blonde hair, tied into a ponytail by black and yellow ribbons. Wide hips, and a thin waist that trailed up small breasts. An adorable looking face, with plump lips. And she was short.

As I stood up, then girl only went up to my shoulder blades. "You don't have too," I said as I went to add another book into the pile.

The girl bent down and and started assisting in gathering up my books, "You new here?" she asked with a wide smile on her face.

"It's my first semester at Winslow," I responded while looking toward the floor. I choose Winslow to be with Emma, but now Arcadia would of been the better choice.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ruth and the flyer of the Winslow Hornets" said the girl as she reached out her hand.

I grasped her hand and felt a jolt. After and awkward pause of about a second and continued with the handshake. "Taylor Hebert."

Her voice dropped to whisper, "If that black bitch keeps giving you trouble let me know."

With that my day continued on as normal for the first week. It was a Friday when I next ran into Ruth. It was a game day, so she was once again dressed in the black and yellow mini-dress of the squad.

We were just outside of the locker rooms when she approached me, a large gym bag hanging from her shoulder. That constant smile still on her face as she waved me down," Tay, still having trouble with the track girl?"

"Yes, I don't even know why she is picking on me."

Ruth shrugged, " Thugs are going to be thugs. Try outs for the squad are in two months, if you want to join I could help you practice after school some"

"I really don't think I'd— " I was interrupted by Ruth hoping up and giving me a peck on the lips. As the kiss connected I felt another static shock.

I stood there in stunned silence as Ruth started to walk off, " I'll see you after school at four by the gym then?" she said before turning fully around.

* * *

Butterflies churned in my stomach as I headed to the school gym that Saturday. Why was I even doing this I though as my traitorous legs kept me walking. That triggered me thinking about Ruth's sudden kiss. How sudden it was, and in the where anyone nearby could of seen. My cheeks flushed red at the though.

There Ruth was waiting for me why next to the entrance of the gymnasium. The pretty smile was on her face as it was all the other times we've been. It reminded me of Emma, back before she suddenly decided that I wasn't her friend anymore.

Two other girls were with her, both dressed in sweat-shorts and crop-tops. "Let me introduce you to some of your future squad mates, my cousin Amelia and her sister, Lisa."

"Second cousin," Amelia corrected her. The girl was a curvy in a way I could never hope to be, with large full breasts. Her curly brunette hair framed at face with freckles as plentiful as stars in the night sky.

"Adopted Sister, " said Lisa. Another curvy girl. Whereas Amelia was top heavy, Lisa was an hourlgass filled with the sands of a puberty fairy that skipped over me completely. Her strawberry blonde locks were held by a pair of blue scrunchies.

"Same difference," said Ruth as she assaulted English grammar. Her high-ponytail swished and sway with every bounce of her perky movements. With a clap of her hands Ruth spoke, " Okay first up is stretching, need to get Taylor's body limber so she won't pull anything when we move onto routines."

And that is how I found myself with my butt in the air, as my muscles screamed at me from the torture that I had the misfortune of inflicted on them. The browning grass agitated my hands as I half groaned" How long have we been at this?"

"About two hours," said Lisa, a smug smile on her face. I pretty sure she is enjoying the suffered I had decided to inflict on myself on this bizarre request by Ruth.

"It gets better as you practice, "said Amelia. She actually looked concerned at my plight. A black limousine rolled to the curb by where we exercising at. A young man with short brown hair stepped out of the car. The fine tailored black suit he wore looked like it would more than my dad made in a year.

As he opened the back door he stated calmly, "Mistress Amelia, you're ride has arrived."

Ruth grabbed my hand as tingles ran up my spine at her touch, "I forgot to tell you, but Amelia's dad is rich. Like, old money rich." I was dragged by the cute blonde girl to the car while I was in shock.

I was scared of getting sweat onto the black leather seats in the back of the card. Ruth took the seat next to me, and leaned up agaisnt my shoulder. I could smell the sweat dripping off of her body.

"Steve, head to the house to pick up Rachel, then to the nice ice shop by the boardwalk as usual." said Amelia.

Brian's Run

(Автор: TheDivineDemon)

Brian enjoyed his morning runs, for a number of reasons.

He enjoyed the routine, he liked how it woke him up and gave him that satisfying burn as he finished his circuit. It may have started as a habit his father drilled into him but now he enjoyed both the activity and its benefits. He especially liked the sights he saw daily on his run.

And he wasn't talking about the sun rises or the beaches. He was talking about the fairer half of his fellow joggers. Running did wonderful things for parts of their anatomy, a sight he didn't mind slowing his pace to admire.

It was a guilty pleasure, he knew, but one he was fairly sure that a majority the males in his age group agreed with.

Though he did have to be careful of where he indulged his habit. He still remembered the time the skinheads tried to teach him not to look at white woman. That day didn't end well for them but he didn't like the idea of going through it again, even if it was a bit of a therapeutic experience.

So, he stuck towards the more ethnic friendly parts of the city. Besides the docks where closer to his apartment anyway.

Lately there had been a new girl running along his route and he found himself entranced. While the girl's face was just okay, and her breast barely deserved a bra, her ass was something out standing.

A tight and firm looking ass that stuck out so enticingly as she ran, bouncing ever so slightly with every foot step she took. It was an entrancing sight that he found himself enjoying day after day

It was on one of his Saturday runs when, by random impulse, Brian decided to do something more than admire the girl from behind. Easily speeding up his pace to match hers he came up next to her and gave her what he hoped was a charming smile, "Hi."

And with that one word he caused the girl with the cute ass to stumble over her own feet. Acting quickly Brian stretched out his arms and easily steadied her, the girl held a tight grip on his forearms as she balanced herself.

Eventually, as she regained her footing, a pair of wide brown eyes looked up at him passed dark curls. "Are you okay?"

The girl near instantly jumped away from him, as if she was scalded. "I, uh, I, yeah. I'm good. Fine." She started to pull at her pony tail and bite at her bottom lip.

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