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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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The night was filled nightmare, passion, scenes, postures, invasions, and eruption and orgasm. The blood rushed from her head to the excited chest and bosom, and she was nothing that was dysfunctional, but only moved, moved and moved, doing all the things that made her male body, revealing all her secret corners of the female nature, and of which she herself did not guess.

Veronica allowed again over a molest them. At home, your favorite bed, in which loved to pamper and indulge in fantasies. Now she wondered, trying to break into the consciousness of the fog горячечной lust, which cleverly fanned the flames of Armenians: "Why? Why? Why?!"

She herself could not understand why enabled the "guest" login to your house, but now log in itself.

When the window of the bedroom began to late December dawn, "guest" finally calmed down, иссякнув. He tied her hands behind with a belt, and left to lie on the belly, covering his next with a blanket. After a minute Garik was snoring.

Veronika, worn-out violent sleepless night followed him and nodded off, even before обидиться of their condition.

-Don't touch me anymore! she told him, when opened her eyes. "Do you hear?! Enough!

Garik lying there and staring at the ceiling. Outside the window late at night.

-Untie my hands! — Veronica ordered.

Garik turned sideways and fulfilled her request. Veronica walked up to the mirror Cabinet, opened the door, put on a Bathrobe and went into the bathroom.

She sat in the hot water, trying to understand what was happening to her, and as всве to stop it. Thought lazily flowed, not intending to help her to think her like a пришибли something. She didn't know now what to do: trying to get rid of Garik failed, and instead she was once again destroyed. Like chicken!" with a reproach thought Veronica, trying to find the secret motives of all, what she was like. She knew that she only to blame for what's going on with her life. She suddenly with fear she found what she sought in her soul, and she was not myself from this awful discovery. She suddenly realized that all this was happening to her only because she wanted!

Yes she want her so perverted from the ordinary point of view, twisting literally inside out all her being, and penetrates into all the holes of her body, namely fucked — on else can you say? This she made himself all this изъебение on the night and Garik was just сполнителем her will, dirty executioner of her soul, экзекутером her vagina, anus or throat.

When she came out of the bathroom Garik was going in the corridor. Veronica stared at him. He noticed that she was looking at him in the middle of the corridor.

-Sweetheart, I thought you really enough! said Garik, as if answering her unspoken question.

"Wait!" Veronica felt the happiness quietly goes back in her soul, like the rising sun in the расвете the sun.

Veronika all their gut felt that she begins a new period of life, and it is the flight from Moscow, this is a sex maniac Garik, — only the thin dirty gap between the past and the clean, white pages of its future.

Veronica silently climbed into the pocket of his coat and brought out a bunch of karbovanets like garbage fills up the inside and проттянула their "guest". Garik took the money, rassoval pockets and nothing, turned to the exit.

-A train in seven! said Veronica. -Will you have time!

She closed her like a solid sash shell, which hid pink tender flesh молюска, steel door of the apartment, освобидившись from the last foreign element in his life. A phase of rapid, uncontrolled falling into the abyss ended, it was good to collect my thoughts and think about how to live.

Went unnoticed week. Coming New year.

Veronica gradually came to himself, as if after a long illness. She bought a small pine, put her in the hall, and now carefully decorated it, carefully selecting toys.

The city was happening pre-pandemonium. Shops were filled with crowds of buyers, despite the steep rates, smashing everything from the shelves. Weather greeted with a slight frost and fluffy snow, валившимся from the sky without stopping.

In new year night she ззажгла candle on the table, sat down at him, opened the champagne, drank a little.

For the first time in her life, she met the new year one. Called her parents, but she decided not to go. She was a good one. She suddenly felt the need to be alone, away from the world, until, finally, her thoughts do not come in the normal state, and the events of the last months are not изгладяться from memory.

She could afford to simply live: but she was a few thousand dollars, which were to provide its existence for quite a long time. Of course, compared with the Empire Hippopotamus, which existed before, it Blimber жалкте the scraps, but they gave her a head start: time to think how to restore control over at least a portion of it.

On the street shouts, the explosions firecrackers, in the sky above the city neighborhoods were raised hundreds of salutes and феерверков. Veronica looked at her watch: twelve nights. She poured a glass of champagne went to the window, was crazy with glass: "happy New year! Veronika! Let him be to you happy!"

The street was as light as day. Theatre square was lit pinkish lights were done under the antique gas. It was obvious how веселяться people. It is possible that it was the same people who caught разбрасываемые it карбованцы. "I wonder, though they remember it?" — asked herself Veronica.

She didn't want to jump on the balcony naked, throw out basin wads of money, jump, feeling naked Breasts nice Bouncing, no time for a body that was pulling her down. Now she wanted peace, tranquility, умротворенности, respectability.

Veronica got dressed and went outside. She rounded the house, walked on the square, past the theater, watching the people go in droves, hugging each other, meet, drink directly on улце champagne, treat each other, congratulate with New year, happy, scream songs. Then she turned around the corner from the Museum of local lore and passed by the restaurant "Central", where now all floors were filled with light, noise, fun, holiday.

Veronica remembered how once Hippo he loved to collect here the crowd of idlers. From there and now coming to hearing music, laughter, shouts of men, the shrieks of the women, the clinking of dishes. Someone drunk voice false sang karaoke.

Veronica crossed the Avenue, standing near the Central Department store. Here it was deserted. Turn right and she went into a Hundred.

The street was filled with crowds of people walking on new year's морозцу. Вероникевстречались many friends (girls and boys. But all of them were fond of what is happening in their campaigns, so do not notice it. Yes Veronica and did not strive to meet anyone and be someone узнанной. She wore a cap of darkness and now walked among them that make merry, drunken crowds of citizens, like a Ghost, absorbing the energy of joy and fun, outgoing from everywhere, like nectar from the spring. Sometimes though, when walking passed сосвсем close, it got to me, that to it nobody sticks, nobody notices all passionate about their. She then began to feel that, maybe, in fact it became a bodiless spirit, and then both her and wanted to check this, but she restrained myself struggling: although the nature of her, as any women needed a man's attention, she still wanted to drink the Cup of loneliness to the end, so as enough восоминаний about the recent experienced it. Although she understood that this experience was by its nature is foreign to the fact that now could she begin at casual acquaintance, Veronika not hurried events, as always before been accustomed to do. It decided to postpone any novels.

She walked among them that make merry, employed by their lives and holiday, your friends and relatives, children and parents, people, and almost physically felt flowed past her time, washing out of her soul, as caused by debris from the pure river sand, all that dirt which it filled up lately. Holiday, Shrouding Veronica his new year, promises a miracle, a fairy tale, like a return to barely ended childhood atmosphere, healed her wounds, acting gently and carefully. She walked a Hundred past the sleeping Cathedral, past the cafe filled with visitors, feeling more and more recovers. Something black, unclean, filthy took of her soul.

She was a little sad, but at the same time and happily. Now her life belonged to her, and though she is not accustomed, it was nice. Maybe that's why she didn't want anyone acquainted, to meet anyone, had not wanted to recognize her tipsy much and not very familiar.

Easy Christmas snow припорашивал uncovered head girl. Frost barely felt. From above poured colored confetti fell on the shoulders of colorful streamers, пускаемые everywhere. She would have certainly gone to the Orthodox Church, if it was opened. She had long wanted to start attending Church services, but something did not let that stop. Some do not fear, not that dreadful attacked her whenever she came to the open door of the temple, and Veronica in sorrow walked away. But now the Cathedral was closed, and she just passed by.

Veronica remembered Gladysheva. She now felt very cruel that she, heartlessly threw him out into the jungles of the metropolis, surrounded by the most beautiful hotels like the mouth of an animal. Yes, and the "Space" suddenly наповерку was no better. Now he remembered her not a huge hotel and the focus of evil. Veronika still could not understand what happened with it at all possible that this is not fiction fevered imagination, and действителльность that, tell her to someone else, she would never have believed, and possibly considered narrator first-class вралем.

Yes, even that now was not the great Motherland she is accustomed to, and the Motherland has now become a small, shivering as shagreen leather, even it seemed to her utter fabrication. Some millions karbovanets, wild rates, frightened, as if that were present at the universal catastrophe people completely detached from what is happening, as if hidden from the outside, нырнувшие in yourself and пережидающие there a time when there is skinned alive their neighbors, acquaintances, fellow citizens.

But Veronica was waiting for, when all will pass by itself! And if not passed? If this arrogant Garik still would have left in its Moscow and seeing her luxury apartment, he would have stayed another week, and then for a month?! "So then you, girl doing?" — asked herself Veronica. He indeed was going to stay.

Yes, Garik left, leaned back home ahead of time only fearing that brought it to the handle. If he didn't see her waking up with a knife in his hand, who knows how much time it lasted for sexual slavery.

"How do you, in General before that rocked, Veronica?" — asked the girl, trying to understand, when it's done wrong. Maybe the output, which she chose was the best of слжившейся situation? To happen if she gave as a Minister in religion hotel required her money?

Veronica drove away from these issues. Along with them came back unwelcome memories. Of course, Garik has enriched her sexual experience. But maybe it enrichment she was completely unnecessary? As can be observed in ordinary, normal family life, all the perversions that she felt with him? What would a normal husband wanted fingers or a Dildo-vibrator simulate that his wife along with him has someone else in another hole? Or how could a loving man touch his mouth sweetheart his cock so that his head into the larynx and walked through the esophagus?

"Ugh!" — Veronica сплюнула.

No, everything was interesting, instructive, fun. Sometimes even too! But no more, thanks!

To distract from recent events, Veronica remembered Yakovleva.

Maybe worth came to him to wife, to leave this city, to go to some darkness-cockroaches, sit down in a little лейтенантской apartment, or Dorm room and wait when he comes back from service. At lunch to feed his tasty borsch, and then go to bed with him. Get pregnant, give birth to a son or a daughter, then another son or daughter... And so live, live, live... Live-njoy and have kids!" — Veronica remembered wish Lena, his однокласницы, who wished it Надьке Sklyarenko. Perhaps she too was worth to do so.

However, why is it here раззавидовалась? She also got married! Who knew that all this goes on, and it will remain a widow?

Here Veronika like lightning прошибло! Behind all this crazy house she forgot that her monthly not. The delay in the month, although sometimes stress with it, this has happened before, and recently stress abound, gave hope that she is pregnant.

"A good woman is different from bad that idea who became pregnant!" instructed her as a year ago, her grandmother, who began to suspect that Veronica shall enter into close relations with the guys.

"God! From whom, valid, I become pregnant?" — scared Veronica and immediately found myself happy thoughts, that if she starts to worry about such question, then life is, indeed, have returned to normal.

She instinctively went through a Hundred across the square in front of прозябающи in the dark huge "boomerang", the building of former regional party Committee, past the hotel, moved across the deserted Avenue, then on the bridge above the Arrow to the Children's Park, where происхоила real Christmas фейерия. Fairy-tale castles of the huge children's town alight, decorated with garlands and lights. Far away, in the centre of the Park there was a huge Christmas tree, котоой was some поулночное view, which brought together a fun crowd. On the other side of the Avenue, in the Park, following the huge two-story restaurant "Crystal" were filled with warm water in which huge spotlight color music installation flashed to the music of the phonogram. Around the fountains everywhere were also mark the beginning of a New year cheerful groups of young people and older people. Clapped and took off fireworks, Bengal lights sparkled, fired high into the сыплющее light snow sky fountains of fire salutes.

Veronica suddenly toe wanted to be among those people, she, too, wanted his campaign. Never before has it met this holiday alone. But the same was not, and join some other campaigns was ridiculous.

She wanted first to go in a Children's Park, then changed her mind and decided to go to the opposite side of the Avenue, the Park of "Crystal", where in the fountains were bathed цветомузыкальное show, but not venturing to do neither one nor the other, suddenly turned around and Embankment of the river of the arrow around the hotel, recently spent the night passed on, looking from afar on "Youth center"in which rattled the new year's disco and deserted street headed in the direction of the bridge through the Psel, returning past the Central city library, a huge building which sank in the orange twilight, back to the house.

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