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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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"In fact, Veronica again remembered the important observation and tried to listen to my stomach, where perhaps there is already a new life, From whom I managed to подзалететь? Interesting will be a boy or a girl?" The girl she wanted.

She reached cascading fountain "Sadko", sculptural composition which was посвечена spotlights. Here былло пустыно. Rare pedestrians hurried somewhere in the crowded places. Ероника descended into the underground transition and went to the bar to the left of the bridge across the river.

For Пслом, on the other side glowed white neighborhoods huge and broad prospect, Kharkiv streets. Above loomed the drama, and right — Ценнтральный Park of culture and rest.

Veronica went to him, after passing a small fountain at its entrance with вечносидящей here "last virgin of the city". The track over the steep Bank of the Psel strolling couples and groups of citizens, горланя and the talking. The Park was full of people as in a nice summer day, when crowds of tourists go on a Student's beach, a favourite place for bathing.

She exercise all alone. Slightly starting забнуть and a little tired of long hours of walking, looking at the happy people who were not alone. However новгоднее loneliness was her personal choice. If she wanted it, it would be worth it позвонть several girlfriends, not in one or another place merry campaign was her be ensured.

Veronica walked through the Park, crossed it all, passing through an empty Peninsula Student beach, then, by clicking on the pontoon bridge, deepened in the дремучуючасть Park, as if looking for adventure. After ten minutes, прогуливась here already a perfect forest, Veronica reached the new bridge over the Psel. She climbed up the stairs to his steep embankment and, once there, turned.

Bridge оттрассированный lights, pierced in the white areas of the city, светившиеся river, flying graceful arc over the darkness flood plain forest Park. On the wide, like a prospectus his canvas in this interval, the twilight hour was deserted.

Veronica order tired, cold and tired mentally in their nightly wanderings. She didn't realize, but as if looking for adventure on this night, the occupational group of the fact that it recently happened was now little.

Across the bridge, up, she appeared opposite the cemetery, which was buried Афаеасий. "How strange, " thought the girl, ' that your feet had brought me, as if by chance, come here!" she had long forgotten about his old friend, which once was a lot had to do in her life. Strange, but it's much now seemed not important thing, almost nonsense, even fiction. Oan she now believed that it really happened.

From here to her house one had to pass along the street, about a mile. The road went down the slope, and ступалось easily, though his feet with unaccustomed to such debilitating walking ныои, налившись lactic acid.

"Wow, aunt, are you satisfied with Christmas marathon!" going Veronica finally оказавгись home. She went to the window.

New year's eve was nearing an end. In the East the sky has brightened slightly. The miracle did not happen.

However a miracle she was looking for?

Not whether the main miracle was that she now, after so many trials was at home. She had a roof over my head, money, and that most of its fellow countrymen not even dreamed of, private and luxurious apartment in the heart of the city.

"What you want, child?" — укорила itself Veronika

She stood in front of the window, waiting for the sunrise, and when it appeared over the horizon ascending the horizon of scarlet pancake, promising frost, guessed that the new year was for her, well, that from this year all her life went a different way. She did not know how it had to be another way, it is not yet invented. But she was not sure that necessarily come up with how to look her life in the future.

Chapter 24.

Veronica realized the fairy tale ended. There was not even a: "that's the end of the story, and who listened — well done!"

When she woke in the morning, Битлера next, on their big beds.

But instead of him in front of the sat said. He rocked back and вреред on legs expensive chair and somehow, against the habit, waited until she wakes up.

All this immediately returned Veronica from sweet dream into reality. And although it was still was Palermo, sea, sun, Italy, she knew that this story will continue to live without her. In the next plot.

Veronica noticed that again shy man: it was amazing, because she felt that she had lost shame forever. But that said does not suspect any changes, and she again did not have to go through a severe "mom's" school again, she is making an effort, pulled back the blanket, rose from the bed and began to walk around the room naked, collecting вещии trying not to pay attention to the presence of Saida.

The scenery of the performance named "Happy trip to Italy" cleaned up so quickly that Veronica didn't even have time to throw their farewell glance.

After a solitary Breakfast in the room, not as before, with Битлером, shore restaurant, for which it has managed to привыкуть for the last week, they put her in the same "Fiat", who had brought them with Vika to the shooting, and the machine rapidly and without stopping rushed to Rome.

The world, the magic world of Veronica, she has made himself this week, and has several times tried to tell: "Live for eternity, нкогда not кончайся!" — the marshes now with the rapidity of collapse Express its unrealistic hopes.

Swept outside the window quarters of Palermo, losing sight of the majestic Vesuvius on the horizon, then the sea, and soon Italy. And this time even uncle, the chauffeur, the most lustful итальяшка, which was teasing her pussy Vika, not smiling and not turned back, but sad and casually drove as if everything had to be done.

And here she was already in the plane to Moscow, leaving fantastic, magical country where fulfilled its fabulous dreams.

"Bulb flies in the trash! thought Veronica. -If all goes badly, then everything goes wrong!"

Now on the next seat instead sociable and charming young man from a network campaign, рассказывавшего her all the way to Rome, how to make so that the whole world has changed at her request, sat an old aunt, speak with which it has no desire was not. Was not and nothing else, for that could catch joy and her flying away from Veronica, like a faded leaves from the trees, autumn wind.

Quite another thing was, when she was in Italy! It was entertaining stories young man, palm which she then put on her warm bosom...

Veronica betake memories.

-Вытаботай habit to use the law of attraction, — said she, he, while Veronica drew nearer to him, leaned toward him. -'t use it constantly. Not say to myself, "This thing is not working!" The universe hears it, and everything comes to naught! The universe says: Yes, of course!

Veronica took his wrist and held his hand, pretending to be carefully continues to listen to him. In her head again had a naughty thought that she now decided to implement.

For some time she just held his palm with my hands, looking into the eyes and pretending that the words of a young man penetrate to its very heart.

-...create a panel of images. Put her stuff of your dreams! See her every day! Be aware of that already in possession of the fact that there posted. Cut out the pictures of all what you want to achieve in life! Believe in the power of visualization! Decide what you want, believe you deserve it, be aware of that already possess it, and then try gratitude and scatter out her into the Universe.

Veronica began to caress the hand of the young man. She wondered to herself that does something that would never dare, and more of what a first of its nothing inspired!

-mind человекка can achieve anything that will present! — continued NetWorker. -Say to yourself: "I will believe and act as if it is already happening and feel gratitude for what you get, as if you get it already!" Focus on abundance, prosperity. You attract to yourself what you think! Have said and believe: "I can do it!" — and to give thanks that will once, as if it's already come! And always remember: do not doubt the realization of desires because, once you begin to doubt the universe immediately cancel your order: listen and obey. Money — part of well-being. First, we need to have the internal attributes of the well-being and not Vice versa. Each of our desire to materialize in the universe. Therefore, it is important monitors thoughts. It is important to understand myself!..

Veronica поддернула casually hem of her motley sundress, and when he вспорхнул carried cool palm of the boy and put it between her legs, on the fire-breathing her mouth of the beast, longing for pleasure. She felt the cool fingers young man lay on her hot, pulsating under the blows of the heart clitoris, наливший blood from desire.

Why she did it?! Was it some meaning in this act?! Veronica was all the same! She just wanted to do it. Do this and see what happens! It somehow procedure was excited. Perhaps, the unusual situation: the plane, a foretaste of the foreign country, the heat, the sea, holiday, another life, joyful and happy — did their job, drove the scale of its возбуждкения up to the mark "Will be a blast!", and maybe there's something else happened, maybe in her actions was some secret, unknown even to her sense, she could not guess herself.

The young man was taken aback. Veronica was a pleasure to watch as his face, so confident a minute ago that he had then declared suddenly fell in surprise, and he was speechless.

Veronica hotly sighed into his face, showering his heat of passion. She really was burning inner fire of lust. The young man wanted to remove my fingers, but only hold her hand clasped them in this endeavor, and began to lead their rough pads on сочащемуся juice clitoris. It seemed to her that she may be дактелоскопический figure this cool fingers, affecting every cell of her налившегося blood and desire губкообразного tubercle.

She looked him straight in the eyes with his hot, пышащим desire coition eyes, penetrating the most masculine its essence somewhere in the depths of his being.

-And you're a naughty girl! "remarked the boy, and he was in front of her boy, with my knowledge about the world, has seen hardly more than one pussy, from which the whole world was.

Veronica was in ecstasy. She felt Mother Earth, which gave life to all living things around, including this little man, объяснявшему her now the device in the world, which she allowed to touch his Holy of holies, not only to discourage him, mock him, and show him his true place in the world order, but also because she was like a volcano ready now explode сокрушающем everything in its path eruption.

A guy once trailed off, looking her in the eye. Now he just didn't know what to do. He had not expected such a turn of events, feeling like the king of the provisions. And suddenly this girl, which he had just hovered brains", tied him up in one simple movement, like a bull to стойлу, to his hot, пышущей heat of passion, wet from the excitement users. How could he expect from her?! It was unreal!

-Well, and what will we do?! he said, rousing himself.

Veronica was still looking into his eyes. It penetrated into his thoughts. She watched as the boy himself lights lust, and is now rapidly catching on, where possible intercourse. She read him like an open book. Now all his thoughts were of the toilet.

He turned back, looked forward through the cabin, estimating, in which toilet closer and much less turn. Then he turned to her and not even said anything: Veronika read in his eyes: "let's go!".

The young man rose from his seat and walked down the aisle ahead. Veronica got up and went after him.

When she passed the chair Saeed, who has been the corner of my eye watched their intrigues, he pulled into the aisle cabin hand and caught her Shin below the knee.

"Sit down on the spot! he said to her calmly and quietly. "You want the same flight to return to Moscow!

Veronica went back. The heat of lust in her body not let up, but the order said as if a bucket of water on it poured.

He stood up and moved next to her, saying calmly and angrily:

-You that, humanly not know how to behave in public?! With you, it turns out, keep an eye impossible! And still bore gave!

After a couple of minutes later the guy that was sitting next to Veronica.

Seeing Saeed, who took his chair, he wanted to rebel, but he only showed him on his vacant place and added:

"Sit down there!

In the voice said was something that did not take objection, and the young man silently obeyed.

The rest of the way to Rome Veronica sat, гляда out the window at the passing outside the window cotton field clouds and slipping between them green meadows, серкающие threads rivers, arrows, highways, intricate contours of the cities and villages scattered сдловно биссер on earth.

Lower stomach cramp like a gasp, and he desperately ill from pointless excitation, causing her discomfort as if she wanted to urinate and could not...

Veronica was distracted from their memories.

Nearby sat still the same old woman. She returned to Moscow...

Битлер! Her thought was looking for in her heart now this image. He is still yesterday was beside her, and now, suddenly, she was alone, although ordered совему consciousness does not let go this reality to it lasted and lasted, that he extended their hot date for another week, then another.

It does not care to lose if he family and job because of it: Битлер belonged in her mind her, and she with anyone not want to share.

Veronica suddenly with amazement stopped herself inside yourself like having frozen.

She remembered.

The emerald waves of the sea, cutting them, sometimes, not getting to the beat and then burying, rushes, plunges, low and confidently growling its powerful engine, white, dazzling boat. And it's not even a boat, and a little high-speed yacht with the captain's bridge above.

The bridge is Битлер and looking afar, slightly turning the hands of Nickel-plated штурвальчик. Sometimes she looks over at the nose of the ship, where reclining, turning to him she Veronica.

She was leaning on his hands and rose, and the lies so completely naked, substituting your oily-from the warm spray, lavishly splash her foaming under the keel for a high-speed yacht sea body reigning in дезоблачном bottomless sky of the Mediterranean sun.

Boat неес her and Битлера somewhere in the open sea. Behind all away remain rocky cliffs, beaches, white as sugar, covered with green кучеряшками vegetation. A little further visible houses, whole blocks attached to each other's houses such tiny and becoming less and less. To the right of grey shadow of Vesuvius, menacingly outlined against the background of forever billowing over the top, like a wig, Cumulus clouds.

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