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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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All this is increasingly disappearing away. Битлер takes her on some island where they will once again be making love. Veronica smiles at him playfully, and when he throws a glance of Dali, which rushes their boat on it, only a little wider divorces his feet, showing his lovely girlfriend in all its glory revealed from desire and thirst for love, as Bud blooming and fragrant roses.

Битлер unable to make this picture. He throws her one look, then another, a third, and Veronica everything fascinates and attracts him, as if to say, his pose: "Here I am! Take me! Eat!"

Finally, he could no longer resist, he shuts down the engine and throws an anchor. Ship waving in the emerald waves, Битлер down the stairs to the stern, and bypasses the cabin and approach her like a predatory lion greed of production, which for so long has been teasing...

Veronica remembered.

Yes, because it загадывала it then, in the airplane, when I was flying to Rome. She had ordered Universe speedboat, riding the waves, and myself in камапнии handsome man, that she's in love, as the March cat.

Just when NetWorker told her how to control the visualization, as should be brought to the materialization of the images desired, she passionately, and introduced herself to this picture: emerald sea, high-speed snow-white yacht, the shrinking rocky island, the man she was in love.

"All of this happened! — suddenly realized Veronica. -All this actually came true!"

Something joyfully pricked her chest. So, what has been said by her, the young man actually works, and they've only to focus on their images...

-solution of your problems is in you, sounded as if she heard them now, the words of the hitter. -Fall in love with yourself, and the rest of the world in you to love. Loving yourself you will love and others. We allow other people to make our happiness. But they have it bad or does not work at all. The source of your happiness within you. Materialize in your life, something to spend your energy. Energy is directed to where you're looking. You should feel hungry, should to want something. Don't waste your energy on them. Aim of your life what you myself deliver. Goal is to experience joy. The source of success is inner happiness. Find something finds in your heart response. Follow the feeling of bliss...

Veronica then realized she realized the condemnation of "mother", its constant returns to think about the "Cosmos" she drove their future in this trap. How much effort she spent the pain and hatred! And they only repeatedly been exacerbated in her life.

-...дмай about what you want, not on what not! — sounded in her head the words that she had not perceived. Now their meaning became more understandable for her. -Make not anti war rally and rally in support of peace. Be distracted from negative emotions. Отгораживясь from the world of negative thoughts you will suffer, you will feel uncomfortable. And moreover, the universe multiplies this discomfort and returns in товю life repeatedly increased.

"Now I am never going to think about "mom"! Nothing will think about it, neither good nor bad! Never!" — decided to Veronica.

She realized that in order to get rid of the "mother"from the "Space", from Moscow, they should stop оних think!

-...the last line is a holiday, — sounded in her words hitter. -Visualize a holiday, goodness, happiness, whom thou жаждаешь. Nobody will ever be able to write for you the story of your life. The right idea!

"I will, I will think correctly! Now I am going to present yourself at a Spa, luxurious and expensive hotels, traveling around the world!" cried to herself Veronica.

She shut her eyes and all the remaining time of the flight to Moscow will present itself in the most exotic places around the world, what she knew of and being heard.

"The tale will continue!" — decided Veronika

Chapter 25.

Veronica without undressing flopped into bed, furnished turquoise satin. After a night of crazy Hiking she desperately wanted to sleep, and she immediately вырубилась asleep healthy, мертвецким sleep.

Woke up it only in the evening of the first of January of the fact that someone persistently would call in the call to the front door.

Veronica asked cautiously. Calls were repeated with an enviable regularity, maintaining a slight pause

"Who could it be?!" — she was surprised.

Continuing вылеживаться in a cosy bed, she started looking through all the options but not found a suitable explanations for the persistent trills. She was sure that none of your friends just could not for it to come, the more so unceremoniously натренькивать.

And who knew that she was in the city?!

Nail?! But he staggered towards it, how that he was on it was something you need. Of course, the Nail of her need Bala certain срершенно thing. However, he wouldn't achieve such примитиным way: not a boy after all. Moreover, knowing the habits of Gvozdeva, his lazy nature, Veronica brushed off this option immediately. He would be sure to first called to not trudge in vain.

Then who else? Анжелла? It is unlikely that she would have become напрашиватся to visit her the first of January. The more so persistently and continuously call.

Собсвтенно speaking, Анжеллу Veronika not interested in ever again. She knew it. And if before it appeared on the horizon, now, when there was no matter of its interest — Hippo — this girlfriend hardly ever willingly would have seemed on the verge of her apartment. Veronica just saw that deep down Анжелла despise her and can not tolerate.

There were several variants of those who would today call to her. Maybe someone from the former acquaintances still saw her yesterday пргуливающуюся a new year's eve alone, and today, leaving his girlfriend decided to warm her bed?

"Thanks guys, I'm old gentlemen don't need!" — decided to Veronica.

But rang somehow very much brazenly. So названивают usually plumbers or electricians, who called on repairs in the apartment, and they will call to blue, as they are not close appointed thee same outfit.

But Veronica nobody aroused. With the wiring, plumbing, water supply, heating she was all right.

Who could it be?

And then visited a terrible guess, from which the girl let out a little noise, crawled under the blanket, hiding like a child. "What if it's for me came from Moscow?" — исугалась Veronica.

"Guest", Garik, which it has already become forget, for a week, as he was in Moscow. What in the world could happen?

Veronika not once entertained themselves with illusions that Garik borne her feelings more and other properties, than she to him. But all the same she was hoping for his prudence. Go just rent it said it would not. So that he could fuck? Hardly such a campaign would have ended for Garik something good.

But, on the other hand, Garik had a reason to do it. Because he had to finish his weekly sex vacation for two days earlier than it was planned. Besides Veronica продинамила it for a whole day. So, actually, if you look on the merits, he had her, "was humping like a bitch", as he promised her, only a half from the indicated date.

Who is there that аряна, knows that he was on the mind. Maybe he plunged into serious because I wanted a wholly due to him оющение in this way with Veronica.

"Brrr!" — it all started.

However, only been a week and a girlfriend it was've felt miserable execution. She нахалке hoped that her again inside out inferred.

Yes, now Veronica as she seemed to understand the meaning of the expression uterus inside out turn out. But it is usually Baba each other promise, where the скубатуу adopting. But Garik her uterus inside out выворачивал on олной program.

Veronica dreamily stretched, feeling all of her female flesh, as one solid source of pleasure, dotted with erogenous zones. She pushed back оделяло and saw down, on the ground of his pubis, кучеряво rising up between her thighs, lowered her hand down, touching налишийся blood, выпроставшийся out of his hiding place, because of the large bawdy lips Clit.

Veronica reasonably believed that the clitoris she was special. Нимфоманкой she was, or someone else, but its construction of the female body has been the subject of her impassioned study and worship.

Myself naked she could study for hours, and ейнравилось to do it. She couldn't get enough of his beauty, its forms, которорые she gave the Lord God and mother nature. Examined myself, stroking her body with his hands, feeling the touch of them to иззящным lines, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, Breasts, she always used to say a sincere thank you to the Creator, this good beginning of things, so freely given her, which made her a female.

Veronica didn't know the entire celestial мерархии structure of the universe, and perhaps a billion billion universes — who knows — but she always felt any extraordinary happiness, when I could be alone with my body and enjoy them in the mirror, take some crazy poses, opening егоновые proportions, to communicate with him, touch and learn its secrets. She herself was the whole Universe, and it seemed quite herself.

No, what is the depth of the consciousness, a never-ending love which превечной wisdom you had to have to create this amazing, this graceful, this graceful and multi-function design — her body.

It was a sculpture. It was this sculpture. Not that other, she herself could not sometimes take from him глаз.оно simply bewitched her.

If it had been worn — it was decorated. Even mere rags, if she would have got on them, дерюга any full of holes, rough or jute sacking could set off its beauty and splendor!

It could not spoil your clothes. If the clothes are beautiful, it only emphasized the dignity of her untold сокромища, her body

But the body was not only the sculpture. It was a incubator. The cravings of her soul, the seat of life. And the awareness that simply breathtaking.

It was just as if we imagine that the land on which you walk, which move триллиарды other living creatures, where they spend their lives are born and die, зачниают new life, kill and пожирют each other, the land where the rivers, the mountains rise, reign, majestic oceans, where the muscles appear and disappear гелогические era, this earth is not just a receptacle million, billion a variety of functions, processes, and phenomena and Earth — the planet shining though with a speed of tens of thousands of kilometres per hour in the void of the cosmos, in its boundless infinity in which her way оотведена just a small path trajectory descent which means the end and the planet and everything on it.

"In space no longer had anything like the Earth! thought Veronica. -In vain looking for a life scientists on other planets. They just camouflage. Because the Bible says it all about the world order..."

She always tend to compare themselves with the Earth. She could not believe that other women also exist. She accepts them not more than scenery to your life, and sometimes, in General, the whole world seemed to her a decoration to существовванию her soul and her body.

She was alone in the world. Just the Creator of her so she wouldn't get bored, probably made up all of the other characters, invented a story, and pampered her, as beloved children.

Veronica believed only in himself and the Creator himself. Sometimes it seemed to her that it's the same. That the Creator lives within itself and creates the world in his own image and likeness. And it's his image and his likeness.

Then she became so much fun, so good, so happy. She suddenly understood in such moments that live in it eternity, the vast eternity, and she, his favourite child, she herself the object of his passion and his passionate feeling, and those who come in her life — it's just the characters that play a role, which she invents. But, since she should be interesting, that part of it which придумаъывает role for the characters possesses a certain degree of freedom and secrecy, so as not to disclose further story of her fate before the time, when it должжно come true.

Sometimes it seemed to her that her mind, her power of thought can be anything she wants to create. Sometimes happened that they gained some independence and worked just from random thoughts, what would be cruel or unkind to her, she was not, and then everything had to be redone and correct.

However, былвали days, when she appears in a different light. And then she felt that it nor mistress of the world, but only a tiny speck in his boundless ocean, from the will which nothing depends on it. In those days it became поинстине sad. Then the world was becoming a huge, terrible, cold and strange, and it seemed to her that she's just a crazy fool...

Veronica rose, опервшись on his elbow. So she stayed for five minutes, присулшиваясь to phone calls, not прекращавшимся all this time, but then decided to sneak up to the door and look through the peephole.

However, soundproofing apartments allowed to just walk up to the door, and there, on the stairs that we could not hear, but it all slipped up.

And even eye! Behemoth generally not wanted to ask when you installed a steel door. He spoke to the young wife when she asked him: "Why?" that eye of the main traitor. In visible light game, when out of the apartment in him look

-So what? — wondered, I remember her when Veronica.

-Can shoot! 'replied Behemoth.

Where to shoot?! — laughed, not realizing it Veronika.

-Peephole — calmly explained to her husband. Then he really nothing to be seen. Only the space in front of the door. Peephole is bullish for!

It was funny to listen to his words. It was simply ridiculous to imagine that you look through the peephole, and at this time, someone shoots. "Nonsense!" — Veronica laughed.

She finally persuaded Behemoth put her in the door peephole:

"Look, here I will live in after all! "it was pushing eyebrows Veronica. -Can consider me бычкой, but peephole I put. I so want to!

Setting normal, Hippo ordered some imported the Japanese peephole, who worked as a video camera and gave a review of almost wall-to-wall. In addition, if the vestibule suddenly it was dark, he went to the night vision mode.

Is a miracle of technology had to wait from Japan a few months, and therefore, paying for the order, they went to Moscow, leaving the door ordinary Soviet spy.

Quietly sneaked toward the door Veronica snuggled up to глазку.

It was evident convex ground floor, the dark corner of the spur of the well in front of the Elevator. But nothing more. However, the door continued to periodically call.

Veronika found it very suspicious, and she first felt sorry that she really no eye roundabout review. The door she decided not to open.

"In any case, it is not worth doing in the near future! thought the girl. — I should probably move in with his parents, to live with them half a year! And to hand over the apartment to the guests!"

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