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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-Yes, money crazy, " I agreed. — but I can't believe that quartered, waste paper, you can make money.

-Yes, I'll say...

-Listen, can we half a ton of cash, will you upload, that we pay so much? I asked sarcastically. -Drive to the Bank, open safes and forward — rowed shovel? You are not asked casually, where will work?

-Гллупости what you say! — outraged Охомов. -You offer, I thou...

-Something I don't like it. Maybe that's why I stupidity and say. And that should not have them movers somewhere in another place to look for, except as five minutes officers harness?

-Think, the officer found! I know — you can or cannot be. It — you do. Maybe in this case, some special secret is that other trust cannot be.

-And can we? Yes? And I'll go and разболтаю. What do you say?

-Now go, fool! Who would believe you? On my show? I say, "He is illOh, I know nothing!" And then you face наквашу I am sure I... eh, you! I tell you, as a friend, as a friend. And you? As падла last! You I didn't like it. I don't understand you, can you feel it?! I can't understand! I can't think of what you need. And it always seemed to me. We met a soul to live!

-Well you it seemed — his carping and anything could be called взбесили me, and with elaborate апломблм said, -I also thought, was...

-What? That was?

-Yes and it turned out that you're having a little card game play, and I don't know, debt have in пятнадать thousand and I don't know, friends of odd got that for scrap paper prepared in gold bathe. What strange... But I, too, it seemed.

-A fool of you and a fool, again insulted me Охромов. -Think better, you its debt buyout.

-None of your business. Himself somehow выкручусь.

-Well-well, look, we know such nimble, — Охромов turned and walked away.

After class, in the evening, the training of when nothing seemed to be no signs of a storm, was summoned combat.

Yakovlev, he said, when knocked, I entered the office and said unanswered "may I?", -Why until the morning went on leave?

-Why, comrade senior Lieutenant? I let them go.

-Who are you to let go?

-The duty to be saved.

Why on duty in school? Who has the right to let you go in?

-You... So you themselves to me yesterday released, " said I, myself feeling that sailed the boat in my paper, yeah not there.

-Comrade cadet, I let you in just two hours and on a case by order. I promised you that выпуса from the College you will no longer go to the dismissal for his misconduct? This is not to mention the fact that I still something for you to arrange it. You yesterday, taking advantage of my absence, went and complained to the shift of уилищу, поплакались that to you girl from another city came. Although the duty of the school has no right to let you go in dismissal. Not only that you have deceived one, you нахамили another officer, platoon commander. You broke воинсскую chain of command and military etiquette..

-Yes I complained, comrade senior Lieutenant, I swear. I only went, asked permission, because Швабрин...

-Comrade Lieutenant Швабин, comrade cadet!

-Yes. Because comrade Lieutenant Швабрин скащал that has no right to let me go and sent to the emergency at the училищщу.

-Well, Швабрин said is absolutely correct, but it did you never sent, you went and complained. This score not in your favor, tovandрищ cadet. Yesterday you did very huevo, — inside he said.

"Comrade senior Lieutenant, I confused and 't know what to say. In fact, I was right, wasn't lying, and I don't believe just because I'm not an officer, and student. Because Швабрин really sent me to the emergency at school and even scared to admit. Yes, I lied yesterday about girls. But what could I do, if I had whatever was to go on leave, and I couldn't go. And the girl — a very good reason and, in fact, proven not one me, and not yesterday. "Comrade senior Lieutenant, I'm going to be a... That, as soon as I'll be, you immediately нанете believe me without looking back? But what if you two officers say different things, and some of them соврет? Are you going to believe who had a higher rank, Yes? Потоу those above the title, do not lie?

-Do not confuse the gift of God with яишницей, Yakovlev. Officers rarely happens is that they lied.

-But the same happens?

"You began to talk a lot, comrade cadet. Yes, by the way, what is this girl, you were visited?

I was taken aback by his question. Just because he said that I cheated дежрного in school, and now asks. He forgot, or he conducts strange and tricky game with me in the cat-and-mouse, and I have to rush to where it turns off. However I have not made up his mind to say straight that no girl really was not, and принл new twist to the plot.

-Why do you, comrade senior Lieutenant? This is my personal life.

-I must be sure that you really came to the girl. Then maybe I'll be more lenient to you. May she writes to me that it was really you, let confirm that it really came.

"Okay, " I'm starting to think how to get out of this situation.

-But remember, Yakovlev. The girl, of course, a girl but what you did with Lieutenant Швабриным, you just won't get away. Keep this in mind.

At this time in the office went Швабрин. I turned to him:

"Comrade Lieutenant, here tell me, please, the commander of the battery, you because me yesterday sent to the emergency at school, right?

-Товрищ cadet, — imperturbably parried Швабрин, -you still have not learned to apply, as expected, the senior military rank to the officer. This is the time. And secondly, I did you yesterday sent. Not need to lie, OK?

I was furious indignation. So blatantly lie and accuse me in a lie!

-You lie, — broke down in despair my tongue, even though I knew what to say something else here the talk is useless, -you lie, comrade Lieutenant!

Швабрин blushed, became purple, then blue, like a thunderstorm.

-Puppy! screams he, as sliced pig. -Boy! How dare you! You see, what insolent! How dare you accuse his superiors, how dare you, in General, mouth here keep your!

Foam arrogance squirted from his skewed mouth to my face, however, is not scared of him furious species, because he was ready from the great annoyance at his throat.

-I'll soon be equal with you звнии, comrade Lieutenant, and then we will talk, and nothing's going to stop me fill you up.

The blood in my veins gurgling rage.

Швабрин could not utter a word. He choked with anger, panting, not knowing what to say, wider and wider its opening. His eyes tried орбиит, and they had this look, ready to grind me into powder, crush me like a bug, incinerating, destroy. From the deep concern and confusion Швабрин not even been able to take a breath. Finally, he got out a barely audible:

-Get out of here, cheeky.

-And what are you here раскомандовлись, " I replied him— I commander here aroused. He took me and let go, if it will be necessary.

-Get out!!!

I did not expect that Швабрин so quickly and deftly did to me, to deploy shoulder and put the door of the office.

Orderly, standing at the bedside table next to the office, dumbfounded looked at me. In the corridor there were several people gathered in front of the Chancellery, attracted by the screams from there and listened to what happens there, talking to each other and sharing their thoughts.

Goat! — I hissed through clenched teeth. It was everything I could to reassure himself, to pick up. And not to rush back to the office, to give to the offender, despite the fact that there were officers ' epaulettes. Church in the veins of all was fair indignation and anger.

The next day I took up дневальным battery. Outfit out оереди I announced combat. "Rude with senior military rank and attempt of deception", so read the wording announced I punishment.

It's sad when to release a few weeks, just a few days, you can say, and over you like that continue to make fun and not having learned to regard you as a person. Put "on the nightstand" as паршивогоо jerk, and even неправедливому поклепу.

In the evening for me again подрулил Охромов. I at that time was on the nightstand" in пресквернейшем mood, besides, sensing the weakness and laziness in the whole body.

-Well, what do you want to go? — he asked me as if have decided взт me out or still not understood, that I do not wish to participate in his case.

-Listen, get the shit to hell, until I sent you away, " quipped I am from him, as nuisance.

"But-but, whoa, — brushed me Охромов. -You watch your mouth! Mean change my mind? Well, look. I know that all the same to me прибежишь. But just because it may be too late. We irreplaceable people, as we know, no.

Wali, get out of here, I repeated.

Охромов left.

After lights out, as soon as I left the responsible officer, I slipped "with bedside tables" and went to my room to make out, as should their trophies.

I took the manuscript from bedside tables, I looked through them, read the title, where they were asked the dates of writing. Nearby points of I бросилас in the eyes of the date of one of them — 1778. And the name she was interesting: "Magic, black and white". And next was the inscription in quotes "translation". Снаала I don't really noticed it, and only later did I realize what a valuable thing I got.

I again found the book and opened it. Written on it was the old Russian alphabet, what is used in the beginning of the century, and which I knew only from the movies, where there was a newsreel of those years. There was a lot of words meaning of which I could not understand, but in the whole manuscript barely read it was possible. I loved that, although its text was really handwritten, all the letters were beautiful, as if each of them вырисовывали, as an individual, as in this book was not a million or even more, but a few dozen. I was hard work and diligence of the text and performer tou incredible work that was invested in each line of the book. "But whether it was to try both? — I thought. -And for what?"

Tossed n hand "Magic...", I appreciated it weight exceeded three килограма exactly and began to realise how much can cost now a book on the black market. Were rabid money. Of course, we had to go to the swap meet somewhere in the capital, in Moscow or St Petersburg, where, surely, you can find a good buyer. Knowing this book a lot about, and, if not hinder the back of the head to sell there its thousand for ten or more, especially if you run afoul of foreign collector, whose "head" certainly does. The local crowd is not worth it and go to: here was hanging out just one кугутня village, and in addition to the stuff does no one cares. Except that the dealer sometimes наедет, but, needs, needs and умотает in the capital with nothing.

Of course, without a specialist who knows the value of such things, here you can easily get found myself stumped and bad bargain. After all, this rare copy of a handwritten books may be the only preserved. A lot of the hand you will not write, Yes, moreover with such diligence. I suppose, clerk spent half my life over one this book прокорпел. Besides, it is possible that this book belonged to Peru some famous person. According to my раскидкам and assumptions, if it was really so, then the book was almost priceless. And if she still has not been published... From мелькнувшей before my eyes figures dizzy.

Of course, in the Union of such кигу publish almost impossible. Except that in the last times of chaos and disorder, подлившегося some decade, this one could think of. But if this экземплярчик to smuggle abroad and sell any publisher or frequent collection, that is even better. Handwritten original ненапечатнной books! This gold mine in a society where everything is sold and bought all, rutoOh enterprising person.

My friends, roommates were not asleep. Zhorik Плевый (funny surname, gives Odessa, isn't it?) enthusiastically read some кигу. Roma Kudryavtsev was preparing to buthnomu похождению familiar girl, to which he had been frequenting even now, when everything is more or less sensible of his fellow students tried with "quit". Together with him wore a tracksuit and Maxim Savchenko. However, where he was, it was not known to anyone in the battery. They went about their business, and I am his: hital manuscript. And suddenly, for a second, I pulled away from her, he noticed that all three of them look at me ошарашенными eyes.

"Listen, man, " said George, " you hair stand on end. What are you? Huh?!

And the next thing I knew, as they all were at my bed and began to examine my trophies.

I didn't like it. But only a minute later, I could say clearly:

-Uh-uh, you, Fig, friends.

I became one after another push them away your bed, but they came back.

-Why not show it? in an offended tone, and said indignantly Savchenko, then everything went first and then added. "Nonsense!"

And first threw me on toRovat thick Talmud:

-In, choke on it!

-No, рабята, what are you?! — one by one, they returned my folders and paper. -Look, please. Only... it is things Museum understand, relics, one can say. Them to me for several days gave a read — justified, I have to return the location of the comrades.

-Who is this guy gave you the Museum values are read? remarked Zhora.

-One friend. She is working in the Museum.

-Yeah. Probably, things dear, these books? continued Zhorik.

"Probably, " I said.

-And she is not afraid that something might happen, and it will have to answer for themhto use? Her for it, probably, head отвинтят.

-Afraid. So why I say: be careful not cut. And you're down, as with the hungry of the region.

-None of your paper рвать and not going, " said Maxim Savchenko. Look wanted. You: well, you Fig, well you to Fig... Business as door.

-Yes, look, please, who do you not? I continued to make excuses.

-And the hell with you with its Museum of nonsense; — roll waved to the Maxim in my direction and pulling on the go sports trousers, examining themselves and brushing them from adhered pieces of fibres and dust, and left the room.

Roma Kudryavtsev, least of all заинетересовавшийся my "Museum nonsense," walked right behind him.

-Okay! All this is nonsense and the little things in life, summed up the altercation George, " but tell me, please, what you have hair on his head moved, and? I've never seen anything like it.

-And you have to read, " said I to him, " what is written here, then you зашевеляться.

-Yah? "he wondered. -And there is written about you?

-You want to read?

-Read it, " he agreed.

I opened the first available page and, stumbling over each word, read him a few pages from подвернувшейся, as the head of "Mobilizing the Devil".

-Well, how scary? I asked егоо after.

-Well, you know, not so much to so violently реагировть, betrayed your resume Zhorik and turned in his book he read before.

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