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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— Kvazarno! When you were in time? — in Kramar's voice surprise appeared.

— And as if differently we got into this building! In such houses of mini-soldiers do not let. And here we can shoot not worse than adults, and chained us and do not allow to have a good time!

In a voice of the boy the disappointment was felt.

— Everything will be in due time! Your bodies did not ripen yet, to you early to look at it. Besides, kulamana or money should be protected and increased, and here it is full of cunning swindlers. In one thousand two hundred years we learned to distinguish many traps, and to you only seven cycles and one blow of heart.

Gengir clicked Caress on a snub nose. The girl moved, then giggled, having put out the tongue.

— The grandfather, when to us is for one thousand, we, that is, I will become a Superhyper ultramarshal!

— To dream not harmfully! And here if you creep everywhere as a small insect, then you will die in the parallel Universe and you will serve in anti-troops! — The veteran-strapper roared.

Caress whimsically raised a howl.

— I do not want in anti-troops! There it is very sick, every minute torment with current and gamma beams.

— And so, listen to seniors! Yes, and where you took a fighting virus?

Instead of Caress answered Dashingly:

— On the ground! We were trained in special programs of virtual wars and by penetrations into structure of fighting robots.

The hyper marshal struck a finger on air, several nasty, pretty insects at once evaporated. The deep voice continued:

— It is good that put put during doctrines into practice. Minus, the fact that you violate rules. I do not want to have problems with Superdepartment "Love and life". Therefore, or you pledge the word now that you will not hang around, anywhere, or you will be dumped right there on a star.

Dashingly at first wanted to translate everything for fun, but the look of the great-grandfather drilling the laser said that he does not joke. Gengir also strictly looked at the girl.

— And you swear an oath too that any more never you will violate army regulations.

Caress took a look aside.

Children it is hardly heard whispered.

— I swear...

Unexpectedly Kramar changed countenance. On youthfully smooth forehead, the sharp fold got the idea:

— And if not violation of the charter, we would be desintegrated already! I remove an oath, but I lay down one condition. If you want to be soaped or tighten quarks somewhere, inform me.

— And me! — The workmate rumbled.

Gengir also changed the mind:

— The initiative in the war costs much, to the opponent who is especially accustomed to cheap templates! Only warn us in advance if you want to play pranks!

Again flashes from shots began to sparkle, several gangsters Egyptian vultures, probably, decided to profit in stray couple of stelzan with children. Backfire was ruthlessly exact. Only one bandit was paralyzed, the others were elementary dispelled on quarks. The head of the largest, with five rows of recurved teeth of "dinosaur", having flown away, it was hooked by canines for the antenna. It seemed that she and after death wants to gnaw through a graviotitanovy core.

Dashingly exclaimed:

— Shock it not our way! Hyper shock — that's our way!

— And so, children monsters... — Gengir pointed to the captive: — Perhaps it is the simple robber. Or perhaps and spy. We will take it with ourselves. Then I will show you as it is necessary to interrogate such geeks.

— We already tortured an electronic cyborg! — With a smile Caress boasted.

— And live it is possible to intimidate! — authoritatively the hyper marshal Kramar said.

— Practice above all!

Gengir tenderly clapped Caress on cheeks. The pink face became crimson.

Children cheerfully burst out laughing.

Two bosom friends shook hands and skillfully, having executed a puzzling somersault, were behind a huge lime and apple star.

In open spaces of dirty sector continued to postrelivat from time to time.

Chapter 11

How many different beings,

It is so much also opinions!

There is a wish to solve everything

Secret of boundless heaven!

It is dream and a task

All generations...

In search of essence the demon rushes about.

He wants the plan to impose.

But in search of truth of all branches

Only God can give the answer!

Two valiant men continued philosophical conversation. Unimpassioned speech of sedate zorg flew a silver streamlet and, appear, gently enveloped stars. The boot (executing a set of functions thanks to the cybernetic printseps-plasma chip) of Konoradson extended still a couple wafer-thin as matches of extremities and began to cook, for animals cocktail from hybrids of fish and fruit. On the course adding mix of vegetables and mollusks, with different types of honey, mushrooms and creams. From what the marvelous fragrance, on all hall was carried.

Bernard included, the telepathic mode of switching, and thirty two measured hologram turned into the sparking haze. At the same time the multilevel brain continued to think in the different ranges. Probably it was interesting to it, to talk to the space aksakal:

— Interestingly, and whether there are races is more ancient than us and more developed? To us only thirty billion years. And in comparison with age of the Universe this absolutely insignificant time. On the other hand, to us it is already so much billion years and it is unclear why we know the Universe so a little? As if children savages in a space sandbox! And why still there is a lot of foggy and unclear universe in the theory?

Konoradson answered quietly, and meanwhile his second boot also helped in preparation of a dish, for smaller brothers of the nation of missionaries. Leaving footwear with a set of fingers of a ruchenka, simply crumbled and kneaded. An amusing picture, boots, without getting down from legs, prepare the real feast, it was combined with pretty serious, though a little abstract conversation:

— Oh, it is a subject long ago concerned, and not only us. From an early dawn of a civilization. In those far times, many researchers the impossibility to record many star objects surprised, as led to division of the Universe into visible and invisible parts. As you know, the visible and dark light has the mass of rest and weight. The same is fair also in relation to other elementary particles making a basis of a makrokosm. According to widely famous theory of the universe, photons and electromagnetic waves are radiated from stars not on ideally straight line, and on slightly deviating trajectory. Gravitation influences photons, each of which has weight, and a trajectory thereof, becomes hyperbolic. A photon, having passed a huge way, having taken a giant detour of several billion light years, will return back to the same point from where it proceeded. Therefore we see only small part of the Universe, its other parts are simply not available to a look. In turn, photons and electromagnetic waves give the energy to numerous fields which pierce vacuum and a kinezprostranstvo. Thereof, energy gathers in multispatial collapses.

Bernard distracted from switching, the robot teacher besides Sylphs and a banana lizard, brought some more various beings corresponding out of various galaxies. At the same time all of them were pretty, and tender. Younger zorg threw the phrase:

— Yes, it is known by each school student, but the Universe functions infinitely long, and for long megaquintillions of years there had to be more perfect forms of advanced civilizations, than ours.

Konoradson raised one of the extremities up, the flying small fish with blue, very long and magnificent fins sat down on it.

— About! You know one of the reasons is that stars are eternal, and there is no planet! In the parallel Universe a few other laws, another dimensions, them much more three standard. On curved spirals energy is included into collapses where it also accumulates ready again to be splashed out outside. All that energy that for billions of years it was radiated in infinite space, through the parallel Universe and another dimensions comes back. Here an example, a star suddenly cooled down, turned, depending on the sizes, into a neutron star or into similarity of a black hole or maybe into the white dwarf. Neutrons of a superdense star move to the lower power level. Then energy from the parallel megauniverse changes the power level of elementary particles of which these consist, appear, forever extinct stars. And the little dense dwarf flashes a supernew star, and old planets burn down. The newly-baked worlds are formed in a new form. Cool down, the cycle goes, repeating indefinitely.

Between three boots of Great Zorga arose litter. They fought for the right of preparation multilayered multi-biscuit cake. Wafer-thin extremities pushed the friend to the friend and were even weaved into a ball. The third zhidkometallichesky boot insisted: "now my turn to cook cake, it is so fair". Other went obstinate: "this combined production". The creeping-out extremities became more and more, and being weaved they proceeded the waves causing an air curvature. Showing the robot teacher on it to other pets peeped: "here in this case we see an example, that as it is not necessary to solve similar problems".

Semi-reasonable animals approvingly cheeped:

— Dispute is solved a compromise, only the savage regardless of obstacles prt!

Bernard did not interfere with it so far (to beings of the lower order sometimes own negative experience more useful, any positive manual!), it conducted conversation:

— But if we can know in advance when the star goes out and when shoots superbright flash, then for on it it is not deadly. And where a civilization with history in quintillions of years? They have to be, time space is eternal!

Zorg confirmed it, very sure, but without any shade of narcissism with tone:

— Collapses, as it is known. Move on a spiral or along a route, similar to a spiral, in hyper space and printseps-vacuum. They can enter each other and amplify or, on the contrary, be divided. Even kollapsichesky curvatures are not eternal, as well as stars. Separately any star cannot exist infinitely long in limited space. Only their infinite set is eternal. And life of civilizations is far more difficult. This more fragile education, than natural phenomena. Versions it can be infinite much, and we do not apply for absolute knowledge. You also understand a lot of things. I will note, we do not seek for wars and capture of all Universe. Civilizations are distributed very unevenly, and much of them is simply not allowed to rise above a certain level. Behind our worlds the sparsely populated territory lies, it as if frames a megagalaxy. And various attempts to get into this zone conduct to the total death exterminating all live. Someone speaks about the absolute superweapon which was created by the supercivilization which ruined itself. I do not trust in it! There are eternal laws of the Universe and reason. Each individual wants to become a GOD. And to reach the level of gods absolutely happy and brightened up, not in forces. Life and the universe are a fight for infinite perfection. Therefore any supercivilization will come across an uncertain barrier and breaks up. It grows as a snowball on a star surface again to be formed. As circulation in the nature: the crystal deposit dropped out, thawed, evaporated, again dropped out. Is, it is visible, a limit and at zorg. For some reason increase of supercivilized power is blocked. And it is great secret even for us. But I am convinced of one precisely that scientific and technical progress has to be followed by moral development, and otherwise it will lead to accident.

As if in confirmation of his words fight between boots, for the right of preparation of food ended and extremities started moving synchronously. Trays on which there was a preparation of salads, goulashes and culinary products, changed the colors and forms meanwhile, asking pets:

— What our appearance, most of all to be pleasant to you?

Those in reply to an arquebuse, something not quite legible. As clever asked a sylph:

— Give in the form of a power crown Nauf.

The tray turned into something fantastic is made. Some kind of imposing of several kinds of jewelry, in a motley combination.

Bernard in disappointment was expressed:

— I am vakuumnogolovy! — Without transition continue a subject. — And still, in the gene industry we reached the actual perfection. All heavenly movements are already known, counted in advance, and accidents cannot suddenly come.

Konoradson agreed, and the look became a little confused as the mountain aged man who did not manage to answer a simple question:

— Yes, cannot. But the fact remains. More ancient civilizations are not familiar to us. Perhaps genetic failures, maybe, uncontrolled incomprehensible mutations, external influence. Perhaps, the main riddle of the Universe in it is also concluded. Perhaps, God Tvorets exists, and even to us is not allowed to comprehend his thought.

Pets behaved grandly, the robot teacher, having changed a form to brighter, began to ask them:

— Blazhena peacekeepers, because they... — The car made a pause.

Sylph of a bryaknul of the first:

— Inherit the Universe!

The robot answered with a ringing voice:

— Close it is and still inexact! Give still.

The animal in the form of a melon with the head of a jerboa and pads petals answered:

— Because they are always right!

The robot replaced the prevailing yellow coloring with red and objected:

— In fact, truly, but not absolutely that!

Without paying attention to lessons to pets, Bernard declared:

— It is pointless conversation, incomprehensible secret of the universe. Especially the faith in the Creator of the Universe already means existence at it of imperfection as the creation suffers. It is necessary to think of how to execute our mission on the planet and in system of Laker — IV-10001133PS-3 better, or as natives speak, on the planet Earth and in Solar system. To us will put on dark glasses, having covered with a smoke cover.

Konoradson made gesture, the right boot, having left preparations, let out the shining setochka, winged small fishes took seat on it and the freshly cooked donuts decorated with florets ran on cells.

— I have an extensive experience and enormous telepathic abilities so to deceive us, despite all their inventions, it will not be possible. Besides there is always a mass of independent sources. — The senior zorg made a pause in jewelry of donuts, the structure of color changed and added. — About some of our abilities of a stelzana do not even suspect.

— What course is more probable, imitation of wellbeing or your elimination by an actual path?

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