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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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This strange call made her worry more and more.

Suddenly purred telephone on the nightstand in the far end of the corridor, the kitchen. Despite the fact that the sound was very nice and melodious, Veronica was scared.

She still взяза tube, expecting something unpleasant, all nervously.

-Бегетова! Healthy! With the New year! "came tube cheerful voice Nail.

-A! hi! You, too! "she held her breath, calmed down a bit, though trill apartment call still annoyed.

-I met?! asked Nail with a strange intonation not sympathy, not the irony.

-Alone! — honestly said Veronica. -As befits a widow.

-Listen, I to you here on any subject! — Nail again was drunk. -You Cupcake wants to chat.

-Who is that?! — asked the girl.

-Well! "Hello! — outraged the Nail. -Dude, type of Cake't you know?!

-No! Veronica felt that loses in the eyes of the Nail weight, сдуваясь as a balloon.

-What else do you want to сходняк! So you there замордуют in three accounts! — sympathized Nail.

-Listen, I have realized that this is a thief! — he said Veronica.

-So I understand! This положенец now! suggested Nail.

-And on what subject? asked Veronica.

-Well, what? — surprised the Nail. "Think!

-I have many questions! — проинфоормировала his Veronica. -What exactly!

'Listen, you would thank you said that you met and had not updated! You-you have little choice! D and, in General, he broads only in the bath meets! And with you as an individual wants to settle theme...

-What?! — Veronica осторожничала.

"What is it you тренькает! — outraged the Nail. -To speak in the way!

-Oh, somebody in the apartment is calling for fifteen minutes, maybe...

-A-a-a! What is yours house? — himself thinking Nail. Is probably the burglar! You doors don't open! Call-call, Yes, go ahead! They now have a RAID in your area. It's time to clap hut. Well, you don't worry, you have a door strong, locks — upper class! The main thing — do not open! They lawlessness! Вломяться, according to the head настучат and выхлопают hut! I couldn't help you then! It is their earnings, needs to understand!

-Yes nd us on the access door is worth a code lock! "said Veronica.

"What are you whisper?! surprised her naivety bandit on the other end.

Nail paused, apparently, trying to remember what was discussed before.

-In General, whether at home, not to go away! I'll give you a call! Definitely not promise, but it is possible that this недельке Cupcake you will invite. I am behind you then подрулю! Lada?!

-Well! — Veronica hung up, now fingering cases that her could choose to communicate Cupcake.

They all converged to one — wise old women Hippo. Time with her wanted to talk, so, out with a simple sticking property of her deceased husband. She was in the way.

Suddenly Veronica, the thought came that she should never be anybody to open the door. It is unknown how much money is stuck for her soul after death of a spouse, but even two apartments and Hippo — whose fate hung in the air, would be enough, so she turned her head, as partridge.

In the apartment for some time continued to call, and to not hear it, she went into the bathroom and turned the water, filling the huge Cup of bathtubs.

Your message Nail knocked all her thoughts. And Veronika пыталсь now find the thread pleasant reasoning, which hitherto devoted herself. However, their attitude is spoiled, finally. She intuitively felt himself a target in a big game. No, of course, hardly anyone was to kill him just like that. But for the money! Especially for big money!

Veronica closed the door to the bathroom and turned on full blast TV, not to hear the doorbell rings, trying to escape from evil thoughts, surrendering to the pleasure of bathing under appeared recently MTV channel.

"God will not give — pig will not eat!" — in the end she decided, thinking thus deceive scary speculation. But they never left her head.

Maybe Cupcake just talk to her, will empathize, to Express соболещнование, and then prompts you to sign some papers on the transition of ownership? And what should she do?! Sign — not to sign?! What to do? And where is the guarantee that Mae signing any documents, it will remain alive?

"Say, girl, we certainly understand that Behemoth loved you, but this is his problem! There was no man, and the problems it either! We don't know you! So sorry — " move over! We'll take this and this!" "Veronica.

She пониамала that what was designed for dummies, or simply belonged to her late spouse on the картельному Treaty, already departed the other hand. Probably, so has been issued in many, but not all. Otherwise, it would not disturb! And here at once so much attention! It is seen that there was something that just like that, without its consent to take was impossible, and that something was a significantly in price, otherwise I would Cupcake would not see her again.

Продоложая their hard thinking, Veronica got out of the tub.

The door won't be called. She went into the kitchen, looked in the refrigerator.

Here was a ball покати. Old, tattered products, probably a hundred dollars, she sent in a garbage disposal. Veronica bought for the new year provisions, but somehow all подъела. Stomach сосало from hunger. Had to go into town for groceries.

In the Central Department store, which is already, despite the first number, worked stood pandemonium. Wild inflation customized people to shops spending their savings, trying them though so save. There were many visitors from Russia.

Veronica wanted to get past the Central store of the city — here it was nothing to do but, suddenly, through the glass doors of the lobby saw in the middle of the first floor Sashko, which now отирался here, in the group changed, and I decided to ask him talk for talk.

-Great! — shined the one seeing the right girl. -Happy New year! New happiness!

-Why Nail told?.. asked Veronica.

-Shh! — Sashko put his index finger to his lips.

He grabbed her by the shoulder and led him back outside.

-Циня! Where are you again?! came back indignant voice.

-That I тильки W хвылыну! "quipped he and Veronica to my ear and whispered. -Don't tell me I bucks changed!

-Yes need you to hurt me! going Veronica away from the shoulder of his hand. -You'd have ruffled less! Where a nail knows about it?!

They went out. The sun sparkled in the frosty sky, and Sashko kept squinting.

-But it's in the order of information exchange! he made excuses before Veronica. -it is to our office has no direct relevance, but the word for me to say, so I told him something fuse! By the way, have you not heard?! suddenly remembering something important touched her shoulder Цындренко.

-Not hearing?! asked Veronica.

-So it W killed...

-Whom? — she was surprised.

The who?! Nail W! said Sashko.

-Was killed?! has not understood it. I just with him on the phone talking! Can hour, maybe a half ago!

-Yes! Yes! — confirmed Sashko. -It's for sure! While the Cake is still not known! Like only hurt! Right at his apartment!

Anybody in the apartment?! asked Veronica.

-Well, the Nail! said Sashko.

Where is his apartment? — she asked.

The Yak same W where?! Your husband покойничка apartment! He told me that you didn't mind!..

Then someone turned the Sashko away from Veronica, to himself. Veronica recognized Sanya, and the foreman.

"You know, pepper! evil one, but discreetly, he said. -With кралями then лясо sharpen you will! We're working on now, got it?! Or you again without soldering leave?! So Nail бильше немае to be rescued!

He pulled опешившего Sashko inside the store, giving instructions on the go:

-There customer Packed basements! He chopper! Traded for the course! You do you interrupt me! Pull and we dump! Today Basta, understood?!

Moneychangers disappeared behind the glass doors of the Central Department Store, and Veronica went his way, in a grocery store.

The last thread that bound her with блатным world, no matter what the rotten she was broke.

At home it just in case, though had no doubt that this is true, dialed the phone in the apartment of a Hippopotamus. No one answered.

"Probably for the best! — decided to Veronica. It would be necessary documents for the apartment Zhora check! Who they are! Suddenly Gvozdev, indeed, they rewrote!"

Veronica looked out the window on the evening square in front of the theater. The city has seemed so sweet and dear as before. She felt that inside of this calm with mean landscape is a real game, including on her.

"At least take and disappear somewhere months commercials on six! — broken girl thought. — But where?"

Chapter 26.

Veronica really miss it is not necessary.

Immediately after arriving in Moscow "Mama", informed her that she is serving with a couple of new clients in the sex club Plato retreats" somewhere in the United States. After this were fabulous Hawaii, compared with which Italy has seemed to Veronica already backward and impoverished village. Then she accompanied one American businessman in his trip to Hong Kong. And barely Veronica returned to Moscow, as it's already waited for the next lustful up pretty young Ukrainian пизденки old man. Now she felt the power of the "mother" of the business in which it occupied an important place, but was a mere cog in a huge механзме money on a man's lust, and lust for a young, rich, healthy body young and dazzling beauty of the person.

Veronica was diligent, выкладывалась the fullest. She remembered the contract with "a mother", and only he and stood before her eyes. It had some шкаликом, the level of which is constantly growing and at the top was the cherished number — one million dollars.

Customers were very satisfied, and the news of a new, charming and very skilful priestess of love, which appeared in a clip from "mom", dispersed across the world in the literal sense of the word with the rapidity of lightning. It used to be that returning her "mom", they have already phoned her and ordered her in the very near future again. Veronica was snapped. Happened so, that said had it directly from one resort to another where they were already waiting for her new luxury apartments and once a rich old man, outgoing saliva only one recollection of this хохлушке, without arrival in Russia, in Moscow, in "Cosmos". And this is Veronica in her position suit most.

Now she understood that "mother" is not in vain spent on it " enraged " by the standards of Veronica money, drove her daily operas and expensive restaurants, decorated in exquisite outfits and осыпанную diamonds. No wonder it takes teachers who were trained girl in English, German, French, who gave her ideas about art and painting, which taught her to dress and put make up, and determine its dress code. Her promotion was a success, and now all the world's money-bags, former "mother" customers wanted a taste of her charms, and occupied one another turn for six months. "Mom" had no time to fill the pockets of greens and could not get enough, so well guessed place in the hierarchy of their sex Empire for a new pretty Ukrainian girls. Veronika, — no doubt she was truly born to суперпроституткой, talent which was just buried in the ground, and she managed to dig up and reveal it.

After a couple of months Veranika couldn't remember exactly where, in what country, in what city, what an amazing and exotic resort it was two weeks before the last trip. Now she slammed around the world with lightning speed each time with a new client and consistently with Sayid, who became like her shadow in this never-ending world tour. Everywhere were followed by several people, ensuring its proper and suitable to the local climate appearance and clothes and makeup. They were always different. Veronica saw how they treasure their place, as they do not want to leave her, носящуюся the international resorts and hot spots of суперпроститутку. Veronica felt cash vacuum cleaner hose whose "mother" skillful promotion managed to stick in your pocket not one millionaire. She was now a sex machine to the highest level, skillfully and irrevocably отсасывавщей from the pockets of the rich their money and old, have been too short cum from their deceased was the rest of the testicles. Both she did so delicious that were happy and female clients. Was not happy only it.

At first it was exciting and unusual that it already and I forgot how something to about everything else, but even Битлере. But then Veronica like some movie watched, as past her swept tens of thousands of her dollars, and in her pocket not settled nothing. It is often recalled the famous saying: "I was there, honey-beer drinking on the moustache flowed, and in the mouth are not horrible!"

Yes, it's tempting to усикам that she left on the big bawdy lips, left and right from its gramineous slits and every time carefully aligned hairdressers, really flowed with the river. But in her pockets not settled and cents. All her precious outfits that followed were taken around the world in the cases, and a few pounds of the millions of jewelry, which in the diplomat, пристегнутом gilded handcuffed to the wrist under a white, dazzling costumes, carried with him said, — it all belonged to her. And every time it round her neck, wore a necklace worth hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars for dinner or other occurrence in client's company in public places, Veronica felt even some intolerable burden to overcome that cost a lot of effort. She was preparing to go on stage in a dazzling props, who did not belong to her one by one cent, and after a performance also gently had to remove her, pick up, leaving with nothing.

Veronica is increasingly understood that it was just a decoration, a sign, a bright light on which her drooling flew " " mother's" customers-millionaires that she, as a person, as a woman, none of them and was not needed at all, that they perceived it not more than a prostitute than brightly painted, polished and expensively dressed function, sexual services, part of their эпатажи and recreation programs or travel, which appeared from nowhere and at the end of the trip or holiday should also disappear into nothing. And, despite all the fabulous and fashionable splendor of life on this beautiful planet, which now, thanks to its new status, she was available, she in any other case, as would otherwise not shaping its destiny, not tried the tooth, Veronica satisfied with less and less. She knew that poisoned by the venom of luxury, as before, she had no idea, not even suspected that this is possible, could never live differently, but it was to realize that all of this fascinating splendor, this whole story, in which her head dipped, all this was not for her forever! And it is increasingly thought about it. The money that paid for her body, because of her beauty, for her sexual nature and its ability to сдаивать stagnant secrets of the male body, to ravage the testes and seminal bag so that she would have envied any urologist to flow straight into the "mother's" pocket, but once this thread was to begin to disappear, because it ceased to be the seductive thing, which was now her beauty would already not young, and not so attractive. By this time, "mother" is probably already надоила would through it a million dollars and I would find a new фаворную girl, not succumbing to her beauty and abilities, and Veronica would become her simply not needed. She would not even let go, and just thrown out in the trash, leaving without a penny in his pocket, only sweet memories in my head.

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