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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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And what would be their sweetness? In fact, she went in foreign diamonds strange expensive clothes, traveled to luxury resorts and dens of iniquity in the world, like Las Vegas and Monte Carlo, where like cockroaches to a plate with a sweet poison, flocked millions of people, rich and not so alone just to spend time with other sincere and a vain hope to win this LM FDI lucky ticket? What she would not be Otrada when was that?!

Veronica knew that her place was any other, it would be "mom" licked all that she ordered, to be in the fairy-tale life, that now surrounded her, and no matter it would be, absolutely, absolutely not important, that happened next, a year, two, five years. But Veronica increasingly conceived exactly this, and it poisoned her the opportunity to enjoy the fantastic, bright, beautiful, luxurious, inaccessible for overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of the Earth life in which she was now submerged. All the more she thought about the question: "what then?!"

May be, and should not have done that? Perhaps, indeed, while all around was a holiday, we were not thinking about the future, enjoy this feast of life, and then when suddenly everything is over just to take his own life? But Veronica knew that it was she and not get! She can't kill myself! Not because she loved herself, she knew that she loved himself, because more is itself perceived her body as a thing, not as his precious and the only Universe, which belonged to her before, and that she had once loved and adored genuine and sincere love most in this world! And just because she knew she was just scared, and will not do it! So when Mama" give her a kick in the ass, and the "mother", she didn't doubt it, " this was strictly рассчтан and known in advance, Veronica long as used, a burned out light bulb will lie on the trash heap of life, until it disappears from the face of the Earth. And Veronica knew it for sure: she doesn't want! She has to manage our future and make it what it sees itself, but, unfortunately, dazzling, sparkling, завладевающая every second tinsel environmental her luxurious life, prevented see, consider, to construct for themselves a future that she really wanted to. We had to stop, to stop, to stop perceiving the surrounding every minute someone else's reality, in which she was just a decoration, raise a fist of his will and start to build their world, which belonged to her alone.

Veronica increasingly thought about it, but could not begin to carry out his plan. It is often remembered the guy who taught her once on the plane, how to manage your life, but his instructions all the more concealed transparent, but dazzling veil of what is happening with her without stopping the action, as if she was spinning on a beautiful, bright carousel, the whole world tumbled around in travelling and new impressions, and she was unable to stop.

Yes she really couldn't this get off the carousel. To do this, she had to earn "mother" a million, and this was still very far. And nobody would she million not presented.

One day there came the day when Veronica terrified woke up in the night in a five star hotel in Rio De Janeiro, and realized that something must be done.

In bed next to her snoring once naked old man, who had no idea how much spiritual strength she had to spend to please him, to make him a member of the recall, that at the sight of a naked woman, he should get up, to grow, to become elastic pillar of love and transport to send the offensive troops from tens of millions of soldiers, one of which had to pass a king, and not continue to hang like a dead mouse. Who would know what it cost like with a real passion to embrace, to attract and to hold to its soft, smooth, silky, elastic skin old flabby, обрюзгшее body of another millionaire, думавшего with her in bed, that he really is hoo!, macho and not a piece of shit with the million Bank account, all in some nasty stains, плешинах and other signs of the body, diving a wreck. Who would know how much cost her mental stress carefully displayed whenever the client turned to her, welcoming and happy smile, as if it was her honeymoon with fairy Prince, and not serving in the regular paid room with another walking corpse толстосумом.

Waking up, Veronica sat not the bed, her legs under her, thinking of things with it. It was stuffy and she came out to a spacious balcony.

Far below, below the hotel ran by, from one end of the city to the other side of the ocean, illuminated with lanterns wide sandy beach, where even at this time, the people managed to swim, play ball, to lie on the loungers talking to each other. Spa industry worked non-stop. From the Central streets could be heard the sounds of carnival, motley cavalcade which seemed to here does not stop here for ever. Her old man was asleep, and she felt a nurse at the last издыханиях patient, rendering him assistance through sexual взбадривания it is already approaching eternal rest of the body.

A gust of tropical wind blew Veronica's face. She tried to peer into the blackness of the night ahead, over the sea, diluted with only rare lights of ships in the red signal beacons on the tops of mountains surrounding the city. The night was moonless, and therefore barely discernible in the dark shape of a darker, mysterious and its beautiful Sugar loaf, incredibly sticking out of the water steep slopes.

Again she tried to focus on the things she taught the guy in the plane, and remember his commandments.

It was, of course, great, that Veronica within a matter of months visited places, even in one of which in normal life she hardly ever managed to get. But she suddenly realized that this go-round, once launched "mom"one stop and throw it straight to the dump. But now he will turn her for a very long time, perhaps even until one day she just wakes up somewhere in Sri Lanka or Madagascar among the tropical night and realizes that it was not she, not Veronica Бегетова, which even now she still, despite everything, still felt himself, and, indeed, some суперпроститутка Lada, which is nowhere, no need and does not want to have to go with this carousel, because she used her more than anything, anywhere in the world, except endless series of new and old clients-rockers, waiting for earning "mom" that notorious million, who promised her freedom, she can't leave this vicious circle, because he was already a part of her nature and firmly possessed her soul by their vicious новообразовнием, which separate from myself without painful efforts, large losses and unbearable pain will be impossible. And even if it succeeds, it is unlikely that it will find the old Veronica Бегетову and will be able to regain the lost image. By the time Veronica Бегетова die forever. There's nothing left except the dummy Frets, And past will drags behind her, like a sticky web, attracting to themselves, ago. And побарахтавшись, побултыхавшись in the ancient world, where she has no place without this strange work, if it can be called work, and without this mess, without this never ending tour with an infinite changing unsympathetic and unpleasant men, it returns back to the "mother", goes to crawling to it and will detract, crushing the remnants of pride, take her back.

And perhaps the "mother" will descend and not обидется on her because she left her Empire of passion, swapped the ordinary, such неприкаянную and hopeless, gray and everyday, devoid of the holiday and impressions of life, and take it back. But, it may happen that by this time the "mother" already grow new фаворитку, which takes its present place in the main diamond its дииамдемы, and will say to her: "Sorry, Lada! You're gone from his throne, the Holy place is never empty! I found a new красивенькую all that will walk in the resorts millionaires from all over the world, and now thou take place somewhere modest, switch to domestic businessmen, or just go into numbered girls! You're not котируешься!"

Veronica saw his future so clear as day, and realized that she didn't want it. She didn't know now, and I'm really know what she wants, but just not so.

We had to find a way to get out with this motley, успляющей common sense its heady, intoxicating nectar, attractive carousel before she earns his body million. Because if she doesn't do that now and she, by the time this monster will eat it from the inside, and leave nothing of its essence, which is in itself loved. It will simply fail, make money prostitution, selling their body and their skills in the area that most of the reason, prefers to keep silent, pretending that it does not. She will be the one that nothing more is necessary, and which fears, as it took place not more young, beautiful and striking pыtanв, — and this, sooner or later you will still happen!

"Something must be changed! — decided to Veronica. "While I'm in itself did not become Lada, should be selected from this Golden shit! But how?!"

She remembered Битлера! Now, who was it necessary! She had forgotten about him with all this motley кутерьмой! Met the man of your life, and then plunge again into путанство! But what could she do?!

Yes, she thought that they had something like a fabulous novel, but it seemed only to her! Because Битлер knew who she was and why he so passionately given! He bought it! He could not think that she did it with the same pleasure and just because she liked him, and because she loved him!

Битлер! Битлер! Битлер!

He never appeared in her life so long that it was worth just forget it. But she could not! It was recorded in each molecule, its DNA in every cell of her body, and it is only knew it!

And the tinsel, which motley rain fell upon it in its present жизнни only distracted her memories of him, but could not absorb fully.

"Битлер! Come back to me! Take me away! I don't want to! I don't want to! she cried silently somewhere in the black Brazilian night. -Битлер! I love you! Take me away from here, from this shilling, but stupid me his brilliant tinsel life! I want to live differently!"

She closed the door to the balcony, to not Wake his client-старикашку, peaceful and sweet, like a child, dormant after emptying it of the seminiferous tubules of his body, and again, that was in her power yelled:

-Битлер! Take me with you!

The eyes Veronica tears.

And although some убаюкаввающий a voice inside her said: "come on, girl, you'll get used to it! Watch all around nice, wonderful, how you like it!" "she knew must броться for himself, yet it was too late.

The only thing Veronica didn't know is — how?

Chapter 27.

Veronica already accustomed to the fact that every day someone for a long time ringing in her apartment. Several times she tried to look through the peephole, who it may be. But none of anyone she could not see.

From the house it was now extremely rare. Only the biggest need. Anxiety from obscure calls, mysterious murder Gvozdeva, though, maybe, and most likely with Veronica it had nothing to do, all the restless, nervous atmosphere reigning in the city and also a sense that someone is hunting, forced her to sit locked up in an apartment. She hid and now lived quietly as a mouse.

Now out of the house she was hiding in a week, occasionally leaving behind the products. Now she chose for shopping store on deaf street, rising up from the drama theatre on the slope предпойменного the spur of the right Bank of the Psel, in the side of the monument, the stele with the eternal fire and a tank. Here rarely met passers-by.

Assortment of the store was run-down, products are more expensive. But Veronica was even scared displayed in the center. She did not know where to wait for the impact.

Now, however, than what's in store — even just out the door, an entrance — she was scared now. Because at this point there could be one who is constantly, almost every day, sometimes ten, sometimes even twenty minutes, would call her in the apartment. What would have happened to her? Who it was?

Now Veronica regretted that prudent hippopotamus managed to put the imported Japanese peephole with a span, allows to see even the walls on both sides of the door.

So, locked in an apartment like abalone in the sink, Veronica spent day after day, doing nothing to somehow to start resolving the accumulated vital issues.

First, she knew that pulls rubber, that sooner or later she would have to get out of the house and start acting. Nothing for it will not do. In the end, she must take steps to protect their property from attacks eager easy money bandits. She knew that the earlier you begin, the more it will be able to save. Because досидеться was before, they just throw out even from this impregnable and reliable, as it now seemed to the fortress of her apartment. Could be that she already she does not belong to the money and can do anything. While it sit out in its shell, thinking that is safe, somewhere there, outside, unknown villains, even without meeting her, without threatening, trying to kill her, rearranged the documents on its latest property, using any one of the hundreds of schemes divorce, that they had in the Arsenal, and then would come the decision of the court: "Выселяйтесь, гражданочка! Пшли out on the street!"

Authorities no in this case did not work. The fact that she was the widow of a Hippopotamus, for them, those who wanted to pick up an empty sound, zilch, is Veronica realized even from communication with Gvozdev, which itself, as it is now known to have already made some steps to the apartment Hippo, allegedly with its consent. And all the rest of her consent drew least as many times as was necessary, she would not even know.

Veronica knew that largely property relations are securities, which were necessary to properly execute. She felt that she still sits in its own shell, the world is changing in нелучшую to her side, and perhaps was quite possible that when she finally wakes up from his incomprehensible оцепения, will come down and want to act, then retrieving much that is still possible to save, then it will be impossible.

She reproached himself for his fear, tried to make it work, at least try to call any lawyer or an attorney. The challenges facing the matters needed the assistance of a competent and reliable person. Let he would not even be a lawyer or a lawyer, but to understand the intricate subtleties and intricacies of strange domestic legislation.

She was not going to even претенддовать that her late husband were неоофициально, some картельному agreement on the division of spheres of influence — this was dangerous and stupid! Not worth the anger of Cerberus, стерегущего common Fund. This is already перкочевало part there, and part of them, surreptitiously, spread to those who were closer to кормилу. There and catch up with was nothing. Often as several times when her husband slip, these were state-owned enterprises, which just money through the right people were taken away to some unknown items of expenditure, but later turned out he had in his pocket. There were several cooperatives, owners of restaurants and bars, cafes and canteens, from the income of which Hippo received my negotiated percentage. They were decorated on absolutely innocent people, controlled by the bosses, and when there was a Hippopotamus, its part of the income of those simply divided between them. To her there was nothing light. She understood it.

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