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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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But Veronica is not going to surrender without a fight, and watch as it will take away what belongs to her as a wife, according to the documents officially. It was required urgently secure their rights that could be saved. It needed money, big money. Veronica didn't know how much money it would take, but secretly hoped that she managed to save and demand what the Nail, it should be enough for at least probate and rights to the apartment where she lived, and in the apartment, belonging to the Hippo, because, although she knew that Gvozdev something already done, actions with re-registration of property rights can be challenged in a formal way through the court.

However, with the flat of Veronica was easier, because it was bought for her, and it only remained to the end and correctly draw up the documents. The second apartment, which lived Hippo, everything was much more complicated: Veronica didn't know who she is framed so afraid to start the explanation of this question. It could well be that raising the issue, it would hurt some rotten firebrand, and the whole building its hope, and without that seemed shaky and unstable, just would have collapsed, quite possibly burying the hostess.

The main thing was not Veronica — it ties. Of course, she knew that the links are purchased. But it is justly believed that those few unfortunate thousand dollars, sometimes, when her for the sake of interest вздумывалось recalculate the course rapidly cheapening, as if falling into the abyss галлопирующей inflation, the karbovanets, seemed phenomenal wealth, in fact, in such serious matters, which Veronika did not dare to start would be just blunder, which even noticeable-it was not.

In fact, well, what do three or four thousand "green"when it comes to the relations, which cost millions?

All communications in the city were monitored and перекупались tycoons, as became her eyes Behemoth. Who got their sphere of interests, was doomed. One way or another, but they have won them over the top. Earlier there were some inaccessible shadow owners city areas, but now that collapsed last little essential foundations of the state, the city belonged to them. And Veronica knew she just saw it, that now, being left without a husband, on the ruins of his Empire, she stood on the path of seeking its still all garnished riches bigwigs, ready to sweep away everything in its path obstacles, including her little life.

Perhaps they even behind the enemy is not considered, and, perhaps, if she had not become manifest obstinacy with the upcoming redistribution and all that were behind it from the Empire Hippo, quickly gave, she would have been spared. It is even possible that would have left with his master's shoulder apartment, which was presented to her husband. But that would be the limit of their generosity. Without doubt, everything else bigwigs would be tidied up.

And could even be that she and ask something. Who is she?

However, despite the fact that she didn't even know, with whom she has to fight for its future, she knew that the struggle would be merciless. Although it could be quite short. After all, she's not even a Nail! So, hearing the familiar held that Бегетову reason, and someone killed. And, may be, and will not go!

Veronica was very afraid, but she did not give up just like that. Will any negotiations — not will be, but if it becomes aware that something behind her renew that be for her, she will take retaliatory measures will be protected! although she understood that in the case of a loss will lose ever!

Until recently, it was not so obvious. Vernik didn't have a clue how does this merciless machine. But now, when suddenly, there was a Nail which else recently whole понтах traveled to new тачиле the city in a completely drunk and not просыхал for a minute, Oan saw how it operates. Someone says something, and at the bottom of someone removed.

Yes, now with блатным world for her slap. Behemoth was in no hurry to acquaint her with their partners. He said that it is better to be away from the dirt, not to замараться. And it is, in principle, did not protest. Yes it then was all the same! She was not going to become some бандиткой! Yes it is, in General, was another girl, who immediately after school successfully jumped to marry. And now the world, where he was hippopotamus, for her захлопулся completely. There was still a small window in the form of Nails, which she somehow hoped to rely on, although I felt that the guy practically not hiding anything and don't doubt, vomits right out from under her, but he was not.

Now Veronica knew that when it comes to remove them from the road, hitch does not happen even for a second.

Yes, now the most important to protect yourself from criminal punishment. And it's like a storm, пережидала, locked in an apartment, this is the time that is totally unclear when should have ended. She had no information, no drops, no hint. Hunts anyone for her or she can live in peace, because I don't need anybody in this city, she has a very big question. Ask there was nobody. I have to ask, even if she knew who: "You are not going to accidentally kill me?!" And to respond? "Yes, 're going to wait with other understand your time is coming!"

The uncertainty of the position drove her crazy. Sometimes it seemed to her that time has stopped. And the whole world seemed froze around. In other moments, she felt clearly seemed that everything around мчиться forward with the speed of a rocket, and only it stands on the site as a lamppost, which, like emery skin, счесывает, thinning merciless river of time.

Then she seize cases that have not waited for the delay. She urgently was a list that tomorrow was started. But there's coming tomorrow, and Veronika all sat inside the apartment, thinking to herself some absurd excuses why it does nothing. She then watched TV, then took a few hours to a number of the tub, then carefully puts make-up, preparing to issue. In the evening, and she sat on the couch, continuing diligently to sum up the eyes and cast shadows.

Finally, realizing that the day is lost, it reached some stupid hysterics: spoil yourself cheeks lipstick, размалевывая them, as the clown, drawing large lips and запудривая person to stupid white, and then teased herself in the mirror, venting, because it is no longer who was, by itself on itself rage for their inactivity, its stupid, helpless position, its weakness and indecision.

It happened sometimes that her hysterics went so far, that she remembered how a committed, let it "was humping like a bitch" some nasty Armenians, who agreed to nowhere, as if out of place in her life from the ceiling, and then she mocked the so ugly and mean, how not to think of that would do it no one else. She tried myself to humiliate with such a frenzy that he who would have witnessed this scene hair would stand on end, and he'd decided that sees a умалишенную, really тронувшуюся mind of a young woman who tortures his bare, разрисованное some paint and помадами body in front of the mirror, pushing фаллоиммитатор in all possible places, in the vagina, anus, mouth, and to observe itself as it happens, and calling themselves the latest, degrading, плющащими remnants of dignity in zero words.

After these failures, in the morning, tired from yesterday's self-torture, Veronica came in shock and shock from the one only memories of what she with him on the eve got up. And then she cried, выламывала in a frenzy their hands, asking herself forgiveness, and promised myself and I tried to forget it. Then, having calmed down, she took a half-day bath, trying to wash away any dirt, which actually was, but she felt uncleanness of his body, and did not know how to cope with it.

Then she cried again. Cried because it was something strange and incomprehensible. She regretted his bruised body, and her worn-out this existence soul was in purity and chastity, who were now beyond the reach of her.

Finally, realizing that nothing in return is impossible, and we must move on, she calmed down, took himself in hand and promised myself that tomorrow it will certainly identified when something urgent matters, again was a list of them went to bed calm and happy, that finally she pulled from this vicious circle will start to do something.

But tomorrow everything was repeated again with the accuracy of any embedded in the consciousness of the program, terminate the execution of which she was not able to.

In the minutes of the extremely rare, but a clear enlightenment, she suddenly realized that slowly goes crazy that need to somehow get out of this trap, in which it was, but then calmed down, thinking that since she fears that her paranoia is actually okay because crazy never think that they are crazy, and that she suspects themselves in this, so it's actually normal.

All the same then she stopped to plan some things, and trying to deceive the course of events, just to give myself the opportunity to relax for a few days, just to forget, to calm down. But secretly, somewhere in the depths of the unconscious Veronica knew then starts again with the decisive storm and get out of these rat race in a vicious circle of self-flagellation.

Rest days have passed. She sat down, успокоившаяся and rested, detached from the shocks, and diligently, trying to keep the logic straight, writing down on a piece of paper, what actions for their salvation will start tomorrow to take.

Come tomorrow, and all the whole cycle delay, ничегоонеделания, and then self-torture was repeated again and again.

She wanted to be strong, would finally start to really act. But somewhere inside something crunched like she come out of building a small, but very important spring. And now seized her like a broken toy on the strong, responsible moment.

It surprised when appeared such сособность be surprised but it came in moments of remorse why this phase shift, this conference with coils, happened precisely now, not ever before. Perhaps, it seemed to her that completely alien to her life event — the murder of Gvozdeva — worked as a trigger, up-to-drop, переполнившая Cup long imminent mental health crisis? And it suffered?

Sometimes she tore to go to the pharmacy and buy something soothing, but then discouraged herself, because she knew that she should accept. To the doctors she was afraid to go for several reasons.

First, she thought, that if you tell the psychiatrist that gets up during the madness, then any sensible doctor упрячет her to a psychiatric hospital for compulsory treatment. And, secondly, it seemed to her that even if it was nothing and will not happen, and she was just appoint some day hospital, the city's movers and shakers, knowing that she came for treatment on this occasion, will certainly take advantage of the situation to put her in the hospital, having recognized incapacitated for life: it's still more humane than killing.

A week passed, then another, a third, and she was in this closed кольцевороте madness and the fear, unable to stop him. In the end Veronica lost count of time.

Only occasionally it out of the house to the grocery store on a dead street for fear of getting caught by a caller at the door. Itself Veronica anyone not called and did not respond to phone calls. She was like if I were completely insane. She has nothing and waited, even forgetting why she began to plan the case, when repeated the next round of attack, and it became like unmotivated paranoid syndrome, once started and now, самовозбуждавшийся, repeated again and again.

When she once again was running out of food before heading to the store, she went around all the corners of the apartment, trying to find what iPhone sup supplies, if only not to go back to the street. Every time she ever found.

The last thing Veronica managed to find and eat any kind of expensive chocolates that she bought before the New year and pour in a Chinese porcelain vase in the hall, and later forgetting about them, and a few bottles of champagne, stashed behind the curtain of crumbling already rather, yellow pine, which she drank, as compote from a Cup.

Before she finished with imported dry sausage, canned анасами and other delicacies, which is found in the storeroom.

Normal, human food, such as milk, potatoes, bread, the fat, which Veronika always preferred to any exotic, like any normal Ukrainian born in хлебосольном edge, now became for her a luxury because, as she seemed to go for it to the shop, go out of the house, was the equivalent of crossing the front line during the shelling.

But it so happened that hunger, despite its desperate resistance, once again drove to the store.

Veronica opened the front door and saw drops to the floor a scrap of paper.

She picked it up, and began to read.

It was a note from the workshop, which stated that the peephole, ordered and paid for by her husband, a long time ago received. The wizard several times came, but nobody can find at home. Phone in the apartment is not responding. And because it leaves just in case this note, since not intend to оттаптывать feet, and requests the owners contact them when they come home, and assign a time to install the eye.

Veronica came back to the apartment and several times re-read the note, trying to understand its contents.

Finally until she came. She was excited. Now she can see who all this time названивет her doorbell. And then it will become clear, is it possible to catch the visitor or not.

Veronica rushed to the phone, dialed the workshop and agreed with the master of installation time of import of a miracle.

Now she had to put himself and the house turned into a den in order. She, pleased by this, rushed cleaning, went out, and finally, from the circle of madness.

Chapter 28.

Infinite world tour Veronica continued for some time even without arrivals in Moscow. She herself did not remember when it was.

Veronica only that "отгуляла" a very rich client exotic Maldives, and the plan was the next day to fly to Madagascar, when suddenly Saeed said:

-Tomorrow we fly to Moscow!

-How?! "said Veronica.

She though she knew so can't go on forever, already passed half a year, since it was the last time you sat on a flight to Russia, but hoped that it will last a little longer. How? She about had it easy! She didn't meant to last several months. Changed the country, resorts, hair stylists, makeup artists, clients. And only one thing remains unchanged: it and a celebration of life that surrounded her on all sides no matter what.

-What's that?! Silently! Saeed was laconic. He seems to not want to stop flights with one luxurious resort to another and back in a dull and infinitely hopeless Russia.

In the evening Veronica slowly and even reluctantly returning to Russia, in Moscow, in "Cosmos", she had no desire collected things in a Deluxe room, which today morning left her a wealthy client, when logged said. With him was a makeup artist.

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