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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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One hour waiting for you on the dinner in the restaurant! he said and handed studded with diamonds necklace.

Veronica was surprised: for whom she was to dress up? — but after an hour waiting for him in a room adorned and decorated, as usual, to exit with the client.

Saeed went behind her, took her to a taxi, and within a few minutes they were sitting close to the restaurant made in tropical style.

The table was elegant and expensive served.

-Who are you waiting for? asked Veronica.

-Anybody! "replied morosely. -I'll treat!

-You had me do you?" — surprised Veronika so sincerely, impishly and it's funny that her words slipped a certain familiarity and playfulness, обезоруживавшая her bleak guard. It was a Frank flirting.

Saidu categorically prohibited "mother" to sleep with Veronica, because such a relationship, even once admitted them, and led to the automatic disqualification, as a guard, and had been replaced by another. He could use any third-party prostitutes, which were a means, but not to enter into an intimate relationship with the one that was supposed to protect.

Veronica thought, and richly laid table a-vindicated it, that today said why I decided to break this cornerstone, a pillar, the Foundation of his work. It was amazing and weird! Veronica too well managed study said not to suspect that something, some kind of trap!

But in her head, вскруженную wonderful farewell evening, sparkling red wine, already crept into the nasty thought that force her behavior.

Though somewhere deep inside she still was offended by the Chechen and even liked it, months of the joint travels in his perpetuating the company somehow reconcile it with his perception of the guard, and it is more and more peaceful, and уравновешенее belonged to this man.

And suddenly today, all of a sudden, she decided to sleep with said on their own, wishing that from the soul, really, because normal guy, which would not have to take care of, how sexually depraved sister-babysitter working to secure the boy aged at least the elementary three minutes "strut", after Битлера, probably, have never and were not.

The thought that tonight she will chic sex, Veronica impressed and inspired a new demonstration of desire. In the end, it was not her problem, and said to her "mother" of such a categorical ban is not put.

Veronica knew, as said values his place her guard, therefore, such a step with his hand alarmed.

-Why do we come back? asked Veronica.

She knew that "mom" in the most recent cost a lot of money and many efforts to organize its departure from Russia forged passport-it must be something extraordinary, if Veronica had once again мельтешить before the border guards.

Saeed not answered, continuing to slowly there and look around, admiring the tropical nature.

Veronica saw that he was worried about something, even upset, maybe to say about it, but can't.

Finally, when dinner came to an end, the guard talked.

Is it because of me, " he said.

Saeed continually kept filling her red sparkling wine, but he never drank.

-Why is because of you?! "said Veronica.

-Russia was waging war in the Caucasus, in my house, Grozny in ruins, " said a Chechen, Veronica heard something about this by ear, but it was so far from her life that could not interested in her at all. -We are fighting for the freedom of their land! What is not possible to make Hitler's happened now. Sooner or later, it still has to happen. Cannot be kept people in check! Moreover, Russia! Unless I am intuition, that she did not have long to exist as a state. Coming in its place there will be a dozen other small countries. And we are the first who has separated from the имперсокго monster!

Veronica listened without much interest. In a speech said let in the draught some high-flown, advocacy notes, and any advocacy of it is simply not переваривала. Moreover, all she wasn't concerned. If it is, this country, we should let the fighting, though завоюется! What her case to the Russia! Perhaps if you were to choose the country in which to live, this country was not included even in the top hundred.

-And you go to the Caucasus?! asked Veronica.

Saeed strangely shrugged.

-It will solve all the people, who will arrive in Moscow tomorrow! — he answered.

But Veronica read it real answer in the eyes of the Chechens, he drew aside. She suddenly noticed that he would not, he was simply afraid that take him to war, and of the less successful Moscow gets to fight against Russians tanks, cannons and helicopters. Of course, ride with a girl resorts in a white suit, embroidered with gold, and with brass buttons, carefully and strictly decorated with precious stones, ruby and emerald, diplomat, full of diamonds, was much nicer than run through the woods with the Kalashnikov at the ready or Stinger shoulder, dirty, with небритой beard posing as a Wahhabite.

Veronica smiled.

She впомнила what I saw on the way to Moscow, not the state, and ruins. And this happened everywhere, all over Russia, to Moscow! Not steel specially, after its passage, bring along the road to ruin!

"As this poor country, some ashes of the Empire, a parody of power, could somebody else to fight?! 'she returned. -People in a world of shit's about to drown, and the generals they are all fighting! Well, well! See, gunpowder in one place't run!"

Yes damn it, is Russia!"

This country has not had for her no value! It meant nothing for her! Especially after what she saw, travels around the world! Russia was now her dismal den of the Russian bear, which dwelt in Moscow and стращал from there the surrounding land, where enough of his paws, пришибая people, already half-dead, accustomed to his bat and stick so much so that in good conscience could do only one lousy drink рускую vodka. She saw she had enough one time to see it, when she was carried to the car, how to live in her people: like prisoners in their in slavery suffer — not live. But the fact that now there had to return, it does not suit.

"But could someone send you a replacement! "Veronica.

Saeed shook his head.

-"Mama" no longer can you nobody but me, trust, — he has opened the heart. And this is not only because you are beautiful and hardly anyone will stand long as I, against thy enchantments. Needless to say, you know, how much effort they have to put me not to put to you my horseman!

-Well, I see you decided to change this rule? — coquettishly asked Veronica. She knew that, when so acting, the man could not resist its networks: he got.

"Besides, " continued said, as if not noticing Frank coquetry, you аммуниции, брилликов and other junk Lyamov five pull! Who can resist the temptation to one day send "Mama" and not go with you on the run...

-Well, and you? asked Veronica. In fact, why don't соблазнишься this? Me under the arm, and "mom" on the side? Money would be enough for us for the rest of your life!

Veronica sipped at the glass, made a small SIP of the red sparkling wine, playfully looking at Saida: it is the procedure plucked up and could now start wearing some nonsense. Saeed leaned forward.

-Why have you decided that you!?" — cleverly сощурившись, he said, like a dagger to the heart slashed. -Do you think that I would not have enough brains blame everything on you, cash бриллики with a necklace, believe that even this would be enough, but to be with the rest in a suitcase "mother" and say that you started running.

-And me where? — Veronica asked, but she had a terrible answer.

Saeed made an eloquent gesture in her throat:

-Consumption — where else?! And believe me, that this option not only know me! That's why Mama" and sends you me! None like I have no!

Veronica little оробела when her guess coincided with the answer Saida, but asked:

-But why did she trust you?!

-A lot of you know is bad you sleep! "replied morosely. -You finished?!

It was evident that he cannot wait to get into the room Veronica. Guessed it or not, but she, too, was not opposed to it, finally, Stoke продрал healthy, сердтый, full of power in the loins, restrained, but if Dorval — hold on, said.

However, she played for time. Maybe because she suddenly felt this was the last night of her life in the world resorts, where the rest of the millionaires, and now her life again dives in the shit for a long time. And because Veronica wanted now longer sit under the tropical sun, remember how should this warm evening, then, in cold and grey Russia to remember this wonderful area.

-Can you answer me one question? said she said.

-Well, ask away! — agreed.

-How many earned on me "Mama", if you know, of course?!

Saeed grinned.


-Well, we have the "mother" was the agreement that she let go of me when earn me a million dollars. And now, I want to know: I have already worked this amount or not?! — eye Veronica навернулась large, but buying a tear. She again felt like a sex slave, squeezed like a lemon to her life, her health, her body earn, put together a fabulous fortune.

Saeed was silent, but Veronica was looking back at him now their испепеляющих, sparkling tear eyes that were like knives, glistening drops of her pain. And he, a strong and ruthless Chechen, without a shadow of fluctuations able to cut the throat of anyone, if only to him this will be a need to, could not stand against these subtle, terse, for men, but bitter, горчее the bitter tears, this young, beautiful woman may be present, which was next to some of the Regal particular, in the throne room, but fate and "mother" defined it in prostitutes, albeit super on the way of living in rooms and luxury, Royal such, but the sales woman that, as heaven is from earth, defended from noble blood.

-I think Yes! — he said quietly.

She let go of me?! with the outbreak suddenly these drops of tears trembling in her eyes, hope, like crying, Veronica asked.

I don't know, shook his head said. -Tomorrow she'll ask herself! To wait remained not for long!

Suddenly Veronica remembered the reason why she threw the first heat.

She couldn't understand why she's so dreary today was the morning for a soul so bad, and only now it впомнила that today was the anniversary of that time, as did become her husband.

Veronica poured wine in the glasses themselves and said and suggested:

-Дававй drink, said!

-No-no-no! — waved one hand. "I don't drink, especially with a woman. You want — drink, I ain't stopping you!

-..not at! — continued Veronica, now, the tears streaking down her face already two streams, and she is not able to stop them.

Saeed was suspicious.

"What have you? — оинтересовался he sympathetically.

-I have said, the year died as my husband! she said Veronica.

She could hardly contain her sobs, which suddenly seemed прорались out from somewhere out of its depths of a volcano of emotions.

Said a little покелабался, then raised his glass and said:

-Who he was?

-He was a bandit... he was said! Bandit!

-A-a-a! "drawled the Highlander. -Well, peace be upon him!

Drinking Veronica felt grief it just got tipsy. She suddenly почувтсовала such a dirty, useless, sales harlot, that is not worthy was no forgiveness, no self-pity.

-What I am a dirty! — cried so Veronica already openly crying so, that a few поетители of the restaurant turned out to their table

-So! All! Go. Saeed took her under his arm, and led him out of the Bungalow, making all signs that all is well, girl, I went over.

In the morning Veronica woke up against the habit dressed in a huge bed rooms Suite from the fact that somebody came. She turned and saw said.

-That yesterday as you were? — Veronica asked, but the guard has already become the same, austere and unapproachable said, not so, she saw yesterday in a restaurant. -That yesterday as you were?! she repeated the question, assuming familiarity, which said could not stand.

-Nothing! finally he said. -I drunken women don't like! Even very beautiful! Moreover, you yesterday was sorrowful date!

"Okay, you! Veronica tried to catch the last wave of his настронии, but it was useless.

-We have two hours the plane! Bring myself up! only answer, and he disappeared behind the doors of the rooms.

Appeared hairdresser and makeup artist, and Veronica realized that the postponement of departure, on which she had so hoped that at least a day to stay in this tropical Paradise.

Moscow met them early winter, light frost and snow.

Veronica came out of the trap, ежась and squinting large snowflakes that tried to запорхнуть under her eyelashes.

She could not believe that in the morning she bathed in the tropical air, in the rays of the hot sun. "Well, Malvina! Tale ended, that's your dusty closet will do!" — said to myself, Veronica.

"Mom" I first met her as cool. Veronica even was surprised, because, typically, after a long absence let go of her and kind compliments though коробили, but claimed that she is breathing unevenly. And then she had noticed it just slid off her steel look. She gave the hotel a security guard to escort her in the room.

Veronica was closed again on the outside, as though it was not yet become the sex Queen. Котораяя brought "mother" a million dollars in revenue for the six months of its work! It was outrageous! She expected a completely different meeting! Yes, "my mother had her wear! And lock it in the empty, breech гстиничном room, not even in which she lived.

Veronica wanted to start clatter from disturbances in the door and to demand an audience with "mom", but then changed her mind, deciding that morning evening мудреннее, went to the window and stared at the night Moscow. In this city, nothing has changed for the time of its lack of! As if it already hasn't left him!

The door unlocked and the room went Vika. Veronica felt suddenly as a missing friend, and rushed to her. Vika rushed to meet her.

"Listen!" Mother! — raised it into the air, so lightly, Vika. -Well, you give! Where have you been?! Where it disappeared?! Wow! Disappeared from the horizon, like a ship from the pier! I really missed you!

She hugged, was pillowed yourself Veronika, almost crushed, kissing on the cheeks, neck, lips, and was similar to the соскучившуюся mongrel, which is licking the gusts of immense joy заплутавшую mistress.

When the joy of meeting and emotions have calmed down a little, онги sat down on the bed.

After luxurious hotels Veronica dwelt recently, furnished Deluxe rooms "Cosmos" seemed to совковски state and even-like chamber.

She told everyone Vike, in what countries, what strange resorts visited, she listened, looking at her from head to foot, and constantly attracting to himself, and then concluded:

-Well, all отъездилась you!

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