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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-Why? was surprised and frightened Veronica.

-As a war W! "плчами Vika. -Everything is changing! Said, most likely, will be taken in Chechnya! Tomorrow will come on some of the important military commander Shamil name! Bearded, angry as hell, they say! Will the Chechen Diaspora gather here, in "Space" on meeting! Many will go to war. So accompany you in your world tour will be no one!

-Yes I don't want it to my escorts! — Veronica replied.

-How so? — surprised Vika. Mama you for free bread will not let go!

-Yes, I do no longer going to do this! happily said Veronika.

-And what? — surprised Vika, she was in the dark about its contract with "mother".

-I worked lemon green! Now I'm free! — Veronica smiled, she did not believe herself to his happiness. -Go home!

Vic looked at her for a little while stunned, p seeking to understand the meaning of her words.

Ha! Mother! — finally she laughed so that Veronica was not myself. "You "mom" bad you know! Размечталась to you let go! How do!

But I have a contract with her was! Veronica felt the anxiety in the heart.

-Yes, she would put on this contract you know what?! You say!

All night Veronica could not fall asleep. She would not believe the words of the Wiki. After all, Saeed told her that she worked million dollars. Now "mom" had to release it. But something told her that it hasn't actually released.

The next day, guard, a young Chechen, took her to a restaurant for Breakfast.

No one came to do her hair and choose what to wear out, and Veronica realized that in this matter she is now left to its own devices.

With him she had a few things: only wearing lately on the Sunny beaches, where prevailed eternal summer — open dresses and blouses, short skirts and high. The rest of the closet she at flying resorts left useless in the hotel, and now he had disappeared.

Veronica decided to impose the most modest makeup and wear the longest and closed from the fact that she was with him. However, the most desired and desirable things of which she now dreamed of — ordinary women's panties, she found it was not possible. Now it agreed was put even panties, and let it all looked like the fool: her career суперпроститутки, Yes, actually, prostitutes ended decided to Veronica, and she's going to walk to the stairs men, mouths open ducked their heads and stare from below her skirt. "I've had enough!" — evil she thought.

-Listen, I am with "mother" we need to see, " she said to the guard, when they came out of the room.

-Her once, " replied the Chechen boy, almost a teenager.

"Please, show me to her! — begged for his Veronica.

Now she is present at the meeting in the concert hall, to speak you can't, " replied the guard. -It is not up to you!

He spoke as if was dedicated to all the "mom's" case and knew what and to whom she now has to work, and to what and to whom not to. But Veronica was persistent and eventually persuaded the boy to take her to it.

After Breakfast they went through the hall to the right wing of the hotel, and found ourselves in front of the door to the concert hall. Veronica careful not to make a noise opened the door and peeked inside.

On a brightly lit stage performed a bearded man, dressed in combat fatigues, well-tailored according to his lean figure, and the highest military boots. He walked across the stage, vigorously gesticulating, and talking. The hall, where all seats were occupied by men, was Packed to capacity. All listened to him. A deathly silence in which the man's voice was heard, like the buzz of a mountain stream.

The light from the slit ajar Veronica entered from the door of the corridor inside the huge dark location. The bearded man broke it and threw the sabre look at Veronica.

She is taken aback. This view, it seemed to her entered her to the marrow of the bone, I read all her guts and all its essence for the moment. He seemed to be shot on the spot.

However, the Veronica desperately needed a "mommy," and she stepped inside.

Boy-guard came after and closed the door behind him.

Veronica thought that the incident is over, but the bearded Chechen on the stage remained silent and look at her sharp like a razor режащим her, eagle look.

-Print a woman from the audience! finally he held up his hand up.

The guard in fright moved back in вестибюльный corridor and pulled a Veronica, grabbed her bare arm.

-There are men! going Veronica turned the terrified teenager.

-It is there, not in the hall, perhaps, behind the scenes! he replied hastily, continuing to drag her down the hallway away from the concert hall. -I told her not to you!

Chapter 29.

Veronica started up from my nightmare. Paltry and insignificant event: the upcoming installation of the Japanese eye, suddenly brought her back to normal.

Well, now that she is able not to watch who натренькивает her door, Veronica will no longer be afraid of the unknown. She still didn't know what to do, when he sees the caller, but I was sure that now it will be different.

After a call to the workshop she turned on the TV and suddenly learned that it's been almost a whole month of January.

During the week, she прибиралась in the house, brought in the order itself, waiting for the master, as if some of the gentleman. She referred to the order of the apartment, which had been during her madness in the real abode, выволокла on the ground and threw the rubbish pile of debris, washed the floors, did the vacuuming, wiped the dust everywhere, word, cleaned so, if it is expected, some important guests.

She no longer was no plan. She was now one plan: put the import miracle-peephole — and there it will be different, then it starts to act, will truly live!

She threw all my old cosmetics изрисовывала in fits of madness his naked body to forget about this abnormal, reminiscent of a nightmare period of life. Then phoned, met with its familiar сетевичкой and gained her the whole handbag another, completely unknown to her makeup to bring to life a new stream of feelings and оасстаться with the old.

Now Veronica was waiting for the master. All week, the master was busy on some other sites, and they agreed on today. He had to come at twelve. And she was sitting on pins and needles in the corridor, looking at the electronic clock above the entrance to the kitchen.

Installing and configuring the eye, as promised her master, was supposed to take no more than an hour. And after that, Veronica felt, she begins to have a completely different, счатливая life. Everything goes as it should!

Yes everything was different!

This week, that took place after the call in the workshop, in her life suddenly changed for the better. She stopped to plan some stupid things and calls, I just decided to do device surrounding her life.

In the first place she needed a source of income, and Veronica decided to pass both apartments, first cause, and later Behemoth. She hoped that an agreement with the parents to come and live with them for some time. Then, perhaps, will meet someone, marry will, all the better!

The day after this important events in her life, call the workshop, Veronica went to the editorial office of the newspaper and posted a paid advertisement about what is in the heart of the city, the drama theatre for rent luxurious apartment with beautiful views of the Psel, price is negotiable.

Now to her every day, phoned and assigning time went to see the apartment. Since the meeting in advance part of and have not hid from sight eye, Veronica safely opened the door and ran to look at the apartment.

The people looked, they liked it, but then went away, promising even call back. Veronica couldn't understand why no one wants to take over the farm: the price it has appointed even lower than in such flat in the district. However, she had no doubt that sooner or later will the recruitment of the first apartment, and only then will картирой Hippo: there still had to deal with documents, and for Veronica this topic was taboo, while in themselves not come after a month of self-torture. Once she tried to plan how to address the paper of property issues and not wanted to return to, in вяком case, in the near future.

"Perhaps then that time is still there, " she, " I wish to get acquainted with some юристиком, and everything will come out by itself!"

Been another wonderful обытие that заинетерсовало Veronica, and was now completely caught her attention.

The other day, and now she became bolder go into the city, she met a school friend. She dragged her in the cafe, saying that she had to Veronica has an interesting proposal.

-Let us fly to China, the rags! — treating her expensive coffee, proposed a friend. -I place in the market of trade откуплено! Will be together, by turns trade. I now one and trade, and the rags flying! While fly — place idle, and the rent is ticking. But even so business I have pret! Twist one thousand percent of the purchase price! Can you imagine?!

I don't know! doubted, smiling pleasant meeting, Veronica.

She only Lenk showed himself-then delighted with this proposal, everything long ago decided and agreed.

Is now the most! — urging her girlfriend, and Veronica was with her in the shower agree, for she felt that she just needed a breath of a fresh air, new experiences, but still pretended not yet decided. -Годок fly, and the apartment earn!

Veronica exulted: "it Turns out, here it is, a life. Vaughn, girl! Itself in China flies — no fears! Itself there rags there тариться — hand already Nabil, probably, not without cones! Here the point of trade holds! And spat on everyone from a great height! I worse?! Yes and went all thieves in Fig!"

-Yes I have an apartment! laughed merrily, suddenly dropping all restrictions and the shackles of the fears, concerns and reservations, as if plunged into another life, forgetting about everything, Veronica.

-Well, then! — urging her Lenka. Machine then steep can buy!

-Yes I do not want a car! — упрямилась in response Veronica.

-And what do you want?! — Lenka angry, not realizing that not uploaded in its motives. She know was that Veronica just making fun of work, drunken " feeling from ordinary conversation on a completely trivial topic.

In fact, how great it was, so she is going to fly, something purchasing carry, sell, be herself mistress. Perhaps, indeed, still earn on it!

-Yes live peacefully want! — admitted Veronica. She did not understand the answer, but Veronica and it meant that easy to live — it means somewhere fly, constantly somewhere abroad something тариться, and catch up, nobody can. -To anybody did not touch!

-And what, you don't touch that? — surprised friend, slightly насторожившись: about the life of Veronique it is unlikely that the General knew from school while.

-Yes, no! — tossed her head Veronica.

"Hey, come on you think for a long time! — Lena went on the offensive. -Come to me! 't want to fly? Going to the market to sell, and I'll be in China dangle! Income in half! But less costs! Goes?

It was evident that Lenk just desperately need компаньонша and Veronika and it pleased and amused. It seemed interesting, promised something new, fresh breath of life, new, pleasant impressions.

-How it is? In China? — Veronica suddenly размечталась, and she felt so good, though she had already plane ticket taken, and tomorrow it will be somewhere far far away, thousands of miles away from their sorrows and anxieties, from неопределленности and madness of hopelessness.

"Listen!" — She threw up her hands, обрадоавшись that the companion was hooked and now she has a new argument in favor of cooperation. -China is super! There even now, it is warm! Can you imagine?! You can before тариться for a week at sea, chased, on some island... Хайнянь, for example! Oh, how good it! Oh, it was so Jolly! Friend, you don't know how it's wonderful! Get — обалдеешь! I promise!

Veronica already like right сейчса break away and умотать this Хайнянь! She introduced herself to the yellow sand, on which the splashing of the gentle turquoise sea, green palm trees, warm tropical wind, nice blowing on body and even screamed with ecstasy.

Lenka is dumbfounded looked at her

"You what?!

-Oh, no! — сконфузилась Veronica. -Remembered something! And you're the sea go?! Had a rest?!

-No! The time! We need a тариться! What there by the sea! — Lenka погрустнела, but immediately recovered. But if I had компаньонша, like you, I would have certainly went! Well, what?! Do you agree?!

-Yes I can't! — Veronica stubborn, heaping up his worth watching, which spends his grave still Lenka to захомутать. She was funny, and Lenk unclear.

The angry:

-In, дуреха! Yes, all on the beginning not know how! I will teach you! Secrets some will tell you to not влипла where! Percentage of you nice ladies! Than not the life!!

Finally, Veronica decided to stop torturing Lenk. Does she have long ago decided, but pretended to think that consent is not looked frivolous and precocious.

In her position, perhaps it was the best thing that could wait. She even felt some soul delight, окрыленность, as if she was offered not компаньоншей be торгашки at the flea market, and the Princess in Neverland.

So as not to give his joy proposals friend, Veronica promised:

-Well, friend, I'll then call you right back!

-Only a long time do not think! warned her school friend. -I компаньонша urgently needed, well, or at least sold on the market, if you do not want to fly for the goods! You would be my pleasure picked up!

They parted, and Veronica went home happy, that everything in her life is improving, is arranged as something new and different.

All the old fears of her long subsided. It has already become forget about the fact that in Moscow it was wanted. Yes and searched for it at all?! Yes, and where it is, that Moscow?! A thousand miles! Now it's even another state!

The guest! Who was it, this guest?! He already obliterated from her maiden memory! How long ago it was! Long ago! He went to Moscow, and, well, he has gone! Yes, there was, in General, no person! All this she dreamed! It was a bad dream! However, sometimes funny!

"How long have I man was?!" suddenly surprised Veronica and she if she thought about it, so everything is really going to be different.

Well them, Fig, these bigwigs who bigwigs! She never met them. Yes doesn't want to know! With anyone else she will not meet! Will re-execute apartments on the father, the mother what she had something hadn't thought to do it? — and will live happily ever after!

Moscow nightmares, Garik — everything was in the past.

Her sweet, cozy native white-stone city surrounded her now from all sides, and like a caring father налажил its existence. Now China наклевывался, long, warm, interesting country!

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