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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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"The main thing is not to go to блатным!" — decided to Veronica.

Really, what for it in the fire, his head-I tried to shove? Immediately had Sashko and listen! Yes and with a Nail on the contact's not worth a go! Never know who he could трепануть!

Moscow Veronica remembered now only sometimes, but with a shudder inside, as the wicked stepmother. She couldn't even understand why this huge, shiny, fashionable in some and like the latest, sediment garbage in the world in other places of the city, which with some strange to her dreamy envy thought many of her friends called her now so disgusted.

First she did not know what, this Moscow. To travel with the Hippopotamus she even never was in it. Yes and not want to ever visit, and now even more so desires it.

The week flew suddenly, as one day.

Finally, at the appointed time, the master came. He dragged a small suitcase with a drill and other иструментами, some testers, осцилографом and other дребеденью where Veronica't understand.

-After an hour will be ready by the hostess! assured installer.

A moment later, he already had been drilling from the front door of the old peephole opened the door wide.

In the stairwell was cold, and in the apartment задувало icy air. Veronica got dressed.

Онга decided to make coffee and treat дяденьку she somehow liked.

He did his job: he wrestled with the open platform of the entrance door, praising its quality.

The door was really excellent: on German technology, security, burglar grenade not'd better carry.

Master told something in between times, to work was not so boring about any funny cases from work, and Veronika and then it went into a spacious hallway of an apartment, keep up the conversation, and then returned to the kitchen to the plate, where's fixing to come to the boiling the coffee in a Turk.

-The hostess, to you some young people! came the voice from the corridor of the wizard.

-'m going to come up! — Veronica came cooked coffee, foam climbed out and she hastily withdrew Turku.

Wiped the plate from brown blobs, she went out into the corridor.

-Who asks me? she asked the wizard.

-And won! — he waved his hand on the ground.

The staircase stood two simple, yet tastefully dressed men in which Veronika immediately recognized the Caucasians. They stood on the stairs, on the side of the door, and looked decently and even respectable, with style. On waiting for her had long black leather coats, white silk scarves, severe dark suits with white shirts-косоворотками, with several растегнутыми upper buttons. Their присталный, steel, cold, indifferent to its fate was a look that said Veronika a lot.

Veronica done in the chest, heart thudded. The first thing she wanted to do is to close, hide inside the apartment. But the master has mounted equipment. Opening the door he was busy, something mounting rail jamb its steel box.

The men stood and looked at her, as if waiting for something.

Veronika, still hoping for a miracle, that it is simply another lodgers — as a huge apartment in the center of the city, near the drama theater, with wonderful views of the river, five minutes walk from all amenities, is expensive, and, in principle, only those characters and was, if you look, can afford to shoot it, " she asked, trying to control my emotions and not to lose presence of mind:

-You on your ad!

-On your ad on Craigslist! — replied the one that was closer to the door.

He was taller than older and more respectable to his companion.

Veronica was restless, she felt like her whole was pounding tremble.

-Well, everyone! — she invited an old standing in the corridor of the apartment, trying to cope with their anxiety.

Uninvited guests unceremoniously sunken, slightly pushing wizard from the door. He looked back at them, but said nothing, pretending that nothing had happened.

Men in развалочку, slowly came down the corridor, looking at the luxurious repair. They removed the shoes and walked straight into them, leaving the dirty stains from the street to the Finnish expensive parquet. Veronica immediately noted this fact against his assumptions that it can be lodgers. However, a few couples who came on an ad before, didn't wanted to Razuvaev, even when she asked them about it.

-Whose such mansions will be? — asked one of the advanced, the taller, older and more impressive when they were at the end of the corridor, in front of the entrance to the spacious kitchen. "Your what?!

-No, not at all! — lied Veronica, her heart she was impatient. -I am here just looking!

-Well, mansion-who?! — again asked that.

Caucasians are back along the corridor ago and, just like you were, shoes, coats, and entered the huge hall of the apartment and sat down on a sofa, standing in the middle of the room, lounging in it, blatantly and unceremoniously.

The one was talking to her, put a hand into his side, laying it on the broad back of the settee. Second hand he still held in a leather jacket. Other villages as something more modest, with her hands folded.

The men sat and looked at her, as if waiting for her some questions.

-I listen to you! the girl said, realizing that this can last quite a long time — guests without a hurry.

He held a hand in a cloak, pulled it out of his pockets. In it he held a gun with a silencer.

"Come along, monkey! he said Veronica, not even changing the tone of voice. -We are for you!

Doubt it no more. Veronica realized that it was a "Czechs" from Moscow. Veronica knew not what to do. Caucasians sat quietly in front of her.

In the room looked master. Caucasian, saw him approaching along the corridor, hid the trunk under the floor кожанного cloak.

"Well, Madam, I fixed it! he said, apologetically thinking that got into some important conversation. -You are now in complete safety!

-Aha! — perplexedly said Veronica.

Actually her legs keen to rush to this unknown man scream "Help! Help!", hide behind him, go with him out of the apartment. But she continued to stand, restraining himself from impulsive actions. Veronica knew that the only injure an innocent person, and, most likely, will be shot right before her eyes. So she kept myself from last forces.

-See how it works?! "inquired the wizard.

-She then look! "a Caucasian, one that was older. 'Good-bye!

"Good-bye! — lightly waved from the corridor through the door of the master, as if speaking to all in the room.

He apparently wanted to say something, could ask to pay him, but the tone of the men spoke for itself.

"Good-bye! hardly вылавила Veronica.

Master расшаркался and left.

-Well, what you stand for?!" — again asked Caucasian with a gun. "Come along, vividly! But then so will you go!

Ten minutes Veronica accompanied by Caucasians descended.

At the entrance in front of the house stood six black "Mercedes" with Moscow numbers. Toned his glass in the front doors were halfway down, and it was evident that ahead of the driver and someone else close by, on the passenger seat.

Veronica was trembling violently. It seemed to her that she was going to lose consciousness. She wanted to rush to their heels, but she knew her immediately catch up.

One of the Caucasians, that one was younger, opened the rear door of the salon and climbed inside. Second, the one that kept talking, and now went back behind her back, gently nudged her forward, toward the open door, as if inviting me to sit in the car:


"Mummy! Save me!" — a cry within, in the soul of Veronica as an explosion, when she reached down and plunged inside expensive limousine service.

Caucasian, standing behind her, followed her. And now she was sandwiched between Caucasians with both sides in the spacious salon "Mercedes".

Sitting in the passenger seat next to the driver man Veronica recognized immediately said, turned in the beauty and asked, looking her in the eyes of their свердящим glance:

"Well, bitch, добегалась?!

Veronica couldn't признести. Scared that she just numb, like a gulping for fear language.

However, Caucasian and not waiting for her answer. He turned around and something "гуркнул" driver.

He started the car and drove out of the yard to the street, then at the prospect.

Veronica finely was trembling and watched for tinted Windows gently coming of the car, as if not noticing pits and ухабин bad rehabilitated road, quickly проносяться ago white neighborhoods of the city.

Soon the "Mercedes" jumped out of the wide, like a prospectus Kursk street, and in ten minutes left the city.

Veronica sat neither alive nor dead. Caucasians about something talking among themselves.

Half an hour later the car stopped at the checkpoint, temporarily обозначавшем line of demarcation of the Russian-Ukrainian border. Inside looked militiaman. Veronica wanted to scream, shout for help but cry and got stuck in the throat.

"Mercedes" has crossed a conditional line, and was on the territory of Russia.

To Moscow no one spoke a word.

Chapter 30.

"Mommy" she called Veronica afternoon. The same boy Chechen withdrew it to her in the sauna.

"Do it again?!" "said Veronica, she noticed where it leads.

She did not agree to everything in her life was repeated, as if de жавю.

"Mama", as before, sat after bathing, glabrous, slightly covered with a towel, in a wicker chair. The second was empty, as if intended for it.

The guards were now three times smaller, and all of them, as the selection were young Chechens, are almost teenagers, new. Next to the "mother's" armchair still helpfully stood waiter.

-Lada, join us! "she called in to Veronica, not even said Hello, showing short gesture to the vacant seat.

Between the tables, as before, stood covered a variety buffet with red wine decanter and three goblets.

Apparently "mom" I thought that Veronica now throw down your summer dress, which was the only, and also naked, as before, усядеться in a chair or will swim in the pool.

Veronica was outraged. She undressed and plopped down in a chair in a sundress, with anger and challenge looking at the "mom" пышащим outraged eyes.

"Mama" stopped eating and looked at Veronica, after a pause.

-We have that, the riot?! she asked quietly, like a firefighter with a hydrant at the kid, балующегося matches.

-I worked a million! — without a word of introduction of the beginning of Veronica, she was so loatheth this stuff around, that she wasn't going more linger in "Cosmos"in Moscow, or minutes, and if it were now released, it agrees would be in one summer sun, without underwear, no panties and a bra, walking, crawling even get home, on Ukraine, in his native city, in your favorite apartment, through the cold and snowstorm, царствовавшие around. -Release me! That's all I have to you, Madame, please!

She even agreed was that "mother" is still called her Lada, just to let go now, immediately! It had every right!

"Mama" again and began eating. Threw a nod of the head, a small gesture on the wine glasses and the waiter rushed and filled two of the three on the third of red wine out of a carafe.

-Who told you?" asked, "Mama" with surprise.

Said! — lips compressed, and her fists in anger Veronica.

Said no more! He Chechnya tomorrow goes! replied "mom".

-But, nevertheless, he said to me! "Veronica.

"Mama looked at her a long look in her pale blue fish eyes.

A girl! You борзеешь! "she remarked. -There was a war, and you me release!

Veronica taken aback from such impudence of it for a minute, even lost the gift of speech.

-Why war?!

-Well, what?! Force majeure! — "Mama" was nonsense.

-I for the war, as well as to this country, have nothing to do! "exclaimed Veronica. She felt that she will now be hysterical.

-But I have! said, "Mama." -You see, as I have contingent changed! — wrapped it around her hand, showing the boys guards in the black suit. -Right Гитлерюнгерд! Work not with anyone!

Veronica felt that she was about to explode.

-What have I?! she cried, beside himself, and for the first time did what she wanted to do a long time ago, threw a glass of wine so that he spraying the fan big round red drops of wine, flew head over heels through the sauna and hit the pool at its far end, loud хрустнув.

Mom was calm. She only spent a glass eyes and looked at the waiter, why he immediately began to move and left, apparently for the new wine glasses.

-There is war! — скщала it like there was no antics by Veronica. -We all help out the front! The Chechens have no airplanes, helicopters and tanks to meet with the Russians in a fair fight! So we buy them weapons, which can withstand the iron чудищам: "Stingers", grenade launchers! We are sacrificed in the name of freedom of the Chechen Republic!

Veronica already regretted that snapped. She wanted to apologize that not withhold giving and gave a flute, but "Mama" seemed not to notice, and apologize was like and not for that. Now she calmed down and decided to keep the conversation, slightly обмякнув, realizing that unceremoniously come to nothing.

-Tell me, Madame! What have I?! — she really wanted to understand now, as "mother" tries to bind it to this war. -I'm not a Chechen woman and not a Russian, I am from another country!

-And the whole world was you who started?! — surprised "Mama". -You that, in itself, skated on international resorts, where new Russians come not every — can't afford that! And you all have traveled for a year!

"But I still worked! "said Veronica. It seemed to her that "mom" she envies. -I worked on you! Ублажала money bags, that I and you got the money!

Mom прводила look logged waiter brought a new flute.

-Have a drink with me! she suggested looking as the waiter again fills the wine glasses. -Say, Lada, that worked, " she added thoughtfully. -And do you know how many of my girls enamoured in your place?

Veronica said nothing. She just didn't know what to beat.

-It worked! — expostulated, "Mama", raising a glass of wine.

The waiter handed Veronica new, the third full, the flute, and she accepted him as he surrendered окончатнельно. The uprising was suppressed, she was in the power of the mother.

"But you promised! "Veronica her last trump, who was also ненадеж, and all the other arguments. -You said to me, my word solid! Earn me a million — let go!

"Mama" stretched in the direction of Veronica flute, she was crazy with it.

-The victory! — made a toast "mother", then paused, пригубив glass. -Well done, подловила! — she grinned. Well I, his word, not a taker! It's a really solid!

-Well, then let go of me! prayed Veronica.

So the war! Force majeure! — came back for his "mother".

Veranika silent, knowing that it will twist and turn this way and that way, but the freedom of her sight. She wanted to cry, but barely holding out.

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